BCIS 3610 (1-6)

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what are the 3 criteria for successful collaboration?

criteria for judging team success: 1. successful outcome 2. growth in team capability over time 3. meaningful and satisfying experience

___ creates the appearance of private point-to-point connection by using tunnels over the internet a. DSL b. TCP/IP c. ISDN d. VPN


____ is a tool used to describe the content of a data model a. foreign key model b. SQL model c. UML model d. Entity-relationship model


_____ are used by an individual for word processing, spreadsheets, database access and so forth a. server computers b. main computers c. web computers d. client computers


______ tracks changes to documents and provides features and functions to accomodate concurrent work a. file management b. document control c. workflow management d. version management


a system of hardware and software stores user data in many different geographical locations and makes data available on demand is known as ____ a. WAN b. LAN c. VPN d. CDN


according to Tom Friedman in his lecture "world is flat" globalization 3.0 is driven by ______ a. countries b. companies c. churches d. individuals


all of the following are questions addressed in Ch. 1 "the importance of MIS" except: a. what is MIS b. what is the difference between IT and IS c. what are necessary data characteristics d. how to develop an information system


all of the following are ways to gain competitive advantage via process implementation except a. lock in customers b. lock in suppliers c. create entry barriers d. create a new product or service


among the five components of an information systems, ________ is the most important a. hardware b. software c. data d. people


as shown in the picture a ____ runs a large collection of coordinated servers a. hyper network b. server grid c. server cloud d. server farm


in relational databases, relationships among tables are created by using ____ a. record keys b. secondary keys c. file links d. foreign keys


which of the following is not a critical factor for effective collaboration a. communication b. content management c. workflow control d. technical skill


which of the following questions is not addressed in ch. 3 - strategy and information systems? a. what five forces determine industry structure? b. how does analysis of industry structure determine competitive strategy? c. how does competitive strategy determine value chain structure? d. how does IT determines industry service?


what are the five - components of an information system

hardware software data procedures people

information systems exist to _______

help people in the business achieve the business strategies

sales and marketing

inducing buyers to purchase the products and providing a means for them to do so

among the five components _____ is value you add to information systems


components interact to produce _____


server farm

large collection of coordinated servers

own vs license

license - right to use specified number of copies - limits vendors liability site license - flat fee to install software product on all company computers or all computers at a specific site open source - no license fee

how does an actual company use IS to create competitive advantages?

maintains customer account data - IS collects information for ABC (adds value) - IS saves customers time by automatically filling in part of form (adds value for customer) package and information delivery system - IS helps customer to select delivery address and generate shipping labels

goal of MIS

managing IS to achieve business strategies

Ch. 3 2024

models of business strategy, competitive advantages, and relationship to processes and IS unlikely to change - pace of business will accelerate - new ideas and innovations and require business to be constantly on alert for changes that may affect their strategy - be a modern-day prospector and use technology to create new products

how do information systems provide competitive advantages

product implementations 1. create a new product or service 2. enhance products or services 3. differentiate products or services process implementations 4. lock in customers and buyers 5. lock in suppliers 6. raise barriers to market entry 7. establish alliances 8. reduce costs

inbound logistics

receiving, storing and disseminating inputs to the products

what types of applications exist? How do organizations obtain them?

software source off the shelf | off the shelf and then customized | custom-developed software type horizontal applications | vertical applications | one of a kind applications

How can you use collaboration tools to facilitate communication? synchronous vs asynchronous

synchronous - shared calendars - invitation and attendance single location - office applications such as word and powerpoint - shared whiteboards multiple locations - conference calls - multiparty text chat - screen sharing - webinars - videoconferencing asynchronous single or multiple locations - email - discussion forums - team surveys


transforming inputs into the final products


unit of digital information that most commonly consists of 8 bits - historically, the byte was the number of bits to encode a single character of text in a computer and for this reason it is the smallest addressable unit of memory in many computer architectures

shared content with version control

version control involves one or more of the following capabilities - user activity limited by permissions - document checkout - version histories - workflow control

is open source software a viable alternative?

GNU general public license agreement - open office (microsoft office look-alike) - firefox (browser) - MySQL ( a DBMS) - apache (a web server) - Ubuntu (a windows-like desktop operating system) - android (mobile device operating system) - cassandra (a NoSQL, DBMS) - Hadoop (BigData processing system)

what do business professionals need to know about operating systems software?

Operating system (client) - programs that control the client computers resources operating system (server) - programs that control the server computers resources application programs (client) - applications that are processed on client computers application programs (server) - applications that are processed on server computers

E-mail is an example of communicating asynchronously a. true b. false


____ is a committee that creates and publishes protocols and standards used by virtually every network a. FCC b. IEEE c. TCP/IP d. SEC


____ part of CPU is very fast memory used to store frequently used instructions in order to speed up processing a. cache memory b. main memory c. bus memory d. secondary memory


_____ is a international standard for creating and processing databases a. SQL b. DB2 c. Oracie d. HTML


_____ refers a network of computer that operates as an integrated whole as if it were a single computer a. grid computing b. cloud computing c. server computing d. mass computing


_____ states "number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months a. moores law b. murphys law c. peter principle d. Dr. Kohs law


a companys competitive strategy is determined by _____ a. industry structure b. value chain c. business processes d. information systems


a keyboard is an example of ____ a. input hardware b. processing hardware c. output hardware d. storage hardware


all of the following are data characteristics of good information except: a. abundant b. accurate c. timely d. relevant


all of the following are open source software products except a. microsoft office b. firefox c. MySQL d. android


iCloud and office 365 are examples of _____ a. SaaS (software as a service) b. PaaS (platform as a service) c. IaaS (infrastructure as a service) d. Open source software


in Access (or any relational database) data are stored in ______ a. tables b. queries c. forms d. reports


in microsoft access, data are stored in _____ a. tables b. queries c. forms d. reports


receiving, handling raw materials and other inputs represent ____ of the value chain a. inbound logistics b. operations c. outbound logistics d. marketing and sales


software that serves needs of a specific industry is known as ____ a. vertical- market application b. horizontal - market application c. supply chain application d. server application


structured decisions do not need much collaboration a. true b. false


unstructured decisions requires collaboration a. true b. false


which of the following is not a benefit of using the cloud? a. control of data location b. small capital requirements c. speedy development d. known cost structure


customer service

assisting customers use of the products and thus maintaining and enhancing the products value

The person shown in class (ronald wayne) is one of the cow-founders of a. microsoft b. apple c. linkedln d. google


_____ is a network of activities that generate value by transforming inputs into outputs a. value network b. business process c. workflow d. project flow


a network of value-creating activities is referred to as a _____ a. value network b. value chain c. logistic chain d. business process


collaboration differs from cooperation because the latter (cooperation) lacks ______ a. communication b. feedback c. goal d. planning


in databases, bytes are grouped into (A) which, in turn grouped into (B) a. columns, fields b. columns, records c. records, columns d. records, tables


microsoft access is ______ a. a word processing program b. database management system software c. a spreadsheet program d. a photo editing program


microsoft windows and linux are examples of ____ a. application software b. operating system software c. word processing software d. business software


organization goals and objectives are determined by _____ a. IT strategy b. competitive strategy c. organizational structure d. IS structure


rapid technological change and increased international competition require workforce all of the following skills except: a. abstract reasoning b. routine manual labor c. system thinking d. collaboration


terms like a 32 - bit and 1.5 gigahert are used to describe the performance of _____ a. input hardware b. processing hardware c. output hardware d. storage hardware


the main reason to enforce referential integrity in Access is to _____ a. limit the umber of records in a table b. keep invalid data from being entered into a table c. make it possible to delete records d. keep your database safe from unauthorized users


when your landlord tells you that he is raising your rent, and you have no choice but oblige, it illustrates ______ a. the bargaining power of customers b. the bargaining power of suppliers c. the threat of substitution d. the threat of new entrants


_____ is a process or procedure to create, edit, use and dispose of content a. value chain b. feedback loop c. workflow d. document management


all of the following are components of MIS except: a. hardware b. data c. company d. people


elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the internet is known as the a. WAN b. LAN c. cloud d. server


general goal of ______ is to construct tables such that every table has a single topic or theme a. unification b. optimization c. normalization d. singularization


in microsoft access, a _____ is a question you ask about data stored in a database a. report b. form c. query d. macro


technology, procurement and human resources are examples of ____ in the value chain a. inbound operations b. outbound operations c. support activities d. competitive resources


the text "using MIS" consists of four parts. all of the following are chapters included in the first part except: a. important of MIS b. collaboration IS c. IS management d. strategy and IS


which of the following is not one of Porter's five competitive forces? a. bargaining power of customers b. substitutability of a product or service c. bargaining power of employees d. threat of new competitors


which of the following lists the terms of storage in ascending order a. kb - tb - mb - gb b. kb - gb - mb - tb c. kb - mb - gm - tb d. mb - kb - gb - tb


outbound logistics

collecting, storing and physically distributing the products to buyers

what 5 forces determine industry structure?

competitive forces - competition from vendors of substitutes - competition from new competitors - competition from existing rivals bargaining power forces - bargaining power of suppliers - bargaining power of customers

what is firmware?

computer software installed on read only memory - printer, print savers, communication devices - coded like other software - can be changed and upgraded

put the following in order based on increasing need for collaboration Strategic, operational, managerial

(structured) operational, managerial, strategic (unstructured)

3 types of virtualization

- PC virtualization - server virtualization - desktop virtualization

abstract reason

- ability to make and manipulate models - learn five components of an information system model - ch. 5: how to create data models ch. 10: how to make process models

system thinking

- ability to model system components, connect inputs and outputs among components to reflect structure and dynamics of system observed - discuss, illustrate, critique systems; compare alternative systems; apply different systems to different situations

what are necessary data characteristics?

- accurate timely - relevant (to context; to subject) - just sufficient - worth its cost


- activity of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal, result, or work product - Ch. 2 discusses collaboration skills and illustrates several sample collaboration information systems

why is the difference between information technology and information systems important to you?

- avoid a common mistake: cannot buy an IS - can buy IT, rent, lease hardware, software and databases and predesigned procedures - your people need to execute procedures to employ new IT - use of new system requires training, overcoming employees resistance, and managing employees as they use new system - IT drives development of new IS - IT (products, methods, inventions, standards) _ IT components = hardware + software + data - IS = IT + procedures + people

2024 Ch. 2

- collaboration systems cheaper, easier to use, run on portable devices - face-to-face meetings rare - employees work at home, full time or part time - corporate training online and asynchronous - much less business travel - travel industry focused on recreational travel - conventions become virtual

specifying hardware with computer data sizes

- computer disk capacities are specified according to the amount of data they can contain CPU speed is expressed in cycles called hertz - slow personal computer speed of 1.5 gigahertz - fast PC 3+ Gigahertz, with dual processors CPUs classified as 32-bit or 64-bit - need a 64-bit professor to effectively use more than 4GB of memory

is open source viable?

- depends on requirements and constraints of situation - "free" open source software still requires support and operational costs that could cost more than licensing fee - future will involve a blend of both proprietary and open source software

where is information?

- graph is not, in itself, complete information - graph is the data you and other perceive use to conceive information - ability to conceive information from data determined by cognitive skills - people perceive difference information from same data

what are the requirements for a collaboration IS?

- hardware - software - data - procedures - people


- huge networks of computers to process image data in real time

what is information?

- knowledge derived from data, where data represents recorded facts or figures - data presented in a meaningful context - processed data, or data processed by summing, ordering, averaging, grouping, comparing or other similar operations - a difference that makes a difference

microsoft Sharepoint

- large, complex and very robust application for all types of collaboration - used by thousands of businesses, and Sharepoint skills are in high demand - installed on company's Windows servers or can be accessed over the Internet using SharePoint Online

developing thin-client applications

- major advantage of thin-clients over native applications is they run on any operating system and device - development languages are HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript

security guide: Differentiating on security

- major data centers harden their sites; computer criminals turn to less strongly protected assets held by small organizations and individuals - habit of effective security behavior easy way to gain a competitive advantage

ability to experiment

- make reasoned analysis of an opportunity; developing and evaluating solutions - fear of failure paralyzes

What is MIS

- management - the key is to develop, maintain and adapt - to create an information system that meets your needs, take an active role in the systems development. Why? - business professionals understand business needs and requirements

3 key elements of MIS

- management and use - information systems - strategies


- storage hardware used to save data and programs common storage devices (CD/DVD, hard disk, thumb drives)

bottom line

- to be effective goals, objectives, culture and activities must be consistent with strategy - in MIS this means all information systems must reflect and facilitate the organizations competitive strategy

what are the 2 key characteristics of collaboration?

1. 2 or more people working together to achieve a common goal 2. feedback and iteration - cooperation lacks feedback and iteration

what are the 4 primary purposes of collaboration?

1. become informed - share data and communicate to share interpretations - develop and document shared understandings 2. make decisions 3. solve problems 4. manage projects

bottom line of MIS course

1. it will give you the background you need to assess, evaluate and apply emerging information systems technology to business 2. it can give you the ultimate in job security - marketable skills - by helping you learn abstraction, systems thinking, collaboration, and experimentation 3. many MIS - related jobs are available

Tom friedman used what company as an example of the business practice called "insourcing"? a. UPS b. Walmart c. Jetblue d. HP


Why is Introduction to MIS the most important class in the business school?

Moores Law - because of Moore's law the cost of data processing, communications and storage is essentially zero

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