ART 100 Unit 2

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What parts need to be present for a camera to be functional?

A lens An opening A light-sensitive surface

What made the computer arts appealing to a variety of industries?

Ability to communicate images digitally

Which roles in the making of a film are considered the artists?

Actors Directors Editors

Cassidy Curtis uses the website Graffiti Archeology to do what?

Allow visitors to view progressive photos of graffiti work

Who is credited with inventing lithography?

Alois Senefelder

Charles Le Brun depicts a war and what else in The Battle of Granicus?

An elaborate border that works as a frame for the scene

Diego Rivera was commissioned by the Mexican revolutionary government to create what subject matters in his piece Mixtec Culture?

Ancient civilization Mexican people

What attributes best characterize acrylic paints?

Applied in heavy layers Applied in thin translucent washes Used on a variety of surfaces

What parts are exposed to the acid in the etching process?

Areas where the ground was removed

Why did Pictorialism lose popularity during World War I?

Artists were experimenting and exploring new trends in art.

What happens to the image when a monotype is sent through the press more than once?

Becomes distorted from the original

Which characteristics would you find in a photograph taken by a Pictorialist?

Blurring certain details Varied tonal range

How do ancient encaustic paintings' colors look as they age?

Bright as the day they were painted

What device was developed during the Renaissance to harness the principles of light as observed by the mathematician Alhazen?

Camera obscura

Which characteristics makes watercolor a desirable medium to work with?

Can be easily transported Create quick sketches Use paper for the support

Which term describes a preliminary drawing done to scale in preparation for fresco painting?


Which sculpting method includes using a specifically shaped container into which the liquid is poured and then allowed to cool and harden?


The process of making paper that is used today was invented where?


What is the most common sculptural material used for modeling?


What is the main goal of graphic design?

Communicate a specific message

By the 1980s, which items caused the digital revolution in art?

Computer Internet

How are artists changing their approaches to printmaking?

Considering non-traditional surfaces Using them in three-dimensional pieces

Which crayon uses pigment mixed with clay and a small amount of binder?


What did tempera painting allow Jacob Lawrence to do compared to other media?

Create a large number of paintings for his series quickly

By making series of paintings within a particular theme, what did Jacob Lawrence accomplish?

Create a narrative

What kind of director is an auteur?

Creator of stylistic films

What are some of the advantages of the linocut printing process?

Cuts are easier to make in any directions since it does not have a grain. The soft material linoleum is made from makes it easier to cut.

Which are methods used in carving?

Cutting Gouging Chipping

What are the common themes depicted in many of Howling Wolf's drawings?

Daily life, Warfare

What trait does graphite possess?

Dark gray sheen

For paint to be brushed easily on a surface what needs to be done to it?


How was the illusion of smooth motion created in an animated feature?

Each frame is drawn then photographed.

The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia contains what kind of symbolism?

Early Christian

Look at this image. Why did this funeral portrait deviate from the stylized look of Egyptian art?

Egypt was under Roman rule.

Especially popular during the Renaissance, ______ were used to disseminate images of well-known art works and Roman antiquities.


Asphalt, acid, and needles are all supplies used in what printmaking process?


What kind of technique is photogravure?


What inspired Georgia O'Keeffe to use simple forms and compositions?

European Modernism

Based on the ancient Egyptian convention of depicting human form, how are the pharaoh Menkaure and Khamerenebty portrayed?

Facing straight forward, with the pharaoh's arms arms stiff at his sides With idealized facial features and bodies

What are the advantages of using bronze to cast sculptures?

Flows freely when poured Can create smooth, rounded shapesIs Is extremely durable

The School of Athens, a painting by the Renaissance artist Raphael that is featured in the Vatican Palace, exemplifies which painting method?


What painting technique has the pigment mixed with water, and then applied to dry plaster?

Fresco secco

What animation character is credited with being the inspiration of many famous animated animals?


Which of the following does Shepard Fairey use in his art practice?

Graphic design Street art

What does Wafaa Bilal do to get the audience to interact with his piece Domestic Tension?

He allowed people to shoot him with a paint gun over the internet.

How does Chris Ofili create depth in his piece Prince among Thieves with Flowers?

He uses pencils that vary in hardness and softness.

Why are the motifs in Mariposa prepared on pieces of plastic?

Helps to create a flat surface Makes it easier to remove the acrylic from

Look at this image. Which artist created the following poster that highlighted the entertainment at a famous cabaret?

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

When acrylics are applied in thick, heavy layers, it is known as ______.


The woodcut process involves which steps?

Ink covers the raised areas The drawn image is craved out of the block

Why did mezzotint become the preferred printing process for reproducing images of paintings?

It allowed for the most accurate reproduction of areas of shading.

How did George Eastman's invention of celluloid film enable the development of commercial motion pictures?

It allowed multiple images to be strung together.

How does the internet aid Wafaa Bilal in his performance art?

It allows him to interact globally with a wider audiences.

What does brushing a soft cloth over charcoal create?

It blends to create soft transitions. It can erase drawn lines.

Which qualities best describe oil paint?

It can be applied in a range of consistencies. Areas can be easily scraped away for revisions.

What are the advantages to canvas as a painting surface?

It can be stretched to any desired size. The light weight allows for easy transport.

What feature associated with acrylic makes it desirable for Beatriz Milhazes' piece Mariposa?

It dries into a waterproof plastic.

Which statements describe encaustic paintings?

It is created by mixing pigment with wax and resin. It is named after the Greek word for "burning in."

How is black chalk different from charcoal?

It is made of carbon and clay.

Why do much ancient art that still exists in the 21st century made of terra cotta?

It was surprisingly durable.

What artist is known for the painting technique of placing canvas on the ground so as to drip and splatter paint from above?

Jackson Pollack

Using collage and encaustic, what artist painted Numbers in Color?

Jasper Johns

Which are the reasons Wifredo Lam uses gouache for his piece The Jungle?

Large areas of color covered uniformly Versatility with opaqueness

Holy Women at the Tomb by Girolamo dai Libri possess which characteristics associated with tempera?

Layers of paint to create form Brilliant colors

Look at this image. How does Winslow Homer blend colors in Key West, Hauling Anchor?

Layers were washed while the layers were wet.

The Great Art of Light and Shadow depicts a portable camera obscura arrangement developed by ______.

Leonardo di Vinci

Smoothing the rough areas on a mezzotint creates what?

Light tones

How many copies can be produced from one drypoint plate?


Look at this image. What did Albrecht Dürer focus on when designing well-balanced letterforms such as these?

Line thickness Visual weight

Which process of designing and creating a printing plate is most similar to drawing?


How did the invention of the printing press aid in graphic design's development?

Mass production

An impression is made from what kind of surface?


Traditional oil paints are diluted with what items?

Mineral spirits Turpentine

Why is metalpoint not widely used today?

Mistakes are not easily changed or erased.

What group of artists began exploring "off the wall" painting techniques that moved beyond traditional easel paintings?


______ is fabricated of durable material that could be used on ceilings, walls, or floors.


During the Renaissance, why was mosaic largely abandoned in favor of fresco?

Mosaics were considerably more expensive Frescoes created more naturalistic compositions

Which photographer first developed technology to capture an object in motion?


What steps occur during the relief printing process?

Negative spaces are carved away. Line work stays raised from the matrix.

Oil paints are considered what kind of medium?


What subject matters did Georgia O'Keeffe primarily paint?

Objects from nature Desert landscapes

A work that uses medium other than paint must have what characteristics to be considered a painting?

Obvious recognition of painting history and traditions The scale and force of a painting

Why were two full sets of The Battle of Granicus created?

One set was used as gifts for visiting royals, diplomats, and dignitaries. One set was used to decorate the walls of the king's royal palace.

Raphael's fresco The School of Athens is said to present which of the following ideals of the Renaissance?

Order Beauty Architecture

Which are attributes of graphic design?

Organized layouts Controlled interpretations

How did printed materials change the artmaking process?

Paper became a medium.

Which methods of applying ink has the most controlled, sustained, and flexible line?


What is a common theme found in Nancy Spero's paintings that is found in her mosaic Artemis, Acrobats, Divas, and Dancers?


Which developments brought about the concept of photojournalism around 1900?

Photomechanical reproduction

What components are used to create paints?

Pigment, Binder, Vehicle

What does high-quality printers for inkjet prints use?

Pigment-based inks

In relation to drawing media, what is pigment?

Powdered coloring material

Invented during the 19th century, what was photogravure originally used for?

Print photographs and photographic reproductions of art

What step is part of all intaglio printing process?

Printing on damp paper

Which statement describes the unique qualities of printmaking as an art form?

Prints can be quickly and inexpensively reproduced to reach a broad public.

What is the main objective of forming a brand identity spearheaded by a logo?

Project a cohesive image that is consistent with how the brand wants to be perceived

Which are inking methods?

Quill Rapidograph Brush

Before metal tipped pens, artists used what types of pens?

Quill Reed

______ is the metal-tipped pen that creates thin, uniform lines.


When inking a relief matrix, what areas does the ink rest?


Chalk that contains iron oxide will produce what color?


What printing process aligns all the blocks in a multi-block print?


When using multiple colors in screenprinting, what is required to create quality prints?


In what ways did modern artists redefine easel painting?

Removed the canvas from support systems Used unconventional surfaces

Easel paintings first became popular during the ______ period.


Which qualities define the tempera medium?

Retains brilliance and clarity of colors for centuries Uses egg yolk or milk products as a binder Aqueous medium (uses water as a vehicle)

Look at this image. How does Amy Sillman use oil paints in the painting Nut?

Rework the piece using different techniques

When very little water is added to gouache, what effect can be expected?

Saturated, opaque color

How does Georgia O'Keeffe use scale in White Shell with Red?

She places emphasis on the form of the shell.

Look at this image. How does Ester Hernandez incorporate design in her poster?

She uses a familiar branding image.

If in the ancient world statues were often believed to have had an ambiguous, porous relationship to life, then which of the following can be said?

Statues could offer physical protection for the bodies of the dead. Statues could become reanimated through the intense devotion of the living. Statues could stand in for the bodies of dead individuals in rituals and ceremonies.

Which film advances are direct descendants of Eadweard Muybridge's experiments?

Stop-motion photography Continuous-motion photography

To keep ink from passing through certain areas on the screen the printmaker does what to those areas?

Stops out

What type of photography is the composition framed in the viewfinder, photographed, and printed without manipulation?

Straight photography

How did Shepard Fairey help promote presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008?

Street art

Taking a block of marble and carving a human figure out of it is considered to be what kind of sculptural process?


What weaving technique requires the use of a loom where weft threads are built up in particular area on warp threads?


Look at this image. What best describes the characteristics of watercolor seen in Winslow Homer's painting Key West, Hauling Anchor?

Textured paper with layers of translucent washes

What are the advantages of monotype?

The ability to use an unlimited range of colors, shades, and hues Freedom to use any drawing or painting techniques in the design

What is assemblage?

The art of bringing together individual objects to form a sculpture

How did Lynda Bengalis's "fallen paintings" challenge the traditional boundaries of easel painting?

The compositions were determined by the unrestrained flow of the paint. They were detached from the constraints of walls. They had a three-dimensional sculptural presence.

Why would some argue graphic design is similar to fine art?

The designer seeks to communicate information.

Why is the Gutenberg Bible a challenge for modern readers?

The difficult layout of the text

What makes wood engraving appealing to artists?

The ease at creating fine white lines

Look at this image. How does the viewer recognize that this is an engaged couple in A Goldsmith in His Shop?

The girdle sitting on the counter

The light value of the flowers in Prince among Thieves with Flowers indicate what about the pencil used?

The graphite consists of lots of clay.

What steps occur in an intaglio printing process?

The lines of the design are incised into the printing matrix. The ink fills the lines on the matrix surface.

When composing an aquatint, how do you create a darker area of color or heavier line?

The plate is left in the acid bath longer so the plate will hold additional ink.

What was Auguste Rodin memorializing in The Burghers of Calais?

The self-sacrifice of six townsmen of 14th-century Calais

Mosaics are similar to pointillism in what way?

The smaller pieces create a larger image.

What is the primary advantage of aquatint?

The wide diversity of tones that can be accomplished

Look at this image. What is the formal pose of Menkaure and Khamerenebty meant to convey?

Their eternal existence The power of the rulers Their status as "junior gods"

In lost-wax casting, what is the purpose of the metal pins placed into the clay core?

They hold the core in place after the wax melts.

When water is added to pastels, what happens?

They thin and can be treated like paint.

How was graphic design used in film and television?

Titles Advertisements

Why did Shepard Fairey create stickers and stencils with Andre the Giant's face?

To get a reaction out of people

How can white chalk be used in drawings or paintings?

To highlight small areas

When tempera is painted on a wood panel, how is gesso used?

To prepare a surface on to which pigments can be applied

What is the leading characteristic of watercolor paints?


What advantages does Shepard Fairey have as a designer and artist?

Unique designs Technical knowledge Use of various materials

What made Howling Wolf's drawings different from other ledger artists?

Use of color and pattern

What technology did artists embrace more than film because it could record and playback the image?


What are the reasons artists took quickly to video when it first became available?

Videos could be recorded and played back instantly Video monitors fit in well in gallery spaces

Which photographer was adherent to straight photography?

Walker Evans

What is gouache?

Watercolor with inert white pigment added

What symbols are referenced in Wifredo Lam's The Jungle?

West African Roman Catholic

What are the principal materials used for carving?

Wood Stone

Barbara Kruger combined which two aspects of graphic design to influence how viewers interpreted her work?

Word and image

Watercolor and similar types of paints that are diluted with water are considered


The substance that allows drawing media either to be bound together or suspended in fluid is called


Traditionally the preparatory ground of a metal point drawing is made from which materials?

bone ash glue white pigment

What drawing material is made of charred wood?


In graphite, ______ controls the lightness and darkness of the drawing material.


Some people in the art field distinguish between assembling, which brings sculpture parts on or near each other, and ____ , which joins the pieces through a process such as welding or nailing.


What drawing material uses a greasy binder, clay, and pigment to be formed into an array of colorful sticks?


Oil pastels are similar to what drawing material?


In the Renaissance painters were often commissioned to ______ tapestries.


The print process in which an artist uses a sharp point to incise a soft thin line into a copper plate is called ______.


In Europe, the process for producing decorative designs on suits of armor led to the development of the ______ print process.


True or false: All paintings use paint as a medium.


Early negatives were produced on ______.


Because the Industrial Revolution allowed for mass production, the use of graphic design for commercial purposes ______.


Because of the proliferation of ______ versions of many printmaking technologies, printed images are quite common in modern everyday life.


____ is a soft, uniformly-grained, material that can be carved easily and was frequently used as a sculptural material in southern in Germany during the Renaissance.


The number of impressions that can be made from a linocut is:

limited due to the material

Some artists use ______ to generate initial compositions for paintings.


With fresco, pigments are mixed with water and applied to a ______ support.


The liquid form of ceramic used in casting is called


What is the main ingredient found in chalk?

soft stone

The artist Jacob Lawrence used ______ in his series of paintings portraying the Great Migration because he preferred the "raw, sharp, rough" effect of the colors.


Mosaic is made up of small particles called ______.


The small rocks or stones placed in cement close together to create an image, are known as ______.


The process of diluting ink with water when drawing is known as


Degas used ______ to blend the colors in The Singer in Green.


How is a wash created using pastels?


The pigment particles in ink is suspended in


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