Atoms and Periodic Table

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What do all living things contain?


What are valence electrons?

Electrons farthest from the nucleus

What is H2?

Hydrogen (diatonic particle)

What metal is liquid at room temperature?


What are examples of diatomic molecules?

O2 N2 and H2

What are actinides?

Rare earth metals typically man made and radioactive

How do you find the number of neutrons?

Subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass

What is metalloids most useful property?

Their ablitity to conduct electricity

How do chemical bonds form?

When valence electrons are shared

Are halogens reactive?

Yes, very reactive

What does an atom consist of?

a nucleus surrounded by one or more electrons

What is phosphorus

a stable, very reactive non metal

What does an electron dot diagram contain? (2 things)

a symbol for each element and dot for each valence electron,

Where is the atomic number located?

above the element symbol

What are the second row of rare metals on the periodic table?


What group on the periodic table are only found in compounds, not elements?

alkali metals

What metals are the most reactive?

alkali metals

Which metal is more reactive, alkali metals, or alkaline earth metals?

alkali metals

What unit is an atoms mass measured in?


What is a chemical symbol?

an abbreviated name of an element.

What does Thomson's Plum Pudding Model look like? (1897)

atoms as tiny, solid spheres

Where is the average atomic mass located?

below the chemical symbol

what seven elements are metalloids?

boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium and polonium

What is an example of an alloy? (3)

brass, steel and bronze

What does ductile mean?

can be drawn into wires

What does malleable mean?

can be hammered into shape

The first letter of a chemical symbol is always (?) and the second letter is always (?)

capital, lowercase

What does nuclear fusion do?

combines smaller nuclei into larger nuclei

What are two uppercase letters in chemical symbols?


What can carbon do?

determine how old remains are

What are physical properties of non metals?

dull, brittle, low density, and poor conductors

How many electrons does the second level hold?


How many electrons does the third level hold?


Where does an atoms volume come from?


What is the periodic tables structure on?

electrons and valence electrons

What does the Rutherford model look like? (1911)

electrons imbedded in a sphere

What does the Bohr model look like? (1913)

electrons in energy level (shells)

How can an elements properties be predicted?

from its location in the periodic table

What are the vertical lines on a periodic table called


What physical traits do transition metals have? (2)

hard and shiny

What does reactive mean?

how likely an element is to undergo a chemical change

What do 90% of atoms come from?


Where does nuclear fusion occur?

inside stars

What are the first row of rare metals on the periodic table?


Which way do you have to go across the periodic table for elements to become less reactive?

left to right

What are the reasons for the two letters in chemical symbols?

location of discovery, or the person who discovered it

What does calcium chloride do?

melt snow

What are most of the elements on the periodic table?


What are the three types of elements on the periodic table?

metal, non metals, metalloids

What is an alloy?

mixture of metals

What kind of charge do electrons have?


What is 80% of the atmosphere?

nitrogen gas

Is the amu of every atom the same?


What kind of charge does a neutron have?

no charge

Are Alkaline-earth metals found free in nature?

no, they are not found in nature

Do noble gasses gain, share, or lose electrons

no, they do not

Does group 18 react easily?

no, they do not react

How reactive are transition metals?

not very reactive

What does the number of periods indicate on the periodic table?

number of energy levels

What does the atomic number represent?

number of protons in the nucleus

What does the group number indicate?

number of valence electrons

Where are metalloids located on the periodic table?

on the border between metals and non metals

What does group 18 contain

only non metals

What is O2?

oxygen you breathe

What is O3?


What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table called?


How do chemists classify an element

physical and chemical properties

What kind of charge does a proton have?


What are lanthanides?

rare earth metals

What state are most metals at room temperature?


When did noble gasses start to get discovered

the 1800s

What if the number of protons and electrons are equal?

the atom is neutral

Where are the rare earth metals located on the periodic table?

the bottom of the periodic table for convenience

What is a supernova?

the explosion of a star that causes extreme temperatures

What is the name of the group on the periodic table based on?

the first element in the group

Where is most of the atoms mass?

the nucleus

What is the nucleus?

the positively charged central core of an atom

What is the mass number?

the total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.

Where is hydrogen located on the periodic table?

the upper left corner

What happens during chemical bonds?

there is a gain, loss, or electrons are shared

Are alkaline earth metals good conductors or not?

they are good conductors

Are alkaline earth metals hard or soft?

they are hard

Does group 18 gain lose or share electrons?

they do not gain lose or share electrons

Why are noble gasses named noble gasses?

they do not mix well with other elements

What happens to valence electrons when they move from metals to non metals?

they go from losing valence electrons to gaining or sharing valence electrons

What happens to number of valence electrons when chemical bonds are formed? (2 things)

they increase to eight or they are all given up

Do alkaline earth metals lose, gain, or share valence electrons in a chemical reaction?

they lose valence electrons

What does corrosive mean?

to gradually destroy something

Where are non metals located on the table?

to the right

How many electrons can the first level hold?


What are the diatomic molecules?

two identical atoms

Is the number of neutrons and protons the same?


Do non metals form compounds easily?

yes, they form compounds easily because of valence electrons

Does group 17 react easily

yes, they react easily

How many electrons are in hydrogen?


How many electrons does the halogen group share or gain?


How many protons are in hydrogen?


How many valence electrons does alkali metals have?


What group are the alkali metals?


What is one proton and one neutron equal to? (amu)

1 amu

What is the range of number of valence electrons?


What group on the periodic table are metals, non metals, and metalloids?


What group is the carbon family in?


What groups contain all three classes? (metals, non metals, and metalloids)

14 and 15

What group is the nitrogen family in?


What group is the oxygen family in?


What group is the halogens?


How many groups are on the periodic table?


What group are the noble gases in?


How many electrons does oxygen gain or share?


How many valence electrons do alkaline earth metals have?


What group are alkaline earth metals?


How many electrons does it take to make one amu?

2000 electrons

What group on the periodic table are transition metals?


How many valence electrons does the nitrogen family have?


How many valence electrons is in the oxygen family


What periods are rare earth metals on the periodic table?


How many valence electrons does the halogen group have?


How many valence electrons are in noble gasses?


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