Art History Ch.5

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N= Aphrodite of Melos (Venus De Millo) D= 150-100 BCE M= marble H= 6' 8" DT= intended to make the viewer recall the Aphrodite of Praxiteles with the head in a dreamy daze. The figure has heavy proportions of High Classical sculpture but the twisting stance and the strong projection of the knee are typical of Hellenistic Art. The drapes add erotic tension.


N= Artemis slaying Actaeon - Pan Painter D= 470 BCE (Early Classic Period) M= Ceramic T= Red-figure decoration on a bell krater H= 14" DT=Actaeon was punished by Artemis for boasting that he was a better hunter than she or (in another version) for seducing Semele, who was being courted to Zeus. She caused Actaeon's own dogs to mistake him for a stag and attack him. Pan Painter shows Artemis about to shoot the unlucky hunter with an arrow from her bow. The two form roughly triangular shapes that conform to the flaring shape of the vessel.


N= Centaur D= Late 10th Century M= ceramic H= 14" P= Lefkandi, Euboea C= found in a cemetery (deliberately broken in 2) DT= exemplifies 2 aspects of the Proto-Geometric Style= the use of goemetric forms in painted decoration and the reduction of human/animal body parts into geometric shapes. Hollow body was formed like a vase on a pottery. Artist added solid arms+legs and abstract designs with SLIP= a mixture of water and clay. Centaur symbolizes the dual nature of humans.


N= Dying Warrior D= 500-490 BCE M= Marble H= 6' DT= preserved fragment from the East Pediment of the Temple of Aphaia,a tragic noble figure struggling to rise, pulling an arrow from his side, even as he dies. The figure would have originally been painted and fitted with authentic bronze accessories, heightening the sense of reality. soldier's up-tilted, twisted form turning in space captures his agony and vulnerability. Contrast to the body that conveys soft human flesh is his hard metallic geometry of the shield.


N= Kritian Boy D= 480 BCE (Early Classical Period) M= Marble H= 3'10" S= Acropolis, Athens DT= Free standing, thought to be sculpture of Kirtios, the figure strikes an easy pose unlike the rigid figures of the Archaic Kuroi. The slight turn in the head invites the spectator to follow his gaze and move around the figure, looking from different angles. There is no trace of the Archaic smile concluding that the sculptors had mastered the subtle planes of the face.


N= Man & Centaur D= 750 BCE M= Bronze H= 4" P= Olympia DT= although good centaurs there is a lot of art depicting their battles with man, in this metal work the two confront each other (Herakles + Centaur) after he has stabbed the centaur (visible spear on left side) centaur must have had a branch or club in his now missing right hand.Similar works are found in Sanctuaries suggesting that they were votive offerings to the gods.


N= Picher (olpe) from Corith D= 600 BCE M= Ceramic with black figure decoration H= 11" DT= example of black figure pottery, decorated with dark shapes of lions, a serpent and a composite on a pale white background. Fine details with sharp tools and added purple gloss with metallic pigments


N= Reconstruction from Siphian Treasury D= 530-525 BCE DT= collab between builder and sculptor, built in the sanctuary of Apollo at Delhi. Instead of columns builders used twp Caryatids= columns carved in the form of clothed women. They are raised on pedestals and balance elaborately carved capitals on their heads. Conform to the Ionic order which features plain/three-panel architrave and continuous carved frieze.


N= Suicide of Ajax - by Exekias D= 540 BCE M= black figure decoration on an amphora, ceramic H= 27" DT= continuation of the story of Achilles and Ajax playing a game, Ajax was second only to Achilles but the Greeks awarded his armor to Odysseus rather than Ajax, devastated and humiliated and mourning his cousin led to suicide. He had set aside his helmet, shield, spear, and crouches down beneath a tree, planting his sword upright in a mound so he can fling himself upon it. Exekias is admired for his balance of black and white as well as form of the pottery.


N= Woman & Maid D= 450-440 BCE (High Classic Period) M= white ground lekythos, ceramic with additional painting in tempera H= 15" F= used to pour liquids during religious rituals,in the style of the Achilles Painter shows a young servant girl carrying a stool for a small chest of valuables (from a dead person) to a well dressed woman, scene contains so sign of grief but a quiet sadness, the two figures glances hardly meet showing the different in worlds ( can't meet eye to eye)


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