BIO 314: Chapter 7

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The O2 evolved in photosynthesis comes from: a. carbon dioxide. b. water. c. glucose. d. (CH2O). e. (C3H3O3).

b. water

Xanthophylls and carotenes: a. are the principal photosynthetic pigments in green plants. b. are the principal sources of vitamin C for humans. c. are carotenoids. d. are normally present in the cytosol rather than in plastids. e. can substitute for chlorophylls in photosynthesis.

c. are carotenoids

Chlorophyll absorbs light principally in the ______ wavelengths. a. blue and green b. green and violet c. blue and violet d. violet and green e. green and red

c. blue and violet

Which of the following is most likely to occur in a leaf cell of a CAM plant during the day? a. entry of CO2 through stomata b. exit of water through stomata c. decarboxylation of malic acid d. fixation of CO2 by PEP carboxylase e. conversion of oxaloacetate to malate

c. decarboxylation of malic acid

In contrast to Photosystem I, Photosystem II is located primarily: a. in the chloroplast. b. in the cytosol. c. in grana thylakoids. d. in stroma thylokoids e. in the plasma membrane.

c. in grana thylakoids

Suaeda aralocaspica is different from many other C4 plants because it: a. has only one type of chloroplast. b. has Kranz anatomy. c. lacks Kranz anatomy. d. has bundle-sheath cells. e. lacks bundle-sheath cells.

c. lacks Kranz anatomy.

F. F. Blackman showed that: a. air "restored" by vegetation could support the breathing of animals. b. air is "restored" only in the presence of light and only by the green parts of the plant. c. photosynthesis has a light-dependent stage and a light-independent stage. d. isolated chloroplasts are able to produce O2 in the absence of light. e. all the substance of a plant is provided by water and not the soil.

c. photosynthesis has a light-dependent stage and a light independent stage and a light independent stage.

In the antenna complex, light energy is transferred from one pigment molecule to another by: a. pigment activation. b. fluorescence. c. resonance energy transfer. d. reduction. e. oxidation.

c. resonance energy transfer

Carbon dioxide is "fixed" by bonding to: a. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. b. 3-phosphoglycerate. c. ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate. d. NADP+. e. ADP.

c. ribulose 1,5-biphosphate

Which of the following is the very next event that occurs when a chlorophyll molecule absorbs light? a. The energy is released as heat. b. Fluorescence occurs. c. The electron is boosted to an excited state. d. Resonance energy transfer occurs. e. The electron is transferred to an electron transport chain.

c. the electron is boosted to an excited state

During cyclic electron flow, electrons are transferred directly from P700 to Ao to: a. P700. b. P680. c. the photosynthetic electron transport chain. d. the photosynthetic ATP synthase. e. the lumen of the thylakoid.

c. the photosynthetic electron transport chain

Which of the following events is NOT associated with Photosystem I? a. absorption of light by antenna molecules b. excitation of an electron from P700 c. transfer of electrons from cytochromes to iron-sulfur proteins d. reduction of NADP+ e. reduction of Ao

c. transfer of electrons from cytochromes to iron surfer proteins

Most of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate not exported to the cytosol is converted to ______ and stored in the chloroplasts. a. 3-phosphoglycerate b. sucrose c. glucose d. starch e. ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate

d. starch

Compared with C3 plants, C4 plants: a. are well adapted to low light intensities. b. are well adapted to low temperatures. c. are well adapted to moist areas. d. use nitrogen more efficiently. e. fix CO2 less efficiently.

d. use nitrogen more efficiently.

The role of Rubisco is to catalyze the conversion of: a. CO2 to an unstable six-carbon compound. b. CO2 to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. c. 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. d. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to sucrose. e. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to starch.

a. CO2 to an unstable six-carbon compound.

Which pigment occurs in all photosynthetic eukaryotes? a. Chlorophyll a b. Chlorophyll b c. Chlorophyll c d. Bacteriochlorophyll e. Chlorobium chlorophyll

a. chlorophyll a

Which of the following statements about photorespiration is FALSE? a. It yields ATP but not NADPH. b. Phosphoglycolate is an intermediate. c. It consumes oxygen and releases CO2. d. It is a wasteful process. e. Three cellular organelles participate in the process.

a. it yields ATP but NADPH

The energy-transduction reactions of photosynthesis are also called the ______ reactions. a. light b. dark c. light-independent d. carbon-fixation e. biosynthetic

a. light

Following photolysis, the resulting protons are released into the ______, contributing to the proton gradient across the ______ membrane. a. lumen of the thylakoid; thylakoid b. chloroplast stroma; outer chloroplast c. chloroplast stroma; thylakoid d. chloroplast matrix; inner chloroplast e. cytosol; inner mitochondrial

a. lumen of the thylakoid; thylakoid

How many molecules of CO2 are fixed during each turn of the Calvin cycle? a. one b. two c. three d. four e. five

a. one

In the light reactions, the cytochrome b6/f complex receives electrons directly from: a. plastoquinol. b. ferredoxin. c. pheophytin d. manganese. e. plastocyanin.

a. plastoquinol

The malate or aspartate produced in the C4 pathway moves next into: a. the bundle-sheath cells. b. the mesophyll cells. c. the stomata. d. Photosystem I. e. Photosystem II.

a. the bundle-sheath cells.

In CAM plants, malate formed as the end product of CO2 fixation in the dark is stored as malic acid in the: a. vacuole. b. chloroplast stroma. c. thylakoid lumen. d. cytosol. e. nucleus.

a. vacuole.

Accessory pigments are directly involved in the energy-transduction processes of photosynthesis.


All photosynthetic eukaryotes contain both chlorophylls a and b.


At the reaction center of Photosystem II is P700.


C3-C4 intermediates provide evidence for the evolution of C3 plants from C4 ancestors.


Chlorophyll absorbs light principally in the green wavelength.


In the process of cyclic photophosphorylation, both ATP and NADPH are produced.


Photorespiration is an energetically wasteful process that seldom occurs in nature.


Protons flow through the ATP synthesis from the stroma into the thylakoid lumen.


The concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere is approximately 3 percent.


The energy of a photon of light is directly proportional to its wavelength.


An action spectrum can be used to demonstrate the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of light for photosynthesis.


C. B. van Neil's experiments provided evidence that water, not carbon dioxide, was the source of the oxygen in photosynthesis.


In Photosystem II, pheophytin passes an electron directly to plastoquinone.


One of the benefits of photorespiration is to remove phosphoglycolate from the plant.


Phycobilins are water-soluble accessory pigments found in cyanobacteria and red algae.


Rubisco can use either O2 or CO2 as a substrate.


Some CAM plants can keep their stomata closed night and day.


The ATP and NADPH generated by the light reactions are used in the Calvin cycle.


The cytochrome b6/f complex links Photosystems II and I.


The leaf anatomy of C4 plants provides a spatial separation between the C4 pathway and the Calvin cycle.


The light-harvesting complex contains does not contain a reaction center.


The photolysis of water occurs in conjunction with Photosystem II but not Photosystem I.


Under extremely dry conditions, CAM plants outcompete C3 and C4 plants.


Which of the following does NOT occur in the Calvin cycle? a. ATP is hydrolyzed. b. ADP is phosphorylated to ATP. c. NADPH is oxidized. d. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is regenerated. e. CO2 is fixed.

b. ADP is phosphorylated to ATP

Which of the following statements about CAM plants is FALSE? a. Not all CAM plants are succulent. b. All CAM plants are flowering plants. c. They use both C3 and C4 pathways. d. They are dependent on nighttime accumulation of CO2 for photosynthesis. e. Their water-use efficiency is higher than that of C3 and C4 plants.

b. All CAM plants are flowering plants.

Rubisco can use ______ or CO2 as a substrate. a. 3-phosphoglycerate b. O2 c. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate d. serine e. oxaloacetate

b. O2

The primary function of ______ is as an anti-oxidant. a. chlorophyll a b. carotenoids c. phycobilins d. bacteriochlorophyll e. chlorobium chlorophyll

b. carotenoids

In photophosphorylation, the role of the ATP synthase complex is to provide a channel for protons to flow back into the: a. lumen of the thylakoid. b. chloroplast stroma. c. intermembrane space of the mitochondrion. d. intermembrane space of the chloroplast. e. cytosol.

b. chloroplast stroma

The Calvin cycle takes place in the: a. lumen of the thylakoid. b. chloroplast stroma. c. thylakoid membrane. d. cytoplasm. e. mitochondrial matrix

b. chloroplast stroma

Which of the following statements concerning ferredoxin is FALSE? a. It is the final electron acceptor of Photosystem I. b. It is found in the chloroplast grana. c. It transfers electrons to NADP+. d. It is an iron-sulfur protein. e. It is a mobile protein.

b. it is found in the chloroplast grana

The light-harvesting complex is different from a photosystem in that the light-harvesting complex: a. lacks chlorophyll a. b. lacks a reaction center. c. lacks carotenoids. d. collects light energy. e. contains pigment-binding proteins.

b. lacks a reaction center

Kranz anatomy is characterized by a layer of ____ around a layer of ____. a. xylem cells; mesophyll cells b. mesophyll cells; bundle-sheath cells c. mesophyll cells; phloem cells d. bundle-sheath cells; phloem cells e. bundle-sheath cells; mesophyll cells

b. mesophyll cells; bundle-sheath cells

One of the benefits of photorespiration is removing toxic: a. 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde. b. phosphoglycolate. c. ribulose-bisphosphate. d. 3-phosphoglycerate. e. oxaloacetate.

b. phosphoglycolate

Which of the following is produced during noncyclic AND cyclic electron flow? a. water b. NADPH c. sugar d. ATP e. O2

d. ATP

Which of the following conditions favors photorespiration? a. a ratio of CO2 to O2 that favors CO2 b. conditions that cause the stomata to open c. plants growing far apart d. a hot, dry environment e. darkness

d. a hot, dry environment

Which of the following is a C4 plant? a. rice b. oats c. Kentucky bluegrass d. crabgrass e. wheat

d. crabgrass

Who provided the first experimental evidence that soil alone does not nourish the plant? a. Jan Ingenhousz b. Aristotle c. F. F. Blackman d. Joseph Priestley e. Jan Baptista van Helmont

e. Jan Baptistavan Helmont

In Photosystem II, energized electrons are transferred from pheophytin directly to: a. chlorophyll a. b. NADP+. c. the oxygen-evolving complex. d. plastoquinol. e. PQA.

e. PQA

In the C4 pathway, the enzyme PEP carboxylase: a. uses O2 as a substrate. b. uses CO2 as a substrate. c. operates inefficiently when the CO2 concentration is low. d. is active only in the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. e. catalyzes the formation of oxaloacetate.

e. catalyzes the formation of oxaloacetate.

The ______ complex links photosystems I and II. a. ATP synthase b. light-harvesting c. oxygen-evolving d. water photolysis e. cytochrome b6/f

e. cytochrome b6/f

An action spectrum is different from an absorption spectrum in that an action spectrum: a. provides evidence that a particular pigment is responsible for a particular process. b. provides information about the extent of reflectance. c. is the light-transmitting pattern of a pigment. d. is the light-absorbing pattern of a pigment. e. is the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths for a specific process.

e. is the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths for a specific process

Which of the following statements about an antenna complex is FALSE? a. It is part of a photosystem. b. It "funnels" energy to the reaction center. c. It contains chlorophyll molecules. d. It contains carotenoid pigments. e. It converts light energy into chemical energy.

e. it converts light energy into chemical energy

Which of the following statements about the Calvin cycle is FALSE? a. It requires more ATP than NADPH. b. Each reaction is catalyzed by a specific enzyme. c. It regenerates ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate. d. It fixes CO2. e. It uses ATP from noncyclic, but not cyclic, photophosphorylation.

e. it uses ATP from non cyclic,but not cyclic, photophosphorylation.

Compared with a C3 plant, a C4 plant: a. carries out more photorespiration. b. has a lower photosynthetic efficiency. c. has more Rubisco. d. has a higher leaf nitrogen content. e. needs more ATP to fix CO2.

e. needs more ATP to fix CO2.

Light is composed of particles called: a. electrons. b. protons. c. neutrons. d. gamma rays. e. photons.

e. photons

Which of the following statements about the electromagnetic spectrum is FALSE? a. All radiations travel in waves. b. White light consists of a number of different colors. c. Different colors of light are refracted at different angles. d. A wavelength is the distance from one wave crest to the crest of another. e. The longer the wavelength of light, the more energy it has.

e. the longer the wavelength of light, the more energy it has

Which of the following is not considered a CAM plant? a. cactus b. pineapple c. Spanish "moss" d. Welwitschia e. wheat

e. wheat

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