Bio 20,24,25

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Which of following refers to the non-living components of environment


When fossils fuels are burned sulfur dioxide is realized when this sulfur dioxide mixes with oxygen and water

Acid Rain


Among the major nutrients that cycle within ecosystems,is the only nutrient with a sedimentary cycle, and it has a large impact on NPP.

persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

Long-lived organic molecules of synthetic origin that bioaccumulate in organisms and can have harmful effects are classified as

climate change.

Long-term and large-scale changes in the state of Earth's climate are broadly known as

The physical and biotic change that people make to the surface of the Earth are called?

Land use change

greenhouse effect

Natural situation in which heat is retained in Earth's atmosphere by carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and other gases

The amount of energy acquired through photosynthesis that is available for growth and reproduction of living organisms is called?( often estimated as plant biomass)

Net Primary Productivity

What is the name of the process in which bacteria convert nitrogen gas into an organic form that is biologically available to plants?

Nitrogen Fixation



Chemical elements required by living organisms that are recycled between living organisms and the physical environment?


Nutrient cycles, or biogeochemical cycles

Nutrients are transferred between organisms and the physical environment in cyclical patterns called

atmospheric cycle

Nutrients that exist as a gas under natural conditions have an ,which means they can be released into or absorbed from the atmosphere.

When a mountain range is present near acoastal area most the rain tends to fall ofwindward side of the mountains. Leeward side of the mountain is dryer and called.

Rain Shadow

acid rain

SO2 combines with oxygen and water to become sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which then returns to the land as, (rainfall with low pH).

An action or process the can be continued indefinitely without serious damage to the environment or future generations is called?


•Which terrestrial biome is Adrian Collegelocated in

Temperate Forest


The NPP can be estimated by the amount of new ,accumulated by producers in a given area during a specified period of time.

ecosystem services

The ecosystem processes and resources that benefit humankind are called,

an ecosystem

consists of communities of organisms and the physical environment they share.


covers nearly one-fourth of Earth's land surface; it is frozen 10 months of the year and receives less precipitation than many of the world's deserts.

Which of the following is not a change that is predicted by current models of climate change?

decrease in ocean acidity

food chain

describes a linear sequence of who eats whom. Most dietary relationships, however, are not simply linear.

Global change

is a broad concept, encompassing all types of worldwide environmental change, including large-scale pollution and loss of biodiversity.

endocrine disrupter

is a chemical that interferes with hormone function, resulting in reduced fertility, developmental abnormalities, immune system dysfunction, and increased risk of cancer.

Climate change

is a large-scale and long-term alteration in Earth's climate, and it includes such phenomena as global warming, change in rainfall patterns, and increased frequency of violent storms.

an estuary

is a region where a river empties into the sea and is the shallowest of the marine ecosystems.

benthic zone

is a relatively stable habitat and is rich in sediments containing the dead and decaying remains of organisms (detritus).


is a shrubland biome characterized by cool, rainy winters and hot, dry summers, and dominated by dense growths of scrub oak and other drought-resistant plants.

Global warming

is a significant increase in the average surface temperature of Earth over decades or more.

Tropical Forest Biome

is characterized by warm temperatures and about 12 hours of daylight year-round.


is defined as the prevailing weather conditions experienced in a region over relatively long periods of time.

Grassland Biome

is found in both temperate and tropical latitudes.


is permanently frozen soil found below the surface layers of the tundra.

Net primary productivity

is the amount of energy acquired through photosynthesis that is available for growth and reproduction.

How is bioaccumulation different from biomagnification?

is the increase in tissue concentrations of a chemical as organic matter is passed from one trophic level to the next in a food chain.


is the increase in tissue concentrations of a chemical as organic matter is passed up successively higher trophic levels in a food chain.

boreal forest

is the largest terrestrial biome and includes the sub-Arctic landmass immediately south of the tundra.

intertidal zone

is the part of the coast that is closest to the shore and extends from the highest tide mark to the lowest tide mark.

Secondary productivity

is the rate of new biomass production by consumers.


is the scientific study of interactions between organisms and their biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) environment.

coastal region

is the underwater area that stretches from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf and is among the most productive marine ecosystems.



Desert Biome

makes up one-third of Earth's land surface and is defined by its lack of precipitation.

When one organism consumes another a lot of energy is lost as heat or because it is indigestible. How much energy moves up the pyramid from one level to the next?


sedimentary cycle

A few nutrients, including phosphorus, are said to have a,because they are not commonly found as a gas under natural conditions and move mostly through land and water rather than the atmosphere.

Which marine biome has a food web that is based on detritus

Benthic Zone

What is the name of the process in which the increase in tissue concentrations of an organic chemical becomes successively more concentrated in higher trophic levels in the food chain


The dramatic rise in carbon dioxide levels in recent years in mostly due to

Burning Fossil Fuels

Which cycle is driven by photosynthesis and respiration?



Clear-cutting a forest, followed by spraying with herbicides to prevent regrowth, causes the land to lose large amounts of nitrate, which washes into nearby streams.

Which of the following is an alteration in large scale and long term patterns of weather including phenomena such as changes in rainfall patterns and the frequency of violent storms

Climate Change

A chemical that interferes with homes function resulting in reduced fertility developmental, abnormalities, immune system dysfunction and increased risk of cancer is?

Endocrine Disrupter

What are the areas where freshwater mixes with sea water(also the shallowest marine ecostysem)


When large nutrient inputs cause algae to bloom in a body of water drying algae often trigger the growth of oxygen consuming decomposers which in turn degree the amount of oxgygen available to tier organisms


Two main types of aquatic biomes can be distinguished on the basis of salt content:

Freshwater biome Marine biome

If the Earth is experiencing global warming, then why is it so cold in Duluth, Minnesota, in January?

Global warming is measured over long periods of time on a much larger scale

Some gasses such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane can trap energy from the sun in the form of heat inside of the Earths atmosphere. These gasses are collectively called?

Greenhouse Gasses

Scientist have build a historical record of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by analyzing air bubbles trapped in



If a chemical binds to cells or tissues and stays there at a concentration higher than the surrounding environment, then we say it,in an individual.


Organisms that break down the dead remains of other organisms

rain shadow effect

Precipitation falls on the windward side of a mountain range, resulting in lush vegetation & a warm, moist climate on one side, but a desert area on the leeward side.

Organism that are formed the base of the food web because they capture energy from the sun to produce chemical compounds such as carbohydrates are knowns as?


exchange pools

Producers introduce nutrients into the biotic world as they take up nutrients from , (soil, water, or air) to support their growth and reproduction.

carbon cycle

The transfer of carbon within communities, between living organisms and their physical surroundings, and within the abiotic world is known as the global

AN energy pyramid contains different......levels to show how engird moves form one group of consumers to the next


•The frozen for most the year has permafrost below the surface soil layers, and is dominated by mosses, lichens, grasses and sedges.



are bodies of fresh water whose physical characteristics tend to change along their length and that move continuously in a single direction.


are characterized by standing water shallow enough that rooted plants emerge above the water surface.


are chemical elements required by living organisms and are largely recycled between living organisms and the physical environment.


are standing bodies of water that are surrounded by land and at least 2 hectares (5 acres) in size.

oceanic region

begins about 40 miles offshore and is relatively nutrient poor.


can be categorized based on the unique climatic and ecological features of each such region.


causes algae to be more abundant, thereby increasing the NPP.


includes all the organisms on Earth, together with the physical environments in which they live.

Temperate deciduous forests

occur in regions with a distinct winter that lasts 4-5 months and precipitation that is distributed evenly through much of the year.

Water transformation

refers to physical and biotic changes that people make to the waters of our planet.

food web

shows the various food chains of a community, where they overlap, and how they are connected.

Greenhouse gases

such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide,


•An action or process is, if it can be continued indefinitely without serious damage being caused to the environment.

nitrogen fixation

•Nitrogen found in soil and water originates mainly in a process called,that is carried out by certain bacteria.

land use change

•The physical and biotic changes that people make to the land surface of Earth are referred to as land transformation or

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