APUSH Semester 2 Exam

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During the 1920s , when $ 1,800 was considered the minimum annual income for a decent standard of living , the average annual income of a worker was approximately

$ 1,500

The Democratic candidate for president in 1928 was

Al Smith

After the United States entered World War II, immigrants from which of the following countries became eligible for U.S. citizenship?

All these answers are correct

As part of his Asian diplomacy , President Theodore Roosevelt

All these answers are correct

During World War I, the new technology of warfare

All these answers are correct

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson antagonized many Republicans

All these answers are correct

In 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

All these answers are correct

In the early twentieth century, the United States ' actions toward Mexico included

All these answers are correct

Which of the following is true of the passage and application of the Eighteenth Amendment

All these answers are correct

As the United States entered World War I, its most immediate military effect was in

Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men

The fledgling American Union sided with defendant John Scopes in 1925 .

Civil Liberty

The National Origins Act of 1924 banned immigrants from _________ entirely

East Asia

Contemporaries referred to the 1920s as the " New________


Morgan's experiments with ________ revealed how genes were arranged along the chromosome and could be transmitted together .

Fruit flies

On the eve of the Great War, the chief rivalry in Europe was between

Germany and Great Britain

In the aftermath of the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania,

Germany pledged to the United States it would not repeat such an action

F. Scott Fitzgerald attacked the American obsession with material success in his 1925 novel_________

Great Gatsby

The infamous Baltimore journalist of the 1920s who delighted in ridiculing religion politics , the arts , and even democracy itself , was

H.L. Mencken

The most energetic member of the cabinets of Harding and Coolidge was


In World War I ,the American Expeditionary Force was commanded by

John Pershing

The most prominent exponent of black nationalism following World War I was

Marcus Garvey

President Coolidge vetoed the Bill _________, which was designed to achieve parity for the American farmer .

McNary Haugan Act

American - born children of Japanese immigrants were called________


During the Red Scare of 1919, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer

None of these answers is correct

In 1918, President Wilson's "Fourteen Points" received significant political support from

None of these answers is correct

In 1920 , the first commercial radio station to broadcast in the United States was in


After the Russo - Japanese War in 1904-1905 ,

President Roosevelt sent a fleet of ships around the world , including to Japan , as a show of force

The pioneer of the American birth - control movement was________


"Dollar Diplomacy" is associated primarily with the administration of

William Howard Taft

As secretary of commerce , Herbert Hoover considered himself

a champion of business cooperation

As a result of the service of African American soldiers in World War I,

activism by blacks for their rights increased

In order to secure control of the Panama Canal zone, the United States

assisted a revolution in Panama

In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information ( CPI )

became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign

After World War I , the new Ku Klux Klan

became primarily concerned about catholic, jews, and foreigners

During World War I, extensive systems of trenches were used by both sides

because the destructive power of weapons made conventional field battles too destructive.

In the fall of 1915, President Woodrow Wilson

began to support a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces

Immediately following World War I, the American economy

boomed for many months

In 1914, when war erupted in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson

called on the American public to be completely impartial

During the 1920s , all of the following immigrant groups were increasing their presence the labor force in the West and Southwest EXCEPT the


During World War I, the War Industries Board ( WIB )

coordinated government purchases of military supplies.

During World War I, technologically-advanced submarines used engines powered by


In the 1920s , artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance

drew heavily from their African heritage

Marcus Garvey

encouraged African Americans to reject assimilation into white society

In 1914-1915 , the United States responded to a British naval blockade of Germany by

ending trade with Germany but continuing trade with Great Britain.

Both Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge failed to serve out their presidential terms .


During the 1930s , the smaller steel companies were more willing to accommodate unions than were the large steel companies .


H. L. Mencken . Sinclair Lewis , and F. Scott Fitzgerald are all examples of writers who promoted a return of the progressive reform spirit in American society .


The practice of weIfare capitalism " in the 1920s involved most industrial workers


To be most effective , the trade associations of the 1920s worked best in small industries


As a result of the Scopes trial of 1925 ,

fundamentalists reduced their political activism

During the 1920s , Thomas Hunt Morgan was one of the American pioneers in

genetic research

In the 1920s , the " flapper " lifestyle

had a particular impact on lower-middle-class single women

During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson's presidency

he was essentially an invalid.

In the election of 1916, supporters of Woodrow Wilson

hinted that his Republican opponent would lead the nation into war

During World War I, the United States military effort in Europe

lasted only a few months but suffered light casualties compared to the other combatants .

All the following statements regarding Al Smith are true EXCEPT that he

lost the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo

As president , Warren Harding

never abandoned the party hacks who had brought him to success

In the workplace , the " open shop " meant

no worker was required to join a union

Regarding the Treaty of Versailles, the United States Senate decided in 1919 to

not ratify it

A business in which no worker would be required to join a union was referred to as an _________

open shop

In his dealings with Pancho Villa, President Woodrow Wilson

ordered a military expedition into Mexico to capture Villa

The Sheppard - Towner Act of 1921

provided federal funds for child health care programs

During World War I, American ground troops

saw combat that was relatively brief but intense

Throughout the 1920s , the federal government

saw leaders of business take prominent positions in the federal government

Throughout the 1920s , the performance of the U.S. economy

saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities

The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary "

stated that the U.S. had a right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring countries

In January 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress,

suggested the creation of the League of Nations in the postwar period

When President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate,

the American public clearly supported its ratification

As the United States entered World War I, its most immediate military effect was in

the Atlantic Ocean

Prior to the United States' construction of the Panama Canal,

the French had tried but failed to build a canal at the same site

The immediate spark for hostilities in europe in 1914 was

the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

In the 1920s , a growing interest in birth control among middle - class women resulted from

the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only

In March 1917, the United States moved closer to entering the Great War when

the czarist government of Russia was overthrown

During the 1920s , a great worry for industrialists was the fear of

the overproduction of goods

Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were similar in

their passive approach to the presidency

In the 1920s , the idea of agricultural " parity " was

to ensure farmers would at least financially break even

President Theodore Roosevelt's policies , in regard to Asia , were intended

to prevent both China and Russia from becoming dominant there .

President Woodrow Wilson's request to Congress for a declaration of war

took place two weeks after German submarines had torpedoed three Americans ships.

Champions of parity for farmers urged high tariffs against foreign agricultural competition


Despite the challenge of the CIO , the AFL remained committed to the craft union idea


During his first term , President Roosevelt grew increasingly willing to openly attack corporate interests .


During his first term , President Roosevelt preferred work relief programs to those that simply provided cash assistance .


During the 1920s , the federal government enjoyed a supportive relationship with the American business community


During the 1920s , union membership fell from over 5 million to under 3 million


In the 1920s , airplanes were largely curiosities and a source of entertainment


More so than the Republicans , the Democrats of the 1920s consisted of a diverse coalition of interest groups .


Much of Franklin Roosevelt's early success as president was a result of his personality


Prohibition did substantially reduce drinking in some parts of the United States .


The Social Security Act was part of what has been called the Second New Deal .


The Supreme Court declared both the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act to be unconstitutional .


The film The Birth of a Nation glorified the early Ku Klux Klan .


The industrial codes t up under the National Recovery Administration set floors below which no company could lower prices or wages .


To the great alarm of modernists , fundamentalism was gaining political power during the middle of the 1920s .


The majority of the 25 percent of married women who worked outside the home in the 1920s were working class .

true .

The election of 1920 saw

voters turn away from idealism and toward normalcy

In the 1920s , " welfare capitalism

was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers

In 1919, the Red Scare in the United States

was partly motivated by a series of bombings

The Selective Service Act in the United States

was supported by President Woodrow Wilson

American casualties in World War I

were as likely to be from disease as from combat

During the 1920s , airplanes

were largely a source of entertainment

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