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which third party played an important role in the election of 1912?

Bull Moose

which of the following describes why Latin American countries were dissatisfied about the way the United States completed its negotiations for the construction of the Panama Canal?

Colombian territorial rights were not properly regarded

Theodore Roosevelt did not run in the election of 1908 because

Roosevelt believed in president should be limited to two consecutive terms

"chronic wrongdoing may require intervention and force the United States to the exercise of international police power" this statement would justify actions under the

Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine

Wilson's new freedom differed from

Roosevelt's policies accepted the continued existence of monopolies

the first major break in the united states congress' policy of laissez-fare toward big business came with the passage of the

Sherman anti-trust act

which of the following was not an underlying factor in bringing the United States into war with Spain 1898?

The demand of newspapers for sensational news

Robert La Folletes plan of appointing college trying to people to serve on state regulatory commissions became known as

The Wisconsin idea

Which of the terms of the treaty with Spain ending the Spanish American war presented America with an immediate and difficult problem?

annexation of the Philippines

unlike Cleveland's handling of the pullman strike in 1894, Roosevelt handled the anthracite coal strike in 1902 by

bringing both sides together and having the issue arbitrated

Theodore Roosevelt felt that the role of the president was to

define national problems and win Congress and the people to practical proposals for solutions

for black Americans, Theodore Roosevelt...

did little

Wilsons fourteen points provided for

freedom of the seas, prohibition of secret treaties among nations, strengthening of international alliances

The heparin act 1906 strengthen the authority of the interstate commerce commission by

giving the commission power to nullify rates found to be discriminatory

bimetallism is a system under which

gold and silver are both used as a security for the national currency

in the anthracite Cole strike 1902, Theodore Roosevelt

insisted that the strike be submitted to arbitration

prior to America's entrance into World War I, president Wilson called for "preparedness", by which he meant

institution of the draft

the open door policy was designed to

keep any one country from getting total control of china

Wilsons fourteen points provided for all of the following except

national self-determination for liberated countries after the war

by announcing the "rule of reason" in 1911, the Supreme Court held that

only unreasonable restraint of trade were unlawful

which of the following events occurred last? (purchase of Alaska, battle of Manila bay, annexation of the Hawaiian islands, opening of the Panama Canal)

opening of the Panama Canal

The major difference between Booker T. Washington and WEB dubois was their views of

The need for immediate equality for blacks and whites

The United States was partly responsible for the depression in Cuba (1895) that led to the Cuban insurrection against Spain because of

Wilson-Gorman Tariff

The populist party platform 1892 called for all of the following except

a gold-based currency

The supreme court decision quoted above concerned

a state maximum hour law

John hay's open door proposal

advocated fair competition among foreign powers in china

The Underwood Simmons tariff of 1913 represented a victory for

advocates of lower duties

in the Lansing-ishi agreement of 1917, Japan

supported the open door concept, and the United States agreed that proximity of nations creates special relationships

according to Emilio Aguinaldo, he led the bloody Filipino insurrection against United States occupation because

the United States had offered him independence for assistance against Spain, but had betrayed him

David G Phillips targeted in expose

the United States senate

"today the United States is practically sovereign on this continent, and its fiat is law upon the subjects to which it confines its interposition." Richer only said this in reference to

the Venezuela boundary dispute

the expansion of the "walking city" was made possible by all of the following developments except

the electric city

president Roosevelt was ahead of his time in his views of

the need for protection of natural resources

The event that caused most Americans to favor war with Spain was

the sinking of the Maine

ida Tarbell targeted in expose

the standard oil company

all of the following were goals of progressive reformers except

to reverse the urbanization trend

the reform legislation of Wilson's administrations

to some extent, grew out of the effort to prevent the progressives from following Roosevelt back into the Republican Party in the 1916 election

the majority of the American people supported the Spanish American war chiefly because

they had sympathy for the oppressed cubans

more opposition was offered to the annexation of the Philippines then previous territorial acquisitions because...

they were not likely to become a real part of the United States

in 1913, reformers accomplished which two of their goals by constitutional amendment

popular election of Senators an imposition of a federal income tax

American intellectuals such as William James and John dewey provided a set of attitudes on which reformers were to rely known as the philosophy of


which of the following best represents the attitude of the federal government towards trusts during most of the progressive era

"Good" trust should be allowed to exist, but the government should be ready to curb abuses

The constitutional amendment that made possible a federal income tax was


The 1896 presidential election marked the last time that

A serious effort to win the White House would be made with mostly agrarian votes

The event in 1906 referred to as the Brownsville affair illustrates that

African Americans were making a little headway toward equality

which of the following was a socialist candidate for president

Eugene v Debs

the Sussex pledge, secured in 1916, was a promise that

Germany would cease unrestricted submarine warfare

which of the following territories came under to the protection of the United States as a result of the Spanish American war?


In the gentleman's agreement

Japan agreed to limit Japanese emigration to the United States

all of the following were heroes of the Spanish American war except

John J Pershing

Woodrow Wilson's chief advisor on new freedom programs was

Louis Brandeis

where did President Roosevelt's in the great White Fleet?

Manila Bay

many of the articles written by muckrakers appeared in


many of the articles written by muckrackers appeared in

McClures and Munsrys

which of the following was not acquired by the United States as a result of the Spanish American war?


Theodore Roosevelt lost the republican party's presidential nomination in 1912 because

Taft control the Republican national committee, which rigged delegate selection in tafts favor

how was the dispute about the arrest of American sailors by president huerta during the Wilson administration settled?

The ABC powers mediated between the United States and Mexico

Henry George's progress in poverty is treatise that advocates

The single tax

The need for the conservation of our natural resources was first brought to national attention by

Theodore Roosevelt

Who is the first president to take an interest in conservation

Theodore Roosevelt

The elephants nightmare is of course that

Theodore Roosevelt will split the party and the Democrats will win

The "big stick" was to Theodore Roosevelt as "dollar diplomacy" was to...

William Howard Taft

"you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold," was said by

William jennings bryan

the expansion of the "walking city" was made possible by developments such as

cheap housing, improved sewage disposal, and the extension of public utilities and services

the open door policy proposed that

china was to collect her own tariffs, no one would receive privileges or concessions in china unless everyone did, and Japan had "special interests" in china

Lincoln steffens targeted in expose

city government

The gentleman's agreement was motivated by the United States desire to

control the "yellow peril" which threatened the American west coast

when Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912, the most serious shortcoming in the country's financial structure was that the

currency was inelastic

Woodrow wilson was a


The major reason for the urban middle-class becoming politically active in the early 1900s was the

desire to regain political control of the country

in 1908, the White House conference

discussed the conservation of natural resources

which of the following is not true about James Abbott McNeil Whistler

in addition to his art, he also served on the supreme court during the McKinley administration

the primary purpose of the United States building the Panama Canal was to

increase the efficiency of the American navy

most of the American cost of World War I was financed by

increased personal income taxes

Heroes of the Spanish-American war

leonard wood, george dewey, teddy roosevelt

which of the following legislative act would be classified as social legislation

minimum wage laws

in terms of their political beliefs, most progressives were actually

moderates who wanted to preserve American institutions, though in an altered form

the open door policy proposed all of the following except that

no discriminatory duties were to be levied within the individual spheres of influence

The mark rockers were: a group of powerful industrial, a group of dirty political candidates, powerful lobbyists

none of these

"to enable the United States to maintain the independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as well as for its own defense, the government of Cuba will sell or lease to the unites states lands necessary for coaling or naval stations at specified points to be agreed upon with the president of the United States." these words can be found in the

platt amendment

which statement regarding the end of the progressive reform movement is correct?

preparation for a wartime economy took attention away from reform

all of the following worked against the successful conclusion of a just peace at the Paris Peace Conference except

press coverage of the open sessions of the conference by the yellow press

Theodore roosevelt was a


the eighteenth amendment, ratified by the states in 1919, provided for


Wilson showed questionable political judgment in excluding from the American delegation to Paris any

prominent republican leader

the flood of progressive legislation during Wilsons first term included laws to

provide disability assistance to civil-service workers, establish the eight hour day for interstate railroad workers, and provide credit and low-interest loans to farmers.

Jane Addams, Lillian Wald, and Florence Kelley shared an interest in

providing social services in city slums

much of American literature of the early 20th century is notable for its

realistic portrayals of working class life

which is the most accurate statement about the history of social reform in the United States?

reform movements have often declined during times of war

William howard taft was a


Roosevelt's new nationalism called for all of the following except

sale of government lands for tax revenues

the Hay-Puancefote treaty

secured British permission to build an isthmian canal

Eugene v debs was a


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