Basic Measurement 101
What level of device sensitivity is required to measure a dimension of 0.365±.002 inches? The device should be accurate to:
0.0005 inches
What is the greatest sensitivity of most calipers?
0.001 inches, or 0.01 mm
What is a micrometer? A micrometer is:
A U-shaped device with a threaded spindle on one end and a small anvil on the other.
What is a height gage? A height gage is:
A column attached to a base with a protruding arm and a unit that slides up and down.
What is a machinist's rule? A machinist's rule is:
A metal strip with graduations along its edges indicating increments of measurement.
If a bushing with a 1.0-inch internal diameter is measured with four calipers, which caliper has good accuracy and good precision based on the data below?
Caliper 3
Which of the following is true about gage blocks? Gage blocks:
Can be combined to produce almost any standard length.
What type of micrometer in shown in the photo?
Depth micrometer
What production activity requires workers to compare part dimensions to desired specifications?
How often do frequently-used instruments need calibration?
Once a year
Which inspection device preforms go/no-go gaging?
Plug gage
What type of part feature does a ring gage inspect?
What is the purpose of a vernier scale?
The presence of a vernier scale increases the precision of measurements.
What type of inspection determines the difference between a measurement and the specified dimension?
Variable inspection