Bible Exam

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What was cursed after Adam sinned?

people's relationship to work

Tool, Test, or Testimony ___________________________ = Ana just graduate college and got an well paying job, but she is struggling on how to best steward such a large salary and not spend it just on her own wants. ___________________________ = Sydney used to have tons of debt, but for the past 5 years she practiced self-control and limited her spending and paid off her debt. Now she teaches other at her church how to get out of debt too. ___________________________ = Maya wants to start a business that also does some social good. She take $30,000 our of her savings to launch her business.

test, testimony, tool

What was Victor Frankl's theory on people's deepest motivation?

their desire for meaning/purpose

What did it practically mean for that original people who received Jesus' "follow me" invitation?

they literally followed him

Why do people (with a surface level thinking) want money?

to purchase: 1) pleasure 2) avoid suffering

What is one of the roles of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in class regarding our identity?

to remind us of who we are

Matthew 6:21 - "Where your ____________________ is, there your _____________________ will be also."

treasure, heart

What does the Enneagram personality tool seek to show you?

your motivations and fears

How did we reframe/rephrase the first foundational purpose?

"... to be loved by God."

What did Jesus say about the Sabbath in Mark 2:27?

"Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"

How do we break down the question "What am I supposed to do with my life?"? What emotions of are hidden underneath this question?

"supposed": assumes God has a plan for your life, fear and anxiety

___________________________ taxes - taxes on gifts given to another person (federal) ___________________________ taxes - taxes on property owned (state and local) ___________________________ ________________ taxes - taxes on gains in value on property or investments when sold

- Gift - Property - Capital Gains

___________________________ taxes - taxes on money earned ___________________________ taxes - taxes on items purchased ___________________________ taxes - taxes on the accumulation of wealth at death

- Income - Sales - Estate

The Iceberg Principle ● _______________ matters more than ______________. ● Money issues are ___________________________ issues. ● Your __________________________ informs your choices.

- Why, How - heart - worldview

What warnings did Jesus give in his teaching about prayer? (3 things)

- do not pray like a hypocrite - prayer is not a performance - do not babble and use too many words

Know how to distinguish examples of the following traps Binary Trap - Voting Trap - Intuitive Trap -

- either/or - opinions - gut feeling

Cultural Views of Treasure & Money ● Our culture encourages us to _______________________ more than we ____________________ . ● It aggressively _______________ us to be _________________ . ● We are taught to attach our _____________________ to our _______________________ .

- spend, have - teaches, discontent - self-worth, possessions

The Five Money Principles 1. Spend ______________ than you ________________, because every success in your financial life depends on this habit. 2. Give generously because giving ________________ the power of money. 3. Avoid ______________ because debt always ________________ the future. 4. Plan for financial _____________________ because the __________________ will occur. 5. Set long term ________________ because there is always a _______________ between the short term and the long term.

1. less, earn 2. breaks 3. debt, mortgages 4. margin, unexpected 5. goals, trade off

LIVE GIVE OWE or GROW 1. Paying rent for your apartment = _________________ 2. Paying off your student loan = __________________ 3. Donating to a local charity = ________________ 4. Filling up at a gas station = _____________ 5. Paying your credit card balance = _____________ 6. Saving for your kid's college education = _____________ 7. Paying for health insurance = _____________ 8. Saving for an emergency fund = _____________

1. live 2. owe 3. give 4. live 5. owe 6. grow 7. live 8. grow

Debt may violate two biblical principles: 1. Don't _________________________ upon the future 2. God is our ___________________________________.

1. presume 2. provider

(KNOW ORDER) 1. Diversify/accumulate to meet long-term goals 2. Save for major purchases 3. Eliminate all short-term and high interest debt. 4. Complete long-term goals 5. Create an emergency fund of 3-6 months of living expenses.

3, 5, 2, 1, 4

What did the man with the abundant harvest do in the parable Jesus taught in Luke 12:16-21?

Built bigger barns, took life easy, got rebuked by God

What did the man with the 1 talent do in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30?

Buried it because of fear

God can use injustice to produce a calling or a place of opportunity.


Humbly remember that your gifting belongs to God.


Yes, you can and may need to stand up to authority, yet in a discering way.


What were the deeper questions inspired by creation that we said are more important to ask?

For what did God create humanity?

What is main lesson that we highlighted from Jesus' teaching of the Vine and the Branches in John 15?

Friendship with God is the best fuel for a fruitful life

How did Jesus respond to Martha in the story?

He challenged her and said Mary had chose the better thing

If Jesus had an advantage in life compared to us, what did be suggest it was?

He knew his identity

How did Jesus respond to the Widow's Offering in Mark 12:41-44?

He pointed her out to his disciples

How did we explain the motivation for God giving the greatest command of "loving God with all you heart..."?

He wants to be loved just like us

What story did we study in Jesus' life that highlighted the importance of identity?

His baptism and temptation

It takes courage to say "yes" to God without knowing what your assignment is.


The "Fear of the Lord "brings incredible self-awareness.


The "Fear of the Lord" is a needed ingredient for a person who wants to follow God's call on their life.


Your assignment won't always seem fruitful or effective.


What was the core lesson from the teaching of the story of Martha and Mary?

It is more important to BE with God than to WORK FOR God

Who did we look at as a model for walking in relationship with God?


Following God's call on your life can have difficult social consequences like being misunderstood and outcasted.


Stewarding a "call" is like being pregnant in that you have to make specific life adjustments to keep the "baby" growing and healthy.


Why was Martha mad in the story?

Mary wasn't helping her in the kitchen, but being with Jesus

In a secular, surface level way of thinking, why do people work?


God has a better plan than you do for injustices that you want to fix.


It is normal to feel unqualified for your "calling." You might even try to fight God and talk him out of it.


Which character's lessons? God might "call" you when you aren't looking for something to do.


Your "calling" experience can be supernatural and even scary.


It's important examine & become an expert in the specifics of your issue's "broken walls."


Sometimes you need to keep your call a secret.


Which character's lessons? A "call" can come in the form of simply seeing something that needs to be done.


Your "call" might lead you into something you have no experience in.


Giving in Old Testament was funneled into what 3 Places? 1. 2. 3.

Priest, Holidays/Festivals, The Poor

God has set a longing for eternity in our hearts to act as a compass.


Learn from the mistakes of those before you.


The search for meaning and purpose is the journey we are all on, whether we know it or not.


While your career can be a blessing, it will never satisfy you completely in itself.


Where in Scripture do we find the origins of the Sabbath day?

The creation story

Why did we say that the question " What am I supposed to do with my life? " is NOT a deep enough question?

The questions assumes your career is the most important thing in life

What function did the Sabbath have concerning Israel's identity?

To remind Israel they no longer has the heart identity as slaves

What is the definition of Biblical Stewardship giving by Ron Blue?

Using God-given resources for God-given purposes

How did we connect the concept of sexual consent to following Jesus?

We need to give Jesus permission to be in our lives

What does the "Image of God" have to do with our calling to work?

We reflect God's image and nature so we work because God worked

What metaphor did we relate to the phrase found in Ecclesiastes "God has set eternity in the hearts of people"?


To know the foundational reasons why and for what purposes humans exist, what story in the Bible did we look at?


What is the translation "lectio divina"? What is the pace and intent of reading scripture in this way?

divine reading, a slow meditative reading

Solomon searched for purpose and meaning in life by investing in what activities? (5 things)

education, partying, projects, wealth, entertainment

According to the Myers Briggs personality tool, what is the difference between an extrovert and introvert?

extroverts: charge by being with others introverts: charge by being alone

The Paradox of Prosperity The more you _________________, the more _____________________ you have, leading to a potential for more ____________________ and confusion and less ___________________________.

have, choices, anxiety, freedom

Saving is taught in the Bible, but ____________________ is warned against.


In our study of the book of Solomon and the book of Ecclesiastes, what was the deeper meaning of the phrase "life is Hevel"?

life is like SMOKE

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