APUSH chapter 6-8

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Which individual privately advocated equality for women

Abigail Adams

The most drastic measure of the Interolerable Acts was the

Boston Port Act

Arrange the following events in chronological order

Boston Tea Party, Quebec Act, meeting of the First Continental Congress, the clash at Lexington and Concord

The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit

British merchants

As a result of Amerian opposition of the Townshend Acts

British officials sent regiments of troops to Boston to restore law and order

During the Seven Years' War

British officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many colonials

The Armed Neutrality League was started by

Catherine the Great of Russia

The coureurs de bois

French fur trappers

The primary thing that the Acadians and Quebecois believed that bound them together was their

French language

When the Acadians left Canada, they went to


Colonists objected to the Stamp act because

Parliament passed the tax, not the colonists

Match the individuals

Samuel Adams: a pamphleteer who first organized committees to exchange ideas and information about resisting British policy John Adams: a Massachusetts politician who opposed the moderats' solution to the imperial crisis at the First Continental Congress Crispus Attucks: casualty of the Boston Massacre

The soldier and explorer whose leadership earned him the titale "Father of New France" was

Samuel de Champlain

Unilike the ____ Act, the ___ Act and the ____ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports

Stamp, Sugar, Townshend

The first law ever passed by Parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was the

Sugar Act

Match the following

Sugar Act - first British law intended to raise revenues in the colonies Stamp Act: generated the most protest in the colonies Declaratory Act: asserted Parliament's absolute power over the colonies

The basic principles in the Model Treaty

Were self-denying restrictions to the Americnas

Match the following British general with the his battle

William Howe: Long Island John Burgoyne: Saratoga Charles Cornwallis: Yorktown

Mercantilists believed that

a country's economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury

By the end of the War for Independence

a few thousand American regualr troops were finally whipped into shape

Like many revolutions, the American Revolution was

a miniority movement

With the British and American victory in the Seven Years' War,

a new spirit of independence arose, as the French threat disappeared

In a board sense, America was

a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans

The long-range purpose of the ALbany Congress in 1754 was to

achieve colonial unity and common defese against the French threat

Government in New France (Canada) was

almost completely autocratic

In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763

american colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation

The one valuable resource in New France was


As a result of the Seven Years' War, Great Britain

became the dominant power in North America

With the end of the Seven Years' War, the disunity, jealousy, and suspicion that had long existed in the American colonies

began to melt somewhat

The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans becuase it

brought the colonists much needed aid and a formal alliance with France

In a republic, power

comes from the people themselves

Change in colonial policy by the Britih government that helped precipitate the American Revolution involved

compelling the American colonists tos houlder some of the financial costs of the empire

The First COntinental COngress was called in order to

conisder ways of redressing colonial grievances

Colonial protest against the Stamp Act took the form of

convening a colonial congress to request repeal of the act, a colonial boycott against British goods, violence in several colonial towns, wearing homemade woolen clothes

Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act

convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty

In late 1776 and early 1777, George Washington helped restore confidence in America's military by

defeating the Hessians at Trenton and the British at Princeton

In the colonial wars before 1754, Americans

demonstrated an astonishing lack of unity

The Quebec Act was especially unpopular in the American colonies because it did all of the following except

deny the French the right to retain many of their old customs (did: turn an extensive amount of territory over to Catholic control, affect many colonies, not just Massachuseets, alarm land speculators, who saw a huge area snatched from their grasp, it set a dangerous precedent against jury trials)

Republican belief held that the stability of Society and the authority of the government

depended on the virtue of its citizenry

The first Navigation Laws were designed to

elimate Dutch shippers from the AMerican carrying trade

The British invasion of Canada in 1756 during the Seven Years' War

ended in defeat

For the American colonies, the Seven YEars' War

ended the myth of British invicibility

The Indians suffered from their assoication with the French in New France in all of the following ways except

exclusion from the fur business ( suffered all these ways: decimation of their numbers by the white man's disease, violation of their religious beliefs, debauchery by the white man's alcohol, and weakening of their traditional beliefs)

Many Whigs in Britain hoped for an American victory in the War for Independence because they

feared that it George III triumphed, his rule at home might become tyrannical

Arrange the following in chronological order

fighting at Lexington and Concord, convening of the Second Continental Congress, the publication of Common Sense, the adoption of the Declaration of Independence

African Americans during the Revolutionary War

fought for both the Americans and the British

In a sense, the history of the United States began with the

founding of the first colony in 1607

When the alliance with France was formalized, the Americans were able to

gain access to large sums of money, double the size of their fighting forces, avail themselves of French naval strength, gain immense amounts of equipment

French aid to the colonies

greatly aided America's struggle for independence, was motivated by what the French considered their own national interests, forced the British to change their military strategy

The basic strategy of the British in 1777 was to try to

isolate New England

Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial home rule was rejected by the individual colonies because

it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies

The tax on tea was retained when the Townshend Acts were repealed because

it kept alive the principle of parliamentrary taxation

Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because

it kept them in a state of perpetual economic adolescence

France cam to America's aid in the Revolution because

it wanted revenge against the British

France had to give up its vision of North American New France when

it was defeated by the British in 1713 and 1763

The local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams

kept opposition of the British alive, through exchange of propaganda

The reason France needed to control the Ohio Valley was to

link its Canadian holdings with those of the lower Mississippi Valley

As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of

many outstanding civil and military leaders

The Jesuit priests, despite their initial failure in gaining converts, played a vital role because

of their exploration and work as geographers

Under the mercantilist system, the British governemnt reserved the right to do all of the following regarding the American colonies except

prevent the colonies from developing militias ( restrict the passage of lax bankruptcy laws, nullify any colonial legislation deemed bad for the mercantilist system, restrian the colonies from printing paper currency, enumerate products that must be shipped to Britain)

The Proclamation of 1763

prohibited colonil settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains

The Patriot militia played a crucial role in the Revolution in all of the following ways except

raising funds to support the war effort

The 1759 Battle of Quebec

ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American history

The colonial army eventually lost the battle of Bunker because its troops were

short of gunpowder

Thomas Paine argued that all government officials

should derive their authority from popular consent

All of the following were weaknesses of the Brtish military during the War for Independece except

soldiers who were incapble of fighting effectively (following weaknesses: second-rate officiers, the need to keep many soldiers in Europe in case of trouble, the long supply lines, brutal treatment of their soldiers)

The clash between Britain and France for control of the North American continent sprang from their rivalry for control of

the Ohio River Valley

The Treaty of Fort Stanwix, the first treaty between the United States and an Indian nation, resulted in

the ceding of most of the Iroquois' land

In 1775, once fighting between the colonies and Great Britain began,

the colonists affirmed their loyalty to the King

The War of Jenkins's Ear resulted in

the colony of Georgia fighting the Spanish to a standstill

The disunity that existed in the colonies before the Seven Years' War can be attributed to

the enormous distances between the colonies, geographical barriers like rivers, conflicting religions and varied nationalitites

As a result of General Braddock's defeat a few miles from Fort Duquesne

the frontier from Pensylvania to North Carolina was open to Indian attack

When the Second Continental Congress met in 1775

there was no well-defined sentiment for independence

Unlike the English colonies in American, in New France

there were no popularly elected assemblies

Many Americans remained loyalists during the Revolution for all of the following reasons except

they believed the British would preserve religious toleration ( they were loyal because of fear of retribution, they believed a Patriot victory would lead to anarch, some were promised freedom, they believed in British military superiority)

The founding of the American colonies by the British was

undertaken in a haphazard manner

Unlike the first three Anglo-French wars, the Seven Years' War

was fought initially on the North American continent

The British Crown's "royal veto" of colonial legislation

was used sparingly by the British Parliament

Before 1763, the Navigation Laws

were only loosely enforced in the American colonies

The French wanted to control Louisiana becuase they

would then control the mouth of the Mississippi

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