AWS Academy Cloud Architecting [2606] - Module 4 Knowledge Check

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It is possible to create an NFS share on an Amazon EBS-backed Linux instance by installing and configuring an NFS server on the instance. In this way, multiple Linux systems can share the file system of that instance. Which advantages does Amazon EFS provide, compared to this solution? (Select TWO). A. Strong consistency B. Automatic scaling C. High availability D. File locking E. No need for backups

B, C

A company has three high-performance computing instances that must communicate with each other. The company would like to achieve maximum network performance between the instances. The most important requirement is that these systems do not share the same rack. Which placement strategy should they use? A. Cluster B. Partition C. Spread D. Default


What are the benefits of using an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)? (Select THREE). A. Automating security group settings for instances B. Migrating data from on-premises to Amazon EC2 instances C. Using an AMI as a server backup for Amazon EC2 instances D. Selling or sharing software solutions packaged as an AMI E. Launching instances with the same configuration

C, D, E

Which descriptions of Amazon EC2 pricing options are correct? (Select TWO). A. On-Demand Instances enable you to pay for compute capacity by usage time, with no long-term commitments. B. Reserved Instances are physical servers that are reserved exclusively for your use. C. Savings Plans are budgeting tools that help you manage Amazon EC2 costs. D. Dedicated Hosts are servers that are dedicated to one purpose, such as a firewall. E. Spot Instances offer spare compute capacity at discounted prices, and can be interrupted

E, C ?

Which feature does Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provide? A. Fully managed Windows file servers B. Microsoft AD server for Windows file servers C. Backup solution for on-premises Windows file servers D. Amazon management agent for Windows file serve


An application requires the MAC address of the host Amazon EC2 instance. The architecture uses an AWS Auto Scaling group to dynamically launch and terminate instances. Which way is best for the application to obtain the MAC address? A. Write the MAC address in the application configuration of each instance. B. Include the MAC address in the AMI that is used to launch all of the instances in the AWS Auto Scaling Group C. Include the MAC address in a custom AMI for each instance in the AWS Auto Scaling group. D. Use the user data of each instance to access the MAC address through the instance metadata.

A or E? A I think

Which attributes are reasons to choose Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)? (Select TWO). A. Ability to run any type of workload B. Ability to run serverless applications C. AWS management of operating system patches D. AWS management of operating system security E. Complete control of computing resources

A, E

A system administrator must change the instance types of multiple running Amazon EC2 instances. The instances were launched with a mix of Amazon EBS-backed AMIs and instance store-backed AMIs. Which method is a valid way to change the instance type? A. Change the instance type of an Amazon EBS-backed instance without stopping it. B. Change the instance type of an instance store-backed instance without stopping it. C. Stop an Amazon EBS-backed instance, change its instance type, and start the instance. D. Stop an instance store-backed instance, change its instance type, and start the instance.


A transactional workload on an Amazon EC2 instance performs high amounts of frequent read and write operations. Which Amazon EBS volume type is best for this workload? A. General purpose solid state drive (SSD) B. Cold hard disk drive (HDD) C. Provisioned IOPS solid state drive (SSD) D. Throughput optimized hard disk drive (HDD)


A workload requires high read/write access to large local datasets. Which instance types would perform best for this workload? (Select TWO). A. General purpose B. Compute optimized C. Memory optimized D. Accelerated computing E. Storage optimized

C, E

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