APUSH: Lesson One: The Jefferson Presidency: Revolution or restraint?

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Chesapeake Incident

1807 - The American ship Chesapeake refused to allow the British on the Leopard to board to look for deserters. In response, the Leopard fired on the Chesapeake. As a result of the incident, the U.S. expelled all British ships from its waters until Britain issued an apology. They surrendered the colony to the English on Sept. 8, 1664.

Embargo of 1807

As a result of the war between England and Napoleon's France, America's sea rights as a neutral power were threatened; Jefferson hoped the embargo would force England and France to respect American neutrality. Jefferson thought that the only way to stay out of war was to shut down shipping, so he made an embargo which forbade the export of all goods from the United States to any foreign nation. However this hurt America more than Britain and France and it was repealed 1809. However this encouraged industrialization.

Orders in Council

British laws which led to the War of 1812. Orders-in-council passed in 1807 permitted the impressment of sailors and forbade neutral ships from visiting ports from which Britain was excluded unless they first went to Britain and traded for British goods.

How did Jefferson as President expand the federalist program of Alexander Hamilton?

His administration reduced taxes, government spending, and the national debt, and repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

What was the legacy of Jefferson's Presidency?

Jefferson's hand-picked successor James Madison becomes the next President Jefferson renews friendship with friend and political rival, John Adams Both die on July 4, 1826 - the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson's vision of individualism and liberty brought about the era known as "Jeffersonian".

Why did the Federalist Party decline in power in the early Jeffersonian era?

The Federalist Party was one of the first political parties in the United States. It did not survive very long, dying off after the War of 1812. It died for two main reasons. First, it died because it was opposed to the democratic spirit of the time. Second, it died because of the War of 1812

Tripoli Affair

These states were looting U.S Ships and in 1801 the pasha of tripoli indirectly declared war when he cut down the flagstaff of american consulate. Jefferson sent the infant navy to fight for four years. In 1805, tripoli agreed to stop fighting for 60,000 dollars.

Why was the election of 1800 described as "the revolution of 1800?"

Thomas Jefferson called his election "the Revolution of 1800" because it marked the first time that power in America passed from one party to another. He promised to govern as he felt the Founders intended, based on decentralized government and trust in the people to make the right decisions for themselves.

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