BA 3300 Final Exam

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


1. Objective (or Summary) statement should be in third person (no "I"). 2. Resume should be 1 page and NO more than 2 pages 3. Make sure you have University of Houston Downtown information in your Education section listed first (like sample) 4. Only list colleges prior to UHD that you have an actual certificate/degree from and no high school 5. Approximately 4-5 bullet points--start with ACTION verbs and stay short and concise. Always try to put RESULTS! Don't put, "Responsible for" 6. While references are important--do not list them or the phrase "references available upon request" on your resume. 7. Approximately no more than 10 years prior work experience (jobs that begin and end before 2009). However, if you have a job that begins before 2009 and goes past 2009, then be sure and list it (i.e. January 2004 - March 2010) 8. Writing competency as required by this class (minimal to no spelling or grammar issues) If you have limited or no work experience, please focus on and showcase your skills and strengths--you can draw from academic experience and/or volunteering experiences.

At a debate over raising student fees to support the intercollegiate athletics program, a member of the football team argued that the relatively minor fee increase was a small price to pay for the increased recognition and sense of pride that comes with a winning team. Karen responded, " You're a football player, of course you would argue for more money for athletics!" Identify the fallacy of Karen's response.

Ad Hominem (personal attack)

Governor Perry: "If you say that we should not educate children who come into our state for no other reason than that they've been brought there through no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart." Which fallacy exists in this statement?

Ad Hominem (personal attack)

"Is my thinking justified given the evidence?" This is a question of


(T/F) The deontological theory states that the person should act so as to produce the best consequences possible


(t/f) As a critical thinker, assumptions should be eliminated.


(t/f) In light of the recent of events regarding unethical behavior by certain corporations, all corporations in the United States have a written Code of Ethics.


(t/f) Managers, who face a dilemma relating to rules or standards for right conduct or morality, as exemplified by the expression "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", are concerned with a(n) business (economic) decision.


(t/f) Milton Friedman believes corporate decisions should involve social responsibility.


We can go to the river or eat sandwiches. We're both hungry, so we should eat sandwiches and not go to the river. Which fallacy?

False Dilemma (only two options)

As I walked to the library at UHD, not one person spoke to me. All of UHD is not as friendly as I was led to believe. Which fallacy is this

Generalization (all, never, none)

UHD students are required to read and sign the current Academic Honesty Policy (PS03.A.19) before the first class of each academic semester. This statement does not meet the intellectual standard of ______

None of the above Correct: accuracy

Susan's computer crashed after she installed a new piece of software. Susan immediately called her friends and told them to never buy that software. Which fallacy did Susan commit?

Post Hoc (false cause)

A student at UHD heard the following statement made about the Business Cornerstone class. "Yeck, that class is terrible!" Susie realized that this statement does not meet the intellectual standard of __________ and asked for more details before making her mind up about taking the class.


Which of the following statements describe key differences between questions of judgment and questions of fact?

Questions of fact have one right answer while questions of judgement have multiple answers

Below are parts that make up the Elements of Reasoning EXCEPT


The Classical View primarily says corporations should engage in all of the following EXCEPT

Social responsibility

In regarding the Relation of Ethics and the Law, the following are reasons why the law is not enough EXCEPT

The law is often fast to develop in new areas of concern

You are in a remote mountain village...... If you decide to kill the one villager in order to save the other 19, which prescriptive approach are you using?


Aristotle is credited with which prescriptive approach?


You are in a remote mountain village...If you choose to walk away even though walking away may appear cowardly--- staying and killing a villager would make you like the terrorists and that goes against everything you stand for (your integrity). Which prescriptive approach are you using?


All college freshmen at Highlands University take English composition. Sam is enrolled in English composition at Highlands University. Based on these two premises, a critical thinker can reasonably reach which of the following conclusions?

We cannot be certain whether Sam is or is not a college freshman

"When in another country, do as you would at home" exemplifies the theory of


"Von Daniken's books about ancient astronauts are worthless because he is a convicted forger and embezzler."

ad hominem (personal attack)

anyone who would support capital punishment has no feelings, no heart

ad hominem (personal attack)

"I read the other day that most people really like the new gun control laws. I was sort of suspicious of them, but I guess if most people like them, then they must be okay."

ad populum/common practice (bandwagon)

Claims are:

assertions about the ways things are or should be

"What would this look like from a conservative standpoint?" This is a question of ________________


"Who won the US presidency?" This question lacks


An increasing number of people are resisting the pressure to be boxed in by color. Groups such as Wesleyan University's Interracial Students Organization are becoming more common on college campuses. This trend will probably continue as interracial marriages become more common and society becomes more comfortable with different and new ways of defining one's heritage." "Tiger Woods, for example, has made it known that he objects to being called African-American. Rather, he prefers "Cablinanasian." A term he made up that combines his Caucasian, Black, Indian, and Asian ancestry. Other well-known people who have affirmed their mixed ancestry are Keanu Reeves (Hawaiian, Chinese, Caucasian), Mariah Carey (Black, Venezuelan, Caucasian), and Johnny Depp (Cherokee, Caucasian)."" The EXAMPLE in this sentence adds __________ to the passage (from your book on intellectual standards and assessment quiz)


Over 4 million people have switched to our insurance company----shouldn't you? Which fallacy?

common practice/ad populum (bandwagon)

uhd is just doing what all other colleges do

common practice/ad populum (bandwagon)

Imagine your company cheated on their earnings statement. The company's accounting firm doesn't say anything. You go into their office wanting an explanation. The CPA calmly says, "Oh, I lied when we signed off on the report." Your reply, "But you can't lie - it is your DUTY to tell the truth." You want the CPA to follow which ethical theory?


This is just one little lie, however, if everybody lied according to universal law, the truth and meaning may both begin to disintegrate. That would not be good, therefore, I've decided it would not be good to lie even this time. What ethical theory would agree with statement?


a polition uses a sad story of a child being killed in drive by shooting to gain support

emotional language

How many students are enrolled at UHD? This is a question of


(t/f) The Johnson & Johnson Tylenol crisis case from your reading exemplifies the integrated approach, which is looking at the situation from the economic and legal point of view.


From the July 23 edition of CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck: STEIN: I want -- I'm glad you brought up this Denver thing. I don't like the idea of Senator Obama giving his acceptance speech in front of 75,000 wildly cheering people. That is not the way we do things in political parties in the United States of America. We have a contained number of people in an arena. Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that's something the Fuehrer (Hitler) would have done. And I think whoever is advising Senator Obama to do this is bringing up all kinds of very unfortunate images from the past. Stein is not the first guest on Glenn Beck to compare Obama to Adolf Hitler. What fallacy is being committed by Stein?

false analogy (false comparisson)

"Give up smoking, or you will die" Identify the fallacy.

false dilemma (two options)

do you think gleasons cornerstone class is excellent or terrible

false dilemma (two options)

(t/f) Accuracy is the "Gateway Standard" of the intellectual Standards

false- clarity is the gateway standard

Which of the following statement(s) describe the difference between first-order and second-order thinking? **describe diff between first-order, second-order**

first order: first impressions, written quickly without editing and concentrating on our creativity with words. Second order- written logic, consisting of reasons which illustrate the validity of our thoughts and opinions


fourth stage: team is mature and capable. roles are understood, can agree on approaches. inter-department communication

i owned a ford once, and it broke down on me. they are all bad cars


Texas Instruments educates their employees on Ethics and Compliance. Their Quick Quiz indicates that when you are in doubt about the proper action, ask yourself:

is the action lega,. does it comply with values, if you do it will you feel bad, how will it look in the newspaper

"Who should win the US presidency?" This is a question of


In resolving an ethical dilemma, the Eight Steps to Ethical Decision-Making suggests that employees identify all affected parties. Which element of reasoning (from the material on Critical Thinking) is captured in this suggestion?


since the death penalty was reintroduced in TX, murders have dwindled

post hoc ("b" happened because of "a"

two weeks after they put fluoride in the water i got sick. i have a fever and could keep solid food down. so i switched to drinking bottled water and i recovered in a day or so.

post hoc ("b" happened because of "a"

i got sick right after eating at the UHD cafeteria. it must be their food.

post hoc ("b" happened because of "a")

. "The city never had this problem with garbage disposal until she became mayor." What fallacy exists in this statement?

post hoc (false cause)

Do you like the online Business Cornerstone course?


In Socratic questioning, if a question was asked from a Biological Dimension, "How do genetics play a role in drug abuse?" or Economic Dimension, "What economic forces support drug use?" These would be an example of

questions using domains of thinking

Which of the following are characteristics of a well-cultivated critical thinker?

raise vital questions and problems, gather ad assess relevant info, come to well-reasoned conclusion, think open mindedly, communicate effectively.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" exemplifies the theory of



second stage: confusion over roles, internal conflict over approach, control or direction, struggles with communication

if we allow the brady bill waiting periods for gun purchases, pretty soon guns will be outlawed entirely

slippery slope

if we cut down on the number of legacy admissions, what would happen to the college budget? we might not even be able to keep things running

slippery slope

if we legalize marijuana more people will try heroin

slippery slope

if you dont go to bed early, youll be too tired to do well on the entrance exam. if that happens you wont get into a good college. youll end up washed up alcoholic in a trash bin.

slippery slope (series of events)

if the supreme court allows abortion, next thing you know they'll allow euthanasia, and it wont be long before society disposes of all those persons, whom it deems unwanted or undesirable.

slippery slope (series)

From the McDonalds website: "There is increasing concern about obesity rates and related risks to well-being among consumers, governments and NGOs, and health and nutrition experts. We take these issues seriously, and we are working to do what we can as a company to positively influence the situation. High-Quality Choices - Continue to develop high quality menu offerings that provide our customers with a range of choices that meet their needs and preferences and that fit in a balanced diet. Consumer-Friendly Nutrition Information - Enable consumers to make the right decisions - continuing to provide even easier access to nutrition information. Communicate - Continue to refine our marketing and communication practices, particularly to children" The statement above from McDonalds best fits with

social responsibility

distort and exaggerate

straw man

During the 2008 presidential campaign: An Obama-Biden ad includes misleading and distorted claims about McCain and education spending: It says McCain 'voted to cut education funding' and lists his five votes. However, one was a vote for increased education funding, although for fewer dollars than what Democrats may have wanted. And three others were votes against additional funding, not votes for funding cuts." This is an example of which fallacy?

straw man (distorted)

In response, the Republican White House press secretary answered: "I think it does raise the question, 'How do you fight and win the war on terrorism?' And if Democrats want to argue that we shouldn't be listening to al-Qaida communications, it's their right and we welcome the debate. We are a nation at war." A reporter asked the press secretary to name one Democrat -- just one -- who is arguing that the government "shouldn't be listening to al-Qaida communications." That argument is distorted and exaggerated. We haven't heard any Democrat make that argument, and indeed Feingold himself has said exactly the opposite. In a statement issued by his office Sunday, the Wisconsin Democrat said: "This issue is not about whether the government should be wiretapping terrorists -- of course it should, and it can under current law." This passage best represents which fallacy committed?

straw man (distorting)


the first stage of team development, in which team members meet each other, form initial impressions. low communication. unclear goals

Which of the following accurately describes the focus of thinking critically?

the individual thinker is a critic of his/her own thinking


third stage: team develops a set of norms. sense of momentum, build relationships, builds interdependence

(t/f) Your intuition (gut feeling) is a good idea in making ethical decisions.


You are in a remote mountain village..... The terrorists conclude with a warning; if you refuse to kill the villager, then they will revert back to the original plan of killing all 20. If you choose to kill the villager in order to save the other 19, which prescriptive approach are you using?


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