APUSH Midterm

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Racial stereotyping and the development of strict racial categories.

(John Lok Second Voyage to Guinea) In the British North American colonies at the end of the 17th century, the ideas expressed in the passage above led to the emergence of significant....

European belief in white superiority to justify subjugation of Africans

(John Lok Second Voyage to Guinea) The passage above from 16th century British source best demonstrates...

Est. like- minded, close knit, homogeneous communities.

(John Winthrop) The North American settlements referenced in the passage above tended to...

Justifying the takeover of American Indian lands

(John Winthrop) The author of the excerpt above was most interested in..

It stimulated cultural and demographic change

(John Winthrop) What was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above?

The shared labor market of the Atlantic economy in the 18th century

(Letter from Richard Frethorne) The excerpt above is best understood in the context of which of the following?

Focus in colonies on gaining new sources of labor

(Letter from Richard Frethorne) The excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the...

Britain's victory over France in North America

(Library of Congress) Which of the following turning points set the stage for the controversy depicted in the cartoon above?

The spread of maize culture

(Map of Tribal Locations) In the map above, SouthWest American Indian communities benefited most from...


(The Navigation Act of 1660) The policies stated in the above law can best be seen as an example of ...

Biter political debates of the 1790s

(The Sedition Act 1798) The excerpt above best serves as evidence of the...

The debate over the balance of liberty and order

(The Sedition Act 1798) Which of the following continuities in U.S history is best demonstrated by the excerpt above?

The extent to which the new nation was willing to grant liberty and equality to all

(Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776) Despite declaring their commitment to the ideas of the Declaration of Independence as illustrated in the passage, debate continued into the nineteenth century over...

Articles of Confederation

(Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776) Which of the following docs. reflects Americans' fear of the gov. Paine describes?

Taxation w/o representation

(Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776) Which of the following political trends in the American colonies reflect Paine's depiction of the struggle for power in England?

Paine presented a case for independence and portraying King George as all-powerful provided colonists w/ identifiable enemy

(Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776) Why would this characterization of England's gov. serve Thomas Paine's higher purpose?

The ideal of "republican motherhood"

(Woman image) The creator of the illustration above would most likely have supported which of the following?

The racial stereotyping and categorization of American Indian groups

(Josiah Winslow and Thomas Hinckley) The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following communities in U.S history?

The economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the Western Hemisphere.

(Letter from Richard Frethorne) The sentiments expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in U.S history?

The British gov. constraining colonial rights

(Library of Congress)The image above can best be seen as depicting...

The colonists'rights as British citizens

("Declarations" of the Stamp Act Congress) According to the document, the petitioners were seeking the repeal of the Stamp Act primarily based on which of the following reasons?

The King

("Declarations" of the Stamp Act Congress) The document was addressed to...

A republican form of gov. as celebrated by Enlightenment philosophers

("Declarations" of the Stamp Act Congress) The passage above most directly reveals the impact on colonial thinking of ideas based on...

Maintained allegiance to the British Crown

("Declarations" of the Stamp Act Congress) The passage above reveals that, by 1765, most colonists...

The British gov.'s relative indifference to colonial governance

(Albany Plan of Union 1754) The authors of the excerpt above were most likely motivated by....

The fear of attack from other European powers

The American independence movement was least fueled by...

Spread of European conflicts to North America

(Albany Plan of Union 1754) The excerpt above is best understood in the context of the...

The colonists having grown accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

(Albany Plan of Union 1754) The excerpt above is indicative of which of the following?

Debates over how American Indians should be treated and "civilized"

(Basil Johnson) Which of the following resulted from the differing worldviews of American Indians and Europeans as illustrated in the excerpt above?

B/c it exemplified the very different worldview of American Indians

(Christopher Columbus Journal) In the passage above, Columbus likely mentioned the American Indians interest in glass beads and weapons...

Attempting to change American Indians' belief and worldviews

(Christopher Columbus Journal) The sentiments expressed by Columbus in the excerpt above best support which future Spanish goal?

The Columbian Exchange

(Eric Foner Voices of Freedom) "The influx of goods from the New World ..." is a reference to what historical phenomenon?

Economic data detailing European imports and exports from the years 1491-1776

(Eric Foner Voices of Freedom) Which of the following evidence would best support Foner's selection of these particular Adam Smith quotes in the excerpt?

A sharp rise in tensions among partisan debates in the U.S

(George Washington Farewell Address 1796) One of the most significant results of America's failure to heed Washington's advice given in this passage was...

Foreign political and social developments had the power to divide the U.S internally to the detriment of the young nation

(George Washington Farewell Address 1796) What central idea from Washington's address was brought most sharply into focus by the controversy surrounding the radicalism of the French Revolution?

Continued conflicts between the British and French

(George Washington Farewell Address 1796) Which of the following developments brought about the most significant challenges to the ideology put forward by George Washington in the passage above?

Debates over the proper role of political parties

(George Washington Farewell address 1796) The speech above best reflects which of the following continuities in U.S history?

Neutrality prior to World War I

(George Washington Farewell address 1796) U.S foreign policy during which of the following time periods was most closely aligned with the ideas expressed in the speech above?

Disagreements over the French Revolution and foreign policy

(George Washington Farewell address 1796) Which of the following most directly prompted the arguments in the speech above?

The growth of an Atlantic economy with a shared labor market

(Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia) The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

The development of strict racial categories among British colonies.

(Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia) The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following?

Protestant Evangelism

(John Collet, Image of George Whitefield preaching) Which colonial trend form the 17th and 18th centuries is best illustrated by the image above?

British efforts to tax the colonies

(John Dickinson, Letter From A Farmer) The passage above was written in response to...

Back country rebels in the 1780s and 1790s

(John Dickinson, Letter From A Farmer) Which group would most likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

The large British debt incurred from the Seven Years' War

(John Dickinson, Letter From A Farmer) Which of the following developments most directly precipitated the conditions leading to the argument in the passage above?

Sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with the native inhabitants

(John Winthrop) Which European approach to colonization is most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above?

Increased intensity and destructiveness in European-American Indian warfare.

(Josiah Winslow and Thomas Hinckley) The beliefs and concerns expressed in the excerpt above most immediately resulted in which of the following?

There were far-reaching effects on native settlement patterns as well as on economic, social, and political developments

(Map depicting Columbian Exchange) As a consequence of the new European crops and livestock brought to America as a part of the Columbian Exchange illustrated above,

Indian labor was gradually replaced w/ African slavery

(Map depicting Columbian Exchange) As a result of the process illustrated above, what major shift occurred in the Spanish colonies' encomienda system?

Improvements in technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade.

(Map depicting Columbian Exchange) Based on the map above, what was the primary reason for growth of the Columbian Exchange?

The rapid decimation of Native American populations

(Map depicting Columbian Exchange) What was the most significant effect of the interaction depicted in the image above?

External Competition

(Map of British and American controlled trade 1750) In the early 17th and 18th centuries, Britain's greatest challenge in controlling the North American Atlantic trade illustrated in the map above?

They all had an export economy based on food products and raw materials

(Map of British and American controlled trade 1750) Which of the following best describes the role of Britain's more northern colonies in the global trade as illustrated in the map above?

The Great Basin and Western Plains

(Map of Tribal Locations) Based on the map above, in which region were American Indians the most mobile?

Greater religious independence in the colonies

(Maryland Act Concerning Religion 1644) The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

The Democratic-Republicans

(Mercy Otis Warren) Some of the concerns expressed in the passage above were best echoed in the legislative reforms supported by which of the following political parties?

A strong central gov.

(Mercy Otis Warren) The arguments expressed in the passage above most clearly warn against the perceived dangers of...

Fears many people had of centralized federal power

(Mercy Otis Warren) The excerpt above most clearly reflects the..

Debates over the ratification of the U.S Constitution

(Mercy Otis Warren) The excerpt above was most clearly written in response to...

Middle Passage

(Olaudah Equiano) The quotation describes which of the following?

The intermarriage of English colonists and Africans

(Olaudah Equiano) Which of the following did NOT contribute to the emergence of the Atlantic slave trade?

Regional basis of early American political parties

(Presidential Election Maps) The maps above are evidence of the...

The spreading of conflicts in Europe to North America

(Samuel de Champlain, Les Voyages) Events such as those depicted in the excerpt above most directly resulted from which of the following?

The increasing intensity and destructiveness of American Indian warfare.

(Samuel de Champlain, Les Voyages) The excerpt above best reflects which of the following historical trends?

Federal efforts to control American Indian populations in the 1810's and 1820's

(Samuel de Champlain, Les Voyages) Which of the following developments from the 19th century would compare most closely w/ those described in the excerpt above?

The Southwest

(Spanish Exploration in North America 1528-1542) The Map above indicates the encomienda system was least developed in which of the following areas?

Triggered extensive demographic and social change

(Spanish Exploration in North America 1528-1542) The process illustrated in the map above

Shifting from feudalism to capitalism

(Spanish Exploration in North America 1528-1542) Which of the following Spanish imperial goals were least advanced by the conquest and exploration illustrated above?

Native Americans adapted their lifestyles and daily lives and habits around the dictates of local climate and available resources

(Statue pic) Which of the following conclusions may best be drawn from the sculpture?

Decades of the British government's relative indifference to colonial governance

(The Navigation Act of 1660) What accounts most for the scant success of the above law in modifying English colonial behavior in North America?

Political thought shaped by the Enlightenment.

(The Navigation Act of 1660) Which of the following had the most impact in shaping colonial resistance to the above law?

The threat posed by foreign alliances and entanglements

(The Sedition Act 1798) The legislation above was passed in response to which of the following challenges?

British laws passed after the end of the Seven Years' War

(The Sedition Act 1798) The passage of the above legislation was most consistent with the sentiments of...

It emphasized the value of the individual and proclaimed the doctrine of natural rights

(Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776) In what way did the Enlightenment influence the colonists as they united under the ideology expressed in this passage?

Attempts by the British to reinvigorate the mercantilist system of trade to the detriment of colonial economic growth

(Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776) Which of the following developments most strongly prompted the colonists to express the sentiments in the passage?

The continued disenfranchisement of black and female Americans

(Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776) Which of the following developments of the early American Republic most directly contradicted the philosophy advanced by the passage?

Trade and Commerce

Between the 16th and 18th centuries, which aspect of American Indian and European cultures was the most similar?

Justify the subjugation of American Indians

After Columbus's arrival in the West Indies, Spanish religion and Christian conversion were often used as a rationale to...

Alleviate its massive debt from the war

After the Seven Years' War, Britain shifted its position on imperial regulations to...

Contributed to resistance toward imperial control.

By the mid-18th century, the fervor illustrated in the image above...


During the 1790s, disagreements in which area were LEAST responsible for the emergence of political parties?

Were adopted by Plains Indians and transformed the way they hunted.

Horses, which came to the New World in the Columbian exchange...

The Horse

Of the items exchanged, the one that had the greatest impact on Native American lifestyles on the Great Plains of North America was...

The spread of deadly epidemics

The most devastating impact of the Spanish conquest and exploration was

The diverse natural resources of the Northeast provided Native Americans in that region with more options for cultivation, along with hunting and gathering.

Which of the following most accurately explains the difference between settlements in the American Southwest and Native American cultures in the American Northeast?

European population growth

Which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of American crops in the old world?

The destruction of up to 90% of the Native American population from diseases like small pox

Which of the following was the most demographic effect of the Columbian Exchange on the New World?

Gained new standing in American political culture

Women's status during the 1700s changes as they...

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Biblical foundations of social justice

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