BIO 1100 unit exam 2

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1. The F0 base of ATP synthase (the rotor) contains a ring of 12 subunits that each carry a single proton while the F1 head has three-fold symmetry that explains the three conformations required to a) bind ADP and Pi, b) bind ATP, and c) release ATP. In one revolution ____ protons move across the membrane powering each of the 3 subunits to make one ATP. In other words it takes _____ protons to make one ATP a. 12, 4 b. 12, 2 c. 4, 4 d. 6, 2

12 , 4

1. The molecule at right is


1. The products of the light reactions of photosynthesis include oxygen and: a. Glucose b. Sucrose c. ATP and NADP+ d. ATP and NADPH


1. In order to do the useful work of making new macromolecules cells generate large amounts of _______, used to do chemical work, and _________ which provides high energy electrons used for reduction reactions. a. ADP / NAD+ b. NADPH / ATP c. ATP / NADPH d. AMP / GTP


1. Cells can use ATP to a. Drive conformation change, for example, in motor proteins b. Drive thermodynamically unfavorable reactions. c. Phosphorylate proteins to inactivate them. d. All of the above.

All of the above

1. Certain poisons, like cyanide and carbon monoxide, are potent inhibitors of our respiratory electron transport chains (ETC). What would you expect to happen when mitochondria cannot transfer electrons through the ETC? a. There would be no proton pumping across the inner membrane b. There would be no synthesis of ATP c. The TCA cycle would stop due to a buildup of NADH d. All of the above

All of the above

1. Reactions with positive standard free energy changes (DGo' > 0) can be made to occur in cells by: a. Coupling them with exergonic reactions via a common intermediate. b. Manipulating the concentrations of products and reactants such that DG < 0. c. Coupling them to the hydrolysis of ATP. d. All of the above

All of the above

1. The enzyme ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO): a. Is responsible for carbon fixation when CO2 is added to ribulose bis-phosphate b. Is found in the stroma of the chloroplast c. Is the most abundant protein on earth d. Both b and c e. All of the above

All of the above

1. There are many dehydrogenase enzymes used in glycolysis and in mitochondria. What do these enzymes do? a. They catalyze oxidation/reduction reactions b. They facilitate the transfer electrons and protons between molecules c. They oxidize one molecule and reduce a different molecule d. All of the above

All of the above

1. Which of the following is/are correct a. NADH is oxidized to NAD+ b. H2O is oxidized to O2 c. NADP+ is reduced to NADPH d. Both a and c e. All of the above

All of the above

Give examples of 2 different ways that proteins can be "switched on or off". In other words, what are 2 ways cells can reversibly change the structure of a protein.

Allostery, i.e., the use of an activator or inhibitor molecule that can bind to the protein. Phosphorylation and it's complement, dephosphorylation. G-proteins are activated by binding GTP and turn off when they hydrolyze GTP to GDP and Pi.

1. Eukaryotic plant cells run the glycolytic pathway in opposite directions in the cytosol and chloroplasts, hence the pathway is: a. Amphibolic b. Anabolic c. Catabolic


1. Membrane lipids are ________ molecules because one end of the molecule is _________ while the other end is ____________ a. Amphipathic / hydrophobic / hydrophilic b. Amphibolic / large /small c. Water soluble / hydrophilic / hydrophilic d. Water soluble / hydrophobic / hydrophobic

Amphipatic / Hydrophobic / hydrophilic

1. The dark reactions of photosynthesis (also known as the Calvin cycle) are a. Catabolic b. Anabolic


1. The process of building new cellular macromolecules is called a. Anabolism b. Catabolism


1. The sodium/potassium pump is responsible for maintaining the membrane potential in our cells. What exactly does this pump do? a. It uses ATP to power the active transport of sodium and potassium ions across the membrane b. It pumps 3 sodium ions out of the cell and 2 potassium ions into the cell c. It pumps 2 sodium into the cell and 3 potassium out of the cell d. Both A and B e. Both A and C

Both A and B

1. You have identified a mutation in a G protein that causes the G protein to remain "active" much longer than normal. You recall that G proteins switch On when binding GTP and turn OFF when they hydrolyze the GTP to GDP and phosphate. Which of the following might be the explanation for your mutant? a. The mutant G protein hydrolyzes GTP much more slowly than the normal G protein. b. The mutant G protein can no longer interact with another protein that stimulates the binding of GTP c. The mutant G protein can no longer interact with another protein that stimulates its hydrolysis of GTP d. Both a and c.

Both a and c

1. Which of the following statements about enzymes are correct? a. Enzymes enable energetically unfavorable reactions (DG > 0) to occur. b. An enzyme lowers the activation energy of the reaction. c. An enzyme typically catalyzes reactions with regard to stereochemistry (ie, they will make only a right OR a left-handed molecule, not both). d. An enzyme can bind to many structurally unrelated substrates. e. Both b and c.

Both b and c

6. You are studying a biochemical pathway that requires ATP as an energy source. To your dismay, the reactions soon stop, partly because the ATP is rapidly used up and partly because an excess of ADP builds up and inhibits the enzymes involved. You are about to give up when the following table from a biochemistry textbook catches your eye and you see an easy way to regenerate ATP from ADP to allow your reaction pathway to continue. Which of the following reagents are most likely to revitalize your reaction? a. A vast excess of ATP. b. Phosphate and enzyme B. c. Creatine phosphate and enzyme A d. Pyrophosphate and enzyme D

Creatine phosphate and enzyme A

1. Glycolysis occurs in the ___________, oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the _______. a. Mitochondria/Chloroplast b. Cytosol/Mitochondria c. Mitochondria/Cytosol d. Cytosol/Chloroplast

Cytosol / Mitochondria

1. Put the sequence of the reactions of the Calvin Cycle in the correct order a. Reduction, Regeneration of Ribulose-P2, Fixation of CO2 b. Regeneration of Ribulose-P2, Reduction, Fixation of CO2 c. Fixation of CO2, Regeneration of Ribulose-P2, Reduction d. Fixation of CO2, Reduction, Regeneration of Ribulose-P2

Fixation of CO2, Reduction, Regeneration of Ribulose-P2

1. Any reaction A Ö B is at equilibrium when: a. G = 0. b. G°' = 0. c. [A] = [B]. d. G = G°'.


1. In skeletal muscle the glycolytic pathway is capable of producing ATP much more rapidly than the muscle mitochondria that are limited by oxygen availability. You are familiar with this as the "burn" associated with strenuous exercise. The "burning" is the result of decreased pH in your muscles due to the production of _________ from __________ as ________ is converted to ____________ a. Lactic acid; pyruvate; NADH; NAD+ b. NADH; NAD+; lactate; ethanol c. pyruvate; lactate; NAD+; NADH d. Lactic acid; pyruvate; NADP+; NADPH

Lactic acid; pyruvate; NADH ; NAD+

1. Cellular membranes are composed of a. lipid bilayers held together by covalent bonds between phospholipids b. lipid bilayers held together by noncovalent, hydrophobic interactions c. micelles held together by covalent bonds between phospholipids d. micelles held together by noncovalent, hydrophobic interactions

Lipid bilayers held together by noncovalent, hydrophobic interactions

1. Production of ATP in mitochondria is referred to as a. Substrate-level Phosphorylation b. Oxidative Phosphorylation

Oxidation Phosphorylation

1. What is the source of free energy (DG) for moving protons out of the mitochondrial matrix against their concentration and electrical gradients? a. ATP b. The redox reactions of the electron transport chain c. Glycolysis d. Creatine phosphate

The redox reactions of the electron transport chain

1. Which of the following statements about chloroplasts is FALSE? a. The thylakoid membrane is permeable to protons. b. The thylakoid membrane contains the photosynthetic electron transport components. c. Protons are pumped from the stroma into the thylakoid space. d. ATP is synthesized in the stroma.

The thylakoid membrane is permeable to protons

1. Some plants (those adapted to hotter climates) use a trick to reduce photorespiration. What modification do they use? a. They do only do the light reactions of photosynthesis at night b. They actively pump O2 out of mitochondria c. They pump up the concentration of CO2 in the chloroplast d. They turn off photosynthesis completely

They pump up the concentration of CO2 in the chloroplast

1. Each respiratory enzyme complex in the electron-transport chain has a greater affinity for electrons than its predecessors, so that electrons pass sequentially from one complex to another until they are finally transferred to oxygen, which has the greatest electron affinity. a. True b. False


1. Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane down its concentration gradient a. True b. False


1. The most important contribution of the citric acid cycle to energy metabolism is the extraction of high-energy electrons during the oxidation of acetyl CoA to CO2. a. True b. False


1. In the biosynthetic pathway shown schematically to the right . After showing that E inhibits Enzyme 6, and H inhibits Enzyme 3 you predict that Enzyme 1 will be most efficiently controlled via feedback inhibition by molecule: a. C b. E c. H d. E and H

a. C

What are the valences (or number of covalent bonds) of the following atoms: a: hydrogen b: oxygen c: nitrogen d: carbon

a: 1 b: 2 c: 3 d: 4

1. ) Glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation a: If we start with one glucose, what are the net products of glycolysis?

a: 2 ATP, 2 NADH and 2 pyruvate

1. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase selected from the list below. Use each word or phrase only once. transition state; activation energy; high-energy; low-energy; product; ligand; L-isomer; D-isomer; active site; allostery. a: Any substance that will bind to a protein is known as its b:Enzymes bind their substrates at the c:Enzymes catalyze a chemical reaction by stabilizing the formation of the d:Enzymes can change conformation when an activator or inhibitor binds, an example of

a: ligand b: active site c: transition site d: allostery

1. What are the functions of mitochondria? a. The oxidation of pyruvate b. The generation of ATP via oxidative phosphorylation c. The generation of NADH via the reactions of the TCA cycle d. Both b and c e. All of the above

all of the above

b: If we start with one glucose and do not have oxygen, what are the net products of fermentation (you may report this for animals or yeast)?

b: 2 ATP and 2 lactic acid 2 ATP, 2 carbon dioxide and 2 ethanol

1. What is photorespiration? a. This is when RUBISCO incorporates O2 instead of CO2 b. This is when chloroplasts use oxidative phosphorylation to make ATP c. This is when plants close their stromata so they can't perspire d. This is an energy wasteful side reaction in chloroplasts that is a particular problem in hot climates e. Both a and d

both a and d

c: What happens to the carbon atoms of pyruvate when it is catabolized by mitochondria?

c: They are oxidized to carbon dioxide

1. A common means of providing energy to an energetically unfavorable reaction in a cell is by: a. generation of a higher temperature by the cell. b. transfer of a phosphate group from the substrate to ADP. c. enzyme catalysis of the reaction. d. coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the reaction. e. coupling of the synthesis of ATP to the reaction.

coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the reaction

d: The TCA (aka Krebs) cycle generates high energy electrons extracted from the oxidation of acetyl-CoA. To what immediate use are these high energy electrons put?

d: They power the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) to pump protons (H+) across the membrane

e: What is the direct source of power that makes ATP in mitochondria and chloroplasts?

e: The proton gradient powers ATP synthase

1. Production of ATP in glycolysis is referred to as: a. Substrate-level phosphorylation b. Oxidative Phosphorylation

substrate-level phosphorylation

1. The function of the light reactions of photosynthesis is to oxidize ___________ and reduce __________. a. water, NADH b. water. NAD+ c. water, NADP+ d. oxygen, NADP+

water , NADP+

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