apush period 6 test
Which of the following best reflects Josiah Strong's fear regarding immigrant's influence on American morals?
... create national conflict
The above excerpt best reflects the changing nature of government policies towards the American Indian by the late 19th century in which of the following ways?
A shift from a policy of isolating the tribes from white society to one of assimilation
Andrew Carnegie viewed the gap between the rich and poor as all of the following EXCEPT
A sign of process
Aside from Twain's reason, other major arguments made at the turn of the 20th century against U.S. imperialism in the Pacific were
Aside from Twain's reason, other major arguments made at the turn of the 20th century against U.S. imperialism in the Pacific were
This cartoon could best be used to support which of the claims made about business owners in the late 1800s?
Business owners should be considered "Robber Barons" who unfairly used their money and influence to take advantage of politics in the United States
The artists of the illustration above would claim
Corruption in government as it relates to big business is the problem
The technological and managerial changes in the production of goods as depicted in the above photograph most directly allowed for which of the following modern cultural developments?
Creation of a mass consumer market place
What was the main Gilded Age economic concern addressed in the cartoon above?
Which economic development of the late 19th century most directly made possible the degree of opulence displayed in the above photo?
Development of the trust and growth of monopolies
Which of the following was a means for implementing the eventual policy against American Indians in the late 19th century resulting from reports such as the one above?
Establishment of American Indian boarding schools for American Indian children
In the speech, Lease was reacting primarily to the problems faced by which of the following groups?
The "Free Silver" Campaign of 1896 recieved its greatest poular support from
Farmers who hoped that a more generous money supply would ease their debt
The "Free Silver" campaign of 1896 received its greatest popular support from
Farmers who hoped that a more generous money supply would ease their debt.
The sentiment expressed by Beveridge best exemplifies which of the following?
The photograph shows changes in the role of women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries mostly due to which of the following developments?
New techniques and factory production and management
Which group does this cartoon imply is exercising control over legislation in the U.S. in the late 1800s?
Owners of trust companies
Which of the following rationales does Beveridge employ in his argument?
Powerful nations have a moral duty to govern less developed nations.
Which of the following political movements most closely shared many of the goals outlined by the Populist Party?
Progressives, early 1900s
Which one of the following political movements most closely shared many of the goals outlined by the Populist Party?
Progressives, early 1900s
The illustration above was likely created in support of
Reform politics and creating stronger government oversight of the economy
Lease's views best reflect the influence of which of the following developments in social and political movements in the 1890s?
Rising grassroots challenges to the dominant economic system
Those who lived in such opulence during the Gilded Age justified their immense wealth by employing arguments having which of the following influences?
Social Darwinism, Puritan ideals of work in relation to the concept of predestination and protestant revivalist emphasis on individual action
The United States became politically engaged with the Philippines after what military conflict
Spanish American War
Which of these mid-nineteenth century goals did the government policy given here mostly support?
Support for rapid economic development of the West
Conclusions such as Turner's about the state of the American frontier by the late 19th century most immediately contributed to
Supporting immediate expansionism overseas
According to the excerpt, the greatest danger that immigrants pose to the democratic process in the US is their
Tendency to be manipulated by a politician appealing to their prejudices
What vision of American imperialism at the turn of the 20th century does Twain disagree with?
That America should be an imperial power in the smae manner as the european nations
Which rationale offered by some imperialists at the time is most opposite Twain's ideal for U.S. action in the Philippines?
The Filipinos were uncivilized heathens and, therefore, inherently incapable of self-government.
Which of the following refers to the accumulation and lavish spending of wealth by some American capitalists in the post-Civil War era?
The Gilded Age
Which of the following explains the Populist (People's) Party demand for unlimited coinage of silver?
The gold standard created tight money and made it more difficult for farmers to pay debts or sell products
Which American democratic ideal is Turner arguing with was facilitated by the American frontier
The idea of social mobility
Which of the following best explains how the environment of the Great Plains Indians would have been impacted by 16th century European contact?
The introduction of the horse allowed the Plains Indians to hunt buffalo more efficiently.
The image of Cornelius Vanderbilt controlling his rail empire most directly reflects which of the following?
The post-Civil War creation of corporations of a size not previously known in the US
Cultural and racial arguments made against Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century were the same as those made against American Indians in which of the following ways?
They were uncivilized savages, unable to be assimilated into society
The language in the above excerpt would imply that the legislation was enacted to most address which of the following concerns?
White laborers fear of unemployment and being undercut in wages
Which of the following best characterizes the American Federation of Labor?
a federation of smaller elite craft unions
Which sectional political ideology of mid-nineteenth century America is most directly expressed through the legislation shown here?
american democracy meant right of citizens to own property and to control their own destinies
Which of the following best describes the New South?
changes in southern economy
Which of the following is LEAST associated with the Populist movement?
deregulation of railroad and utilities
During the latter half of the 19th century, many business organizations in the United States combined into large corporations because
efficiency in production methods could be increased
The excerpt regarding the American Federation of Labor most clearly reflects which of the following goals?
practical and obtainable improvements in workers conditions
The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above most directly led to
social darwinism
Aside from Twain's reason, other major arguments made at the turn of the 20th century against U.S. imperialism in the Pacific were
that American workers would be undercut by cheap labor from the new colonies
Which of the following precipitated the end of the Populist Party?
the bribery scandal involving the Populist presidential candidate, Tom Watson
Which of the following contributed most directly to the Populist Party demand for direct election of senators?
the perception that big business was corrupting government and the desire for greater democracy
In the late nineteenth century, the agricultural credit system in the South encouraged farmers
to rely heavily on cash crops—especially cotton.
The author of this cartoon would have most likely supported which type of U.S. legislation in the late 19th and early 20th century?
trust busting
Which of the following criticisms would the cartoonist most likely apply to business of the late 19th century?
unsympathetic to the influx of unskilled immigrant labor
According to Carnegie surplus revenues are to be
used to benefit the community