APUSH Quiz 02/06

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Art Deco:

"Art Deco" ex) Chrysler Building... look cool... ended in early 1930s After was: New, unornamented modern skyscraper... "form follows function" (Bauhaus/Function)

Impact of WW1: Social:

10 million soldiers killed and 20 million wounded Millions of civilians died World aflame with hated and nationalism

African AMerican goals:

1909, NAACP urged African Americans to protest racial violence

Harlem Renaissance:

1910 and 1920, Great Migration saw hundreds of thousands of African Americans move north to big cities Harlem, NY became largest black urban community Overcrowding, unemployment and poverty Literary and artistic revival

Heroes of the 20s:

1929, Americans spent 4.5 billion on entertainment Crowded baseball games to see their heroes or listened on radio Babe Ruth was a larger than life American hero who played for Yankees He hit 60 homers in 1927

Impact of WW1: Political:

3 European dynasties dethroned US reluctant world leader League of Nations, established w/o US membership American public bitter Lied to by President Duped by British and French European nations eventually turn to dictatorships: Russia Italy Germany

Battle of Meuse-Argonne

9/26-11/11 1918 Largest U.S. battle ever 1.2 million U.S. soldiers Unprepared, heavy losses

Labor Unions:

AFL makes agreement that we will not strike, if you increase our pay, working conditions, etc One problem: price of goods go up Turn to women, turn to African Americans Women's land army

Science VS Religion

Advances in science led to questions about previously accepted fundamental truths Led to clash with religious orthodoxy Debate of elites of past is now division


Agricultural depression in 1920s contribution to urban migration Farmers lost markets in postwar Europe Farm efficiency increased so much more food...\ Overproduction causes prices to go down, horrific cycle Farms repossessed Black Americans continued into poverty Sharecropping kept them in de facto slavery 1915: boll weevil wiped out cotton crop White landowners went bankrupt and forced blacks off their land

America's Hero:

Alvin York in battle of Meuse-Argonne Conscientious Objector (refuses to fight, against religion)... eventually changes his mind... Uneducated From hill country of Tennessee (Pall Mall) Trapped in Kill Box Shot out 32 machine guns Killed 28 Captured 128 others Saved his unit, war turned

Changing Family:

American birth rates declined for several decades before 1920s During the 1920s that trend increased birth control info became widely available Birth control clinic opened and the American Birth Control League was founded in 1921... Margaret Sanger advocate for Birth Control and abortion (targeting poor, immigrants, minorities so they wouldn't have babies)

National Food Administration

American businessman, orphan who became millionaire in mining trade, Herbert Hoover HH volunteers to take job to increase food production Hoover pays incentives by paying more for crops and making it patriotic to make more crops Farmers respond Due to his efforts, ideas, etc: farm production will rise between 1917 and 1919... U.S. farm production rises by 25% in two years Result in soldiers and allied citizens being fed

Business and Skyscrapers:

Americans worshipped material prosperity as they bought in installments Chain stores begin to dominate market Age of the "manager" as opposed to the independent owner Boom in advertising Critics growing American materialism Skyscrapers as symbol of veneration of corporate America Skeletal structure of skyscraper Woolworth Building (1913) Period revivalism of these corporate symbols Race to build higher Chrysler Building 1929-1930 Empire State Building Symbolism of interior of these buildings Skyscrapers offered new opportunities for women professionally

Counter to suffrage:

Anti Suffragists Women already control society, why should we let them vote Raise the children... sway how they think... Ran the households... control what they're doing... financial decisions... etc...

US unprepared:

Army numbers 300,000 1.2 million sent to Europe to battle Poorly trained, poorly equipped (mostly hand-me-downs from allies) Learn that French Army near mutiny... Britain is struggling to maintain forces


Banned production/sell of alcohol 18th amendment Volstead Act: law prohibiting alcohol... Al Capone: big time gangster in Chicago Untouchables: hunt gangster Family temperance pledge: families sign pledge vowing not to drink alcohol Outgrowth of long time temperance movement and wartime needs Difficult to enforce... organized crime, speakeasies, bootleggers were on rise Al Capone controlled Chicago Prohibition finally ended in 1933 the 21st Amendment Organized crime is embedded in society, must pursue other interests Prohibition caused organized crime

Leadership of U.S. army:

Blackjack, general John J. Pershing.... Commander of U.S. Expeditionary Force... AEF Resists ally calls for U.S. troops to be integrated into foreign units Finds that French army near mutiny and refuses to enter into offensive operations...

The Great Migration:

Blacks in far south that have been working in agriculture.... Who have never been able to get factory jobs.... And some businesses get desperate and hire blacks... movement of blacks northward Bring southern culture and black culture Show up in development in large black communities... mixing of cultures lead to Harlem Renaissance Develops modern jazz Blacks great influencers in society... foundation for Civil Rights Movement

Great Migration:

Blacks moved north to take advantage of booming wartime industry... black ghettos, Harlem, etc Within ghettos a distinct black culture flourished Cultural interchange opened in some ways, others restricted

Support fades, prohibition repealed:

By mid 1920s, less than 19% supported Prohibition Caused more than it solved 21st Amendment finally repealed Prohibition in 1933 by returning the power to regulate liquor to the states KS legalizes 1948

Carrie Chapman Catt and Alice Paul:

Catt very passive Paul lived in Great Britain when they granted suffrage... Aggressive... take charge... tough... traditionally suffrage movement, aggression will undermine movement

Post WW1, 20's known as:

Collectively, the 1920s are known as: The Roaring 20s The Jazz Age The Age of Prosperity The Age of Anxiety 1920s were in sum, a period of great change, modern America is born The Census reflected an urban society People moved Urban to enjoy higher standard of living

George Patton:

Commands first U.S. tank brigade Led 180 men into battle Kills an enlisted men with an entrenching tool Wounded and out of war on 9/26/1917

Impact of WW1: Economic:

Cost $350 billion, bringing: Heavy taxes Lower standards of living International trade suffered U.S. only country not in debt, not in lower standard of living, etc Economic dislocations helped bring 1929 depression Communists introduced new economic system in Russia Overthrow capitalist economies, replace with communism Overthrow national governments to create unified communist society

Woodrow Wilson (US)

Create better world France and England leaders says he doesn't know what he's talking about

Committee on Public Information

Creel Commission George Creel, in charge of ads Sell war

Coolidge's economic plan:

Cut regulations on businesses and economy recovered Americans' incomes rose Buy fridges, radios, vacuums, appliances Businesses advertise

Big Four:

David Lloyd George (Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), Vittorio Orlando (Italy), Woodrow Wilson (US)

Our two treaties with Europe:

Dawes plan.... Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)

Changing Roles for Women:

Didn't want to sacrifice wartime gains.... Social revolt against conformity FLAPPER- young women, bobbed hair, short dresses, smoked in public, broke traditional norms) 20s women: Becoming more independent ... achieving greater freedoms (right to vote, more employment, freedom of the auto, conveniences and appliances mean less work to make household function) Flapper challenged expectations... emancipated young women who embraced new fashions and urban attitudes Many women entered the workplace as nurses, teachers, librarians, secretaries Women earned less than men and were still kept out of many traditional male jobs... faced continued discrimination

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence

Dramatized the clash between traditional and modern values

Education and Popular Culture:

During the 1920s, developments in education had powerful impact Enrollment in HS quadrupled between 1914 and 1926 Public Schools met the challenge of educating millions of immigrants

Major Themes of the Decade:

Economic recovery Consumer Economy Urbanization Mass Media (radio and movies) Cultural Transformation Economic Collapse

Economics: Post War Recession

Economy declines immediately following the war 2 million soldiers return seeking jobs Factories must retool (shut down for about 3 weeks-6 months) (employees aren't paid, labor supply goes up, wages go down) Foreign Export Markets (received war exports) lost Wilson had stroke... infancy...

When U.S. mobilizes for war:

Economy prepared People trained Progressive ideals will be utilized Command Economy: gov. determines what products are produced Instead of command economy, gov. just pays more Incentives in place for us to feed allies and soldiers:


Enforcement arm for Clayton's antitrust act American businesses had to compete Tariffs eliminated

Vittorio Orlando (Italy)

Enlarge European lands to Italy's possession Expand Italy's empire

Georges Clemenceau (France)

Ensure French security**** Germany never invades France again ... outlaw military, outlaw weapons, etc Make Germany pay reparations

Entertainment and arts:

First sound movies: Singer (1927) Animated with sound: Steamboat Willie (1929) 1930 millions of Americans went to the movies each week George Gershwin: merged traditional elements with American Jazz Painters like Edward Hopper depicted the loneliness of American life Georgia O' Keeffe captured the grandeur of NY using intensely colored canvases

National Council on Defense:

First time in US history, gov figures out industrial capacity of US Industrial Capacity: what can you produce if you try your hardest to produce the most? Help gov. plan and gives idea of what society can do when it needs to


Flew across Atlantic Child kidnapped, reason FBI is created Arrived in Paris 33 hours later

After-Effects of WW1:

Foreign Policy Nation prefers isolationism Reject League of Nations Maintain relations with Mexico Famine Relief to Soviet Union (10 million via Herbert Hoover) Famine was man-made Kids starve to death last

Development of NAWSA

Gaining legal rights Push for women to own, buy, sell property... These sometimes achieved before voting... to get women to shut up Bradwell vs. Illinois: can't be a lawyer, you're a woman... until you have leverage, you will always face arbitrary arguments.... Reminds them of their position... Aid societies, helping before/after wars, setting up organizations to help abuse victims... Charitable groups do show women can handle responsibility

At the point of the Zimm Tele:

German unrestricted submarine warfare is working, Britain is nearing starvation... France (carried war on territory) has soldiers who refuse to fight offensively... French soldiers riot and desert: we will never call on you to attack Germans or leave trenches, you only have to play defensive

When Zimmerman Telegram occurs, it will change the game....

Germany believe American troops won't show up in time... American public does not want involvement in war... but British and French sell to U.S. government that they are about to win the war and they will take part in the glory without having to do anything... public buys it...

Spanish Flu/Great Influenza

Global strike in 1918... Begins in KS (Haskell County, Camp Funston) Spread quickly by U.S. army and mobility of war Mortality within 24 hours Between 50-100 million infected world-wide 10-20% affected die Slows war effort and inhibits training

1920, debate hits Tennessee

Gov. signs bill, gives women right to vote...

The Lost Generation:

Intellectuals disillusioned by war and results Had believed in progressivism, make better world WWI seemed to disprove it Reject optimism about the future Live for today Life is meaningless Show up especially in work of novelists such as Ernest Hemingway Sinclair Lewis, win Nobel Prize in literature, wrote Babbitt Main character ridicules American conformity and materialism Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald "the Jazz Age" Wrote Paradise Lost and Great Gatsby Reflected emptiness of NY elite society


Is a "temporary" halt to fighting to consider peace Goes into effect on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month Germany starving Once stop, can't renew war German weakness greatly impacts peace negotiations Austrian-Hungarian army had completely collapsed and seized to exist Americans want to be fair, French angry and want compensation, Britain somewhere in between

Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

Italian immigrants (treated like Black People in the south) Unfair trial (accused of robbing a payroll, 2 people killed... trial about dirty smelly immigrants, etc... huge scandal)

Attorney General, A. Mitchell Palmer, wants to be president, used fears of both immigrants and communism to his advantage

J. Edgar Hoover... round up suspected radicals.... Many of which were deported (Palmer Raids) FBI director 60 years

Wilson's campaign slogan:

Kept us out of war... (didn't really) (we went to war in April) Segregated army, government, etc... to get support from southern progressives Progressive belief: race purification WW1 ends reform movement craze

Soaring stock market:

Late 1920s, more people were investing in Stock People became rich overnight Bull Market: period of rapidly increasing stock prices 1923-1929 Prices of stocks rose more quickly than the value of the companies themselves People saw as surefire quick profit (ignored risks) Start middle class buying stock

Federal Reserve System:

Loan $ to banks... Not government organization, not private

3 routes to suffrage:

Local Can vote in local elections State Sets voting rules Can vote in state and local election Federal Will give women right to vote everywhere Should we try for federal? Success at local level: First state was Wyoming... first county: Stanton County KS....

Federal Farm Loan Board:

Make sure loans make it to farmers to be sure they stay alive

Age of Prosperity:

Massive economic expansion Mass production Assembly Line: Henry Ford had first moving assembly line Age of the Automobile: affordable for everyone, not just super rich Ailing Agriculture: suffering, lost overseas markets, excess food... prices drop

Speakeasies and Bootleggers

Most immigrant groups not willing to give up drinking Obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went underground to hidden saloons known as speakeasies (elites), barrel houses (live music, countryside, fire), blind pigs (working class) People bought liquor from bootleggers and rum runners who smuggled from Canada, Cuba and West Indies Bootlegging started Nascar

Radio Challenges Media:

Most powerful communications (battery) News was delivered faster and to larger audience Hear voice of president or listen to world series live National networks in media create more unified society Rise of the movie star... national sense of celebrities... Biggest celebrities came from sports Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb.... Jack Dempsey... Charles Lindbergh (Spirit of St Louis... flew aircraft from North America to Paris

Movies depict KKK as:

Movies depicting KKK as heroes... anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-semitic, anti-catholic, anti-women's suffrage, anti-bootleggers


National Origins Act Discrimination

Can we develop enough equipment for war??

No command economy

Wilson's 14 Points:

Open covenants of peace (open peace treaties) Absolute freedom of seas (open to trade with anyone) Equality of trade conditions among nations (if you trade with America, you have to trade with Mexico too) National armaments to be reduced (reduce size of militaries) Impartial adjustment of all colonial claims (determine which lands are colonies of which countries fairly) Evacuation of all Russian territory (Russian get land back) Belgium must be evacuated and restored All French territory freed and restored, and wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 (Alsace-Lorraine) should be righted (get provinces of Alsace-Lorraine back, the territory Germany stole) Readjustment of Italy's frontiers along national lines Peoples of Austria-Hungary should be given freest opportunity to autonomous development (13 races=13 different countries)... Romania, Serbia and Montenegro should be restored, Serbia given free/secure access to sea... and international guarantees of political/economic independence of Balkan states Turkish portion of Ottoman Empire given secure sovereignty, and Dardanelles permanently opened as free passages of ships Something I missed Association of nations formed!!!! (only actual one put in place)

Wilson sold to Americans:

Peace will pay off, never big war again 14 points... big: League of Nations Any peace treaty: US gov has to be certified by Senate American public doesn't support... never joins LON National sovereignty ... independence as a nation Collective security: if one nation is "acting up", all nations have to fight ... Congress doesn't have to declare war, therefore, Congress doesn't agree Opts for isolation, returns to NA, does the bare minimum Countries owe us money, we're doing good...

Actual hero:

Pershing is actual hero of war

Importance of Science

Physics shook faith in human reason Significance of Albert Einstein's theories Limits Human Knowledge established Heisenberg's "Principle of Uncertainty" (1927) (everything we know about science/universe is all a guess) Planck's quantum theory

Dawes Plan (1924)

Plan to keep European economies afloat and American banks from collapsing Germany burdened by war reparation payments Britain and France owe US banks money US banks cannot have those debts paid Solution: 3 way financial transactions to keep all books current... debts move around US loans money to Germany Germany makes payments to Britain and France Britain and France pay US banks debt service

Organized Crime:

Prohibition contributed to growth of organized crime Chicago notorious as home of Al Capone- bootlegger Capone took control of the Chicago liquor business by killing off competition

David Lloyd George (Britain)

Protect British empire/power Make Germany pay... reparations (losing side pays for war)

NAWSA doesn't like Paul's aggression:

Public protests in front of the white house.... Burns Wilson in ethagy ... burns dummy of Wilson at the steak Implied level of violence... considered outrage... turns neutral people against suffrage Leads to arrests

Harding's hard times:

Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall accepted a bribe to lease gov. Land to oil executives One of these areas was called "Teapot Dome" in Wyoming Fall sent to prison After this and other scandals... Harding dies in 1923... VP Calvin Coolidge follows

Point of Origin:

Shifted to S & E Europe and new religions appeared: Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic N. European immigrant of early 19c. Feared shift undermining Protestant values Nativism Fear communists and anarchists would overthrow Red Scare... fear of immigrants (from SE Europe couples with Bolshevik, Russian Revolution) Communism/Bolshevism... advocated revolution by proletariat or workers... fear ideology is finding way into US

Warren G Harding elected President in 1920 (republican)

Showed rejection of Wilson's internationalism Illustrated desire for a return to prewar status Called accidentally the "Return to Normalcy"

Willa Cather

Simple, dignified lives of immigrant farmers in My Antonia

Seneca Falls, woman's movements:

Started suffrage Right to vote: Abolition: if blacks can get their freedom, women should get it as well Movement occured, 1920, right to vote 72 year effort.... Shows level of resistance in society and level of convictions about it... Probably only one stands: abortion People in charge cannot figure out how to get along: leadership conflicts Main issue: how to achieve suffrage Three potential routes:

Clayton Antitrust Act (1914):

Tells big businesses what they can and can't do

Scopes trial:

Tennessee passed the nation's first law made it crime to teach evolution ACLU promised to defend any teacher willing to challenge law.... For free John Scopes, first year teacher, did May or may not have taught evolution ACLU steps in... show trial, all media there Clarence Darrow, most famous trial lawyer of the era, to defend Scopes Prosecution countered with William Jennings Bryan, 3 time Democratic presidential nominee Trial opens 7/10/1925 as national sensation Unusual move, Darrow called Bryan to stand... as an expert on the Bible... should the bible be interpreted literally? Darrow got Bryan to admit that the Bible can be interpreted in different ways Nonetheless, Scopes found guilty and fined $100 Paid by donations

Jazz Age:

The Flappers: makeup, cigarettes, short skirts Writers: F Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway Musicians: Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington

Hemingway wounded in WWI, best known authors

The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms Criticized glorification of war Simple, straightforward style of writing set literary standard

Marcus Garvey

UNIA .... African Americans should build a separate society In 1914, Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association UNIA Garvey claimed a million members by mid-1920s Powerful legacy of black pride, economic independence and pan-Africanism Born in Jamaican Black superiority Blacks should return to Africa Purchased ship to start Black Star line Settle liberia, freetown Attracted many investments Gov charged with fraud, guilty, deported to Jamaica

Treaty of Versailles Provisions

War guilt and reparation Germany accepted sole responsibility (despite other little countries, because they don't really exist anymore) Germany had to pay reparations (more $ that existed in entire world) Given loans Paid until 1931 Afterwards repudiated debt US never ratified treaty... never joined League of Nations League of Nations created Territorial, change of borders Colonial: German colonies to Allies as League of Nations mandates Disarmament: German army severely limited Germany navy reduced Germany war industries prohibited

Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)

War is illegal Signed by 60+ countries

Consumer economy:

Washing machines, oven, irons, etc

Literary movement:

Well educated blacks with new sense of pride in Blacks Claude McKay's poem expressed pain of life in ghetto Langston Hughes Missouri born Langston Hughes was movement's best known poet Difficult lives of working class blacks Put to music, especially jazz and blues Zora Neale Hurston: Novels, short stories, poems Lives of poor, unschooled Southern blacks Culture, folklore of Blacks, etc


Wilson appoints Louis D. Brandeis as Chief Justice on Supreme Court L.D.B is a progressivist Respect and value efforts of gov. to try to reform society Leans toward government, activist judge Courts should take an active role in shaping society Why it matters: sets the precedent

We go to war:

Wilson, strongly anti war, re-elected under position he will keep U.S. out of war "We're making the world safe for democracy.... 04/02/1917... President Wilson asks for war before Congress League of Nations: settle international disputes through negotiation so there will be no more wars..."war to end all wars"

Women's Land Army:

Women move to farms Leads to suffrage Leads to 18th amendment We need to produce more for war effort, grain will not go to alcohol

Calvin Coolidge:

Works his way through, local county state and federal ranks to become president "Silent Cal" .... Reputation for speaking rarely and spending little (Harding loved to throw parties and give long speeches) Forced Corrupt officials to resign Economy takes off Re-elected in 1924 "Keep Cool with Coolidge"


Writers, young leaders, elites, etc Lose faith in the future of "perfect world" Lost Generation: realize that progressive's idea of inherently good people and "heaven on earth"... is false.... Talking about how life has no meaning, is useless, drunk, high, suicide

Push for U.S. involvement in WW1:

Zimmerman Telegram (Mexico to distract the U.S. from war involvement, you will receive all the land the U.S. took from you) Intercepted by British, (cut all telegram lines except one)... Britain broke code and kept a secret....

W.E.B Dubois

founding member, led a march of 10,000 black men in NY to protest violence Use court system and laws

Figure out how many factories,

how much they're able to produce...

Women called upon to fill in new jobs they've never done before,

leads to passage of 20th amendment, suffrage

Need for:

mass transit, women jobs outside sweatshops

Sedition Act

organize revolution/overthrow/treasonous Passed by congress signed by Wilson Attack free speech, freedom of the press Newspaper people prosecuted, etc Labor unions... union activity leading to strikes... such as Industrial workers of the world: Wobblies ... called for strikes during war Leaders imprisoned

Espionage Act:


19th amendment:

suffrage for women

Schenck V. US (1919) ...

we have freedom of speech, etc.... Courts say too bad, war time!!!! Most labor unions do not fight war time efforts

Samuel Gompers, AFL:

why strike when they're paying us more

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