Art History Midyear Exam

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Who or what is Tinia?

Etruscan god

Which of the following describes Etruscan art?

It was a combination of motion and vitality

A metope

contains sculpture

What contributed to the transformation of Etruscan society in the Orientalizing period?

great mineral wealth

How does the label, "Sinan the Great," describe the architect and his work?

"Sinan the Great" had been born of Christian faith, but then took the initiative to convert to Islam. While in the army, Sinan trained in engineering and the art of building. Sinan was certainly of great skill because he was court to Suleyman the Magnificent. His architectural achievements such as the greatly renowned Mosque of Selim II soon became a symbol of Islam.

How does the theme of the "Good Shepherd" reflect the heritage of the pre-Christian world?

1st representation of this theme can be found in Greek ARchaic sculpture, the Calf Bearer. The Shephard is bringing calf as a sacrifice to Athena. In Christian iconography, the theme has been transferred into Christ as the sacrificed and the sheep becomes the faithful, symbolizing their salvation and redemption through the sacrifice of Christ.

In the statue of Athena Parthenos, what did she hold that made an overt reference to the Athenian victory over the Persians in 479 BC

A winged Nike figure

What was the importance of Akhetaton to the development of Egyptian art?

Akhetaton's most important development to Egyptian art was influenced by a new religious belief that he had attempted to spread. He had dismissed the worship of all the gods and said to replace them with the worship of one god, Aton, the god of the sun. Instead of being depicted as part animal-part human like other gods, Aton was described as a ray of sunlight. The Armana period is a clear demonstration of how ideas suggested to change Egyptian culture affected and developed their art.

The Pergamon Altar was designed to parallel the gods' victories with those of

Alexander the Greak

This figure is an example of what kind of Greek vase?


The use of guardian figures on the Lion Gate is reminiscent of ___

Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

Who is usually given credit for the invention of the red-figure technique as seen in the amphora of "Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game"?

Andokides painter

The ____ by Praxiteles was one of the first statues to represent a female nude

Aphrodite of Knidos

The sacred book of Islam is the Koran or recitations. The recitations or instructions were given to Muhammad by the

Archangel Gabriel

Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "Fourth Style" of Roman painting?

Architectural Illusionism

Which of the following works of art illustrates how Romanized the Etruscans became in the 1st century BCE?

Aule Metele

How does the Palette of King Narmer describe the unification of ancient Egypt?

Before the Old Kingdom was established, during the Predynastic Period, Egypt was seperated politically and geographically into Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The Palette of Narmer depicts Narmer, larger than life, unifying the two seperate communities. Symbols that served as icons for Lower Egypt were included in the piece, as well as animals, dead Egyptians opposed to the unification below Narmer's feet, and spiritual entities protecting and joining Narmer, unifying Egypt.

The Cistercian monk who criticized the elaborate sculptural decoration in the cloisters was

Bernard of Clairvaux

What style of Greek pottery was this vase done in?

Black Figure

The mosaic program found in teh apse of San Vitale supports the Byzantine theme of the holy ratification of Church and State. The presence of which figures in the mosaic program supports this theme?

Christ and Justinian

Why is the Christian community house in Dura-Europas only a small house?

Christians did not enjoy the patronage of the Roman state

The Roman State persecuted the Christians. Which of the following would account for the persecution?

Christians refused to pay homage to the State's gods

The ____ order split from the Clunaic order to follow the rules of St. Benedict more strictly.


The monks of the ____ order were one of the primary patrons of Romanesque sculpture.


Which of the following churches was the largest in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constructed in the 17th century?

Cluny III

Christianity was recognized as the official religion of Rome in the early fourth century CE by which of the following?


Who was the founder of the New Rome of the East?


In the 10th century Caliph al-Hakam II undertook major renovations of the Great Mosque at Cordoba, including a mosaic pattern for the maqsura. He wanted to rival the great mosaic-clad monuments erected by his Umayyad predecessors in Jerusalem. Which of the following cities provided the mosaicists?


Evaluate the importance of "context" in archaeology and art history

Context is important in archaelology and art history because it makes the researcher looking at the piece to consider who created the piece and for what purpose based on where the work was uncovered. Art and architecture tell the story of past peoples, created by those said peoples. It can portray wars and danger by the creation of citadels and great walls or times of peace and beauty through true fresco paintings such as the Landscape with Swallows. It shows how people reacted to their surroundings and religion. It also shows their beliefs and their questions.

A large palace/fort was built at Split in Yugoslavia by


The coming of a new religion to Jerusalem, a city sacred to both Jews and Christians, is marked by a monument known as the

Dome of the Rock

Which of the following is built over the spot from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven?

Dome of the Rock

The column used on Etruscan temples resemble which type of Greek column?


The Royal Portal of Chartres was carved in which style?

Early Gothic

During the Greek Orientalizing period, Greek vase decoration, which consisted of rows of composite creatures and exotic animals, was influenced by

Egyptian and Mesopotamian art

The funerary practice of the Mycenaeans, covering the faces of the dead with gold masks, recalls what other culture?


Perpendicular style was popular in which of the following countries


Which structure from the Athenian Acropolis has four sides of very different character with each side resting on different ground levels?


_____ was the economic system that was gradually replaced by the growth of towns and cities during the Romanesque period


Explain the difference between the early Greek Archaic kouros figure and its Egyptian prototype

Greek artist wanted to free figure from stone to demonstrate motion. Greek artists were not concerned with the permanence that was the Egyptian passion.

The palace of Tivoli was constructed for which of the following emperors?


What church combines the intricacies of Greek theology, the ambitious architectural scale of Rome, the vaulting tradition fo the Near East, and the mysticism of Eastern Christianity in order to create a monument that is the summation of antiquity and triumph of Christianity?

Hagia Sophia

Which of the following works of art provides information about the Minoan religion?

Hagia Triada sarcophagus

A magnificent mortuary temple was built at Deir el Bahri for which of the following pharaohs?


The seventh and eight centuries were a period of turmoil for Byzantium. This period saw the loss of the Eastern provinces to conquest under the banner of Islam. These events persuaded Emperor Leo III that God was punishing the Empire for its idolatrous worship of icons. Based on this what did Leo III initiate?

He formally prohibited the use of images

How does William II of Sicily indicate his divine right to rule?

He indicates this through the mosaic in the cathedral of Monreale that depicts Christ placing a hand on William's crown.

What period in Greek art is this sculpture?


The unification of text and ornament found in the design of Islamic Korans is also found in the European manuscripts of the

Hiberno Saxons

Which of the following is depicted as a hawk or falcon and protector of pharaoh?


The phrase "consequences of iconoclasm" has significant meaning for the history of Byzantine art. Explain the Iconoclasm and its subsequent impact on Byzantine art.

Iconoclasm was the idea that worshiping icons was sacrilegious and icons were destroyed because of this idea.

Which of the following attributes was used to depict Christ after Christianity was officially recognized by Roman authorities?

Imperial purple

In what way does the Etruscan temple differ from the Greek temple?

In the Etruscan tomb style, the front, or facade, is the only part of the temple with columns, steps and a porch. Also, sculptures were found on the roof.

What order of Greek architecture is this building?


What is arabesque and how does it relate to Islamic decoration?

Islamic decorations can be identified as either arabesque, calligraphy, or tesselation, usually seen in Islamic mosaics. The arabesque style of decoration frequently displayed floral patterns of leaves and flowers or other depictions of scrolls or zig zags, always being an complex abstract pattern that covered the entire surface.

Why is the Egyptian invention of a clerestory significant?

It admitted light into the interior corridors or spaces in the piece of architecture it was included in. Rays of sunlight were able to touch those on the inside. The clerestory later becomes a fully realized architectural element.

The Malwiya minaret in Samarra was too tall to have been used to call the faithful to prayer and was clearly visible for a considerable distance. Which of the following is a possible explanation?

It announced the presence of Islam

The Diptych of the Nicomachi and the Symmachi is significant to the art tradition of fourth century Rome. Which of the following supports that statement?

It deliberately continued the classical tradition

St. Sernin at Toulouse has been called a "pilgrimage type" church. Which of the following accounts for this designation?

It had radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory.

How does Sta. Constanza mirror Imperial Roman architecture?

It has a central plan building favored by Romans especially for construction of Imperial mausoleums. Traditional identification for this structure is the tomb or mausoleum of Constantines daughter Constantina.

Landscape with Swallows (Spring Fresco) is the first pure landscape. Which of the following best defines landscape?

It has no humans and no narrative element.

The mihrab is a semicircular niche set in the qibla wall; its specific purpose is still being debated. Some scholars have suggested the mihrab is referencing Muhammad. Which of the following best supports this suggestion?

It honored the place Muhammad stood when leading communal worship.

The somber expression of Lars Pulena on his sarcophagus distinguishes it from earlier sarcophagi. What would account for it?

It illustrated the decline in Etruscan fortunes

How did the Early Christian style change art?

It introduced frontal poses in painting and strayed from the modeling and expressiveness of Roman art.

Critical of the polytheistic religion of his fellow Arabs, Muhammad had all the idols destroyed, however he preserved the Kaaba. Which of the following supports the reason for this preservation?

It is the Islamic world's symbolic center.

The interior mosaic program for St. Mark's has explanatory labels written in both Greek and Latin. What accounts for this?

It reflects Venice's position as a link between East and West.

Paris claimed to be the intellectual center of Gothic Europe. Its university faculty and the reputations of its masons supported this claim. Which of the following also provided support for this claim?

It was a center for fine book production

What purpose did Gislebertus's image of the Last Judgement on the portal of Saint-Lazare serve?

It was meant to instill fear in sinners and call them into the church

Which of the following was the first to break with tradition and use his portrait on Roman coinage?

Julius Caesar

Which of the following is a palace on Crete?


The earliest known example of the use of contrapposto is the sculpture known as the

Kritios Boy

The image of Christ as the Pantokrator refers to his role as

Last Judge

Fan vaulting was most common in which of the following?

Late Gothic England

The positioning of all mosques, no matter period of country, must be oriented toward which of the following cities?


Why were monumental tombs virtually unknown in the early Islamic period and how did this change?

Monumental tombs were originally virtually unknown in the early Islamic period because Muhammad had wished to be buried in an unmarked stone grave. However, later on in the Islamic rule, larger mausoleums were created out of brick with domes and patterned architecture to honor the dead.

Sinan was born a Christian, converted to Islam, then trained in engineering and the art of building while still in the army. He was also court architect to Suleyman the Magnificent. Which of the following was his greatest achievement?

Mosque of Selim II

Why are catacombs significant?

Most early Christian art dates from 3rd and 4th centuries and was found in catacombs that were Christian burial sites. The catacombs provided examples of Early Christian art from this period.

What was the Hegira?

Muhammad's flight from Mecca

The Lion Gate is the gateway to


The Rossano Gospels is the earliest illuminated manuscript that contains illustrations of which of the following?

New Testament

Pyramids were most popular during which of the following periods?

Old Kingdom

Which of the following is a basilica?

Old St. Peter's

What is the significant of Old St. Peter's?

Old St. Peters was most magnificant of the Early Christian churches. It was constructed on the spot of Peter's grave. Decision made by Constantine and Pope Sylvester and it was the visible sign of the acceptance of Christianity by the Empire.

The fibula excavated from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb illustrates motifs borrowed from the


Which work likely commemorates the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?

Palette of Narmer

Which of the following would be considered the predecessor for the Mausoleum of Costanza?


Sainte-Chapelle, with its walls of stained glass and delicate ornamentation, is the most representative church of the ___ style


Umayyad palaces included elaborate bathing facilities, which were an inheritance from ___?

Roman influence

What were the technical problems encountered by the Romanesque masons when constructing cut stone groin vaults? How did they solve the problems?

Romanesque masons were encountered by the technical problem being that the stone groin vaults may have been too heavy to support any more of the structure. Problems such as this one were solved by using innovations such as buttresses, rib vaults, and compound piers.

How did influences from Christianity and eastern religions effect Roman funerary art?

Romans began to bury their dead instead of cremating. Eastern influenced their coffins that looked like mummy sarcophagi.

What region did Byzantium Christianize?


Which of these churches embodies the essential characteristics of English Gothic architecture

Salisbury Cathedral

Roman temple design during the Republican period reflected the colossal design of the Greek Hellenistic style. This can be seen in which of the following temples?

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, Palestrina

Describe the typical Greek theater design

Semi-circular design, unobstructed view, open-air seating, excellent acoustics

Speyer Cathedral was considered the burial church of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. Which of the following churches was the burial church for the kings of France?


Whose relics were obtained from Egypt for Venice?

St. Mark

Which of the following is considered a masterpiece of the Rayonnant style?


Describe the mosaic Theodora and the Attendants from San Vitale and explain its symbolism

Te symbolism of the Three Magi on her robe shows her patronage to the church and her influence as Empress.

Describe the Alhambra and its impact on the West.

The Alhambra is a large architectural example of a palace with a large forecourt with specialized fountains placed within the area. Surrounding this piece of the floor plan are many columns creating a hypostyle forrest-like sense. The Alhambra impacted the West by becoming a symbol of the opulent lifestyle of the Nasrids.

Briefly evaluate the Clunaic Order and its contribution to architecture.

The Cluanic Order followed the rules of St. Benedict lightly and was one of the primary patrons of Romanesque sculpture. Cluny III was the largest church in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constrcuted. A three story elevation and pointed arches were innovative architectural features that appeared in this church. In the cloisters of the clunaic monasteries were elaborate sculptural decorations.

What Gothic cathedral was finished in the nineteenth century according to the original thirteenth-century plans?

The Cologne Cathedral in Germany (Cologne) was finished in the nineteenth century according to the original thirteenth century plans.

Significant numbers of small marble figurines representing naked women with arms folded over abdomens have been found in

The Cyclades Islands

How does the Great Mosque of Damascus "owe much to the architecture of the Greco-Roman and Early Christian East"?

The Great Mosque of Damascus owes much to the architecture of the Greco-Roman and Early Christian East because of the spoila taken from the past settlements; the blocks, columns, and capitals were salvaged from the remains of the Roman and Early Christian building. It was also heavily influenced by pieces of architecture such as the Pantheon in Rome and the Aegis Sophia in Constantinople.

Explain the uniqueness of the Harvester Vase

The Harvester Vase was unique because it portrayed a scene of fertility from the land based on a harvest where it included people in positions other than simply profile views, and animals were included in the description. The Harvester Vase broke tradition among other vases where the sculptor used musculature and skeletal structure of humans to show them singing and moving.

What is the Iliad, and how did it impact the art history of the Aegean?

The Iliad was an epic poem by Homer that impacted the art history of the Aegean by leading archaeologists to uncover an excavate pieces that are described in the epic. It also inspired new artwork and ideas/trains of thought for the Aegean people of the time.

What is the Koran?

The Koran is the sacred book of Islam or the recitations. The Koran is the holy text recording instructions that were given to Muhammad by Archangel Gabriel

Describe the Megaron and its importance in Mycenaean architecture

The Megaron was a reception hall with a central hearth, throne, and columns.

What speaks for identifying the Minoan Snake Goddess as either a deity or a priestess?

The Minoan Snake Goddess was presumed to be a deity or a priestess not only based on her statue and the materials it was created from, but more predominately by her outfit and "accessories" (the animals). She is portrayed with her breasts exposed, possibly identifying her as a goddess of fertility. She is holding snakes in either hands and has a feline sitting on top of her head. This led others to believe she could have been a deity who controlled animals.

What features of the architecture of the Palace at Knossos are thought to have given rise to the Greek myth of the labyrinth?

The Palace at Knossos had architectural features built into it such as long, straight corridors, hallways that would lead no where or to a dead end, empty (presumably) rooms, and other maze-like qualities that trespassers could get lost in for hours. These features were thought to have given rise to the Greek myth of the Labyrinth.

What ancient painting convention was followed to distinguish men from women?

The ancient painting convention that was followed to distinguish men from women was color-coding their skin tones. Men were portrayed by a darker skin tone than women. Women were displayed to have a predominately white tone, while men were shown with a more bronze color. Supposedly this was because men were out in the sun working, while womanly whiteness portrayed both home-life and maybe even a form of purity (mostly femininity).

How did the cult of the Virgin impact Gothic society?

The cult of the Virgin shifted the focus from the severity of Romanesque portrayals to a gentler and more compassionate theme. The creation of fantastic cathedrals and chapels in Note-Dame, which is named after "Our Lady", referring to the Virgin Mary, is also an affect of the cult of the Virgin. The Virgin Mary is often depicted as royalty among the French, showing the religion's importance in the gothic society.

Why is the diptych of the Nicomachi and Symmachi significant?

The diptych indicated that powerful Roman families of the senatorial class did not embrace Christianity even after the edict was issued by Theodosius which banned pagan worship. The diptych illustrates the longevity of pagan themes and classical art style

The sculptural program of the west facade of Chartes Cathedral proclaims the power and majesty of Jesus Christ. Which of the following elements unites all three doorways of the west portal (Portal Royal) of Chartes Cathedral?

The episodes from the life of Christ are carved on the capitals

What accounts for the fragmentary knowledge of Byzantine art prior to the ninth century?

The iconoclasm

How does the painting from Dura Europos reflect Late Antique art?

The important figures are presented as larger than the other characters. For example, Samuel anointing David. Weightless figures are frontal and look at the viewer.

What is lux nova?

The magnificent colored light created by the stained glass

What is atmospheric perspective?

The objects in the background appear in the back because they are more blurry or out of focus.

Briefly describe the impact pilgrimage routes had on Romanesque Europe

The pilgrimage routes brought trade and economical improvements to much of Romanesque Europe. This is because pilgrims tended to bring much of their wealth when they traveled; this increase in trade was the reason there was economical growth occurring in the towns and cities that the pilgrims would pass through on their way to their destination. This increase in trade also gradually replaced feudalism.

How do the pyramids of the Old Kingdom represent the sun and rebirth?

The pyramids of the Old Kingdom represent the sun and rebirth in numerous different ways. The pyramids were built with consideration of the cardinal directions; using this information, the architects were able to create pyramids that would be affected by the sunlight at certain times (for example, sunlight descends into the deepest parts of Ramses II's rock cut tomb at dawn on Ramses' birthday). Also, pyramids are not built alone, they are always built in numbers. This is in order to create a necropolis for those switching into the afterlife. The statue of the pharaoh or person within the pyramid serves as a place for the Ka to reside once the person's body dies.

The Mshatta Palace, never completed, has a rich ornamental frieze with animal figures appearing on some of the triangles. However, no animal figures appear on the facade that corresponds to the mosque's qibla wall. Why is the animal figuration absent from this section of the frieze?

The representation of fauna in a sacred place is prohibited.

How do Etruscan sarcophagi reflect the attitude of Etruscan society?

The sarcophagi generally had images on them to celebrate life.

What is a distinctive figure of a hall church?

The side aisles are as tall as the nave

How does the statue of Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux symbolize the Gothic period in subject and style?

The statue of the Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux symbolizes the compassionate and gentleness of the mother, Mary.

What are the statues on the jambs of the Royal Portal at Chartres thought to represent?

The statues on the jambs of the Royal Portal at Chartres are thought to represent kings and queens of the Old Testament and royal ancestors of Christ

What does the term Romanesque mean and why was it first applied to this art historical period?

The term Romanesque means "like the Romans". It was first applied to this art historical period because the architecture of this period was largely influenced and inspired by elements of Roman architecture such as groin and barrel vaults.

How is the subject of the frieze on the Temple of Athenia Nike unique and significant?

This frieze is referencing victory over the Persians at Marathon

What is tufa and what effect did it have on the construction of Etruscan tombs?

Tufa is a type of limestone that was a good building material for tombs

Briefly describe the role of women in Etruscan society

Women enjoyed independence and freedom; they could own property and were well educated.

Tiryns was

a fortified citadel

______ were innovative architectural features that appeared at Cluny III

a three story elevation and pointed arches

The Geometric krater would most likely be found in which of the following?

an Athenian cemetery of the Geometric period

The east end of Saint-Etienne at Vignory, which was comprised of ____ was innovative

an ambulatory and three radiating chapels

Which of the following encouraged the growth of towns and cities?

an increase in trade

Where would an oculus be found?

at the center of a dome

Justinian's position on the north wall of the apse of San Vitale is somewhat ambiguous. He appears to be slightly behind the bishop, yet the paten he carries overlaps the bishop's arm. This indicates the

balance between Church and State

The wall painting in the Tomb of the Leopards portrays which of the following?

banqueters and musicians

Which of the following would be located in a forum and would house the law court for the city?


Theodora's presence in the mosaic program of San Vitale indicates her importance and unique position within the court of Justinian. The representation of the Three Magi on the border of her robe also suggests she

belongs in the elevated company

How is interior architectural space defined in the Muslim world?

by having no interior walls

An ancient Arab proverb proclaims, "Purity of writing, is purity of soul," describes which of the following?


A female figure used as architectural support was known as a


Evident in the Three Godesses on the Parthenon _____ was one of the main changes that took place in the representation of the female figure in the High Classical period

clingy drapery that follows the contours of the body

The ____ is the covered courtyard in a monastery where monks and nuns prayed and meditated in quiet seclusion


Which of the following structural materials allowed the architect of the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia to raise such a grand and eloquent expression of Roman power?


Egyptian art-- with the exception of the Amarna period -- can be described as which of the following?

conservative and formulaic

What form of arch is above the lintel of the Lion Gate?

corbelled arch

The ____ were the Christian campaigns to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims.


____ is the historical event that ushered in the beginning of the Classical period

defeat of the Persians

Which of the following is the best explanation for the portrayal of Akhenaton's body type?

deliberate artistic reaction against the established canon

In Etruscan iconography, which of the following symbolized regeneration?


Images of Old Testament kings and queens were frequently represented on French portals, such as Saint Denis and Chartres, because they ____

emphasized Christ's royal ancestry and the French monarchy

Introduced in French Gothic architecture, ____, are arm-like extensions that helped support the weight of the nave vaults on the outside of the building

flying buttresses

Tomb paintings were created in which of the following techniques?

fresco secco

This selection from the Pergamon Altar shows the

gods dragging the giants up the stairs

Which of the following themes represents the interior decorative program of Santa Costanza?

grape harvest and wine production

The term Roman-like was adopted to describe the architecture of the Romanesque period, because it relied on elements of Roman architecture such as

groin and barrel vaults

Which of the following conclusions could be drawn regarding the Athenians perception of themselves based on the Panathenaic Festival frieze from the Parthenon?

had high opinions of their own worth

Coffering was a useful architectural device in that it performed what function?

helped lighten the weight of a dome or arch

What was the subject matter seen on the largest dagger found in the tomb from Grave Circle A -- an image that was borrowed from the ancient Near East?

hunters attacking lions

The many-columned hall found in an Egyptian temple is called a(n)

hypostyle hall

A standing nude figure of a young man is known in Greek art as which of the following?


The Palette of King Narmer established the convention for state policy that represented in art, a policy proclaiming the pharaoh a divine ruler. Which of the following supports this idea?

larger than life representation of pharaoh

The Etruscans preferred waht building materials to their temples?


In Second Style wall paintings such as Cubiculum M from the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Roman architects used ___ to convincingly portray depth

linear perspective

A tomb that resembles a truncated pyramid is called a


This work can be described as

meant to be seen from several viewpoints

Etruscan artisans particularly excelled at which of the following?


It is said Muslims worship Allah directly without hierarchy of clergy acting as intermediaries. However during communal gatherings, the imam would stand on a stepped pulpit or_____


Which type of Etruscan funerary monument had no parallel in Greece?

monumental sarcophagi

When compared to the Classical style, Greek Hellenistic could be characterized as

more realistic and emotional

The dome of the Hagia Sophia is supported by


Which of the following was a tool used by archaeologists to explore tomb interiors at Tarquina without the expensive and time-consuming excavation process?


Compound piers are

piers with attached columns or pilasters

Among the saved in Gislebertus's Last Judgement are people carrying bags adorned with a shell and a cross. These figures represent


It has been suggested that Cycladic figurines were funerary offerings. Based on their schematized representation and size,how might they have been placed in the graves?

placed on their backs

One aspect of Etruscan society that contributed to their downfall was the lack of _____

political cohesion

Mastaba-tomb interiors became quite large and accommodated a number of storage rooms and compartments. What was the function of the tomb shaft that connected the burial chamber with the outside?

provided access for the Ka

In the Dura painting, Samuel Anointing David, David is depicted with an Imperial attribute indicating his royalty. Which of the following is that attribute?

purple toga

Egyptian architects were quite innovative in solving problems. An invention that was seen in its primitive form in the valley temple of the Pyramid of Khafre, the clerestory, became a fully realized architectural element of Karnak. Which of the following describes the functional element?

raised central roof permitting light to filter into the interior

In the Archaic period the black-figure style of vase painting was replaced by the ____ style


Pilgrims often journeyed to churched to view ___, which were the material remains of holy figures


Which of the following became a standard feature of French Gothic facades?

rose window

How does the pyramid reflect the influence of the city of Heliopolis?

seat of the power cult of Re whose emblem was the pyramid

How does the kneeling statue of Hatshepsut indicate her status as pharaoh?

she is wearing the royal male nemes headdress

Christ as the Good Shepherd appears in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia and uses many iconographic devices. Which of the following is one of those devices?

sheep representing the Faithful

The Kamares style of Minoan pottery exhibited

sophisticated shapes and polychromatic style

At Pentecost the Apostles were called to

spread the Gospels to all peoples

Which of the following would describe the "baroque" style of the 2nd century CE tomb nicknamed Al-Khazneh, the Treasury, located at Petra?

studied disregard for classical rules

Where would a squish most likely be found?

supporting a dome

Minoan columns are distinguished by

tapering shape and bulbous capitals

The Apulu of Veii is made of which of the following materials?


The Etruscans preferred which of the following materials for sculpture?


Caryatids were figures that can be found on

the Erechtheion

Many Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to which of the following?

the Virgin Mary (Notre Dame)

The Emperor Trajan commissioned which of the following?

the column depicting his victories

In the Romanesque period church interiors became impressive acoustical settings for church services. Which of the following architectural elements allowed for the excellent acoustics?

the continuous barrel-vaulted naves

The Pantheon was one of the most influential designs in the history of architecture. It brought new meaning to the concept of "architectural space". Which of the following descriptions characterize this influential work?

the design is based on the intersection of two circles

In the cathedral of Monreale, a mosaic panel depicts William II standing next to the Enthroned Christ, who, in turn, places his hand on William's crown. Based on this theme, does this panel commemorate?

the divine right to rule

The nave of the Hagia Sophia was exclusively reserved for the clergy. The laity or congregation was confined to the aisles and galleries., Based on this information, what accounts for the symbolical unity of Church and State?

the emperor was the only layperson privileged to enter the sanctuary

The flight of Byzantine scholars in 1453, introduced the study of classical Greek into Italy. Which of the following accounts for this?

the fall of Byzantium

The theme celebrated in both the Tomb of the Leopards and the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing is which of the following?

the joy of life

The banquet setting seen in the Tomb of the Leopards takes place in which of the following settings?

the open air

Pedimental sculpture is extremely rare in Etruscan temple architecture. Normally the Etruscans placed their narrative statuary on which of the following elements?

the peaks of the temple roof

During the Romanesque period, the vision of Christ's Second Coming was often depicted on which of the following?

the tympanum

The Treasury of Atreus is an excellent example of a

tholos tomb

The purpose of tribunes scuh as those found at Saint James at Santiago de Compostela and Saint Sernin in Toulouse was ____

to house the overflow crowds and to buttress the weight of the vaults

The primary motivation for undertaking a pilgrimage, which was extremely dangerous and could often last a year, was

to seek salvation or a cure

Which of the following is the most significant resource for understanding Egyptian civilization and religious beliefs?

tomb interiors

The most venerated pilgrimage shrine in the West, outside Rome or Jerusalem, was the

tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

Which of the following would attest to the sophistication of ancient Egyptian society in 3500 BCE?

tomb remains

Minoans coated the rough surface of their rubble walls with a fine white lime plaster that required rapid execution and great skill. Which painting method was used with this type of fabrication?

true fresco

____ was the typical tomb type found at the Etruscan cemetary at Cerveteri


The ____ is the semi-circular art above the lintel of a Romanesque portal.


Originally titled the Canon, Polykleito's Doryphoros reflects the artist's belief that a perfect statue ____

was constructed according to a mathematical formula

Polykleitos was the famous sculptor of the Spear Bearer, but he also

wrote a canon of human proportions

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