Assessment and Management of Problems Related to Male Reproductive Processes

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A patient is being treated for prostatitis and the nurse is providing education about the treatment. What should the nurse include in the education of this patient? a. Force fluids to prevent urine from backing up and distending the bladder b. Take several cool baths during the day to alleviate discomfort c. Be sure to take the 3-day course of antifungal medication d. Avoid foods and liquids with diuretic action or that increase prostatic secretions

d. Avoid foods and liquids with diuretic action or that increase prostatic secretions

A patient informs the nurse that his father died of prostate cancer, so he wants to know ways in which to reduce his risk factors for developing it. What education can the nurse give to the patient to decrease modifiable risk factors? a. Limit red meat and dairy products high in fat b. Quit smoking c. Avoid wearing tight pants and underwear d. Monitor blood pressure

a. Limit red meat and dairy products high in fat

A patient comes to the emergency department and tells the nurse, "I took a pill to help me perform sexually and then passed out." The nurse is assessing the patient and finds a nitroglycerin patch on his back. What is the first intervention the nurse must perform? a. Take the patient's blood pressure b. Ask the patient to obtain a urine specimen c. Start an IV d. Administer atropine 0.5 mg

a. Take the patient's blood pressure

The nurse is demonstrating the technique for performing a testicular self-examination (TSE) to a group of men for a company health fair. One of the men asks the nurse at what age a man should begin performing TSE. What is the best answer by the nurse? a. "It should begin in adolescence" b. "It should begin in men over age 50" c. "It should be performed in high-risk males over age 30" d. "It should begin at age 40"

a. "It should begin in adolescence"

A patient has demonstrated interest in obtaining a penile implant. What should the patient consider prior to making this decision? (Select all that apply) a. Activities of daily living (ADLs) b. Social activities c. Expectations of the patient and partner d. Financial status e. Occupation

a. Activities of daily living (ADLs) b. Social activities c. Expectations of the patient and partner

A patient experiences hypotension, lethargy, and muscle spasms while receiving bladder irrigations after a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). What is the first action the nurse should take? a. Discontinue the irrigations b. Increase the rate of the IV fluids c. Administer a unit of packed red blood cells d. Prepare the patient for an ECG

a. Discontinue the irrigations

A patient comes to the clinic reporting an inability to sustain an erection and is prescribed a PDE-5 inhibitor, sildenafil. What medication should the nurse caution the patient about taking with this medication? a. Isosorbide b. Lisinopril c. Diphenhydramine d. Levothyroxine

a. Isosorbide

A patient is having brachytherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer and asks the nurse if he can have sexual intercourse after radiation is completed. What is the best response by the nurse? a. "You most likely will not be able to have sexual intercourse after radiation therapy" b. "You must be sure to use a condom for 2 weeks after implantation and then it will no longer be necessary" c. "There are no restrictions to sexual activity during radiation" d. "You must use a condom for at least 6 months after beginning radiation therapy"

b. "You must be sure to use a condom for 2 weeks after implantation and then it will no longer be necessary"

A patient is planning to use a negative-pressure (vacuum) device to maintain and sustain an erection. What should the nurse caution the patient about with the use of this device? a. Do not use the device while taking nitrates b. Do not leave the constricting band in place for longer than 1 hour to avoid penile injury c. Watch for erosion of the prosthesis through the skin d. Watch for the development of infection

b. Do not leave the constricting band in place for longer than 1 hour to avoid penile injury

A patient is having a digital rectal examination (DRE) in the healthcare provider's office, and the nurse is to assist in the examination. What can the nurse instruct the client to do to decrease the discomfort from the exam? a. Take a deep breath and hold it when the healthcare provider inserts a gloved finger into the rectum b. Take a deep breath and exhale when the healthcare provider inserts a gloved finger into the rectum c. When bending over the examining table, point the feet outward to decrease discomfort d. Inform the patient that the examination is not uncomfortable and will be over in a short period of time

b. Take a deep breath and exhale when the health care provider inserts a gloved finger into the rectum

What does the nurse tell the patient is the best way to decrease the risk of developing penile cancer? a. Avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners b. Use good genital hygiene c. Use a condom when having sexual intercourse d. Perform self-examinations

b. Use good genital hygiene

The nurse is educating a patient about performing a testicular self-examination (TSE). The nurse informs the patient that the best time to perform the exam is when? a. In the morning when arising b. After exercise c. After a warm bath or shower d. At bedtime

c. After a warm bath or shower

A patient with an indwelling catheter after a radical prostatectomy is having bladder spasms. What medication prescribed by the physician can the nurse administer to help alleviate the discomfort? a. Cephalexin b. Phenazopyridine c. Oxybutynin d. Tadalafil

c. Oxybutynin

A patient is suspected to have prostate cancer related to observed clinical symptoms. What definitive test can the nurse assist with to confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer? a. DRE b. PSA c. Prostate biopsy d. Cystoscopy

c. Prostate biopsy

When developing an educational program for a group of adolescents about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), what should the nurse inform the group about the single greatest risk factor for contracting an STI? a. The type of contraception used b. The number of times the person has contact with a partner c. The number of sexual partners d. Where the patient lives

c. The number of sexual partners

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