bio 101 - final exam QUIZ

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which of the following statements explains why animals are less likely than plants to speciate by polyploidy

animals self-fertilize less often than plants, so diploid gametes are less likely to fuse

what is a keystone species?

any number, anywhere on the food chain, exerting a disproportionate impact

what is the correct order of complexity , from least to most complex.

atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ

what are big fierce animals rare?

available energy is greatly reduced from one trophic level to the next

what combination of characteristics do all animals effect?

less heat is radiated from the atmosphere

why are food chains relatively short

longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels in inefficient

which of these is not gametic incompatibility? a. female stigma destroys pollen grain b. lilly sperm cannot fertilize tulip eggs c. pollen does not germiniate on stigma d. male female sex organs do not fit together

male female sex organs do not fit together

What is the biological species concept?

members of same species can mate and produce fertile offspring

an organelle that probably evolved from an independent organism that moved inside and began to live within a eukaryotic cell is a...


genetic variation

must be present in population before natural selection can act upon the population

evolution in a population of island iguanas can be caused by the following agent

natural selection and genetic drift

nitrogen is available to plants mostly in the form of?

nitrate and ammonia ions in the soil

Are wings of birds evolutionarily homologous with the wings of dragonflies?


in a small population of alphine foxes, you observe increased ear length over a 10 year period. can you conclude that increase in ear length is advantages in this population


for biologist studying a small fish population in the lab, which hardy-weinberg condition is easiest to meet/

no gene flow

considering the global carbon cycle, which of the following is the largest reservoir of carbon?


what he basis for incomplete dominance?

one allele produces some functioning protein, the other allele in non-functional

what is the basis for incomplete dominance

one allele produces some functioning protein, the other allele of non-functional

why did the F1 offspring of mendels's classic pea cross always look like one of the tow parental varieties?

one allele was dominat

you own 300 acres of patchy temperate forest. which one of the following actions would increase the net primary productivity of the area of most

planting 500 new trees

which of the following describes the ability of a gene allele to have multiple phenotype effects


most causes of speciation are relatively slow, in that they may take many generation to see changes,with the exception of...


fluctuations in the number of deer in the Morton Arboretum for 1995 to 2010 - what scale is this on?


genetic drift occurs in a population. which of the following statements might be true?

population experiences a decrease in genetic variation

is a caterpillar cats a seedling in your garden the caterpillar is acting as a


an important distinction between primary and secondary succession is that

primary succession begins with an essentially sterile environment

Which of the following groups would be likely to exhibit uniform (regular) dispersion?

red squirrels, which actively defend territories

when nonrandom mating occurs in a population so that individuals prefer to mate with similar individuals, allele frequencies should

remain the same, but homozygotes will be overrepresented in the population

example of a pair of plant structures that are homologous?

rose bush leaf and oak tree leaf

which conservation strategy is likely to save most species at once

setting aside protected habitats

which of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance

skin pigmentation in humans

babies that are at a low birth weight are more likely to have health problems, while women will have difficulty delivering babies with high birth weight. together this leads to ___ for babies of average birth weight

stabilizing selection

most swiss starlings produce four to five eggs in each clutch. Starlings producing fewer or more than this have reduced fitness. which of the following terms best describes this situtation

stabilizing selection

consider a population under hardy-weinberg. if the dominant allele frequency is 0.7 then what percent of the population will be heterozygous?


a population is correctly defined as having which of the following characteristics 1. inhabiting the same general area 2. belonging to the same species 3. possessing a constant and uniform density

1 and 2

which of the following are negative biological consequences of climate change? 1. changes in geographic ranges 2. changes in phenology 3. extinction

1,2 and 3

approximately how many kilograms of carnivore biomass can be supported by a field plot containing 1000 kg of plant material - three tropic system


if two individuals with type A blood produce children with type o blood. What is the ratio offspring genotypes


which of the following consume other living organisms 1. primary producers 2. herbivores 3. carnivores 4.decomposers

2 and 3

a population of 100 starfish are in Hardy-weinberg equilibrium. the trait for long arms is completely dominant to the trait for short arms. In this population, 40% of all alleles for this trait are recessive, and 60% of all alleles fort this trait are dominant. How many individuals would you expect to be homozygous dominant?


the 6th Mass extinction started...

50 thousand years go when many mega mammals roam different contients

which genotype would result in a individual with the dominant phenotype?

AA and Aa

what are examples for notations of genotypes?

WwCC and TTWw

which is an example of postzygotic reproductive barrier?

a cross between a horse and donkey products as infertile mule

what does 'monohybrid cross' and 'dihybrid cross' mean?

a dihybrid cross involved organisms that are heterozygous for two character that are being studied. and monohybrid cross involved organisms that are heterozygous for only one character being studied

which of the following can evolve (according to the biological definition of evolution)

a group of fir trees in oregon

what defines a cohort?

a group of individuals from the same age group, from birth until they are all dead

why do x-linked disorders appear more frequently in males than in females

a male only have one X in their genome

which of the following has a coefficient of relatedness of 0.25? assume all are blood relatives

an uncle to his nephew

the fact that all seven of the pea plants traits studied by mendel obeyed the principle of independent assortment most probably indicated which of the following?

all of the genes controlling the traits behaved as if they were on different chromosomes

which process led to the formation of the species pairs of pacific and caribbean snapping shrimp divided by the isthmus of panama

allopatric speciation by vicariance

Eastern and Western meadowlarks look almost identical and sometimes inhabit the same areas of prairies. They recognize members of their own species by distinctive songs and thus do not breed with each other. This is an example of?

behavioral isolation

the phenotypes of an organism is determined by

both environment and its genotype

a newly discovered plant in the rain forest has no xylem, no phloem, no seeds, and no flowers, what is it


how is tropical deforestation linked to climate change

burning the forests releases carbon dioxide and transpiration by trees in diminished

the many species of tree frog that inhabit forests in the eastern u.s. maintain their genetic isolation from other species by breeding, at slightly different times, sometimes in different places in the forest, and by "singing" slightly different songs. How are these population isolated?

temporal, ecological and behavioral

natural selection ....

can favor beneficial mutations

natural selection...

can favor beneficial mutations

sexual reproduction...

can produce diverse phenotypes that may enhance survival of a population in a changing environment

in resource defense polygyny:

clumped resources allow males to mate with many females

epiphytic orchids grow harmlessly on their host trees, and derive their resources from the air and from rain, rather than from their host plant. Which of the following is the best description of this species interaction?


an ecologist wants to assess changes in densities of pocket gophers when large herbivores such as elk are excluded from montane forests. identify the level of ecology in this study.


an example of pleiotropy

cycstic fibrosis

if predators, like cats, that preferentially catch and eat slower iguanas are introduced to the island, iguana body size is likely to___; the iguanas would then be under___selection


an ecologist recorded 12 white-tailed deer, per square kilometer in one woodlot and 20 per square kilometer in another woodlot, Wha was the ecologist comparing?


similar gill pouches in embryos of chick, human and cat are an example of

developmental homology

as humans migrated out of africa and towards northern Europe, reduced exposure to ultraviolet radiation selected for lighter skin color. What type of natural selection does this example illustrated?

directional selection

darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was revolutionary because it...

dismissed the idea that species are constant and emphasized the importance of variation and change in populations

what types of selection is most likely to be found in a large lake, open water in the middle and shallow water around the sides, with a high density of these fish?

disruptive selection

while the tall feathers are an advantages in mating, which is the potential disadvantages of these feathers to the male?

the feathers require a lot of energy to produce

how do grey squirrels and fox squirrels coexist in greater chicago area?

the grey squirrel is the better competitor for food and the fox is better at avoiding predators

amount of carbon in the forest floor per hectare in boreal forest in Alaska - what scale of study?


what describes why elephants are the keystone species?

elephants exhibit a disproportionate influence on the structure of the community relative to their abundance

the proximate causes of behavior are interactions with the environment, but behavior is ultimately shaped by...


which of the following statement best summarizes evolution by natural selection as it is viewed today?

evolution by natural is the survival and reproduction of the most fit phenotypes

the biological species concept cannot be applied to

extinct organisms

in all three species of phalarope, a taxon of wading shorebirds, the majority of prenatal care is provided by the male not female. based on the logic of sexual selection, what would you expect to see in phalaropes?

females are more brightly colored than males

biological species concept cannot be applied to

fossil species

which of the following does not tend to promote speciation

gene flow

and earthquake kills 98% of a population. the allele for broader stripes survives and has a high rate than the previous population, what did this population experience during this earthquake?

genetic bottle neck

what consistently requires a small population as precondition for its occurrence?

genetic drift

in a survivorship curve, type III species, is a species that has?

the highest probability of dying at very young age

which of the following could be vicariance event

the level of water in a lake recedes, creating two lakes where used to be one

why cant a female lizard have both high fecundity (reproduction) and high survival?

the more energy the female devotes to offspring, the less that can be devoted to her survival

the recessive allele that causes sickle cell is harmful to homozygous individuals. hat maintains the presence of this allele in population's gene pool?

heterozygote advantage

the year 2018 chicago witnessed lots of snow unlike previous several years. suppose the weather in greater chicago changed to very cold, say now snow is on the ground 8 months of each year, other the next 10 years what change might occur?

if mutation had perviously occurred which caused white fur, such white squirrels would have better chance to survive and reproduce

mutation is the only evolutionary mechanism that

is the ultimate source of variation in natural populations

where do rain shadows exist

the region beyond a mountain range that receives dry air masses

the second law of ecology states that?

there is a limit to growth

which of the following is TRUE of species interactions?

they can act agents of natural selection

which of the following is consequence of biomagnification?

toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers

a farmer uses 'triazine' herbicide to control pigweed in his field. for the first few years the triazine works well, but plants survive, why is this?

triazine-resistant weeds were more likely to survive and reproduce

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