ARH study guide
GRAND TOUR Artists began travelling to rome, many excavations in rome that drew people to come see artifacts and art buried by Mt. Vesuvius (Pompeii and Herculaneum) Complete worlds suddenly visible, able to see how people lived in lost time Ancient rome was a model for enlightenment thinkers, trying to move away from autocratic rule (kings) Men mainly went on journeys to Rome 1-3 years, by land over the Alps stopping in France, Venice, Naples, and Rome. Reserved for the Cultural elite just after finishing college usually. Young men went with servants and tutors (chaperones) there to make sure they didn't squander money and stayed focused on art and etc...
art of the 18th century that is highly decorative, not useful, light hearted themes of subjects that would previously be seen as more serious. Not as many overt political messages. French art form also developed in Germany, derived from rocoque which means rock or pebble, used in the 19th century, used as a criticism to the art form.