Art Flashcards USAD #1-299

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What term is often given to artworks that use the extremes of dark and light?


What term is often used to describe the large stone formations of the Mesolithic Period?


What did the act of dividing Africa up into regions for European control become known as?

"Scramble for Africa"

What is the title of the comprehensive report of the "Lydenburg Heads" which was published in 1975?

"Unique Art Objects in the Iron Age of the Transvail, South Africa"

The Great Bantu Migration began around what year?

1000 BCE

When did Belgium rule of the Belgian colony of Africa take place?


In what year were the "Lyndenburg Heads" discovered?


How many animal images appear in the Stone Age petroglyphs located in the Twyfelfontein Valley?


How many human images appear in the "Stone Age" petroglpyhs located in the Twyfelfontein Valley?


How many fired clay head forms were found in Lydenburg?


What movement aided in the slave trade movement ending in Africa?

Abolitionist movement

In terms of art production, which cultures are considered very important precursors of the Greeks?

Aegean island cultures

What is important to remember when considering contemporary views of art history from the past?

All histories are individual stories and thus will inevitably reflect certain biases.

What was seen as the gateway of Africa?

Ancient Nubia

What is considered the most prevailing image in the rock engravings located in the Twyfelfontein Valley?

Animal scenes

What is considered the explanation of current art events to the general public via the press?

Art Criticism

The introduction of what two pieces of produce during the Great Bantu Migration helped support greater populations in the region?

Asian bananas and yams

Which city and from what time period is the best known ancient Greek art?

Athens; Classical Period

Who creates minkisi?


Who maintained minkisi?


Who served as the healers and mediums in the Kongo culture?


Name the primary spoken language of Middle Africa.


How do Baroque and Renaissance differ?

Baroque is characterized by a greater sense of movement and energy.

Which Renaissance artist is created with developing the linear perspective?


The introduction of which religion had a profound effect on Chinese art and culture?

Buddhism from India

Which region of Africa experienced some of the worst effects of the slave trade and colonialism?

Central Africa

Which artistic techniques use dramatic contrast in light and dark to heighten the emotional impact of the artists' subject?


Who first owned The Great Bieri once it left Africa?

Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro

Which two religions spread quickly and had a large impact to art in Africa?

Christianity and Islam

The masquerade with Pwo is typically performed with whom?


Who in the Chokwe culture represents wealth?


Whose work was influential in establishing the term Impressionism?

Claude Monet

What led to Belgium no longer controlling their portion of the Congo?

Congo declared themselves an independent state.

Where is the "Nail Figures" discussed in the Art Resource Guide located today?

Detroit Institute of Arts

Who is widely considered the founder of modern sculpture and to which time period are they linked?

Donatello, Renaissance

During the Early Classical Period, which type of columns were primarily built?


Who collected the nkondi in 1903?

E. Visser (he was a missionary)

Which region of Africa discussed in the Art Resource Guide is perhaps the most culturally and ethnically diverse?

East Africa

Which region of Africa holds some of the most ancient traces of African culture?

East Africa

Which is not considered a part of "southern" Africa: Namibia, Egypt, Lesotho, or Mozambique?


Egypt is seen as the forerunner to which cultures arts?

Egypt is seen as the forerunner to which cultures arts?

The elaborate headdress in The Great Bieri is believed to echo what style?


What is another name for a wig-like headdress worn by Fang warriors in the 19th century?


Who was Ingres' rival that was also a proponent of Romanticism?

Eugene Delacroix

By the late 19th century, who ruled the Kongo?

European colonial colonies

True of False? in the past, *craft* art was included as a type of fine art analyzed by art historians.


True or False? A comprehensive study of African masks has been published.


True or False? African masks only depict animal forms.


True or False? The Sonal People of Southern Zimbabwe were joined economically together.


True or False? The culture groups of Central Africa express only one social, religious and political system.


True or False? African architectural structures are only made of wood, mud and grasses.


True or False? African art has been understood as privileging authorship in the same way as Western art generally has.


True or False? Much of African art is two-dimensional.


True or False? Romanticism emphasized line, order and a cool detachment.


True or False? The End of Colonial rule in Africa took only two years.


True or False? mkjbmAcrylic paint was first developed in the 15th century.


What is the Pwo mask used to encourage?


In the past, what type of art did art historians generally limit their focus to?

Fine Art

Who gathered the biographies of great Italian artists, past and present, in The Lives of the Artists?

Giorgio Vasari

Who is credited with making innovations in the subject matter of landscapes, as he painted scenes not taken from the Bible or from classical or allegorical stories?


Which artist is often mentioned in connection with the transition from Gothic arts to Renaissance arts?

Giotto di Bondone

What is the shape of the Conical Tower of the Great Zimbabwe and what does it symbolize?

Grain bin; royal authority and generosity

What migration was extremely significant in that it completely transformed the population of most of the Sub-saharan Africa?

Great Bantu Migration

Which Shona kingdom produced one of the most important examples of early African architecture?

Great Zimbabwe

What is the name of the one of the greatest architectural achievements that can be traced back to the Byzantine empire?

Hagia Sophia

Who was able to centralize power in Mesopotamia?

Hammurabi of Babylonian

Who is considered one of the greatest Renaissance portraitists and where is he known for his art?

Hans Holbein the Younger; England

What is considered the oldest section of the Great Zimbabwe?

Hill Ruin

Name the three main sections of the Great Zimbabwe.

Hill Ruin, Great Enclosure, Valley Ruins

What set of rock paintings found during the Old Stone Age date back to the Mesolithic Period?

Human figures were depicted in the rock paintings.

Which art movement largely grew out of dissatisfaction with the rigid rules that had come to dominate the Salons?


With the Great Bantu Migration, the mastery of what production took place?


What does the increased bristling of a nkondi with metal fragments imply?

It has been used more and thus it is believed to have more powerful magic.

What is the function and significance of the "Lydenburg Heads"?

It is ultimately unknown.

Why is Ancient Nubia considered the gateway to Africa?

Its Nile Valley provided a dependable route across the Sahara Desert to the Demitarian Sea.

What allowed Japanese art to remain relatively consistent and traditional?

Japan was closed to the West.

Which is not considered part of Central Africa: Kenya, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo or Cameroon?


Name the spoken common language of the Kong people.


Who initiated Belgian rule in the form of the Congo Free State in 1885

King Leopold II

Whose tomb is considered the most famous Egyptian burial tomb in Egypt?

King Tutankhamen

Which kingdom was considered a dominant Kongolese group?


Who described their journey to Western Africa in their text Geographical History of Africa?

Leo Africanus (Spaniard)

Who created the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?

Leonardo da Vinci

Which empire were the Chokwe people originally a clan of?

Lunda Empire

What is the name of the earliest sculptures to have been found in South Africa?

Lydenburg Heads

What is considered one of the most extensive and complex aspects of African art and culture?


What type of society emphasizes the importance of femininity?

Matrilineal Society

Which two artists from Germany are often considered the greatest artists of the Renaissance in northern Europe?

Matthias Grunewald and Albrecht Durer

Who was Raphael Sanzio's oldest rival?


Which two artists are models for the term "Renaissance Man"?

Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinciq

During which period in history was the Parthenon built?

Middle Classical Period

What is considered the most significant spiritual object in the Kongo culture?


Where do the Kongo people believe the spirit of their dead ancestors reside?

Minkisi objects

Why is it challenging to study vast amounts of African art?

Much of the art pieces have not survived overtime due to climate change, materials war, colonialism, etc.

During which period were the famous hanging gardens of Babylon constructed?


Where was the Nubian culture center?

Nile River

Did the Shona people ever unite as single people under one ruler?


Did Africa recover quickly after decolonization from Europe?

No (nein, nada, አይ, 不, dili, mitte, niet)

What type of group did the "Shona" people function primarily as?

Nomadic hunter-gatherers

Which region can the kissar be traced back to?

Nubia in northern Sudan

During which period in history were the cave paintings in the Chauvet Cave created?

Old Stone Age

What is the most notable piece of art that was created during the Persian Empire?

Palace of Persepolis

Who sought to analyze historical and contemporary art in their text Natural History?

Pliny the Elder

Whose arrival to the Kongo in the late 15th century resulted in the Kong Kingdom becoming a largely Christian Kingdom?


Which mask category celebrates founding female ancestors of the Chokwe culture?


Who is considered the most influential painter of the Madonna?

Raphael Sanzio

What is considered one of the most notable pieces of artwork from the Assyrians who dominated the north of Mesopotamia?

Relief carvings which often depict battles, sieges, hunts and other important events

Describe how nkondi are typically used.

Rituals intended to discover and punish criminals

What is considered the "canvas" of the Stone Age Petragylphs located in the Twyfelfontein Valley?

Rock face

Which culture pioneered the use of curved arches in their architecture?


Explain the difference between shape and form.

Shape is what defines the two-dimensional area of an object, whereas forms are objects that are three-dimensional.

Who did the Shona believe was responsible for caring and providing for the people?

Shona royal ancestors and the current ruler

What was the overall impact of the initiation of the Congo Free State in 1885?

Some of the worst colonialism were enacted in the Congo; including extreme violence, massive environmental exploitation and depletion of natural resources

Which region in Africa was the Afrikaner population established in?

South Africa

Which piece of artwork is known as the first freestanding nude statue to have been cast in antiquity and who created it?

Statue of David, Donatello

What is the best-known artwork created during the rule of Hammurabi of Babylonian?

Stone stele onto which Hammurabi's code is carved with a sculpture in high relief at the top that depicts Hammurabi receiving inspiration for his code of law from the sun-god, Shamash

What is the most well-known work of art from the Meolithic Period?


Today, which cultures are Bantu speaking?


According to the British Museum, what do the object attached to the lyre represent?

Sudan's central position and the movements 6yof people, objects and faiths across the continent

Which early African rock paintings clearly show masking and masquerade activities?

Tassili-N-Ajjer and Hoggar

Which piece of architecture is considered one of the greatest in which figures are superimposed on a walled surface?

Temple of Bel or the Ishtar Gate

How did the Catholic Church react to the Reformation?

The Catholic Church launched a Counter Reformation which emphasized even more lavish church decoration and art of a highly dramatic and emotional nature.

What piece of art is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of the Met's encyclopedic collection?

The Great Bieri

What piece of artwork is considered one of the best known and highly reproduced examples of African art?

The Great Bieri

Which piece of art is considered the quintessential example of the art during the colonial era?

The Great Bieri

What is the largest ancient structure in sub-Saharan Africa?

The Great Zimbabwe

Which structure served as visual demonstration of the ruler's power and also his ultimate responsibility to the people?

The Great Zimbabwe

What is considered the most impressive Great Zimbabwe ruin?

The Hill Ruin

Which piece of artwork is considered Grunewald's greatest masterpiece?

The Isenheim Altarpiece

Who now owns the The Great Bieri?

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Describe the legend of the Minotaur.

The creature believed to be half man and half bull who devoured those who entered his maze.

What piece of artwork did Michelangelo call the "Gates of Paradise"?

The doors Lorenzo Ghiberti created for the cathedral in Florence.

Name four sources many art historians use to analyze a piece of artwork.

The original piece of artwork, written sources, interviews from artists, and interviews with consumers of the works of art.

What was the impact of colonization on African elephants?

They almost became extinct.

Why are many African prehistoric rock art engraved images very difficult to date with any accuracy?

They are typically found within exposed rocks, which are often weathered.

The behavior of individual characters in masquerade is often dramatic. Provide two examples of this behavior.

They may: 1) spit fire or 2) speak in nonsensical tongues.

Which Venetian artist is linked with the artistic style Mannerism?


True of False? Today art historians may consider objects such as mass produced posters and the design of ordinary household items at art.


True or False? African masquerades are highly organized and choreographed events.


True or False? When a mask is designed for rituals its creator typically follows guidelines regarding its shape, material and size.


True or False? Early African traditions emphasized oral traditions over written traditions.


True or False? Even though different cultures produce reliquary vessels in different forms their function is almost the same.


True or False? Islamic art is largely non figurative.


True or False? Many African objects are functional in nature.


True or False? Prior to the Fang people of Gabon migrating in the 19th century, they were considered a nomadic people.


True or False? The civilizations that are most often studied in art history courses are not necessarily those where the most or the best art was made.


True or False? The influence of classical antiquity was much less of a factor in the north, as the northerners did not share Italy's cultural connection with ancient Rome.


True or False? The meaning of a piece of artwork can shift over time.


True or False? Today African nations are independent.


What site in Africa is considered the richest site for rock engravings?

Twyfelfontein Valley (LOL good luck spelling this)

What is considered the best of the small stone figures from the Old Stone Age?

Venus (or woman) of Willendorf

Describe how art history today generally define *art*

Very broadly and include in their inquiries almost any kind of visual material that is created by people and invested with special meaning and/or valued for its aesthetic appeal.

Who first owned The Great Bieri?

Vincent Huidobro (he was a poet and he didn't even know it. Jk he did)

From what region were the greatest number of Africans exported between the 15th and 19th century and why?

Western Africa; trade relations were the most developed

For most of history, the interpretation of African art has been through what perspective?

Western aesthetic idea

What perspective of art has historically celebrated "high" art?

Western perspective

What is another name for Central Africa?

What is another name for Central Africa?

Describe the Wattle and Daub building method.

Wooden sticks are woven into a lattice structure that is then covered with a thick paste-like material made of clay, dirt, sand, dung, and straw.

Does African prehistoric rock art include engraved images?


What was the judicial center of royal palaces in the Shona culture called?


What is a nsek-bieri?

a portable ancestral shrine

What do art historians generally assume the purpose of the Great Enclosure to be?

a royal court

When did Europe begin decolonizing Africa?

after World War II

What are two important variables affecting color?

amount of light that is reflected and the purity of the color

Describe a mask in its most basic form.

an object covering the head or face

What was depicted in the cave paintings of the Chauvet Cave?

animals such as horses, rhinoceros, lions, buffalos and mammoths

What did the Nubian culture rely on for agricultural production?

annual flooding of he Nile

Name three other disciplines art is closely related to.

anthropology, history, and sociology

What type of object is the lyre understood to be?

anthropomorphic - one with human characteristics

List three ways the Nubian culture distinguished itself from Egyptians?

architectural forms, funerary rituals and pantheon gods

What is considered the art and science of designing and constructing buildings?


How is the Nail Figure depicted in your Art Reproduction Booklet?

as a male figure standing with his hands on his hips

How did Caravaggio depict the Virgin Mary and the apostles in his artworks?

as poor and simple folks in threadbare garments

What is another name for aerial perspective?

atmospheric perspective

What two crops have primarily been cultivated in Central Africa?

bananas and plantains

Which architectural structures are usually formed of a tunnel of arches and can be traced back to the Early Medieval Period?

barrel vault

Name the elements a classical Greek and Roman column consists of.

base, shaft, capital, and entablature

Name three forms reliquary vessels can take.

baskets, boxes, and bundles

Why is direct examination of a piece of artwork ideal?

because much is lost when we look at a reproduction rather than an original object

What are minkisi vessels normally filled with?

bilongo or "medicine"

What type of soapstone sculptures were found in the Great Zimbabwe and what do they represent?

birds; symbol for the Shona kings who ruled the area

What do reliquary vessels hold?

bones along with other powerful substances that gives the reliquary its power (spooky scary skeletons)

Which technique did Brunelleschi utilize to finish the city of Florence's cathedral?

building the dome double-shelled design

Describe how the facial features of the "Lydenburg Heads" appear to have been created.

by working existing clay body as well as the application of additional pieces of clay

What was a central part of the Melanesian culture and were used in ceremonies summing the spirits of ancestors to honor the dead?

carved masks

What are the four basic ways a sculpture is created?

carving, modeling, casting and construction

What event played a key impact in triggering the Renaissance?

change in the economy as well as the implementation of paper money

Describe sculptures from the Early Classical Period.

characterized by solemnity, strength, and simplicity of form; often focused on a figure or scene during an important event.

Name the four roles the Nail Figure depicted in the Art Resource Guide are believed to represent.

chief, doctor, priest and judge

Which two techniques were used to create engraved images in Africa?

chipping and incising

Name three geometric forms found in the Stone Age Petroglyph located in the Twyfelfontein Valley.

circles, lines and arches

What discovery is considered a major contributor to Roman architecture?


Which type of art analysis involves looking outside of the work of art in order to determine its meaning?

contextual analysis

Which pose was invented to show the body to its best advantage?

countrapposto (counter positioning)

The "____" nature of African art may be a challenge for art historians who have a western perspective.


What type of bias do African written records have?


What competition did Lorenzo Ghiberti win?

designing the doors for the city of Florence's new baptistery

Why do art historians know a great deal about Egyptian art?

due to the excellent conditions for preservation that were present in much of Egypt and their use of mummification

Where did the first wave of the Great Bantu Migration travel to?

east through the forests and Congo

Which type of philosophy was modern art strongly influenced by?

eighteenth-century Enlightenment philosophy

Summoning the power of the nkondi involves which type of invocations?

elaborate, and often violent

Which animals are most prevalent in rock engravings in South Africa?

elephants, rhinos, zebras, and antelopes

Earthworks are also known as

environmental art

What is considered the most striking feature of The Great Bieri?

extremely broad forehead

True or False? Historical performances of Africa traditional music involved virtually every aspect of African culture could be separated in to context in which they were performed.


When did colonization of Africa take its fullest form in Africa?

following the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

Which type of art analysis focuses on the visual qualities of the work of art itself?

formal analysis

What are the two ways art historians generally analyze works of art?

formal analysis and contextual anaysis

Name two primary types of sculptures.

freestanding and fully in the round and relief

Which painting technique is usually used to paint on walls or ceilings?


Name three things Rococo style celebrates.

gaiety, romance and the frivolity of the grand life at court

What is the most common approach to discussing African Art?

geographic approach

What is the main purpose of zar ceremonies?

healing rituals in the Nubian culture

What style did much of Egyptian art emphasize?

hierarchical scale

Which artistic style uses the status of figures or objects to determine their relative sizes within an artwork?

hierarchical style

What is the only way a musical instrument's cultural importance is identified?

highly decorated

What form does The Great Bieri take?

highly simplified and stylized head

What is considered the simple name of a color?


What do the structures of the Great Zimbabwe emphasize?

human assertion to itself over native; albeit with a measure of respects and unity

What form are nkondi typically found in?

human figure

What was the most sought after export goods in Africa between the 15th and 19th century?


In Europe, images are almost always found deep in the cave areas. In Africa, they are exposed where?

in relatively shallow, open rock shelters

Describe how the Kongo societies were organized.

into a number of kingdoms, including Kongo, Kakongo, Ngoyo, and Vungu

What basic form do the "Lydenburg Heads" take?

inverted vessels

What does the double bracelet on the Nail Figures nkondi depicted in the Art Resource Guide represent?

its power to both give and take life

What is the most basic of art elements?


Where have most of the details about the Great Bantu Migration come from?

linguistic analysis and the fact most languages spoken south of the Sahara are clearly related

Which animal depicted in the Stone Age Petroglyphs from the Twyfelfontein Valley is the exception to the primary naturalistic renditions of animals?


What is a kissar?


What is considered the lead musical instrument associated with the zar cult?


The two large "Lydenburg Heads" might have functioned as ___.


What object do almost all African cultures use making it a unifying force across the continent?


Name three elements masquerades encompass.

masks, masking and masquerade

When did the academic discipline of Art begin?

mid-eighteenth century

When was photography developed?

mid-nineteenth century

Which art category allows the artist to use a variety of materials?

mixed media

What does the art of the Akkadian dynasty tend to focus on?


Which type of artwork is the Byzantium known for?


What is considered an integral part of life for many African culture group?


How is the style of the Minoans characterized?

naturalistic pictorial style

Describe the overall depiction of animals in the Stone Age Petragylphs located in the Twyfelfontein Valley.

naturalistic, simplified

Which type of minkisi typically appear aggressive in nature?


Who is called upon to avenge a wrong in the Kongo culture?


Which artistic medium were the Northern Europe artists of the Renaissance known for?

oil painting

The only paintings that remain from the Etruscan culture are those found where?

on the walls and ceilings of tombs

What style did Albrecht Durer aim to achieve?

one that combined the naturalistic detail favored by artists of the north with the theoretical ideas developed by Italian artists

What technique was used to create the animal scenes in pre-historic South African engraved images?


Which art feature creates the illusion of depth in two-dimensional art works?


Name the three materials that paint is normally composed of.

pigments, binders, and solvents

List two functions of ziggurats during the rule of King of Ur.

primarily as temples but also served as administrative and economic centers

According to DIA, what does the predominance of blades over nails in the Nail Figure analysis in the Art Reproduction Booklet indicate?

primarily used in civil matters

What refers to a group of mechanically aided two-dimensional processes that permit the production of multiple original artworks?


Define pre-historical.

prior to the period of written record

Describe the lithography process.

process in which the image is drawn with a waxy pencil or crayon directly on a plate, which can be made of stone, zinc, or aluminum

For many years, how did art historians classify much of the art from North and South America?

products of simple craftsmanship

Describe how Egyptians depicted individuals in Egyptian art?

red brown skin (for males), yellow skin (for females)

Name the three primary colors.

red, blue, and yellow

What is another name for a container in the African culture that holds relics of the dead?


What art forms are most often linked with the New Stone Age?

rings or rows of rough hewn stones

What do the spiritual practices of Middle Africa consist of?

rituals associated with initiation rites, veneration of the dead and healing ceremonies

What are some of the oldest painted scenes found in Africa and how old are the painted scenes?

rock shelters in South Africa, 26,000 years old

What types of shelters were used during the Middle Stone Age and why did they no longer reside in caves?

rock shelters; warming climates

Is a nkisi considered a sculpture form, metal work of art or an art canvas?

sculpture form

Name a unifying feature for many Post-Impressionists.

search for more and more brilliant color

Name three trades the Kongo Kingdom was highly involved in.

slaves, ivory, and textiles

The Chokwe people were politically organized via ____.

small decentralized chiefdoms

Art history is an academic discipline dedicated to the reconstruction of what three contexts in which an artwork was created?

social, cultural, and economic

Which element of art is related to the organization of objects and the areas around them?


Which feelings are the use of horizontal and vertical lines used to convey?

stable and static feelings

Define a chikuva.

stand upon which a wife displayed her pottery in the home

What is a ziggurat and to which culture can it be traced back to?

stepped pyramids; Sumerians in Mesopotamia

Which material is considered rare in African architecture?


What was destroyed following the Berlin Conference of Africa?

systems of Africa self-rule

Where is the "lyre" discussed in the Art Resource guide currently located?

the British Museum

Where does the name The Great Bieri come from?

the Fang ancestor cult

Who did the Shona believe continued to remain a living protective presence?

the dead, particularly the male head of the family

What event influenced Chinese art to become more suffused with political ideas?

the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949

What is one of the most significant features of the Nail Figure depicted in your Art Reproduction Booklet?

the figure's large swelling belly

Much of African art is centrally focused on ____.

the human figure

Explain the concept of "trans-African aesthetics."

the idea that there are some basic characteristics of African art that are related consistently across time

What does the term "Shona" refer to?

the people who settled in the plateau south of the Zambezi River

Where did the Fang Gabon people primarily live?

the rainforests of southern Cameroon and Northern Gabon

What has the term "baroque" come to represent?

the richness of color and ornamentation that heightened the energy and emotion

Define positive space.

the space that objects, shapes, or forms in an artwork occupy

What do the metal fragments in the Nail Figure in the Art Reproduction Booklet represent?

the swearing of a vow or pact or an attempt to eliminate an evil

What art theories did Durer publish in his book The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

theories related to wood cuts and copper engravings

Why are African masks generally used?

to "manifest metahuman and otherwise intangible spirit forces"

True or False? Today electric lyres are used in zar ceremonies.


The Gothic style developed in the first half of the _______ century and remained popular into the _______ century.

twelfth, sixteenth

How were cave paintings found in the Chauvet Cave created?

using red ochre and black charcoal

Describe how Nubians have been depicted in Egyptian art.

very dark brown or black skin

What form did minkisis generally take?

vessels, such as gourds, ceramic containers or wrapped bundles

Which style are African masks typically consistent with?

villages and ethnic groups

Where would the kisser have been played?

wedding, harvests, festivals and ceremonies associated with the Zār cult

What was considered one of the greatest disappointments of Michelangelo's career?

when Pope Julius II cancelled Michelangelo's commission to design his tomb

Describe the South African landscape.

widely varying, including desert regions as well as forests and grasslands

What was the Vikings most important artistic medium during the early medieval period?


Which material are African masks most frequently made from?


Who is often referred to as the first Impressionist?

Édouard Manet

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