Bio Ch 4

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Tetracycline is an antibiotic that targets protein synthesis. Which structure does tetracycline bind to in a bacterial cell?

Ribosomes. Ribosomes are protein factories that are essential for the health of a cell.

The function of the plasma membrane is analogous to ___________

a bouncer at a nightclub that chooses who enters an establishment. The cell membrane is a selectively permeable layer that controls what enters (and exists) the cell.

The most commonly used microscope, which uses visible light to view cells, is called a _______

light microscope

Which one of the following groups is composed of prokaryotic cells?


More than 100 years ago, microbiologist Paul Ehrlich talked about his concept of the ideal antibiotic as a "magic bullet" that could kill harmful bacteria but have minimal side effects for the infected person. How do antibiotics accomplish this goal?

by targeting structures found only in bacterial cells and not the host cells

Which cell structures are present only in plants, not in animals?

cell wall, chloroplasts, central vacuole

A plant cell has a versatile compartment that stores organic nutrients, absorbs water, and contains poisons that protect against plant-eating animals. This compartment is the _____.

central vacuole

Within the nucleus of a cell, long DNA molecules and associated proteins form fibers called _____.



circular chromosome that stores genetic info, found in the cytoplasm

Which structure is responsible for the transfer of genetic information between two cells?

conjugation pili


control center of the cell; contains the majority of the genetic material

The function of the chloroplast is to __________.

convert light energy to chemical energy

The structural framework in a cell is the


Which of the following is stored in the lysosomes of the cell?

digestive enzymes

A major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that __________.

eukaryotic cells have organelles; prokaryotic cells do not

Rough ER

protein factory responsible for the synthesis of secreted, proteins associated with the membrane or other organelles

Which of the following are the two main components of cellular membranes?

proteins and phospholipids

The Golgi apparatus mainly functions to modify __________.

proteins. The Golgi apparatus modifies proteins by adding chemical groups such as sugars or phosphate groups. The Golgi apparatus can also modify some lipids and manufacture carbohydrates.


recycling center responsible for digesting worn out parts and invading microbes

What is the primary site of protein production in a eukaryotic cell?

ribosomes, the site of protein synthesis

One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by

ribosomes. Ribosomes dock on the rough ER, and proteins are completed inside the rough ER.


A small, extrachromosomal (outside the genome), circular DNA molecule found in prokaryotes that provides non-essential traits and is easily transferred between cells

Where is the genetic information of the cell stored?


Which of the following is not associated with all cell types?


Mitochondria, the sites of cellular respiration, are found in __________.

plant cells and animal cells

What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell

plasma membrane

While exploring a local wooded area, you encounter what you believe to be a previously uncharacterized organism. Upon microscopic evaluation, you notice a single-celled organism about 1 micrometer, lacking a nucleus. What type of cell is this?

prokaryote. The key clue is the lack of a nucleus. Which cell type is like a studio apartment, due to the lack of internal compartments.


protection against host cell phagocytosis

What is the size of the smallest object that can be viewed as a distinct, separate object with a light microscope?

0.2 micrometers in diameter. The smallest objects that can be resolved with a light microscope are about 0.2 micrometers across. Some bacterial cells are about this size in diameter.

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disease. Affected individuals exhibit impaired functioning of ciliated cells. Based on what you know about the role of cilia in eukaryotic cells, why would you expect people with PCD to be particularly susceptible to respiratory infections?

Cilia are responsible for clearing bacteria and mucus from the linings of your airways. If your cilia don't work, bacteria and mucus stay in the airways and can cause infections and breathing problems.

Antibiotic resistance is increasingly prevalent in clinically important bacterial pathogens. Which of these methods represents the most recent innovation in searching for new antibiotics to replace those that have been rendered ineffective by the spread of antibiotic resistance?

Direct cultivation and screening of natural soil bacteria within the soil itself. A potentially promising antibiotic called teixobactin was discovered using this method. The vast majority of bacterial species can't currently be cultured in laboratory conditions. In the future, many of these species may be sources of new antibiotics as well.

You get a bacterial infection. Which of the following will your immune system do to try and eliminate it?

Either force excess zinc into the invading bacteria or starve them of zinc.

You are a genetic engineer. You devise a way to alter the bacterial gene that codes for CzrA, causing this protein to malfunction. Which of the following are you trying to aid in humans?

Immune system

Which of the following is true? Proteins with the same structure can have different functions in different organisms. Proteins with the same structure are not found in different organisms. Proteins with the same structure must have the same function in different organisms. Structure of proteins does not play a role in their function.

Proteins with the same structure can have different functions in different organisms.

Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system?

golgi apparatus


hair-like protein appendages that allow the bacterium to stick to an environmental surface


hosts most of the chemical reactions within the cell. contains dissolved substances like ions and organic molecules

Graphs to study

In which types of cells are mitochondria found?

in both plant and animal

Smooth ER

lipid factory responisble for the synthesis of lipid hormones; also involved in calcium balance and detoxification


long, whip-like proteins that rotate and allow for bacteria to move

Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles?

lysosomes. Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes and break down worn-out organelles

What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm?



main location of energy (ATP) production within the cell

peptidoglycan cell wall

maintains cell shape; protects against osmostic lysis

Rough endoplasmic reticulum appears "rough" because _______

many ribosomes stud the outside of the ER membrane

Coded genetic information is produced in the nucleus and transferred to the cytoplasm in a molecule called _____.

messenger RNA

Where in a cell is ATP made?


Besides the nucleus, which organelles contain their own DNA and ribosomes?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

The fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane is characterized by _____

molecules moving freely past one another. Phospholipids and most proteins are free to drift about in the plane of the membrane.

In some eukaryotic cells, cilia and flagella are motile cellular appendages that aid the cell in __________.


Residents of Bangladesh are thought to be developing resistance to infection by Vibrio cholera by _________

natural selection of humans who have mutations in genes that result in cells being less susceptible to the cholera toxin

Where are lipids made in the cell?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Golgi apparatus

sorting center; this organelle receives cargo from the ER, modifies the cargo, and ships to its final destination


storage sites that provide nutrients and sequesters harmful substances

What is the genetic center of the eukaryotic cell?

the nucleus

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