AZ, ECE test

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Which toy BEST promotes gross motor development in TODDLERS???


Which equipment/material is BEST facilitates spontaneous cooperative activity OUTDOORS?


What is the BEST example of how a teacher can help children transition from the classroom to the playground?

Be a train

When MUST a toy be sanitized?

After being in a child's mouth

Which situation is the BEST example of cooperative play?

Analisa and Joseph are in the pizza shop. Joseph takes Analisa's order, and delivers her the pizza.

Which information is APPROPRIATE to include in a monthly family newsletter?

Anecdotal notes

Which toy BEST promotes physical development of infants?

Soft baby doll

What factor typically determines how early elementary children choose friends?

Someone of the same gender who likes the same activities.

When does the most brain development occur?

Birth to age 5

Prior to serving food, what should a teacher use to sanitize surfaces?

Bleach solution

Sally places a restaurant logo on the word wall. How does this support language and literacy?

By integrating environmental print into the classroom

It's time to clean up in the toddler room and the caregiver asks Jose to clean up his toys. He says "no!" What would be the most appropriate response to Jose?

Can you clean up by yourself or do you need help?

Which scenario is the BEST example of a developmentally appropriate practice in the classroom?

Children are assigned centers where they have many choices.

Which is the best reason for using family style meal service?

Children are more willing to try new foods.

Which example reflects parallel play?

Children digging next to each other in the sand box

Which action BEST demonstrates a positive interpersonal experience with children?

Communicating at a child's eye level.

What should the teacher do as a safety precaution when children are finished playing with water in a sensory table?

Cover water.

What is the appropriate order for the stages of language development?

Cry, babble, imitate, speak 2 words.

A child say "Oh what do I do?" when a microscope is brought into the room for the first time. This is an example of which concept?


What characteristic is part of a quality anecdotal note?

Description of observable actions

What is the best way to teach safety to children?

Develop and model good safety habits

Which dramatic play center BEST promotes a child's desire to care for others?

Doctors office

Which is the best developmentally appropriate for a learning center in a toddler (12- 36 months) room?

Dramatic play center with clothes

A parent is concerned that their child is 13 months and not yet walking. What response would be appropriate?

Each child has their own individual range of development

Paul is able to visualize his neighborhood and draw a map. He is at what stage of cognitive development?

Early elementary

How does play promote social/emotional development is preschoolers?

Enhances vocabulary

What is a good reason to enter the field of Early Childhood learning?

Enjoy working with young children

How often are fire drills required?

Every 30 days

Which factor is an example of an environmental influence in human development?


A Child demonstrates a SUDDEN change in behavior. What is a plausible cause of sudden change?

Family stress

At what stage of pregnancy is the fetus' brain and lungs developed for survival outside the womb?


Which health issue requires that a child be sent home?


Which program provides coaching and financial support for early childhood childcare centers in Arizona?

First Things First/ Quality First

A teacher is implementing a lesson and incorporating theory of multiple intelligences by including a variety of activities such as art, songs, books, movement and dramatic play. Who founded this theory?


Which food is MOST likely to be potential choking hazard for a young child?

Grapes (grapes can get lodged in the throat.

Which practice makes families feel welcomed?

Greeting parents and children as they arrive

Which practice does NOT make families feel welcome?

Ignoring minor requests from the parents

Which consideration is IMPORTANT when establishing routine in an infant classroom?

Individual needs of the children

Which is an appropriate use of technology in an early childhood classroom?

Interactive story on a tablet. (Like leap frog)

Which activity promotes the development of gross motor skills in early elementary school children?

Jumping Rope

Which action is the best way to inspire spontaneous painting activity?

Keep paint at a child's level

What is the CORRECT progression of physical development for walking?

Lift head, crawl, pull up, walk

Which activity promotes gross motor PHYSICAL development in infants? (birth to 6 months)

Tummy time

Which material is the MOST developmentally appropriate for preschool mathematics learning?


During lunch time, the teacher talks about the shapes of the food served. Which area of the curriculum is being reinforced?


Which statement is an APPROPRIATE example of an anecdotal note?

Michael threw the block because he was angry.

Children in a 4 year old classroom are working independently, choosing from a variety of self-directed, self-correcting learning materials designed to teach a specific concept. This philosophy is called?


Where is the most current research on Early Childhood Education?

NAEYC -National Association for Young Children

Who is NOT considered by law to be a mandated reporter of suspected child abuse?


Which method is appropriate for evaluating a child's mastery of a skill?

Observe the child.

What should the teacher include when facilitating a developmentally appropriate activity?

Open-ended questions

Which factor could NEGATIVELY affect the development of an unborn child?


Which material/ equipment is appropriate both indoors and outdoors for preschool children?

Paint easel

What is the BEST choice of appropriate dress when working with young children?

Pants, polo shirt and tennis shoes

Which equipment BEST promotes fine motor physical development of preschoolers (3-5 years)?


WHO most influences a child's learning?


In hiring a pre-school teacher, what exemplary characteristics would a child-care center seek?

Patience and understanding of child development.

Children are completing an obstacle course. Which area of development does this activity BEST promote?


Which preschool activity would be MORE appropriate for a small group setting rather than a whole group setting?

Playing letter Bingo

During which stage do children usually begin to engage in cooperative play?


A preschool teacher plans a craft activity and provides an example for the children to follow. What type of art is this?

Product art

Which method is the BEST way to involve families in educating their children?

Provide home school connection activities

What classroom set up is the MOST developmentally appropriate for kindergarten children?

Provide small and large group areas

Which dressing skill is EASILY completed by a pre-schooler?

Pulling UP pants.

Riley fell and the teacher sees that his knee is bleeding. After assessing the situation, what is the next step in administering first aid?

Put on gloves

What is the best way for young children to learn how to hold a book while reading?

Reading books with children

Two children want to ride a tricycle at the same time. How can the teacher respond in a way that helps the children with their problem-solving skills?

Redirect both children to a new activity.

What is the best approach for assisting toddlers during a tantrum?

Reflect feelings and provide a safe place (toddler-eese)

Children are playing grocery store in a dramatic play center. The teacher models how to create a grocery list by looking through ads and gives additional prompts as they are needed. This is an example of which teaching strategy?

Scaffolding a play sequence

Which activity involves the fine/small motor skills of a toddler? (18-36 months)


What is the CORRECT procedure for washing hands?

Scrub hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water, rinse, and dry with paper towel.

Which example reflects the modeling of cultural diversity?

Sharing family stories and customs

Which method is the best EXAMPLE of an appropriate and effective transition for preschoolers?

Singing a song

What SOCIAL/Emotional behavior should a 3-month old infant demonstrate?

Smiling at the sound of a parent's voice.

Which routine would be a violation of the license of a childcare facility?

Storing cleaning supplies next to snack food.

Which piece of equipment BEST stimulates sensory development of infants?

Textured toys

Which is the best example of positive behavioral reinforcement?

That was helpful when you shared the blocks with your friends

Why is it important to call parents/guardians after a child has a head injury?

The child may have a concussion

What indicates that a child might be choking and in need of immediate first aid?

The child stops breathing.

Which influence MOST affects a child's emotional development?

Treatment by parents and caregivers.

A mother demands to know the name of the child who has bitten her son. What is the teachers appropriate response to this request?

The problem has been addressed and the name cannot be given

What is MOST important when planning activities for children from birth to 8 years old?

They are developmentally appropriate

In which example do preschoolers demonstrate phonemic awareness?

They notice the beginning sound of their name.

How are the Arizona Academic Standards used for children ages 5-8?

They outline curriculum activities that will be addressed.

Why are the Arizona Early Learning Standards important to childcare workers?

They provide guidelines for learning activities.

Which is the most important reason to observe children's development?

To check developmental milestones for potential delays.

What is the purpose of the NAEYC?

To improve the quality of childcare and education

At what age would a child be EXPECTED to start and follow simple directions?

Toddler (12- 36 months)

Which statement is TRUE about toddlers and food?

Toddlers should eat many small meals a day.

Which verbal communication skill is typical of a preschooler?

Using 4 - 8 word sentences

What would provide the BEST learning experiences for a child?

Varied types of hand-on-activities

When designing a physical movement activity for early elementary children, what is the MOST important factor to consider?

Variety of materials and tools.

Which activities are story telling techniques?

Varying speech and using visual aids

When reflecting on one's teaching, what is the MOST important aspect to consider?

What the children learned.

When should a caregiver CHANGE an infant's diaper?

When soiled

Which impact fall zone material would NOT be appropriate to place under a climbing structure on the playground?

Wood Chips

What is MOST likely to cause tooth decay in an infant (birth to 12 months)?

sleeping w/bottle

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