Bio 1 Ch 9

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Name the stages of cellular respiration.

1. Glycolysis (breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate) 2. The citric acid cycle (completes the breakdown of glucose) 3. Oxidative phosphorylation (accounts for most of the ATP synthesis)

How many molecules of NADH are produced in glycolysis?


How many turns of the citric acid cycle does it take to break down one molecule of glucose?


8. Where does glycolysis take place in the eukaryotic cell?


What is fermentation?

Fermentation is a process consists of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+, which can be reused by glycolysis

35. During cellular respiration, most of the energy flows in the following sequence:

Glucose →_NADH_→ electron transport chain →_proton-motive force_→ ATP.

What does oxygen form when it receives the electrons from NADH and FADH2?


Where does the citric acid cycle take place in the eukaryotic cell?

Mitochondria Matrix

Do all types of fermentation make CO2? NO

Which one does? Alcohol Which one doesn't? Lactic

16. How many turns of the citric acid cycle would it take to break down one acetyl-CoA molecule into two molecules of carbon dioxide?

_1 turn_

When electrons are transferred from one NADH to O2 via the ETC, this creates a H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane sufficient to make 2.5 ATP; that is, one NADH makes (#) ___ ATP via oxidative phosphorylation.


How many ATP are made from one FADH2?


In chemiosmosis, H+ move back to the matrix via the enzyme ___, which combines ADP and Pi (phosphate functional group) to make ____.

_ATP synthase,ATP

15. Before entering the citric acid cycle, pyruvate is converted into ______. During this process pyruvate is oxidized by losing electrons to NAD+, which is reduced to ___. Pyruvate also loses a carbon that is released as ____ gas.

_Acetyl CoA_, Acetyl CoA, CO2

In lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is converted to ___ as an end product.


Once NADH donates its electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC), what is the molecule that accepts these electrons at the end of this ETC chain? In other words, what is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?


Where does the electron transport chain take place in the eukaryotic cell (be specific)?

__mitochondrial matrix__

Pumping H+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane creates hydrogen ion gradient that is also called

_proton-motive force._

As electrons are donated by NADH and FADH2 onto increasingly negative carriers in the ETC, hydrogen ions (H+) are pumped from the ____ into the ____ in the mitochondrion.

matrix, intermembrane space

What is the net production of ATP in glycolysis?


What is the purpose of fermentation?

Anaerobic process by which ATP is produced by glycolysis

Why does FADH2 make less ATP than NADH in oxidative phosphorylation?

NADH carries more energy

For each turn of the citric acid cycle, how many of each of the following is produced?

NADH: _3_ FADH2: _1_ ATP: _1_ CO2: _2_

For one glucose molecule, how many of each of the following is produced by the citric acid cycle?

NADH: _6_ FADH2: _2_ ATP: _2 CO2: _4_

1Does glycolysis produce carbon dioxide (CO2)?


Does fermentation require oxygen?


Does glycolysis require oxygen (O2)?


What stages of cellular respiration make ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation?

Substrate-level phosphorylation is the process by which ATP is formed in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.

In reduction,

a substance gains electrons

In oxidation,

a substance loses electrons

Which type of fermentation is taking place under each of the following conditions:

a. Fatigue after exercise? Lactic b. Dough rising? Alcohol

After glycolysis and citric acid cycle, what is the fate of each of the following?

a.NADH: _ feeds electrons into the ETC _ b.FADH2: _ feeds electrons into the ETC _ c. ATP: _ leaves mitochondria and used by cell_ d.CO2: _ diffuses out of cell into blood capillaries_

What are the two types of fermentation?

alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation

By the end of ETC, the pH of the mitochondrial matrix is acidic / basic (choose one) and that of the inter-membrane space is acidic / basic (choose one).

basic, acidic

In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate breaks down into ____ & ___ as end products.

ethanol, CO2

Glycolysis breaks down ____ into two molecules of ____ as final products.

glucose, pyruvate

Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle?

the process starts over and over again because the citric acid is reused as the 4 carbon compound over and over again.

Describe the purpose of oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration.

they donate electrons to the electron transport chain, which powers ATP synthesis via chemiosmosis.

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