Bailey Chapter 19

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Why did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 Republican Party nomination?

Fewer enemies

Which party in the 1856 election did the following represent: John Fremont, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan?

Fremont: Republican Millard: Know Nothing Buchanan: Democratic

In 1856, what was the breaking point over slavery in Kansas?

Gang of proslavery raiders burned a part of the free-soil of Lawrence

What did the Lecompoton Constitution propose about the state of Kansas?

Have black bondage regardless of whether the document was approved or not

What was the result of the panic of 1857? How did it affect the South?

Higher tariff rates

What was the most impractical solution by the mid-1850s in Kansas regarding slavery?

Popular sovereignty

How did Uncle Tom's Cabin impact the people and government of Britain and France?

Realized intervention in Civil War on behalf of South would not be popular

How did the people of South Carolina react to Lincoln's nomination?

Rejoiced gave them an excuse to secede

How did the south feel about the immense debt they owed northern creditors?

Repudiated by the South

What did Stephen A. Douglas argue in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln Douglas Debates?

Actions by territorial legislatures could keep slavery out of the territories

What were the Nativists in the 1850s known for?

Anti-Catholic and anti-foreign attitudes

Why did Buchanan decline to use force to keep the South in the Union?

Army was scattered and was needed to control Indians in the West, Constitution allowed secession

Why did Abrham Lincoln oppose the Crittenden Compromise?

Been elected on a platform that opposed expansion of slavery into Latin America

What did John Brown intend to do with his raid on Harper's Ferry?

Bring a slave rebellion

What did the clash between Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner reveal?

Dangerously inflamed passions were becoming

What did "Lame Duck" President Buchanan believe the Constitution said about southern states leaving the union?

Didn't authorize him to force Southern states to stay in the Union

Why did secessionist support leave the Union?

Dismayed by success of Republican party, North wouldn't oppose departure, political balance tipping against them, tired of abolitionist attacks

In "Bleeding Kansas" by the mid-1850s, which group was identified with the proslavery element, and which group was associated with the antislavery free soilers?

The Lecompoton Constitution; The New England Immigrant Aid

What did Harriet Beecher Stowe intend to show in her novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Wickedness of slavery to the north

What was the central plank (position) of the Know Nothing Party in the 1856 election?


Which group suffered most from slavery according to Hinton Helper's book, Impending Crisis of the South?

Non-slaveholding whites

Why were many northerners still willing to vote Democratic instead of Republican in the 1856 election?

Not want to lose their profitable business connections with the South

What was the expectation of the Supreme Court in their ruling on the Dred Scott case?

Lay to rest issue of slavery in the territories

Where was the goverment of the Confederate States of America first organized?

Montgomery, Alabama

In 1855, how was Kansas regarded by proslavery southerners?

Slave territory

Why did the Republicans lose the 1856 election?

Southern threats that republican victory would be a declaration of war

What were the effects of the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Start Civil War and win it, made northerners swear have nothing to do with Fugitive Slave Law

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