art test 3

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medici family

this rich banking family helped pave the way for high renaissance by funding artists


an upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a grave stone

archaic, greek period

An emphasis on sculptures of the human form, which gradually shifted toward naturalism. The birth of major Greek architecture. the black-figure and red-figure styles of vase painting

Carolingian period

Architecture during this period integrated influences from Roman and Byzantine cultures. Charlemagne's court at Aachen was also an intellectual and artistic hub, producing religious texts illustrated in a style reminiscent of Classical models

byzantine period

Art style is spiritual and otherworldly, in contrast to the earthbound realism of Greco-Roman art. Figures appear to be weightless, undefined space, with an emphasis on symbolism and decorative detail


a philosophy in which knowledge comes form reason rather than from the senses

illusionistic surrealism

a type of surrealism style, focused on irrational content, absurd juxtapositions, and metaphorphoses of the dream state


this group of people had a heavy focus on death after life

gothic period

Churches should appear to reach up to Heaven itself, should have harmonious proportions should be filled with light. Stained glass windows were abundant. Ribbed vaulting and high walls supported in part from exterior flying buttresses were used to achieve incredibly lofty structures

classical, greek period

Greece turned its attention to rebuilding the monuments destroying during the Persian wars and advancing art, drama, and music. Art reaches the pinnacle of achievement/naturalism

doric and ionic

____ and ___ orders are two of the three styles associated with greek architecture


after the empire is founded, art sees use as political propaganda-- lots of civic/war monuments/sculptures

The Amara Revolution

amenhotep IV changes name, changes capitol city, changes religion to monotheism, drastically changes artistic canon


an "anti art" stance, it was intent on destroying the artistic values of the past, these people would have performances that consisted of a combination of visual performance arts (Cabaret Volitaire)


an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figurine which the line of the arms and shoulders contrast with, while balancing, those of the hips and legs (body takes on an 'S" shape)

Romanesque period

art forms during the Romanesque period, including sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, and tapestry, focused on symbolic messages and narratives. (Return of the Roman Style Basilica for church/cathedral construction

hellenistic, greek period

art is characterized by excessive, almost theatrical emotion and the use of illusionistic effects to heighten realism (theatrical attempt to evoke emotion)

ancient greek

art of _____ _____ is characterized by humanism, rationalism, naturalism, and idealism, four periods happened

Chris burden

artist who did a series of performances involving the infliction of pain onto himself to get us to question the nature of pain/suffering

Mary Passat and James abbott McNeill whistler

artists that are referred to as American expatriates were....

conceptual art

asserts that art lies in the mind of the artist; the visible, audible, or palpable product is merely an expression of the artist's idea


began as a literary movement after ww1 based on automatic writing in which the mind explored free associations, drew upon images of dreams (the effects of the unconscious mind) there are too major styles: illusionistic and automatist

performance art

can be scripted or unscripted, (involves time, space, he performers body presence or medium, and relationship between performer and audience) can be random or carefully orchestrated' spontaneous or otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation

create dramatic use of light in art

chiaroscuro and tenebrism were used in the baroque period to...


classic, especially Roman, subject matter. favored law, structure, order in their compositions and ideals, reduction in color pallet, reduction in emotion


contributed to the demise of the Rococo stye, which represented an "artificial" rather than a "natural" state of being

Baroque art

dramatic compositions, art emphasizes on: space, time/motion, dramatic use of light, passionate theatricality, use of multiple materials to increase drama

feminist art

explores the role of gender in society, including the arts

Paul Gauguin

this man left Europe to create paintings from his life in the south seas and capture a "primitive" culture removed from "civilized" life with its unity, peace, and innocence

Georges seurat and paul Cezanne

in post impression style, the works of these two men maintain a more systematic approach to compositional structure, brushwork, and color


irrigation, civilizations and writing systems (cuneiform) develop in this place


less symmetry in architecture


one type of cubism, brighter palette of colors, incorporation of collage


one type of cubism, flattening space, looking at multiple angles of an object at once, restricted palette,

Medieval Period

this period was known as "the Age of Faith"

Abstract expression

pure abstraction, most work known as "action painting", a title which implied that the physical act of painting was as important as the result


refers to lots of contemporary art created from 1970 and forward, led to almost 6 decades of artistic experimentation with new media and forms of art, art does not have to be cohesive as a whole, "anything goes", artists no longer look to other times/movements as a collective, uses hybridization


rejected the idealistic nature of the romantics and the academic school due to subject matter and how painting were rendered, these artworks showed the reality of war and some art showcase people doing everyday activities


roman architects shifted toward the completion of splendid building and civic monuments that glorified the empire and its benefits for those under its power, this was known as


romantic artists sough: extremes of emotion, virtuoso brushwork, a brilliant pallete, glorification of all the past (medieval, not classical) and nature

geometric, greek period

so called because of the predominance of geometric shapes/patterns in works of art


sought to reduce their ideas to their simplest form(pure abstraction), created geometric shapes or progressions of shapes or lines using minimal numbers of formal elements (ex: using minimal colors and textures)

American Expatriates

striving artists of the 18th and 19th centuries would go abroad for extended pilgrimages to study old masters and to mingle with the avant-garde, some cases they immigrated to Europe permanently.


term coined by Allan kaprow in 1957 CE to describe the events and performances that he was organizing

Early Renaissance period

the ___ ____ period had the revival of classic themes in literature and art, realism and naturalism, and the greek philosophy of humanism


the distortion and elongation of figures, flattened (almost 2-d) space, lack of defined focal point, discordant pastel hues


the representation of forms according to an accepted beauty standard


the view that humans are the center of the universe

Vincent van Gough and Paul Gauguin

the works of these two men in the post impression style coordinated line and color with symbolism and emotion

Modern Art

this art is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation


this deals with shorter brushstrokes, less blended, painters worked wet-into-wet as opposed to the tradition of letting the paint dry between sessions, primarily concerned with the effects of light and, such as, neglected the forms in their works of art

post impressionism

this fell into two groups that parallel the stylistic polarities of the baroque and neoclassical/Romantic periods

corinthian order

this greek architecture style was infrequently used although it became a favorite of roman architects


this group of people Egan as a republic (art style included very unrealistic/unidealized portraits, started building off the greeks

Rococo art

this stayed further from classical principles than the baroque, is a highly decorative, flamboyant, decadent, ostentatious frivolous style, love among the rich, the 1980's of art history


this stye is more emotional, expressive, and laden with symbolism, in their vibrant palettes and bravura brushwork van Gogh and Gauguin foreshadowed this style


this style had two major types, George Braque and Pablo Picasso were major artists of the time


this term is derived from the pourtuguese "barroco", meaning "irregular shaped pearl"

high renaissance

this time period felt with art being made for art's sake, and art remained consistent with slight variations depending location in Europe


truth to reality based on a keen observation of nature

Automatist Surrealism

type of surrealism, divulged the mysteries of the unconscious through abstraction


used in postmodernism, is the mixing of traditions of different cultures to create new blends and new connections


utilizing natural light effects

Cabaret Voltaire

was a space of experimentation where chaotic radical performances would happen, Dadaists would partake in these

Columbus's "discovery of the americas, the Black Death, and Copernicus placing the sun at the center of the universe

what helped spur on the idea in high renaissance?

byzantine, Carolingian, romanesque, gothic

what were the four major periods of the medieval period

analytic and synthetic

what were the two major types of cubism

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