bio ch 6-10 exam

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The internal solute concentration of a plant cell is about 0.8M. To demonstrate plasmolysis, it would be necessary to suspend the cell in what solution?


How many NADH and FADH2 are produced by the citric acid cycle per glucose

6 NADH and 2 FADH2

which of the following plant cells would exhibit the most turgor pressure

A cell placed in a hypotonic solution

which of the following is a correct difference between active transport and facilitated diffusion

Active transport requires energy from ATP, and facilitated diffusion does not.

How does cholesterol affect membrane fluidity?

At body temperature, it makes the membrane less fluid.

Cells A and B are the same size, shape, and temperature, but cell A is metabolically less active than cell B; cell B is actively converting oxygen to water in cellular respiration. Oxygen will diffuse more rapidly into cell __________ because __________.

B; the diffusion gradient in cell B is steeper

Why is energy required for active transport?

Because it moves solutes against their concentration gradient

If a red blood cell and a plant cell were placed in seawater, what would happen to the two types of cells?

Both cells would lose water; the red blood cell would shrivel, and the plant plasma membrane would pull away from the cell wall.

which of the following is false in respect to cells chromosomes

Chromosomes are only visible as a cell is about to divide.

which statement about the cytoskeleton is true

Components of the cytoskeleton often mediate the movement of organelles within the cytoplasm.

in terms of cellular function, what is the most important difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells are compartmentalized, which allows for specialization.

which of the following processes and organelle(s) accounts for the replacement of lipids and proteins lost from the plasma membrane

Exocytosis and smooth and rough ER

which of these statements describes some aspect of facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion of solutes may occur through channel or transport proteins in the membrane.

which of the following statements about diffusion is true

It is a passive process.

which of the following statements concerning carbohydrates associated with the plasma membrane is correct

Membrane carbohydrates function primarily in cell-cell recognition.

which of the following statements about passive transport is correct

Passive transport permits the solute to move in either direction, but the net movement of the population of solute molecules occurs down the concentration gradient of the molecule.

which of the following statements about the role of phospholipids in the structure and function of biological membranes is correct

Phospholipids form a selectively permeable structure.

which of the following structural arrangements of the components in biological membranes facilitates the cell membranes property of selective permeability

Proteins embedded in two layers of phospholipids

How does the "fluid mosaic model" describe the structure of the plasma membrane?

Proteins in the membrane contribute to the mosaic quality of the membrane while the lateral and rotational movements of phospholipids contribute to its fluidity.

which of the following groups is primarily involved in synthesizing molecules needed by the cell

Ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

what is the functional connection between the nucleolus, nuclear pores, and the nuclear membrane

Subunits of ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and pass through the nuclear membrane via the nuclear pores.

red blood cells contain approximately a 2% concentration of solutes. a red blood cell is placed into a solution that contains a 4% concentration of solutes to which the cell is not permeable. what will happen to the red blood cell

The cell will decrease in size as water flows out of it.

Your intestine is lined with individual cells. No fluids leak between these cells from the gut into your body. Why?

The intestinal cells are bound together by tight junctions.

During which process is molecular oxygen produced in photosynthesis?

The light reactions by linear electron flow

A cell is placed into a solution and the cell shrinks. Which of the following is true regarding the solution?

The solution is hypertonic.

which of the following is correct regarding peripheral proteins

These proteins are found only on the surface of the plasma membrane.

which of the following is correct regarding integral proteins

These proteins exhibit both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties

which of the following would be least likely to diffuse through a plasma membrane without the help of a transport protein

a large polar molecule

the extra cellular matrix of the animal cell has all of the following molecular components except

a middle lamella

which of the following substances would be most likely to pass through the plasma membrane without the help of a transport protien

a nonpolar molecule, such as a hydrocarbon


all of the answers are correct

the c4 pathway is an alternative method for plants like sugar cane and corn to

all of the answers are correct

Ribosomes are composed of

both RNA and proteins

in photosynthesis, plants use carbon from ______ to make sugar and other organic molecules

carbon dioxide

which of the following molecules is most likely to passively diffuse across the plasma membrane

carbon dioxide

what function do carbohydrates fulfill in the plasma membrane

cell-to-cell recognition

the organelle that is a plant cells compartment for the storage of inorganic ions such as potassium and chloride is the

central vacuole

animal cells have unique organelles called ________ that are composed of structures called _______

centrosomes; centrioles

in facilitated diffusion, _______ proteins provide openings in the plasma membrane for substances to flow through without changing structure, and _____ proteins allow passage of substances through the plasma membrane aged undergoing a subtle change in shape

channel; carrier

Basal bodies are most closely associated with which of the following cell components?


during the process of chemiosmosis, catalysis of the phosphorylation of ADP happens after protons are pumped through a spinning complex called

electron pump

A nursing infant is able to obtain disease-fighting antibodies, which are large protein molecules, from its mother's milk. These molecules probably enter the cells lining the baby's digestive tract via which process?


cells that have a high membrane bound nucleus are referred to as being


the function of cellular respiration is to

extract usable energy from glucose

Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through which of the following structures

gap junctions

Bacterial cells are prokaryotic. Unlike a typical eukaryotic cell they __________.

have no membrane-bounded organelles in their cytoplasm

Observing a fluorescent micrograph cell with intermediate filaments would help you identify the cell as a __________.

human skin cell

A protein that ultimately functions in the plasma membrane of a cell is most likely to have been synthesized __________.

in the rough endoplasmic reticulum

The walls of plant cells are largely composed of polysaccharides and proteins that are synthesized __________.

in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the Golgi apparatus

the network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in a cell

is the cytoskeleton

all cells have voltages across their membranes. this voltage is call a(n) ______ and is often maintained by _______

membrane potential; electrogenic pumps

the endosymbiont theory explains the origins of

mitochondria and chloroplasts

which structure is common to plant and animal cells


as the temperature changes, some fish are able to change the composition of their membranes to compensate. as temperature drops, which of the following changes do you predict

more unsaturated phospholipids and more cholesterol

cilia and flagella move due to the interaction of the cytoskeleton with which of the followufb

motor proteins

Microfilaments function in cell motility including

muscle contraction, amoeboid movement, and cytoplasmic streaming in plants

which is not an organelle

none of the above

the endoplasmic reticulum is part of the endomembrane system, which also includes the

nuclear envelope, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vesicles

in prokaryotes, chromosomal DNA is located in the


the region of a bacterial cell that contains the genetic material is called the


cells are small because

of the geometric relationships between surface and volume

__________ are membrane-bound metabolic compartments that specialize in the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and its conversion to water.


which of the following molecules are most abundant in the plasma membrane


which of the following cell structures exhibits selective permeability between a cell and its external environment

plasma membrane

Dye injected into a plant cell might be able to enter an adjacent cell through __________.


cell junctions in plant cells are called _______, and communicating junctions in animal calls are called ________

plasmodesmata; gap junctions

A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely involved in which of the following processes

producing large quantities of proteins for secretion

in preparing lyrics te to enter the citric acid cycle, which of the following steps occurs

pyruvate is oxidized and decarboxylated, and the removed electrons are used to reduce a NAD+ to an NADH

use the cycle given below to answer the following question: in the reaction between malate and oxaloacetate [#8], NAD+ is going to be ______ and malate is going to be ______

reduced; oxidized

which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell


which of the following structures are found in plant, animal, and bacterial cells


You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to __________.

secrete a lot of protein

where does the calvin cycle of photosynthesis occur


the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has several distinct roles. which of these is not one of these roles

synthesis of proteins by ribosomes

evidence that supports the prokaryotic origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts are all of the following except

that mitochondria and chloroplasts have multiple copies of linear DNA molecules associated with their inner membranes

in eukaryotic cells, where do some ribosomes carry out protein synthesis

the cytoplasm

release of heat energy from a moving person is a demonstration of

the first law of thermodynamics

A substance moving from outside the cell into the cytoplasm must pass through __________.

the plasma membrane

the plasma membrane exhibits selective permeability. this means that

the plasma membrane allows some substances to flow through it more easily than others

the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is

to synthesize proteins that are secreted as glycoproteins

the sodium-potassium pump

transports sodium ions out of the cell and transports potassium ions into the cell

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts __________.

use chemiosmosis to produce ATP

Cell motility, which includes changes both in cell location and in the movement of cell parts, requires interactions of the cytoskeleton __________.

with motor proteins

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