( a ) Jacob acknowledged that Judah was the chosen seed when he compared him to a . ( b ) He also said that Judah would hold the .
( a ) Lion ( b ) Scepter
" In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed "
God chose him to lead when he was practicing idolatry .
In the book of Romans , what is Paul's primary basis for concluding that Abraham was justified by faith ?
Abraham was declared righteous before his circumcision .
Ephesians 2 : 8-9 says , " For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves : it is the gift of God : Not of works , lest any man should boast . " The next verse says : " For we are his workmanship , created
Christians don't need to do good works .
Noah and his descendants lived righteously for many generations after the Flood .
True or False : Jesus is a descendant from the priestly tribe of Levi .
True or False : Just admitting that God exists and that He's great and powerful is enough for a person to have a relationship with Him .
or False As long as I obey , God is not concerned with my attitude .
Where is the Creation Mandate initially recorded in Scripture , and after what significant event did God repeat this statement ?
Genesis 1 : 26-28 God repeated it to Noah
the Lord had said to Abram , " Go from your country , your people and your father's household to the land I will show you . " I will make you into a great nation , and I will bless you ; I will make your name great , and you wi
Genesis 12 : 1-3
Who is essentially on trial in the book of Job ?
Which of the following explanations was not given in the textbook as a reason God may choose to make us wait ?
He is testing our faith .
but because Jesus lives forever , he has a permanent priesthood . Therefore he is able to completely save those who come to God through him , because he always lives to intercede for them .
Hebrews 7 : 24-25
Which of the following is not true concerning God's authority in the life of a believer
It eliminates freedom .
Why is the word seed ( like offspring ) ambiguous in Scripture ?
It refers to 1 seed singular or a pile of seeds
" Let us arise , and go up to Bethel ; and I will make there an altar unto God "
He didn't stop trying to live in his own strength and wisdom until he had a physical encounter with God
Give one correct conclusion and one incorrect conclusion reached by Eliphaz , Bildad , and Zophar in the book of Job .
Job is suffering All suffering is a result of sin
" But as for you , ye thought evil against me ; but God meant it unto good "
In spite of God's obvious work in his life , he was not the chosen seed .
He failed to see events in his life as part of God's
The sceptre shall not depart from [ you ] "
David's statement " The Lord is my shepherd , I shall not want " is found in which section of the TaNaK
Christ's rule on earth
Kingdom of god
He observed God's blessing on the life of another man and thought he could enjoy the same benefits by keeping him close by .
Which two sentences describe God's original purposes for mankind according to the Creation Mandate ?
Man was ( and is ) supposed to fill the earth . Man was ( and is ) supposed to work .
In the Bible , whose name meant " drawn out
In the Bible , whose name meant " drawn out " ?
Although Ishmael was not the promised seed , God's care for him is a partial fulfillment of the Covenant .
The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind : " You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek . "
Psalm 110 : 4
" Let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them "
Which element of the big story of Scripture is first introduced in Genesis 3:15 ?
Conflict is the result of
Who offered to let Abraham keep all of the material goods that he collected after defeating Chedorlaomer and his allies ?
The kingdom of Sodom
2.35 The name Jesus means
The lord is salvation
Why did God include the story of Cain and Abel in Scripture ?
To show how Adams sin effects others
My sin makes it harder for me to fulfill God's purposes
Sin distorts that which is good .
The Old Testament is like a story that needs a conclusion .
True or False : A desire to see God's plan fulfilled is a proper motivation for prayer .
True or False : Abraham and his son Isaac were guilty of telling the same lie .
True or False : Bible principles apply to every situation in my life , even when those situations are not directly andressed Scripture
True or False : God repeats His promises to Abraham multiple times in the book of Genesis .
True or False : Paul argues that God's covenant with Abraham was conditional .
2.32 Which of the following reasons for giving thanks to God for answered prayer was not mentioned in the
We will miss out on blessings if we don't .
What's the most important question many people fail to consider when reading a biblical account ?
Why is it included in Scripture ?
patterned after
after the order
part , Genesis 1-2 tells us how things
are supposed to be
Where and how does God repeat the Abrahamic Covenant to Jacob ?
at Bethel in a dream
When did God reveal the answer to the prayer that Eliezer made at the well ?
before he finished the prayer
God's response to Adam and Eve's sin included
both curses and promises
surrounding material
formal agreement
steadfast love
In which step of Bible study would it be most helpful to consult a tool like a Bible encyclopedia ?
The account of the Flood and the ark demonstrates that God's love results in both for the wicked and for the righteous .
judgement / mercy
brother - in - law
Which method of confirming a covenant was most binding or permanent ?
making a blood sacrifice
account of a historical event
Which of these is necessary if you are going to make good observations in your personal Bible study ?
introduction to the good news
: guidance and involvement
In the big story of the Bible , how does God glorify Himself ?
redeeming him cration
According to your textbook , the ultimate purpose of Scripture is to
reveal God and provide a way for people to have a relationship with Him
Joseph was not bound by anger and bitterness because he was confident that God is
: authority or control
Which step in the process of offering a sacrifice was completed by the priest ?
sprinkling or pouring the blood on the altar
You're witnessing to some friends who say they can't believe in a God who allows people to suffer . Based on the summary of lessons from the narrative of Job , what would be the best answer for you to give ?
suffer . God is the Redeemer and our only hope to end suffering .
God promised Abraham that his seed would be as abundant as what two things ?
the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the shore
God's response to Adam and Eve's sin included
to Adam both curses and promises