Behavior Exam 1 Review

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An instinct is

A behavior that is present at birth at the minimum level needed for survival.

Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?

A decrease in urine output at night

Sloths sleep about 20 hrs per day. This would be considered:

A state

The best description of sensory memory is:

A very short term process for developing sensory input into perceptions that can be transferred to short term memory.

You are headed to another planet to observe the behavior of the Wandandis for the first time. You would most likely use which of the following sampling rules to get a general overview of their behavior?

Ad Libitum Sampling

Which of the following is an example of a modulated response?


Which of the following is a better definition than a description?

Aggressive acts require retreat by one of the animals.

Which of the following would be considered ultimate causation?

Animals tend to give birth in the spring when food is readily available

Which of the following would be considered ultimate causation?

Avoiding water holes with predators present increased survival rates.

The fact that stimulation of an area of the brain will suppress a behavior and lesioning of the same area will release the behavior suggests that:

Behaviors are normally "turned on" and the brain suppresses these behaviors to controls them.

The fact that stimulation of an area of the brain will suppress a behavior and lesioning of the same area will release the behavior suggests that:

Behaviors are normally turned on and the brain suppresses these behaviors to control them.

Wood peckers peck trees 5 times in a row every 30 minutes. These would be considered:


A clicker used in the training of animals is used to __________ the response to the reinforcement.


A bridge is used in training animals to:

Bridge the time gap between the response and the reinforcement.

A horse connecting the sound of a clicker with a reward to be provided later to correctly touching the tip of a traffic cone is an example of:


Cognitive capabilities:

Can be proved scientifically, but cannot be observed directly

Cognitive capabilities must be proven scientifically because they:

Cannot be observed directly

Which of the following is an example of anthropomorphism?

Cats do not like to be alone

You train the squirrels in your yard to climb a ladder, walk across a cable, open a door, slide down a pole, and eat the seeds in a bird feeder. This is an example of:


You train your dog to come in the house through the doggy door, go to the cabinet, open the cabinet door, and bring you a box of dog treats. This is an example of:


Your dog sits, gives his paw, speaks, and then rolls over when you offer a treat and say "sit." This is an example of:


Long term memory is believed to be accomplished by:

Changes in proteins at the synapses of neurons

Storage of information in the brain (memory) is believe to be accomplished by:

Changes in proteins at the synapses of neurons

Storage of information in the brain memory is believed to be accomplished by:

Changes in proteins at the synapses of neurons

Which of the following is not a requirement for natural selection?

Changes to the environment

Which of the following is an example of neural plasticity?

Chickadees hiding their seeds in different locations

An animal develops its behavioral repertoire based on:

Cognitive modification of instincts

The highest type or level of learning is:


The key difference between exogenous and endogenous rhythms is that endogenous rhythms:

Continue when external cues are removed.

The sleep theory that contains components of both the restorative and adaptive theories is the:

Core-optional theory

Selection of fur producing foxes for tameness produced female foxes that cannibalized their young. This is an example of:

Correlated response

Which of the following best describes the role of instincts?

Critical to life and immediate survival

A male crane teaches his male offspring to dance well. The male offspring teach their male offspring to dance as well. This an example of:

Cultural transmission

The fringe-lipped bat, Trachos cirrhosus, uses frog calls from different species as acoustic cues to assess the palatability of its prey. When young naive bats hang out with adult bats they learn this association 20 x faster than through trial and error. This is an example of:

Cultural transmission

Which of the following would be considered ultimate causation?

Deer graze at night to avoid predators

Which of the following is not a result of the selection process that occurred during domestication?

Delayed reproduction

Sensory memory refers to the:

Development of a perception in preparation for short term storage

The very first, very fast stage of memory is the:

Development of a perception in preparation for short term storage.

Sheep are very good at learning sheep faces. This is an example of :

Discrimination learning

What is a potential consequence of species imprinting?

Dogs may hump the leg of humans

Which of the following is not an example of anthropomorphism?

Electrical shock is painful to humans so it is probably painful to rats

In mammals, removing the suprachiasmatic nucleus will:

Eliminate all circadian rhythms.

Neural plasticity allows for:

Environmental stimuli to change the microneuron network

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a micro neuron?

Established during early embryonic development

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an microneuron?

Established during early embryonic development

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a microneuron?

Established very early in embryonic development

Which of the following would be considered scan sampling?

Every 60 minutes, record the number of animals sleeping in the herd

You run out of oreos and forget to buy more. Six weeks later the pigs are urinating all over the pen. This is an example of:


Your goats keep climbing the fence and eating the neighbors garden. You put up an electric fence so they will stop climbing the fence. After a short time, they learn the consequences and they stop climbing and escaping. You inadvertently unplug the fence charger and within a week the neighbor is calling complaining about the goats eating his garden again. This is an example of:


Tonic immobility is a quantitative indicator of


Which of the following is a better definition than a description?

Feed aggression has occurred when three rats are at the feeder for more than 15 seconds.

What reinforcement schedule did I use?

Fixed interval

For some strange reason, you want to teach your horse to kiss you. You give your horse a treat every time they kiss you. This is an example of which type of reinforcement schedule?

Fixed ratio

What reinforcement schedule did I use?

Fixed ratio

A horse allows the rider to slip a halter on its head without any response. This is a result of:


A mule pulls away from a hat that is being placed on her head. After five attempts, she reluctantly allows the hat to be placed. A week later, the mule is wearing the hat and doesn't seem to notice. This is a result of:


You get a new flock of laying hens in your layer house. The first week they are startled and go crazy each time you enter the house. The second week they jump around a little. The third week they turn and look at you. This is an example of:


The female house finch mates with the brightest red male house finch because the brightest red male:

Has the best foraging ability

At the first day of life, animals have instincts that:

Help them to survive immediately and allow for improvement with time.

Why is imprinting more common in birds and horses than dogs and cats?

Horses and birds are more precotial

The main value of discrimination learning is to:

Improve the survival ability of the animal.

Which of the following is not a requirement for natural selection?

Individual adaptation

The difference between individual learning and social learning is that

Individual learning is not passed on to the next generation

During the encoding phase of memory processing:

Information is filtered and converted before storage

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a macro neuron?

Involved in modifiable behavior

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a macro neuron?

Involved in neural plasticity

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a macro neuron?

Involved in neural plasticity.

Pedomorphosis is a byproduct of the domestication selection process and is generally seen as:

Juvenile traits in adult animals

Pleasure/pain, reward/punishment, satisfaction/aversion all occur in the:

Limbic system

The part of the brain that is the regulator of survival business is the:

Limbic system

Which of the following is the "regulator of survival business?"

Limbic system

What is the goal of behavior genetics?

Making a connection between the behavioral phenotype and the genotype

The main difference between observational research and experimental research is that in experimental research we:

Manipulate the animals to answer questions

Which of the following is an example of a modulated response?


Which pair most closely matches agonists/antagonists?


Neural plasticity allows for:

Modification of the neural branches based on environmental stimuli.

The intrinsic variability is most likely a result of:

Multiple neural pathways between stimuli and behaviors.

Cognitive capabilities cannot be observed therefore they:

Must be proven scientifically

Which of the following is an example of anthropomorphism?

My dog enjoys watching animal planet with me

You are training cattle to relax and be calm while in the squeeze chute. You put them in the chute and wait for them to stop resisting. As soon as they stop resisting, you release them form the chute. This is an example of:

Negative reinforcement

You jab your spur into your horses sides. As soon as your horse begins to trot, you stop spurring your horse. Your horse continues to trot without being spurred. This is an example of:

Negative reinforcement

You put a choke collar on your misbehaved dog. The dog strains on the leash and chokes. As soon as the dog stops pulling on the leash the choking stops. This is an example of:

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following is an example of a modulated response?


Which of the following would be considered focal sampling?

Observe a mother and her two offspring every morning

Selection of fur producing foxes for tameness produced tame female foxes with abnormal maternal behavior, spotted coats, shorter legs, curly tails, and floppy ears. This provides evidence for:


Selection of fur producing foxes for tameness produced tame female foxes with abnormal maternal behavior, spotted coats, shorter legs, curly tails, and floppy ears. This provides evidence for?


I want my dog to stay off the couch. Every hour I check on her and give her a dog biscuit if she is not on the couch. What principle of operant conditioning did I use?

Positive reinforcement

I want my horses to learn to stay away from the fence so they don't push the fence over while trying to graze on grass outside the fence. I do not have time to sit and watch them all day, but every time I remember during the day I stop and give a piece of apple to all the horses in the middle of the pasture. What principal of operant conditioning did I use?

Positive reinforcement

What principle of operant conditioning did I use?

Positive reinforcement

You are doing a research project and want the dairy cattle to stay in the shade during the day. You check at 2:00 p.m. and give them cows treats if they are within 50' of the shade. The next day at 2:00 pm you give them cows treats for being under the shade. What conditioning method is being used?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following does not contribute to fitness (in a natural selection sense)?

Producing a higher ratio of males to females in offspring

I want to determine if my chicken really wants a perch in her cage. I provide a cage with a perch, but the chicken must peck a light to get access to the perch. Which reinforcement schedule would be most effective to determine how important access to the perch is to the hen?

Progressive Ratio

You want to determine the proper light level for your chickens. You offer the chickens a choice between a room with a 10 ft candle light level and a room with a 1 foot candle light level. The next day, 80% of the chickens are in the 10 foot candle room. Unfortunately, it is more expensive to provide the brighter light so you want to know how strong their preference is for the brighter room. What reinforcement schedule would you use to test how strong the bird's preference is to gain access to the brighter room?

Progressive Ratio

I want to determine how strongly my cat wants to go outside instead of using the litter box. I really want my cat to use the litter box so I don't have to get up and let her out all of the time. I set it up so that she can push a lever to go outside or push a lever to use the litter box. What reinforcement schedule should I use to really find out how strongly she prefers the outdoor "potty"?

Progressive ratio

The female house finch mates with the brightest red male house finch because the brightest red male:

Provides the most feed for the female and her young

I want my dog to stay off the couch. Every hour I check on her and smack her on the nose with a newspaper if she is on the couch. What principle of operant conditioning did I use?


My dairy cow likes to be in her personal stall. Unfortunately, she tends to defecate in the bedding in her stall. I got tired of cleaning out the stall so I put a wire over the stall that has electricity through it. Amazingly, within one day she stops defecating in the stall because each time she arches her back to defecate she gets a little shock. What time of conditioning is this?


Which of the following is an example of observational research?

Recording the effect of seasonal temperature on fur color in wild hares.

A unique feature of taste aversion is that:

Reinforcement can be delayed

A unique feature of taste aversion is that:

Reinforcement can be delayed.

Your bulls really like to be out on the pasture, but while they are together they often get into violent fights. You decide to correct the problem, so each time they get aggressive with each other you put them in separate stalls for one day. What conditioning method did you use?

Response Cost

Which of the following would be considered proximate causation?

Rising testosterone levels results in young stallions leaving the natal band

Which of the following is not an example of broadcasting?

Scent left on the ground where a cow delivers her calf

I want to train my dog to go potty outside. On Monday, when my dog walks down the hallway towards the back door, I give him a treat. On Tuesday, I only give him a treat when he gets near the back door. On Wednesday, I only give him a treat when he sits by the back door. On Thursday, I only give him a treat when he waits for me to open the door and let him go outside. On Friday, I only give him a treat when he goes "potty" outside. This series of events is an example of training by:


What method did I use to speed dup the training process?


Reducing the space available to sheep may increase aggression because:

Sheep like to lie along the wall and less wall space is available

Why is it difficult for biological rhythms group to get video of the sheep sleeping?

Sheep only sleep for about 20 minutes at one time

Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?


The core optional sleep theory stages that

Sleep satisfies both the need for restoration and some behavioral drive.

The core optional sleep theory states that:

Sleep satisfies both the need for restoration and some behavioral drive.

Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?

Sleep/wake cycle

Which of the following is not an obstacle to domestication?

Small brain size

A given stimulus does not always produce the same behavioral response. Which of the following is not likely to explain the variable response?

Some responses are random and have no value to the animal

The difference between filial imprinting and species imprinting is:

Species imprinting occurs later in life.

The main purpose of shaping in training is to:

Speed up the process

Which of the following is an example of neural plasticity?

Squirrels hiding nuts in many different locations

When testing brain function, using agonists/antagonists is similar to:


The key difference between exogenous and endogenous rhythms is that exogenous rhythms:

Stop when external Cues are removed.

The key difference between exogenous and endogenous rhythms is that exogenous rhythms:

Stop when external cues are removed

Which of the following was not one of the six main obstacles to domestication?

Strong mating drive

Which of the following would be considered proximate causation?

Sunlight stimulates the pineal to release melatonin

In mammals, the pacemaker or clock that drives circadian rhythms is the:

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

In mammals, removing the ______ will eliminate all circadian rhythms.

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Pedomorphosis most likely resulted during domestication because we selected animals for:


Basic instincts interacting with cognitive capabilities produces

The animal's behavioral repertoire

Basic instincts interacting with cognitive capabilities produces:

The animals behavioral repertoire.

When testing brain function, using agonists or electrical stimulation would most likely cause:

The normal response

A difference between taste aversion and operant conditioning is that:

The reinforcement does not have to be immediate in taste aversion.

Which of the following would be considered proximate causation?

The sight of prey causes heart rate to increase

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about comparative intelligence?

There is no accurate way to assess comparative intelligence.

Microneurons send out a web of branches at both the axon and dendrite. Some branches do not survive because:

There was no successful activity in the branch.

Lesioning areas within the limbic system will normally release or cause a behavior to occur. This is because:

These behaviors are critical to survival and the default condition is turned on

You want your dog to sit until told "OK." Your dog sits and you tell her OK and reward her after sitting for 10 seconds. Next time you make her sit for 30 seconds. Next time you make her sit for 5 seconds. What type of reinforcement schedule is this?

Variable Interval

Giving your dog a treat after a random number of positive responses is an example of which type of reinforcement schedule?

Variable Ratio

If I wanted the highest response rate what form of reinforcement would I use?

Variable Ratio

If you want the highest response rate from an animal for a desired behavior what form of reinforcement would you use?

Variable Ratio

What reinforcement schedule did I use?

Variable interval

You are trying to keep your dog from getting on the furniture. Every time you walk by the living room you smack her on the nose with a newspaper if she is on the couch. Your reinforcement schedule is:

Variable interval

You want your pigs to urinate in one corner of the pen. You check on your pig at 7 am, 11 am, 1 pm, and 6 pm and as soon as she urinates in the proper corner you give her an oreo. Your reinforcement schedule is:

Variable interval

If you want the highest response rate from an animal for a desired behavior, what form of reinforcement would you use?

Variable ratio

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