APUSH Chapters 13

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Describe the Slidell Mission.

1845. After preparing the military for war Polk tried diplomacy, sent John Slidell to try to buy the territory off Mexico, Mexico refused, led to war.

Who were the three Senators that got the Compromise of 1850 passed?

Abolitionist William Henry Seward of New York, pro-slavery Jefferson Davis of Missouri, and cunning Democrat Stephen Douglas of Illinois.

Describe the decision of the Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sanford.

African Americans had no claim to citizenship or to most other rights; slaves were property & Constitution said Congress couldn't take property; Congress possessed no authority to pass laws depriving people of their slaves in the territories, thus Missouri Compromise was always unconstitutional and the fed gov't was powerless to act on the issue.

Who was Sam Houston?

American general who led the American settlers to victory in Texas war of independence, first president of the Republic of Texas, wished for U.S. to annex Texas.

What issues led to conflicts between U.S. settlers in Texas and the Mexican government?

American settlers in Texas wanted closer bonds to U.S., many settlers wanted to legalize slavery in Texas, General Santa Anna's seizing of power over Mexico meant a harsh regime, laws increasing Mexican national power & decreasing state power were taken personally by Texans.

How did Texas gain independence?

Americans pressured imprisoned Santa Anna into signing treaty giving Texas independence; Mexican gov't refused to acknowledge it, but ceased military efforts.

How was the Oregon question settled?

Americans wanted the border at 54*40' latitude, Polk tried that but was rejected by Britain, he settled for 49*. (* being degrees latitude)

What three things did Democrat James Polk promise to do if elected President in 1844?

Annex Texas, settle the Mexico question, and settle the question of the boundary of Oregon.

Describe the caning of Senator Charles Sumner.

Anti-slavery Sumner gave speech attacking slavery and southern Sen. Andrew P. Butler. Butler's nephew, Rep. Preston Brooks, beat Sumner w/ his can so badly Sumner was unable to return to Senate for 4 years. North viewed Sumner as martyr, South viewed Brooks as hero.

What was the joint occupation of Oregon?

Britain and America discovered & claimed the region almost simultaneously in 1790s, 1818 treaty allowed citizens of each country equal access to the territory, at the time of the treaty neither nations was interested or established in Oregon.

What were the concessions to the North in the Compromise of 1850?

California admitted as free state, territory disputed by Texas and New Mexico surrendered to New Mexico, abolition of slave trade in Washington D.C.

Who was General Winfield Scott?

Commanding general of U.S. army during Mexican-American war, led daring campaign to capture Mexico City, winning the war, was briefly the general during the beginning of the Civil War before retiring.

What was "Bleeding Kansas?"

Conflicts between pro- & anti-slavery forces in Kansas over fate of slavery there became violent. Pro-slavery posse sacked free-state town of Lawrence, John Brown & 6 followers murdered 5 pro-slavery people in Pottawtomie Creek Massacre.

When did the Mexican-American war begin?

Congress declared war on May 13, 1846, after Mexico ostensibly attacked some U.S. troops.

Describe the Lincoln-Douglas Debates.

Congressional election of '58. Republican Lincoln challenging established Democrat Douglas for Illinois Senate seat, to become more prominent Lincoln engaged Douglas in series of public debates where Lincoln eloquently condemned slavery, Douglas won re-election but Lincoln became nationally known.

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

Democrat David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed amendment to bill for peace w/ Mexico that prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico, did not pass in the Senate.

Who were the three Senators debating over the Compromise of 1850 at first?

Democrat John C. Calhoun of South Carolina (southern interests), Whig Henry Clay of Kentucky (western interests), and Whig Daniel Webster of Massachusetts (northern interests).

Describe the Election of 1860.

Democratic Party splintered into Northern Democrats and Southern Democrats, ex-Whigs formed Constitutional Union Party (neutral on slavery), Republicans ran Lincoln.

What challenges did migrants face travelling west on overland trails?

Difficult mountain and desert terrains, most journeys lasted 5-6 months, they had to get through the Rockies before snow began, thousands died of plagues like cholera, rare conflicts with native tribes.

How did the American settlement in Oregon shift from the 1820s to the 1840s?

Evangelical missionaries began coming hoping to convert Indians and oppose their Catholic Canadian counterparts, but in the 1840s when that failed they encouraged average white Americans to immigrate as they thought the "heathen" Indians didn't deserve the land.

Describe John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry.

Fall '59, John Brown and followers siezed U.S. arsenal hoping to inspire slave rebellion, no rebellion surfaced, after a siege Brown forced to surrender and put to death, convinced white Southerners that they were unsafe in Union.

Why was President Jackson opposed to the annexation of Texas?

Feared it would cause sectional controversy (Texas had slavery) and didn't want war w/ Mexico.

Describe the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Feb 2, 1848. End of Mexican-American War. Mexico ceded California & New Mexico and agreed to Texas's land claims, U.S. assumed financial claims against Mexico & paid them $15 mil dollars. Polk disliked it, but accepted it to end growing sectionalist conflict over the war.

How did the war of independence in Texas begin?

Fighting and small revolts in Texas escalated from 1835 to 1836 as more Mexican troops entered the state, Americans in Texas declared independence from Mexico in 1836.

What were the ideals of the Republican Party?

Free soil, against the spread of slavery, very pro-Northern interests.

What were the effects of the California Gold Rush?

Greatly increased the population of California, greatly increased the diversity of California, made California territory very unstable & turbulent.

What does the phrase Manifest Destiny mean?

Ideology believing America was destined to expand itself over a vast area and the extension of American liberty to new lands.

Who was Stephen Austin?

Immigrant to Texas from Missouri, established first legal American settlement in Texas in 1822, created one of many American centers of power competing w/ Mexico.

Describe the Bear Flag Revolution.

Revolution in California staged by American settlers, John Fremont's exploring party, & U.S. Navy. American army under Col. Stephen W. Kearny joined it and united American forces in summer '46, victory by that autumn.

Who was General Zachary Taylor?

Sent with small army by Polk in summer 1845 to protect Texas's land claims; maybe (disputed) attacked by Mexican forces across the Rio Grande; leading to war, ordered to capture parts of northeast Mexico; Polk disliked his tactics and feared he'd become political rival.

Why did the Mexican government encourage American immigration into Texas?

Strengthen economy and increase tax revenues, create buffer between main Mexican settlement and northern Indians, and create buffer against U.S. expansion.

What led to war w/ Mexico?

The annexation of Texas led Mexico to cut off diplomatic relations to the U.S., border dispute between Texas & Mexico incensed Mexico more, U.S. wanted New Mexico & California.

Why were Whigs opposed to the Mexican-American War?

Thought that Polk manipulated people and events to start it, claimed it was draining time and resources from the Northwest, claimed it caused Polk to settle for less in the Oregon treaty, disliked casualties and costs of war.

Who were the first settlers in Oregon?

Until the 1820s fur traders were the only people interested in the region.

Describe the Battle of San Jacinto.

April 23, 1836. Gen. Sam Houston led settlers to defeat Mexican army and capture Santa Anna.

What was popular sovereignty?

A.k.a. squatter sovereignty, allowed people of each territory to decide the status of slavery in their own state. Led to huge amounts of violence.

How was Texas annexed?

After Polk was elected, Pres. Tyler won congressional approval to annex Texas.

How was the Republican Party formed?

Kansas-Nebraska Act divided both parties and drove members out of each (basically destroying the Whigs in the process). Anti-Nebraska Whigs and Anti-Nebraska Democrats were formed, they combined to create the Republican party.

How did Lincoln win the Election of 1860?

Lincoln's broadly appealing platform won him entire North, while South and border states were split by the other 3 parties. He won w/ an electoral majority but only 40% of pop. vote.

How did Manifest Destiny factor into U.S. expansionism in the 1820s and 1830s?

Motivation and justification for westward expansion; goals ranged from limited expansion to covering North America to covering much of the rest of the world.

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Passed May '54, Douglas wished to organize western lands into a territory to facilitate a railroad route, to appease Southerners he changed the bill to create 2 territories: Kansas and Nebraska. Both would have pop. sovereignty, Kansas more likely to be a slave state. Direct violation of Missouri Compromise.

What were the concessions to the South in the Compromise of 1850?

Remainder of the Mexican Cession area formed into territories of New Mexico and Utah (each w/ popular sovereignty), Texas to receive $10 mil from fed gov't as compensation for lost territory, much stronger Fugitive Slave Law.

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