Bio 184 - Exam 2

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Order the steps in chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-Seq) from first to last.

1. Living cells are treated with formaldehyde, broken open, and treated with micrococcal nuclease. 2. Heavy beads attached to antibodies that recognize specific histones are added the nucleosome mixture. 3. The mixture is centrifuged to separate the immunoprecipitated material, crosslinks are reversed, and proteases partially digest core histones. 4. The remaining DNA is subject to gel electrophoresis. Fragments of 150 bp are saved. 5. Linkers are added to the DNA, then they are PCR amplified and subjected to DNA sequencing, DNA sequences are analyzed.

Select ways that nucleosomes can change.

Change in location; change in histones to variants with specialized roles; covalent modification to the amino-terminal tails of histones

Stretches of DNA of 1000-2000 bp in length containing a high number of CpG sites and found near gene promoters are called

CpG islands

Which of the following are examples of base pair mismatches?

Cytosine on parent strand and adenine on daughter strand; adenine in parent strand and cytosine on daughter strand; cytosine on parent strand and thymine on daughter strand

In a _______ cell, each type of chromosome is a member of a pair.


A breakpoint refers to the region

Where two chromosome pieces break and rejoin with other chromosome pieces

In a natural population, a ____-____ genotype is the most common one.

Wild type

The gametes (sperm and egg cells or their precursors) are called ____ cells.


True or false: The function of regulatory transcription factors is modulated.


Activator proteins often increase transcription through an interaction with


The restoration of protein function by a second mutation in a different gene is known as a(n)

Intergenic suppressor

The restoration of function by a second mutation at a different site in the same gene is known as a(n)

Intragenic suppressor

Place these steps in a simplified model for transcriptional activation of a eukaryotic gene in order from first to last.

1. Binding of activator to an enhancer in the NFR. 2. Recruitment of a chromatin-remodeling complex and history- modifying enzyme 3. Recruitment of general transcription factors and RNA Pol II to the core promoter, allowing the formation of a preinitiation complex 4. Eviction or destabilization of histone octamers, allowing RNA pol II to pass, and elongation to occur.

Place the steps in glucocorticoid hormone and receptor action in order from first to last.

1. The glucocorticoid hormone diffuses through the plasma membrane. 2. The glucocorticoid hormone binds to the glucocorticoid receptors. 3. HSP90 is released from the glucocorticoid receptor. 4. Two glucocorticoid receptors form a homodimer and travel through a nuclear pore into the nucleus.

A normal human cell carries __ pairs of chromosomes for a total of __.

23; 46

DNA methyltransferase is an enzyme that attaches a methyl group to the _ position of the ________ base.

5; cytosine

A frameshift mutation is caused by what?

A base addition, a base deletion

What is chromatin?

A complex between DNA and proteins that are found in eukaryotic cells.

A motif

A domain that has a very similar structure in many different proteins

Which of the following best describes asexual reproduction?

A mother cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells.

An organelle is

A structure within the cytoplasm with a specific function

Which of the following base changes are transversion mutations?

A to C, G to C, A to T

_______ are different variations of the same gene.


Unicellular organisms proliferate by _______ reproduction, in which a preexisting cell divided to produce two new cells.


Prokaryotes, which include the ________ and the _______, are organisms that lack a membrane-bound nucleus.

Bacteria; archaea

A mutation that enhances the survival and/of reproduction success of an individual is referred to as a(n) __________ mutation.


Most bacterial cells divide by

Binary fission

What effect can ATP- dependent chromatin remodeling have on transcription?

Both activation and repression.

The region where two chromosome pieces break and re-attach to other chromosome pieces is called a chromosomal


Mediator phosphorylates the _______-terminus of RNA polymerase II, stimulating progression to the __________ stage of transcription.

Carboxy; elongation

The two chromatids of a chromosome are joined together at a region of DNA called the


After replication, each chromosome consists of two copies called


What is the term that can refer to either a dyad (pair of sister chromatids) or a monad (single chromatid)?


The structures within all living cells that contain the genetic material are called


The phenomenon is which the combination of many factors determines the expression of a given gene is known as

Combinatorial control

Mutations that affect the phenotype only under certain circumstances are called

Conditional mutations

Select common factors that contribute to combinatorial control.

DNA methylation inhibits transcription; Repressor proteins inhibit the ability of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription; Activator proteins stimulate the ability of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription; Regulatory proteins alter the composition or arrangement of nucleosomes in the vicinity of a promoter; Activator and repressor activity is modulated by small effector molecules, protein-protein interactions, and covalent modifications.

The methylation of DNA that was previously unmethylated is called __ ____ methylation.

De novo

Transcription factors contain protein regions called _______ that have specific functions.


You are studying a transcription factor that binds to DNA near a gene of interest. You discover that once the transcription factor binds, transcription of your gene of interest becomes undetectable. This is an example of

Down regulation

What affect does acetylation have on lysine in core histone proteins?

Eliminates the positive charge on lysine, disrupting the electrostatic attraction between the histone and the negatively charged DNA backbone.

Activators bind to


A position effect can alter gene expression in cases when the gene is moved from a less condensed, or ___________ chromosome, where it is active, to a very highly condensed, or _______________ chromosome, where it's expression may be turned off.

Euchromatic; heterochromatic

Organisms, such as protists and fungi, that have a true nucleus are called


True or false: Most eukaryotic species are haploid or have such a phase to their life cycle.


The eukaryotic cell cycle is composed of

Four phases called: G1, G2, S, and M

Gene regulation means that

Gene expression can be controlled so that genes can be expressed at high or low levels

The transactivation domain of coactivators promotes the activation of RNA polymerase, often by interacting with

General transcription factors

A mutation that occurs directly in a sperm or egg cell, or in one of their precursors, is referred to as a(n) ____-____ mutation.

Germ line

Cells that give rise to eggs and sperm are called

Germ line

Select the histones in which variants have been identified.

H1; H2A; H2B; H3

A genetic mosaic is an individual that

Has regions of the body that are genotypically different from each other

The dimerization of two identical proteins results in a


Each type of chromosome in a diploid cell is found in a homologous pair. Each chromosome in such a pair is referred to as a(n)


In general, the chromosome number of a particular species

Is the same for all individuals of the species

What is the effect of a suppressor mutation?

It suppresses the phenotypic effect of another mutation.

A mutation that results in the death of an organism is known as a(n) ______ mutation.


A(n) _____ refers to the physical location of a gene.


If chromatin is in a closed confirmation, nucleosome position and histone composition

Make it difficult for transcription factors to gain access to and bind their target sequences in the promoter DNA

Most eukaryotic genes are regulated by

Many facitrs

The protein complex that mediates the interaction between RNA polymerase II and regulatory transcription factors is called


If fully methylated DNA is introduced into a plant or animal cell, in subsequent generations the DNA will be __________. If the same sequence of nonmethylated DNA is introduced into a cell, it will be _____________ in daughter cells.

Methylated; nonmethylated

A base substitution in DNA that ultimately leads to a change in the encoded amino acid is called a(n) ________ mutation.


An individual that has somatic regions with different genotypes is known as a genetic


Which of the following statements about eukaryotes is true?

Most eukaryotic species are diploid or have a diploid phase to their life cycle.

An allele that has a DNA sequence different from that one or the wild-type is called a(n) ______ allele.


A heritable change in the genetic material is called a(n)


A(n) ______ mutation is a missense mutation that has no detectable effect in protein function.


A silent mutation is a mutation that results in

No change to the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide

What type of mutations involve a change from a normal codon to a stop codon?

Nonsense mutations

A(n) _____ mutation refers to a mutation in which just one base is changed within the DNA sequence.


The expression of an intact gene may be altered when it is moved to a new location. That is due to a(n)

Positive effect

Rank the phases of mitosis in order, starting with the earliest at the top.

Prophase; prometaphase; metaphase; anaphase; telophase

If gene regulation acts to prevent translation, which molecule will not be produced?


DNA sequences in eukaryotes that can be bound by regulatory transcription factors, which then affect the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe a particular gene are called

Regulatory sequences; regulatory elements; control elements

Regulatory transcription factors that prevent transcription from occurring are called __________.


A _______ mutation is one that converts a mutant allele back to the wild-type form.


Repressors bind to


Muscle cells, nerve cells, skin cells are examples of

Somatic cells

A second mutation that occurs in a different site than the first mutation, and which converts the mutant back to the wild-type phenotype, is best referred to as a(n) _______ mutation.


Coactivators often contain a _______________ domain that promotes the activation of RNA polymerase.


A _____________ ______ is a protein that influences the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe a given gene.

Transcription factor

The cytosines in CpG islands near housekeeping genes are


When a fully methylated DNA segment of DNA is replicated, the newly made daughter strand contains ____________ cytosines. This DNA is said to be ______________.

Unmethylated; hemimethylated

Which of the following statements about promoter mutations is true?

Up promoter mutations cause the promoter sequence to be more like the consensus sequence; down promoter mutations decrease the affinity of transcription factors to the promoter

DNA sequences that are analogous to the operator sites found near bacterial promoters are called ______ elements or __________ sequences.

Control; regulatory

Transcription factors that affect the ability of RNA polymerase to begin the transcription process may work by

Controlling the switch from the initiation to the elongation stage of transcription; regulating the binding of the transcriptional complex to the core promoter

Mutations that occur in a promoter sequence can be divided into two types: __ promoter mutations increase the transcription rate, while ____ promoter mutations decrease it.

Up; down

Which of the following base changes is a transition mutation?

A to G

Select all the events that occur during prophase.

The nuclear membrane begins to dissociate into small vesicles; the mitosis spindle begins to form; the nucleolus becomes less visible, the chromatids become condensed

Which of the following are eukaryotes?

Plants, protests, fungi

The function of TFIID is to

Bind to the TATA box and recruit RNA polymerase II to the core promoter

When chromatin is accessible to transcription factors and RNA polymerase, it is referred to as being in the

Open confirmation

Mutations in body cells that do not go on to form gametes are known as

Somatic mutations

Errors in DNA replication are examples of ___________ mutations, while mutations caused by ultraviolet light are _______ mutations.

Spontaneous; induced

An enhancer is a DNA element that is bound by a regulatory transcription factor, which leads to

Up regulation

Select the organism with the highest amount of DNA methylation.


The _______ of a eukaryote is the organelle that contains most of the genetic material found in the cell.


Prokaryotes usually have a single type of circular chromosome in a region of the cytoplasm called the


Some errors create bulky distortions of the double helix. These errors are removed primarily by a DNA repair system called NER, which stands for _________ ________ repair.

Nucleotide excision

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