AT 2356 Exam 1

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What is the Taping, Bandaging and Orthotics Area?

3-4 taping tables and storage cabinets to treat athletes with proximity to a sink.

One pound of fat = __________ calories, stored as triglycerides.


What percentage of ATs are in hospitals and clinics?


There were __________ members of NATA in 1974, now there are over ___________.

4500 32000

What are the requirements that must be met to remain certified?

50 total CEUs with 10 EBP CEUs in a 2 yr period (ensures continued learning)

Generally only _____ of fluid is ever replaced from exercise.


After ______ seconds, the Golgi tendon relaxes to allow stretching.


What percentage of body heat is lost through radiation and evaporation?

65 20

A relative humidity of ______ impairs evaporation, and ________ stops evaporation.

65 75

Heart rate must increase to at least ________ of maximum to train cardiorespiratory endurance.


Death is imminent when temp falls below___________


What is work hardening?

8 hours of treatment daily, 5 days a week (return to work)

_______ % of acclimatization can be achieved during first 5-6 days with 2 hr morning and afternoon practice sessions.


What vitamins are antioxidants?

A, C, E (brightest and darkest veggies) May prevent premature aging, cancers, heart disease and other things.

What are fat soluble vitamins?


Who is often the first person on the field to assess and injury?


______ is the immediate energy source. of energy in ANAEROBIC exercises.


_____________ cannot be managed the same way as adults due to their growth and emotional stability.


What are the caloric intakes per gram of the macronutrients?

Carb: 4 Protein: 4 Fat: 9 Alcohol: 7

What is your first line of energy?


Who was the first female president of the AT organization?

Cathy Supak

What is the hydrotherapy area?

Centrally sloping floor to drain. equipped with 2-3 whirlpools, shelving and storage space and outlets 5 ft above floor. Outlets must be properly grounded. (GFI)

What does not restrict using the title of AT to those certified by the state?


To be able to practice nationally, you have to be ______________.


What are policies?

Clear written out statements of basic rules (what and why)

What is passive ROM?

Clinician does movement

What is circuit training?

Combination of exercise stations.

What is neuromuscular efficiency?

Communication between muscles and brain. - agility

What is a macrocycle?

Complete training cycle: pre in and off

What are the methods of heat gain and loss?

Conduction: touching surface Convection: Moving medium through air or water) Radiation Metabolic

What is a personal info card?

Contains contact info for fam, personal physician, and insurance info.

What does CEU stand for and how many do you need?

Continuing education 50

What is general health insurance?

Covers illnesses, hospitalization, and emergency care.

What do agonist muscles do?

Create the action

What are procedures?

Describe the process (how)

What is direct buy and competitive bidding?

Direct buy is purchasing straight from the store, and competitive bidding is bargain hunting based on competitive prices.

What are the signs of anorexia nervosa?

Distorted body image. Deny hunger and are hyperactive.

What district are Texas and Arkansas in?

District 6 of SWATA

ALWAYS HAVE AN ________________


Professional Responsibilities as an AT

Educator Continuing Education Counselor Researcher

What is the importance of a warmup?

Enhances circulation and blood flow to the muscles, increases core temp

What is the disablement model?

Evaluates functional loss due to impairment and impact on the quality of life.

What are the signs of anorexia athletica?

Excessive exercise, not enough calories. NO SELF STARVATION, Athletes only Disturbed body image Gastrointestinal complaint Menstrual dysfunction No illness for loss Bingeing, purging

What is FERPA?

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Protects privacy of student education records. Under parent until 18.

What is speed play and what is its alternate name?

Fartlek. Similar to interval training, but pace and speed are not specified. "Indian Mile"

_________ is the structural part of a plant and is not digestible in humans.


What causes frost nip?

Fluid between cells start to freeze. use pressure to warm

What does calisthenic strengthening exercise involve?

Free exercise, isotonic, gravity's involvement determines levels of intensity, BODY WEIGHT

What is deep frostbite?

Frozen skin. Rapid rewarming

What is the most widely used device for ROM?

Goniometer (must be on bony landmarks)

What is a National Provider Identifier? (NPI)

Gov. issued identification number for individual health care providers and organizations.

What is the most effective method of avoiding heat stress?

Gradual Acclimatization

What is a GFI?

Ground Fault Interrupter

What is the method for evaluation?

HOPS H: History (from pt) O: Observation (from clinician, injuries deformities, gate) P: Palpitation (touch to see bone, muscle condition) S: Special Test (check tissue, ACL testing)

What is Health Management Organization (HMO)?

Have SPECIFIC people the pts can go to. Pays 100% if on list. Permission must be granted to see someone else.

What is HIPAA?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Regulates dissemination of health info. protects pt privacy.

What is Medicare?

Health insurance for the aged and disabled. Hospital and Physician portion.

What is Medicaid?

Health insurance program for people with low incomes and limited resources.

Athletic Trainers have been recognized as ____________ ______________.

Healthcare providers

What are the four components of the cardiorespiratory system and what is it?

Heart, lungs, blood vessels, blood Performing whole body activities for extended period of time.

What is due to excessive water loss and electrolyte imbalance and how is it treated?

Heat cramps Prevented by consuming fluids and maintaining electrolyte balance Treat with fluids and light stretching and massage

Wrestler collapses during match. Sx are profuse sweating, pale skin, temp 102, rapid pulse. What should the ATC do and what do you think is the Dx?

Heat exhaustion Fluids, cool environment, remove clothing

What is associated with rapid fatigue and overexposure to heat and how is it treated?

Heat syncope Placing in cool environment, drinking, and laying don with elevated feet, caused by pooling of blood

What is an emergency action plan?

How to stay safe in any situation.

What are the tree methods to measure body composition?

Hydrostatic weighing, bioelectrical impedance, skinfold thickness

What operates by the rules of OSHA?

Hygiene and sanitation

What has the characteristics of low blood sodium, swelling of hands and feet, headache, nausea, and lethargy?


What is evidence driving pt care?

Includes pt values, research, and clinical expertise and resources (what you're an expert in and what is at your disposal)

What is static stretching and when should it be done?

Increases flexibility, pt must be warm 6-8 sec hold

What is glycemic index?

Indicates how much different types of carb effects blood glucose levels

What is the assumption of risk?

Individual is made aware of inherent risks involved in sport. (waiver)

What is interval training?

Intermittent activities involving periods of intense work and active recovery.

What is superficial frostbite?

Involves skin and subcutaneous tissue, appears pale, cold, hard, and waxy.

Name the 4 minerals.

Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, and sodium

When did AMA officially recognize AT as an allied health profession?

June 1990

What is workers compensation?

Laws and benefits for injured workers mandated by the state.

What is capital (equipment)?

Leave facility but come back. (crutches, coolers)

What is the NOCSAE?

National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment. Minimum standards for equipment to ensure safety.

What is rapid stretch, eccentric contraction followed by a rapid concentric contraction to create a forceful explosive movement?

Plyometric exercise

What is the relationship between strength and time?

Power (ability to do something in a short period of time: power clean)

Responsibilities of an AT:

Prevention Clinical Eval and Diagnosis Immediate and Emergency Care Treatment and Rehab Organizational and Management

What is 3rd part reimbursement?

Primary method for medical services.Policyholder insurance company reimburses health care providers for services rendered

What is mandatory for BOC?

Professional Master's Degree

What is periodization?

Program that spans various seasons

What is professional liability insurance?

Protects against injuries occurring on their property

What is Preferred Providers Organization (PPO)?

Provides discounted health care and limits where treatment can be obtained.

What is the exercise rehab area?

Provides enough space and equipment to perform reconditioning of injuries.

What is active ROM?

Pt does movement

What is a wellness screening?

Purpose is to determine if the athlete is engaged in a healthy lifestyle (diet, rest, etc.)

What is resisting ROM?

Pushing against

Evidence supports a _____ to ______ ratio of carbs to proteins.

carbs; proteins

Stroke volume and heart rate determine the _____________ of the heart.

cardiac output

What provides the most calories per gram?


Athletic trainers must have knowledge of ____________, _______________, and ________________.

flexibility, strength, cardiorespiratory endurance.

You are stronger when you are _____________.


The core in the center of ___________.


The heart is able to adapt though increases in __________ __________ and ____________ ___________ which will enhance overall cardiac output.

heart rate stroke volume

Continually toweling the body with prevent __________

heat rash

BMI is a ratio of . . .

height and weight

What does a physical exam consist of?

height,weight, body composition, blood pressure, pulse, vision, skin, dental, ear, nose, throat, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymphatic, genitalia, maturation index, urinalysis and blood work

The major concern of the AT is the ____________

injured pt

In Texas, you have to have a ___________ to practice. To practice in another state, you must be ____________.

license certified

What is hyponatremia?

not enough electrolytes and too much water

An athletic trainer deals with a pt and the injury from its __________ and until the athlete returns to competition.

onset (or before)

What is the good samaritan law?

provides limited protection against legal liability to one that provides care should something go wrong.

What is acute external rhabdomyolysis?

rapid breakdown of muscle tissue, results in weakness, swelling, pain, dark urine

The relaxation of the antagonist muscle in response to an agonist contraction is known as

reciprocal inhibition

Females have ______________ strength to body weight ratio due to higher percentage of body ___________.

reduced; fat

The _______ of adipose cells is what we try to reduce to lose weight.


Young athletes can improve strength, power, endurance, balance if properly _______________.


What are the signs of dehydration?

thirst, dizziness, dry mouth, irritability, fatigue, cramps

When training, you should be able to perform _______ sets of __________.

3 of 6-8

What are the five steps of evidence based practice?

1. Develop clinical question. 2. Search literature 3. Appraise evidence (did it help) 4. Apply evidence to pt 5. Assess outcomes

Training for endurance should require lower weight at ____________ reps.


When was NATA formed?


When was SWATA established?


When did Southwest Texas State University begin allowing females into the AT Program?


When was AT recognized as an allied healthcare profession?


When were female ATs highly involved with the football team?


What era was known as the great leap for women as ATs?


A loss if greater than ____ % body weight could be a health threat.


How long will it take for the heart to reach a steady state?

2-3 mins (will plateau)

What should a warmup consist of?

2-3 mins of light exercises to increase core temp (light sweat)

The body requires _____ liters of water daily when engaged in minimal activity.


How do you determine target heart rate?

220-age = Hrmax (X % you want to work out)

Interested in the study of all aspects of sports

American College of Sports Medicine

To provide a forum to establish collegial relations between physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students interested in sports physical therapy Promotes prevention, recognition, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries in an athletic and physically active population

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

What is the treatment area?

Area that has 4-6 adjustable treatment tables, 3-4 stools, and hydrocollator and ice machine accessibility. Treatment is given.

What is the electrotherapy area?

Area that houses ultrasound, dithermy, electrical stem units, storage units, grounded outlets. under constant supervision.

What are the standards of reasonable care?

Assumes that a person is of ordinary and reasonable prudence. Bring common sense approach.

_________________ specialize in preventing, recognizing, managing, and rehabilitating injuries.

Athletic trainers

What certification is a prereq for a licensure in most states?


Who was the founder at txstate?

Bobby Patton

What is ballistic stretching?


What is the purpose of a cool down and how long should it last?

Bring body back to resting state. 5-10 mins. prevents blood pooling causing passing out

What is the most abundant mineral in the body?

Calcium. Females tend to lack enough

What is negligence?

Failure to use ordinary or reasonable care.

Who is the last class to enter profession with a BS?

Fall 2022

What is a tort and what are the three types?

Legal wrongs committed against a person. Nonfeasance: fails to perform legal duty Malfeasance: Performs action that is not their to perform Misfeasance: Performs an action incorrectly that they have a legal right to do

What is product liability?

Liability of someone involved in manufactured product for damages caused by product.

What is the state of being legally responsible for the harm one causes to another person?

Liability. Must use reasonable care to avoid risk of harm to others.

To practice in a state, you have to be _____________.


What limits practice of AT to those who have met minimal requirements established by a state?


AT facilities should be close to ____________ and ______________.

Locker rooms and bathrooms.

What are the macro and micro nutrients?

Macro: Carbs, proteins, fats Micro: vitamins, minerals, water

What is a maturity assessment?

Means to protect young physically active athletes. Sexual maturity, skeletal, or dental.

what should a pre-participation exam include?

Medical history, physical exam, wellness screening, cardio screen, and maturity assessment. Establishes baseline

What is included in records?

Medical records, injury reports, insurance info, injury evals, progress notes, inventories, and annual reports. Must be up to date.

Glucose not needed for immediate energy is stored in the ____________ as ____________.

Muscle cells; glycogen

What is isokinetic training?

Muscle contraction at a constant velocity (isokinetic machine - Biodex)

What is an isotonic contraction and what are the two types?

Muscle either shortens or lengthens. Concentric: Shortening of muscles (curls) Eccentric: Lengthening (reverse curls)

What is atrophy?

Muscle get weaker from lack of use

What is resistance training?

Muscle work at increasingly higher intensities to enhance strength over time.

What is hypertrophy?

Muscles get bigger

What involves repetitive muscular contractions?

Muscular endurance. (Increase strength = increase endurance, do more reps)

1938-1944 ATs tried to start _______ but __________ happened.


To enhance the quality of health care for athletes and those engaged in physical activity, and to advance the profession of athletic training through education and research in the prevention, evaluation, management and rehabilitation of injuries

National Athletic Trainers Association

To facilitate a professional exchange of ideas in strength development as it relates to the improvement of athletic performance and fitness and to enhance, enlighten, and advance the field of strength and conditioning

National Strength and Conditioning Association

What is sovereign immunity?

Neither the government nor individuals employed by the government can be held liable for negligence.

Examples of hygiene rules:

No equipment/cleats in AT clinic. Shoes off tables. Shower prior treatment. No roughhousing or profanity. No food or tobacco.

What is an isometric contraction and what are the pros and cons ?

No length changes during the contraction. Quick, effective, cheap. Only works at one point in ROM. (plank)

Can you only be certified in the state of Texas?

No, you have to be certified.

_________________ athletes are involved in strenuous, demanding, or repetitive physical activity as industrial workers.


Should be called a ___________ rather than an athlete.


What is pt oriented evidence?

Patient perceptions, experience, goals (ex. pain scale)

What is a mesocycle and what are the three components??

Periods of macrocycle. Transition: Follows last competition Preparatory: Off season (increase strength) Competition period (sport specific)

What are the signs of bulimia?

Periods of starvation, bingeing and purging through vomiting, fasting and laxatives.

What is progression based on?

Physical maturity

Support health services and personnel

Physicians Dentist Podiatrist Nurse Physicians Assistant Physical Therapist Occupational Therapist Massage Therapist Ophthalmologist Dermatologist GynecologistExercise Physiologist Biomechanist Nutritionist Sport Psychologist Coaches Strength & Conditioning Specialist Social Worker Neurologist Emergency Medical Technician Osteopath

What is accident insurance?

Plan to cover accidents on school grounds. Could act as secondary insurance

What occurs in a female after 3-4 weeks of exercise?


What is non-consumable capital (equipment)?

Remains in the AT facility. (ice machine, tables)

What do antagonist muscles do?

Resist the action

What are chilblains?

Result from cold causing redness, swelling, and tingling.

What are non-expendable supplies?

Reusable supplies. (Ace wraps, scissors)

What is SOAP

S: Subjective (pt tells) O: Objective (what clinician can see and can measure) A: Assessment (diagnosis) P: Plan (rehab)

What is used for writing records?


NCAA mandated testing for ________________.

Sickle cell: Red blood cells more like a crescent moon shape and cannot hold as much oxygen.

What is the most common malignant tumor?

Skin cancer

Techniques of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques.

Slow reverse hold relax COntract relax Hold relax

What does SWATA stand for?

Southwest Athletic Trainer's Association

What university was instrumental in women ATs?

Southwest TX State

What is the Physician's Exam Room?

Space for physical to work.

What are the statutes of limitation and what is the general range?

Specific length of time an individual can sue for injury resulting from negligence. Generally 1-3 years, up to 5.

Tanner's Five Stage Assessment for maturity.

Stage 1 = No signs of puberty Stage 5 = full development Crucial stage is 3, for collision and highly intense sports because it has the fastest bone growth, growth plates are weaker than the capsule and tendon attachments.

What is the ability to generate force against resistance?

Strength (lift or move something)

What does SWOT stand for?

Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (in plan development)

Carbohydrates consist of ________, _________, and __________.

Sugars, starches, and fiber.

What are expendable supplies?

Supplies that CANNOT be reused. (first aid and injury prevention supplies)

Who was the first female president of SWATA?

Susan Leeper Orr

What are the signs of inflammation?

Swelling (fluid) Redness (added blood flow) Heat Pain to a degree Loss of function to a degree

FB team outside practicing temp 80* and humidity 85*, in full pads, running 10 100's ½ way thru one player becomes disoriented and collapses. As a coach what do you think and do?

Take them to a cool environment. Most likely heat stroke (collapsing). Cool off as quick as possible

What is an itemized receipt?

Tells every service they did

What are the components of a heat stroke?

Temp greater than 104, not able to cool themselves down Immerse in water

What is cross training?

Training for a sport with substitutions of alternate activities. (jogging, swimming)

What is work conditioning?

Treatment 3 hours per day 3 days a week.

What are type one and two muscles?

Type 1 = Fast twitch (anaerobic) Type 2 = Slow twitch (aerobic)

What are the components of heat exhaustion?

Unable to sustain adequate cardiac output. less than 104 degrees, must continue to monitor vital signs

What is dynamic stretching?

Use of continuous motion to prepare body for activity (jogging, skipping, high knees) Most common Should include activity of all major muscle groups

What is functional training?

Uses integrated exercises designed to improve functional movement patterns involving 3 planes of motion (frontal coronal- front and back, sagittal plane - left and right, transverse - top and bottom)

The higher your __________ the more ability you have to sustain activity at a longer intensity.

VO2 max

What monitors heat index?

Wet bulb globe temperature index

What increases chances of hypothermia?

Windchill and dampness

What are considered aerobic activities?

With oxygen, long distance, increase cardiorespiratory endurance

What are considered anaerobic activities?

Without oxygen, short bursts of activity

What is the overload principle?

Work at or near max capacity

DO NOT ____________ EQUIPMENT


What does the female athlete triad consist of?

amenorrhea (loss of period), and osteoporosis (decrease of bone density) because of disordered eating

The ___________ varies depending on the setting.


An athletic training room should be called an athletic training _________.


How should the records area be kept?

under lock and key

____________ is the most essential nutrient and makes up __________ percent of the body.

water; 60

What is required for the release of records?

written consent

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