astronomy ch 11
what are the main facts about the galileo probe that dropped into jupiter
- it was the first spacecraft to enter the atmosphere of a jovian planet - it sen =t back information for a little less than an hour - it was slowed by the stmosphere friction and parachute - it found that the temp and pressure increased as it got further down
how does jupiter differ from terrestrial planets
- its average density is lower - it is farther away from the sun - it includes much more gas and liquid - it is larger in diameter
list the periods of revolution ( the year ) of the jovian planets ( approximently )
- jupiter 12 yrs - staurn 30 yrs - uranus 84 yrs - neptune 165 yrs
list the periods of rotation ( the day ) of the jovian planet ( approximatly )
- jupiter10 hr - saturn 11 hrs - uranus 17.5 hrs - neptune 16 hr
what spacecraft are leaving the solar system
- pioneer 10 - pioneer 11 - voyager 1 - voyager 2
how do the Jovian planets differ from the terrestrial planets
- the jovians are larger - the jovians are made mostly of liquid gas - the jovians are typically colder and further from the sun - the jovians have rings while the terrestrials do not
list the basic facts about the red spot of jupiter is
- variable in size - a high pressure storm system ( anticyclone ) - made of reddish colored material - observed since the 1600s
how many earths can uranus make out of its mass? neptune ?
what and in that phase are the primary clouds in the atmospheres opf jupiter and saturn mad eof
froxen ammonia crystals
what was the first spacecraft which did not fly by the jovian planet, but went into orbit around it for an extended period of time
what was the most abudant element in the giant ( jovian) planets
what is the origin of the sychrotron radiation ( radio waves ) from jupiter
high speed electronds rotating along spirals that go around the lines of the strong magnetic feild of the planet
what are the basic 2 facts about jupiters magnetosphere
it fully covers the inner satelights of jupiter and one of the largest structures in the solar system
which of the following characteristics distinguishes uranus from every other planet in our solar system
it rotates on its axis titled about 90 degrees to the plane of its orbit
what was a big problem with the galieo spaccraft
its main antena is stuck in a closed position
what is the heaviest planet in the solar system
what are the centers of all jovian planets mad eof and in whayt phase
liquid nitrogen and helium
what is the fundemental way to measure the rotaion of jupiter
measure the changes in the planets radio waves, which are controlled by its magnetic feild
what is the element that is responsible for jupiter and saturn magnetism
metallic hydrogen
what are the upper clouds in the stmosphere of neptune made of
what jovian planet has the longest yeae
which jovian plaet have the fastest wind at its equator
are there seasons on jupiter
no, jupiters axis is hardly tilted so it has no real seasonal variations
what is the first spacecraft to explore the environment of the planet jupiter called
to obtain the images of the jovian planets what did the voyager spacecraft cameras have to do as they flew by eachworld
swivel the cameras backward to keep pointing in the same dirction as the craft flew by
what allowedthe voyager 2 spacecraft to make a tour of all four of the jovian planets in the late 1970s and 1980s
the four planets were approximently aligned on one side of the sun and we used the gravity of each planet to speed up the spacecraft to get to the next one in its path
what was a surprise to astronomers when they examined neptune with the hubble space telescope in 1994
the great dark spot had dispeared
what is the origin of the bluish color of the atmosphere of neptune
the interaction of sunloght with methane
whys is there a system of storms in jupiter atmospher e
the planet rotates rapidly
at the moment when the voyager spacecrat got closest to uranus, the sun was shining dirctly on the plantes south pole, uranus takes about 17 hours to rotate once on its axis, if voyager took a photo of the south pole 8.5 hours later, what would it observe
the same
what does the composition of jupiter resembe
the sun
what do the magnetic feilds of jupiter, uranus, and neptune have in common
they have thier magnetic axes offset from the center of the pkanet
whose planets rotational axis is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit
with what spacecraft have astronomers studied the jovian planets and their satellites
based spectra studies , ther is less heluin in the upper atmosphere of saturn that expected . does it also mean that saturn is warmer than expected