Bio 1001 Chapter 1 - Barton

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Energy and chemicals move through ecosystems in different ways. Nutrients are constantly ___________ through the ecosystem, while energy moves through an ecosystem in ________ direction.

cycle, one

The box numbered 2 represents which process?

cycling of matter

How many factors does a scientist want to differ between the experimental and control groups?


Organism is to population as organ is to __________.

organ system

If you eat a hamburger, you are mainly eating ground-up beef muscle. What levels of organization are represented in this ground-up muscle?

organelle, cell, and tissue

Biologists rely heavily on feedback from their __________ in refining and improving their hypotheses.


True or false: Based on DNA evidence the red panda belongs neither to the raccoon nor bear families. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: The "nature" in natural selection refers to an organism's environment selecting for adaptive traits. If false, make it a correct statement.


A scientist performs a controlled experiment. This means that

two versions of the experiment are conducted, one differing from the other by only a single variable.

List the five themes that unify biology

- evolution - flow of information - structure and function - transformation of energy and matter - interactions within and between systems

Which of the following is present in a controlled clinical trial, but lacking in a retrospective study, of a new drug ("X") that might be effective in treating tuberculosis?

A placebo drug

Which of the following correctly lists the main steps in the flow of information from gene to protein?

A segment of DNA is transcribed to RNA, which is then translated into a chain of molecules that make up a protein.

Which of the following INCORRECTLY pairs a listed organism and its domain?

An organism living in a boiling hot spring belongs to the domain Bacteria.

Which statement about ecosystems is false?

Bacteria and fungi recycle energy within an ecosystem.

Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

Black beetles, which are vulnerable to extreme cold, vanish from the region during one very cold winter in Montana.

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the principles of evolution by natural selection. What aspects of the scientific method can be identified in Darwin's work?

Charles Darwin's work followed the rules of hypotheses creation and testing. in order to prove a scientist has to follow the above methods. so darwin probably theorized that the offspring of certain living entities were by either environmental conditioning or by natural selection different genetically from their parent. he tried this hypothesis over time and using the results he got, modified his theory.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is necessary for growth during human adolescence. Pituitary dwarfism is a condition that results from the inability of a person to produce HGH. Luckily, the human gene for HGH can be inserted into E. coli bacteria, which are able to make our HGH. The resulting HGH is used by people who are unable to make their own. What property about hereditary information makes this possible?

DNA is a universal genetic language such that all organisms use it. This is what enables us to put human genes into other organisms, such as bacteria.

When a scientist examined museum specimens of a particular moth species, she noticed that the variation in color was distributed as shown in the first graph. She was surprised because her data from current collections indicated the distribution of colors shown in the second graph. Which hypothesis about the cause of this shift in the range of genetic variation is the most likely to be supported by examination of the distribution of colors in a collection assembled at a time between that of the collection of the museum specimens and her current specimens?

Darker moths were more likely to survive and have offspring over time.

Which statement about ecosystems is false?

Energy cycles from organisms through the atmosphere and back to the organisms.

Select the correct statements regarding the transfer and transformation of energy and matter in ecosystems.

Energy enters most ecosystems as light and exits as heat. Consumers use the energy and matter in food to build new molecules. Decomposers are critical for the cycling of matter in ecosystems.

Energy within most ecosystems flows along which of the following pathways?

Energy from the sun powers photosynthesis; consumers use energy from plants in the form of sugars; metabolic heat is released from the system.

What is the result of the body's signaling system that controls insulin secretion to drive cellular work?

Glucose levels in the blood fall, while glucose levels in the body's cells increase.

You raise rabbits and wonder whether a new rabbit food called "CrunchyBunny" might be causing your American Chinchilla rabbits to weigh less than normal as adults. To answer this, you want to set up a control group to which you feed only the regular food, "BunnyBeautiful"; however, your rabbit supplier is out of American Chinchilla rabbits and sends you only Mini Lops, another breed. How should you design your study?

Have about the same number of each breed in your experimental and your control groups.

Which of the following statements is not consistent with Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Individual organisms experience genetic change during their life spans to better fit their environment.

How did individual variations in traits among members of a population contribute to Darwin's view that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution?

Individual variation allows favorable traits to become increasingly common in the population over time.

What effect does "unequal reproductive success," one of Darwin's inferences regarding evolution, have on a population over time?

Individuals whose inherited traits best allow them to survive and reproduce will make up an increasingly greater proportion of the population.

Darwin used many lines of evidence to show that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution. One line was the overproduction of offspring in animal species. How did Darwin believe that this affected natural selection?

It created the need for competition for resources such that only the best-adapted individuals would survive to reproduce.

What will all members of the domains Archaea and Bacteria have in common?

all of the organisms will be prokaryotic

Which of the following is a true statement about the thumb of the red panda?

It represents an adaptation to enable the animal to move along trees, not an adaptation for grasping.

Which of the following choices shows the correct arrangement of the components of life's hierarchy of the organization, going from smallest to largest? A. Population B. Cell C. Organ D. Organ system E. Biosphere F. Tissue G. Community H. Organelle I. Organism J. Molecule K. Ecosystem

J, H, B, F, C, D, I, A, G, K, E

Which of the following is a statement that uses qualitative data?

Mary's favorite color is blue.

Can science progress without technology?

No, because scientists need technology to conduct research.

Let's imagine there are two species of squirrels, Chattery and Squeaky, in the same habitat. Chattery squirrels can digest pine nuts from pine trees and acorns from oak trees, whereas Squeaky squirrels can digest only acorns. Chattery squirrels are small and timid, while Squeaky squirrels are large and aggressive. One summer, a disease kills off all of the oak trees. What does natural selection predict will happen?

Over time, Chattery squirrels will outnumber Squeaky squirrels because they are better adapted to the environment's new, more limited food supply.

Your text contains this sentence: "Every citizen has a responsibility to develop a reasonable amount of scientific literacy to be able to participate in the debates regarding science, technology, and society." What does this mean?

People ought to understand science well enough to be able to understand how it, technology, and society can address complex problems.

Your textbook describes experiments concerning predation of mice that belong to the same species but live in two different habitats. The mice in the two habitats were differently colored. How were these experiments carried out?

Plastic models of mice of the two different colors were placed in each habitat, and the frequency of predator attacks was recorded.

After a person eats dinner, which of the following occurs?

The concentration of glucose in the blood increases, causing the pancreas to release insulin, which allows glucose to enter cells, thereby lowering blood glucose levels.

A single-celled eukaryotic organism that does not decompose or eat other organisms is most likely a member of __________.


Your new plant, which stood straight and tall when you brought it home from the store a few weeks ago, is now bending slightly and has its leaves turned toward the sunlight streaming into your dining room window. This is an example of which characteristic of living things?

Response to the environment

What do you predict would occur if a gene for manufacturing insulin were inserted into the DNA of bacterial cells growing in the laboratory?

The cells would manufacture insulin.

In the section in your textbook about systems biology, interactions among members of the bacteria-sloth-tree system in the South American rain forest were described. What benefit do these South American sloths derive from the bacteria that live on their hair?

The greenish-brown coat provides camouflage from predators.

You found a new single-celled organism and wish to demonstrate that it is a living thing. You take the organism back to the lab and monitor it for several days, recording your observations. Select the observation that would indicate that this organism is truly alive.

The organism grows, divides, and produces more single-celled organisms like itself. When you shade part of the slide, the organism moves toward the light using a tail-like appendage.

Which of the following is a correct statement comparing the "false thumbs" of this red panda and the giant panda?

The structures are anatomically similar but evolved separately in the two lineages.

Watching salt crystals form as ocean water evaporates, a student says, "Look−−more and more crystals are appearing. The ocean water is alive!" Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the student's remark?

The student is incorrect because all of the crystals reproduce the same kind of crystals with no variation to provide adaptation, so the ocean water is not alive.

Robins, blue jays, and sparrows live in your garden, which is also filled with roses, tulips, and wisteria. Which of the following statements correctly uses the terms of life's hierarchy of organization with relation to your garden?

There are robin, blue jay, and rose populations in your garden community.

A researcher hypothesizes that mice who eat spinach will develop stronger hamstring muscles. To test her hypothesis, she feeds one group of mice their regular diet plus spinach, and a second group of mice their regular diet only. Both groups have access to running wheels in their cages. After 6 weeks, she tests the strength of the hamstrings in all of the mice. Which of the following correctly describes this experiment?

This is a controlled study in which the independent variable is spinach and the dependent variable is hamstring strength.

Which statement provides the best evidence that there is a common genetic code that demonstrates the unity of life?

Through genetic engineering, a gene from a firefly can be inserted into a bacterium to make it glow.

Which of the following is one way that an understanding of evolution can directly improve human health?

Understanding the "survival strategies" of a virus can guide the development of a more effective vaccine.

Which of the following questions could be answered by a retrospective study that tests a hypothesis?

Was radiation therapy for breast cancer more effective in patients treated at Hospital A than at Hospital B?

A common misconception among students is that a hypothesis and a theory are essentially the same. Briefly explain what you would say to a student who believes that.

a hypothesis is simply a statement made off of an observation. a theory is something that is very broad and has to be supported by lots of evidence. basically, a hypothesis does not need evidence and a theory does.

A hypothesis is

a proposed explanation for a set of observations.

Which of the following would be considered a population?

a school of fish in a lake

Which sequence is not a correct pathway of energy through an ecosystem?

bacteria > plants > birds

What do red pandas, weasels, and raccoons have in common?

claws, similar skulls, teeth, and ringed tails

Which of the following is the highest level of taxonomic organization?


The fact that new characteristics emerge as you go higher in biological levels is referred to as ________.

emergent properties

Does a motor vehicle fulfill any of the characteristics of life? If so, which one(s)?

energy processing. it takes in gas, and uses that gas to power all of its activities.

A lonely scientist works late into the night, every night. He has no friends and his neighbors regard him as strange and a little scary. One night, he is seen through his window holding up a test tube and exclaiming "I've GOT IT!" He has found a cure for cancer and, within two years, is the most famous person in the world. What is wrong with this scenario?


__________ is responsible for the change that has occurred to life on Earth from the beginnings of the planet until today


A small group of 25 predatory birds populates an island. Three members of the population have superior sight, which gives these birds a significant advantage in capturing prey. After many generations, the population on the island has risen to 1,500 and almost all of the birds have superior sight compared to the same species on other islands. This is an example of __________.

evolutionary adaptation

A theory is a(n)

explanation of an idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence

True or false: Systems biology uses microscopy to study how cells use energy. If false, make it a correct statement.

false, systems biology is an approach by which scientist attempt to model the behavior of biological systems by analyzing the interactions among their parts.

________ are sometimes referred to as the units of inheritance.


List an example of how form follows function at the cellular level.

human arm to a bats wing, while the bones of the two correspond, the parts serve different functions in each organisms and their forms have adapted to follow that function.

Which of the following is best described as a tentative explanation to an observation or set of observations?


You notice that over the past month, many students on campus have started wearing a new style of school sweatshirt. You think to yourself that perhaps the bookstore has recently started selling this new sweatshirt style. This is an example of a(n)


An older woman with diabetes develops sores on her feet that will not heal, a common complication of the disease. As a result, she has to move in with her son and his wife, with whom she does not get along. Over time, the constant fighting drives the woman's son out of the house. The family becomes destitute and the children are given over to foster care. This is an example of which of the following fundamental themes in biology?

interactions among and between systems

Why isn't the Theory of Evolution referred to as the "Hypothesis of Evolution"?

it is very broad in scope.

Briefly explain how the genetic code is analogous to the letters of the alphabet.

letters in the alphabet can be put together to make words, but when the letters of that word is rearranged into a new word, it forms an entire different meaning. this is the same way the genetic code works. certain sequences have certain meanings, but once the sequence is moved around, the information changes.

In most ecosystems, __________ energy is converted into __________ energy by __________.

light; chemical; producers

"Gene expression" refers to __________.

making a protein using the instructions in DNA

Some lines of evidence supported classifying the red panda in the same family as raccoons, while other lines support classifying it with giant pandas. What kind of evidence was used to "settle" the matter?

molecular evidence

Darwin posited that the mechanism for evolution is __________.

natural selection

Your textbook contains an example (Figure 1.9B) of a study where birds selectively consumed light-colored beetles from a population of mixed-color beetles, resulting over time in an increased frequency of dark-colored beetles in the population. What outcome would you predict if the birds had, instead, preferred female beetles to male beetles as prey, regardless of color?

no change in the proportion of light- and dark-colored beetles

Local farmers believe that a commonly used pesticide is responsible for an increase in frogs born with an additional appendage on their land. In a controlled experiment designed to investigate the effects of the pesticide on frog development, the independent variable would be __________ and the dependent variable would be __________.

pesticide exposure; number of frogs with extra appendages

Which of the following is an INCORRECT pairing of a kingdom of an organism and the nutrient source of that organism?

plantae: decompose organic waste

The role of a control in an experiment is to

provide a basis of comparison to the experimental group.

A smart phone is not alive. List three characteristics of life that the phone does not exhibit.

reproduction, regulation, and evolutionary adaptation

____________ is an approach for understanding the natural world and its phenomena.


To qualify as a scientific hypothesis, a proposed explanation for a set of observations must be __________.


To be scientifically valid, a hypothesis must be

testable and falsifiable.

Technology is __________.

the application of scientific knowledge for some specific purpose

In the illustration of the "Tree of Life" in Figure 1.9C, what is located at each branching point?

the common ancestor of all animals who are placed to the right of that point

When all the available evidence was taken into account, scientists concluded that the red panda, which has characteristics similar to those of bears, raccoons, weasels, giant pandas, and other bears, belongs to __________.

the family Ailuridae, of which it is the only member

A soybean farmer applies a pesticide to his crops each year. After several years, he notices that the pesticide seems to have less of an effect on the insects. The population of insects is now more resistant to the pesticide. Would this be an example of artificial or natural selection? Briefly explain your answer.

this is an example of natural selection. the insects who could withstand the environment around them continued to reproduce, unlike those who could not withstand the environment, therefore this would be considered natural selection.

Consider a white blood cell. The next level of organization above it in the "Hierarchy of Life" is the __________, and the next level below it is the __________.

tissue; organelle

Which of the following is NOT a property of living things?

tremendous variation in size

You are a research scientist for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) interested in performing a controlled experiment to determine the effects of caffeine on human blood pressure. One group of people will get caffeinated coffee and one will get decaffeinated coffee. Briefly explain why you would want that to be the only variable that differs between the two groups.

when only one variable differs between the groups, it makes it much easier to know why changes are occurring and which variable causes changes in each group. if there were to be more than one variable, no one would know which variable would cause the outcome to occur

Does feedback from the scientific community influence the formation and testing of hypotheses?


Were the observed number of attacks on noncamouflaged models greater than camouflaged models in the inland habitat?

yes, the number of attacks on non camouflaged models was 16, but the camouflaged models only had 5 attacks.

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