ART 312 - EXAM 2

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Severini, Red Cross Train - the technology, with the movement, train itself. - landscape set in the mountains the fields.

-How is it tied to futurist themes?

Boccioni, Futurist: - Idea of motion, tradition reference to greek form. futurist because constantly moving. bronze

-How is this sculpture related to Futurist's themes? -In what ways is it traditional?

Kirchner, German Expressionist, The Bridge - tied to the bridge group because it connects the past to the future. Humans could evolve and become something greater. - Makes it a expressionist painting because the color tightens the motion and particularly anxiety. Articulating anxiety, color form composition expressing whats inside.

-How is this tied to the themes/subjects of The Bridge group? -What makes this an "expressionist" painting?

Nolde, German Expressionist, The Bridge -connected to bridge because it is interested in the exotic, all about the idea of exoticising and looking at the culture. creating a sense of sexuality. tied to the themes of the bridge exotic sexuality figures. about the wildness expressing the sense of desire to let go. looking at another culture thats not your own.

-How is this tied to the themes/subjects of The Bridge groups? -How is it "primitivist?"

Malevich, Russian Suprematism: moving away from representational art. - Supremacy of pure feelings? he doesn't believe that it doesn't have to be a meaning of something, it doesn't have to be in a certain way, he didn't want to represent something. - suppose to represent a spirituality feeling.

-In what ways does this express the Suprematist's goal of "supremacy of pure feelings?" -Why did Malevich paint just a square?

Matisse, The Joy of Life: - The tradition belongs to the pastoral, the beauty of country side, deep tradition of landscape. - elements included are the shepard and goats, the reclining venus, the odalys form, reclining female figure, part of the renaissance tradition.

-What French art tradition does this belong to? -What elements are included in this painting?

Severini, Futurist because theres direction, moving forward. -cubism setting in motion. being related to. and impressionism. - dance hall. you see multiple cubes in this painting.

-What art movement/s inform his Bal Tabarin?

Braque (Houses): -Cezzane influenced by simplifying forms

-What earlier artist influenced this painting? -How?

El Lissitzky, Russian Constructivism: -conveying a self portrait as being an engineer. photo montage, layering photos.

-What is modern about the artist's use of photography here? -What Constructivist concept of the artist is conveyed in this self portrait?

Kandinsky, German Expressionist: - non-objective art because it is the opposite of figurative and representation another word for completely abstract. -Subject is he tries to evoke spiritual in a non-representational way.

-What is non-objective art? -What is his "subject" in this work?

Marc, German Expressionist, Blue Rider: - Color symbolizes masculinity and spirituality - Work is connected because its about symbolism and spirit, evoking on something through color and form. Way of communicating spirituality.

-What is the color symbolism here? -How is this work connected to the themes of the Blue Rider group?

Rodchenko, Russian Constructivism: - constructed propaganda. communism

-What is the purpose of this work? -How is it tied to the goals of the Revolution?

Matisse, Luxe, Calme et Volupte -Luxury calm, richness -Pastoral tradition- the idea of the perfect landscape, arcadia (french) -Modern art movement is pointalisim, cerrate

-What is the subject/tradition of this work? -What prior modern art movement influences this stylistically?

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - Subject if prostitutes from the brothel. -Sources are African art, its masks -Shocking because it is so disrupting, disrupting female beauty. aggressive, assertive, not beautiful.

-What is the subject? -What sources/influences are included? -Why was this shocking?

Brancusi: - Depicting the burden flights, the idea of flight essence - Conveyed vertical line form, create them as real world in his art. Between the earth and the sky. Sense of earthiness, connects us to the ground. moving from ground to sky. just a bird.

-What is this abstract sculpture depicting? -How does it convey meaning

Derain: - Fauve work because of color. - Looking back to Cezzane, they both went to this place. movement is fauve.

-What makes this a Fauve work? -What other modern artist had painted in this area?

Tatlin, Russian Constructivism - Materials very simple, used everyday materials. - All art made for the state. the constructivisim used poor everyday materials because they didn't have enough money. truth to material. not changing not modifying it.

-What materials does he use in Counter-Reliefs? -What did the artist mean by his principle of "truth to materials?"

Balla, Futurist: -pointalism. interested in new science. man vs nature.

-What prior theories of color and form influenced this work? -How is this subject related to Futurism?

Picasso, Maquette for Guitar - made out of cardboard. -Radical because of the formal material trying to take something into a median. Breaking apart space and form. -synthetic cubism because its collage, its material made.

-What was this work made from? -Why was it radical?

Kokoschka: Austrian Expressionism. -expressionist because his hands have anxiousness to them. something going on inside. expressing something about the person. portrait of his friend Adolph Loos, an architect

-Why and how is this portrait "expressionist?" -Who was this man?

De Chirico, Metaphysical School - time and space. create mystery & melancholly. Juxstaposition. idea is what is this girl doing, creating mystery.

-Why is this work considered "metaphysical?" -what imagery does he use to create mystery and melancholy?

Matisse, Blue Nude: - It was blue and ugly. Her proportions were scary. -Influenced by African masks.

-Why was this painting so shocking? -What were his influences here? (Hint: non-western)

Matisse, Portrait of Madame Matisse/Green Line (Fauve): - Because it has a lot of color and is non-representational. Influence of African Masks.

How is this portrait characteristic of Fauvism?

Chagall: - More about his native background. His Jewish heritage. metaphysical bc dreamy and mysterious

What artistic and folk traditions are evident in this work?

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