Australia Test

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Tariff = taxes on imports Quota = limit on imports Embargo = ban on a product or all trade with a country

What are tariffs, quotas, and embargo?

1. Minerals (especially coal, iron ore & natural gas) 2. Agriculture (food & cattle and sheep/wool)

What does Australia specialize in?

Prime Minister

What is the title of the chief executive (head of government) in Australia?

Mixed, market-leaning

What type of economic systems does Australia have?

Parliamentary Democracy with a Constitutional Monarchy

What type of government does Australia have?

3% of population, not counted in census until 1967 and could not vote until 1965

What was the negative impacts of English colonization on Aboriginal culture in regards to BASIC RIGHTS?

Lower life expectancy by 10 years, higher infant mortality rate, cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks & strokes)

What was the negative impacts of English colonization on Aboriginal culture in regards to HEALTH?

Australia's investment in capital goods has mostly been aimed at improving the nation's agricultural output and natural resource extraction (mining)

Describe Australia's investment in capital goods?

- 99% literacy rate - Ranked 18th in the world for human capital investment

Describe Australia's investment in human capital?

Australia exports minerals to China. China exports cars and dishwashers to Australia.

Describe Australia's voluntary trade relationship with China.

In Australia it only takes 3 days to start a business.

Describe the role of entrepreneurship in Australia's economy.

Abundance of natural resources! These include minerals such as - coal, iron ore, natural gas, oil, gold, silver, copper, uranium.

Describe the role of natural resources in Australia's economy.


Do the citizens of Australia vote directly for ANY of their leaders?


Due to it's close location, who is Australia's major trading partner?

Only 40,000, (<0.2%) speak an indigenous language, predominant language is English (& Religion is Christianity)

What was the negative impacts of English colonization on Aboriginal culture in regards to LANGUAGE?

Lower school attendance, lower overall literacy rates (especially in remote areas)

What was the negative impacts of English colonization on Aboriginal culture in regards to LITERACY?


Where would Australia be located on the economic continuum?

The United Kingdom

Which European country colonized Australia?

Southeast Australia near the Pacific for access to natural resources and shipping routes

Trade and economics have motivated the majority of Australians to live in which location for natural resources?

At age 18 and older they MUST vote for representatives to the legislature (Parliament)

How do the citizens of Australia participate in the government?

Most Australians live in the southeastern and southwest for the temperate (mild) and plentiful rainfall, because most of the central interior region has a harsh climate with little rainfall.

How has the climate of Australia affected population distribution in the country?

1: Indian Ocean, 2: Great Victoria Desert, 3: Ayers Rock (Uluru), 4: Great Dividing Range, 5: Great Barrier Reef, 6: Coral Sea, 7: Pacific Ocean

Identify all the physical features represented by each letter.

1: Western Australia, 2: Northern Territory, 3: Queensland, 4: South Australia, 5: New South Wales, 6: Canberra (the capital), 7: Australian Capital Territory, 8: Victoria, 9: Tasmania

Identify all the political features represented by each letter.

Queen of England* *Traces back to Australia's former status as a British colony. There is an appointed Governor-General in Australia who acts on the Queen's behalf chosen by the Prime Minister.

Who is the head of state in Australia?

It determine the worth of one country's currency for another so international trade can occur

Why is exchange rate needed?

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