Bio Exam 3

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A cell that is not actively dividing is in what phase of the cell cycle? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. G0 G2 G1′ G1


When do sister chromatids separate in meiosis? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. telophase I metaphase II anaphase I anaphase II

anaphase II

Which of the following is not a step in the process of binary fission? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. replication of DNA formation of a new cell wall elongation of the cell rearrangement of the microtubule cytoskeleton

rearrangement of the microtubule cytoskeleton

In which phase of mitosis does the mitotic spindle form? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. prophase anaphase metaphase telophase


Crossing over occurs during which step in meiosis? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. anaphase I prophase I prophase II metaphase I

prophase I

Crossing over occurs during which step in meiosis? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. anaphase I prophase II prophase I metaphase I

prophase I

What type of gene is c-src (cellular-src)? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. growth factor oncogene tumor suppressor proto-oncogene


Consider a gene with four alleles A1, A2, A3, and A4. If the cross A1A2 × A2A2 yields two offspring, what is the probability that they have the same genotype as each other? 3/4 1/3 1/8 1/2 1/4


A male fly that is homozygous for recessive alleles at two linked autosomal loci is mated with a wild-type female fly that is homozygous dominant for both alleles. All F1 offspring are then randomly mated. If the loci are so close as to have no recombination, what proportion of offspring will be homozygous for both mutations in the F2 generation? 1/4 3/4 1/16 1/2


The phenotype ratio of the progeny of a cross between two individuals with a trait that displays incomplete dominance is: 1:2. 1:2:1. 1:1:1. 1:3.


In the F2 generation of a homozygous round (AA) × homozygous wrinkled (aa) cross in peas, two round seeds are chosen at random. What is the probability that one is AA and the other Aa? (2/3)2 (1/3)2 (2/3)(1/3) 2(2/3)(1/3)


How many chromosome pairs are there in a normal human genome? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. 22 23 46 64


Consider a gene with four alleles A1, A2, A3, and A4. How many distinct heterozygous genotypes are possible? 3 2 5 6 4


Why don't plant cells use a contractile ring to divide their daughter cells? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Plant cells don't form daughter cells. Plant cells don't have an actin cytoskeleton. Plant cells don't have plasma membranes. A contractile ring can't "pinch" a cell wall.

A contractile ring can't "pinch" a cell wall.

Consider an X-linked restriction-fragment length polymorphism with alleles A1, A2, and A3. In the mating A1/A3 female × A2, male, what are the possible genotypes of the daughters? (Select all that apply.) A1/A3 A2/A3 A3 A1/A2 A1

A1/A2 A2/A3

Cell cycle checkpoints: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. act as a brake on cell division if something is not right. provide opportunities to check if the cell has carried out steps necessary for cell division. can involve the protein p53. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Sexual reproduction results: in offspring that are not genetically identical. All of these choices are correct. from combining genetic material from two gametes. in a new generation that is not genetically identical to its parents. in a new generation with the same number of chromosomes as each parent.

All of these choices are correct.

Studies of rapidly dividing embryonic animal cells revealed: a cyclic production of certain proteins in sync with the cell cycle. that inhibition of protein production blocks mitosis. that the production of cyclin proteins is followed by activation of CDK enzymes. a cyclic activation of protein kinases in sync with the cell cycle. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

The prokaryotic protein FtsZ is evolutionarily related to eukaryotic tubulin. What does this mean? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. The gene sequence for FtsZ is similar to tubulin. The amino acid sequence for FtsZ is similar to tubulin. The overall protein structure of FtsZ is similar to tubulin. The two proteins evolved from a common ancestral protein. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following statements regarding the cell cycle is true? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. It has many major cell cycle checkpoints. It is regulated by cyclins and CDKs. Different levels of cyclins are observed at different cell cycle stages. It can be "paused" by the action of p53. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following steps in prokaryotic binary fission is CORRECT? DNA is replicated bidirectionally from a single point on the circular chromosome. The cell continues to grow outward symmetrically, separating the two chromosomes. The two replicated chromosomes remain attached to the plasma membrane. All of these choices are correct. Cell wall material is laid down at the midpoint to separate the two daughter cells.

All of these choices are correct.

In what way is cytokinesis in plant cells similar to binary fission in a bacterium? A motor protein slides microtubules in a contractile ring at the plasma membrane between the two nuclei to separate the daughter cells. All of these choices are correct. A microtubulin-like structure constricts the plasma membrane between the two nuclei to separate the daughter cells. A ring of actin filaments constricts the plasma membrane between the two nuclei to separate the daughter cells. Cell wall material is deposited to separate the daughter cells.

Cell wall material is deposited to separate the daughter cells.

Muscle cells in the mammalian heart are multinucleate, meaning that multiple nuclei are present in the cytoplasm of a large cell. Predict what is different about the cell cycle in a muscle cell. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. S phase happens twice. The G1 and G2 phases are extended. Cytokinesis does not occur. M phase is inhibited.

Cytokinesis does not occur.

Which of the following statements is true regarding binary fission? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Proteins only anchor the original circular genome to the plasma membrane; the copy produced by DNA replication is free-floating. In binary fission, cell division is typically asymmetrical, with one daughter cell appearing much smaller than the other. Tubulin, rather than FtsZ, is responsible for cell division during binary fission. DNA replication during binary fission is a bidirectional process, occurring in opposite directions. None of the answer options is correct.

DNA replication during binary fission is a bidirectional process, occurring in opposite directions.

Predict what would happen if crossing over between homologous chromosomes occurred as part of mitosis. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Daughter cells could contain two copies of the same allele. Daughter cells would not be genetically identical, and they could contain two copies of the same allele. There would be no effect since sister chromatids separate in anaphase. Daughter cells would not be genetically identical.

Daughter cells would not be genetically identical, and they could contain two copies of the same allele.

Predict what would happen if crossing over between homologous chromosomes occurred as part of mitosis. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Daughter cells would not be genetically identical. Daughter cells could contain two copies of the same allele. There would be no effect since sister chromatids separate in anaphase. Daughter cells would not be genetically identical, and they could contain two copies of the same allele.

Daughter cells would not be genetically identical, and they could contain two copies of the same allele.

Look carefully at the image of the human karyotype shown in Figure 11.3. What is the significance of the small differences between homologous chromosomes? Each homologous chromosome in a pair is from a different parent. Some of this person's DNA is mutated, possibly causing disease. The differences are a result of the way the material was prepared. Chromosomes may not be completely replicated during S phase.

Each homologous chromosome in a pair is from a different parent.

Which one of the following BEST describes genotype-by-environment interactions? The environment of an organism determines the genetic make-up of that organism. Under certain circumstances, two organisms with identical phenotypes have different genotypes. Genetic and environmental factors combine to influence phenotype. Under certain circumstances, two organisms with identical genotypes have different phenotypes. The genotype of an organism determines how that organism will behave in its environment.

Genetic and environmental factors combine to influence phenotype.

Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in humans. If a carrier female (heterozygous for the trait) mated with an affected male, what would be the expected outcome(s)? None of the daughters would be color blind. All of the sons would be color blind. None of the offspring would be color blind. Half of the daughters would be color blind, and all of the sons would be color blind. Half of the daughters would be color blind.

Half of the daughters would be color blind.

For the majority of SNPs implicated in disease, how does carrying a copy affect a person's risk for acquiring that disease? It increases it moderately. It increases it dramatically. It decreases it minimally. It decreases it moderately. It decreases it dramatically.

It increases it moderately.

Why would a compound that interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis be useful for treating a bacterial infection? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. It would prevent the cells from becoming larger. It would prevent replication of DNA. It would limit the spread of the infection through cell division. It would prevent replication of DNA, and it would limit the spread of the infection.

It would limit the spread of the infection through cell division.

Mendel's experiments with garden peas differed from those of other plant hybridizers of the time in that: Mendel studied true-breeding strains, focused on a small number of easily contrasted traits, and quantified results. Mendel performed no crosses between strains, whereas other hybridizers did. Mendel focused on a small number of easily contrasted traits instead of a large number of more complex traits. Mendel quantified his results and looked for statistical patterns instead of simply noting the presence or absence of a trait among a group of offspring. Mendel studied true-breeding strains instead of poorly defined material.

Mendel studied true-breeding strains, focused on a small number of easily contrasted traits, and quantified results.

What made the plant hybridization studies performed by Mendel more successful than plant hybridization studies performed by others? Mendel did not use true-breeding organisms because he wanted to assess the inheritance of more than one trait per breeding. Mendel was the first to identify characteristics of pea plants that could be observed as phenotypes. Mendel used statistical analysis to analyze the phenotypes he observed. Mendel's understanding of natural selection inspired his methodology to examine the effect of environmental stressors on genetic diversity. Mendel used qualitative analysis to evaluate the genotypes he observed.

Mendel used statistical analysis to analyze the phenotypes he observed.

What would happen if crossing over occurred between sister chromatids? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Genetic diversity would decrease due to the loss of gene combinations. Genetic diversity would increase due to the addition of gene combinations. Gene rearrangement would lead to changes in gene expression. Nothing would happen because sister chromatids are genetically identical or nearly identical.

Nothing would happen because sister chromatids are genetically identical or nearly identical.

A woman has her genome sequenced and finds that she carries a mutation in p53. Will she develop cancer? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. No, mutations in p53 do not contribute to cancer. Possibly—this mutation may predispose her to developing certain types of cancer. Yes, she will certainly develop cancer given the role of p53 in the cell cycle.

Possibly—this mutation may predispose her to developing certain types of cancer.

How must spindle microtubules attach to chromosomes during prometaphase of meiosis I? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Spindle microtubules from one pole must attach to both kinetochores in a pair of sister chromatids. Microtubules attach to the chiasma. Microtubules attach using their minus (slow assembling) ends. Microtubules attach at the centrosomes. Spindle microtubules from one pole attach to one kinetochore, and spindle microtubules from the other pole attach to the other kinetochore in a pair of sister chromatids, just like in mitosis.

Spindle microtubules from one pole must attach to both kinetochores in a pair of sister chromatids.

How must spindle microtubules attach to chromosomes during prometaphase of meiosis I? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Spindle microtubules from one pole must attach to both kinetochores in a pair of sister chromatids. Spindle microtubules from one pole attach to one kinetochore, and spindle microtubules from the other pole attach to the other kinetochore in a pair of sister chromatids, just like in mitosis. Microtubules attach using their minus (slow assembling) ends. Microtubules attach to the chiasma. Microtubules attach at the centrosomes.

Spindle microtubules from one pole must attach to both kinetochores in a pair of sister chromatids.

Which of the following BEST describes the behavior of the human X and Y chromosomes during meiosis? (Select all that apply.) The X and Y chromosomes have no regions of homology and therefore do not pair during meiosis. The X and Y chromosomes have regions of homology that allow them to pair during meiosis. None of the other answer options is correct. Crossover occurs when the X and Y chromosomes pair during meiosis. Although the X and Y chromosomes pair during meiosis, crossover does not occur.

The X and Y chromosomes have regions of homology that allow them to pair during meiosis. Crossover occurs when the X and Y chromosomes pair during meiosis.

In what ways do human X and Y chromosomes differ from one another? (Select all that apply.) The X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome. The X and Y chromosomes have no regions in common and do not pair during meiosis. The X chromosome is found only in females, while the Y chromosome is found only in males. The X chromosome has about 1000 genes and the Y chromosome only about 50.

The X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome. The X chromosome has about 1000 genes and the Y chromosome only about 50.

The human X chromosome carries approximately 1000 genes. The Y chromosome contains only about 50 genes. How can males survive with only these 50 genes in the Y chromosome?7 The Y is paired with a functional X chromosome, which has all the genes. The genes in the X chromosome are not required for survival. In males, the missing genes are found in autosomal chromosomes. Most of the 1000 genes in the X chromosome are only required for females.

The Y is paired with a functional X chromosome, which has all the genes.

Which of the following statements is TRUE if a cell has a mutation in the p53 gene such that the p53 protein is no longer able to be phosphorylated? The kinase activity in the nucleus would decrease in response to DNA damage. The cell would proceed through the cell cycle even in the presence of DNA damage. The amount of cytoplasmic p53 protein would increase in response to DNA damage. The cell would arrest, giving time for the DNA damage to be repaired.

The cell would proceed through the cell cycle even in the presence of DNA damage.

In Drosophila, the red-eye allele for eye color exhibits complete dominance over the recessive white-eye allele. In some of Thomas Hunt Morgan's initial experiments, he crossed red-eyed female flies with white-eyed males. When he then crossed the F1 red-eyed heterozygous females with red-eyed males, Morgan found that half of the male progeny were white-eyed. What is the MOST likely explanation of this result? The gene responsible for eye color is on the X chromosome. Chemical factors secreted by males mutated the eye color gene. The gene responsible for eye color is on an autosome. Chemical factors secreted by males changed the color of the eye. The gene responsible for eye color is on the Y chromosome.

The gene responsible for eye color is on the X chromosome.

Which of the following is not true regarding CDKs? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. They function as a kinase. The levels of CDK change with the cell cycle. They bind to cyclin. They function to control the cell cycle.

The levels of CDK change with the cell cycle.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about gamete formation in mammals? The cytoplasm is diminished during development of sperm, and a flagellum is formed to give sperm locomotion. Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an egg, which becomes a zygote upon fertilization by a sperm cell. In the female, the separation of cytoplasm is unequal during meiosis. Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an oocyte. The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.

The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.

How do new cyclin proteins appear in the cytoplasm? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. They are recycled. They are made through protein synthesis. They are imported from outside the cell. All of these choices are correct.

They are made through protein synthesis.

Why are the X and Y chromosomes not considered homologous? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. They come from different parents. Mammalian males carry two very different chromosomes. They do not carry the same set of genes. They do not carry the same set of genes, and mammalian males carry two very different sex chromosomes.

They do not carry the same set of genes, and mammalian males carry two very different sex chromosomes.

How do CDKs promote cell division? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. They cause cyclin levels to increase and decrease. They regulate the activity of cyclin. They phosphorylate other proteins. They bind to DNA. They change the ability of microtubules to polymerize.

They phosphorylate other proteins.

The fact that the ratio of human male to female births is nearly 1:1 demonstrates that: All of these choices are correct. X and Y chromosomes demonstrate independent assortment. X and Y chromosomes together determine sex. X and Y chromosomes demonstrate segregation. X and Y chromosomes pair all along their length.

X and Y chromosomes demonstrate segregation.

What is a cyclin? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. a protein that activates kinases a protein whose levels change with the cell cycle a kinase a protein that activates kinases and a protein whose levels change with the cell cycle

a protein that activates kinases and a protein whose levels change with the cell cycle

Pleiotropy refers to: a single gene having multiple effects. the interaction of multiple genes affecting a single trait. the interaction of multiple genes affecting multiple traits. the interaction of two genes affecting a single trait. two different norms of reaction for a single trait.

a single gene having multiple effects.

Most complex traits are: (Select all that apply.) affected by multiple genes. affected by interactions between genes and environmental factors. inherited in pedigrees showing simple Mendelian patterns. affected by environmental factors. homozygous for all alleles affecting the trait. heterozygous for all alleles affecting the trait.

affected by interactions between genes and environmental factors. affected by multiple genes. affected by environmental factors.

In which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. metaphase telophase anaphase prophase


In which phase of mitosis do spindle microtubules shorten? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. anaphase prophase metaphase telophase


During what step in meiosis do the daughter cells become haploid? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. anaphase II metaphase II anaphase I prophase II

anaphase II

During what step in meiosis do the daughter cells become haploid? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. metaphase II anaphase I anaphase II prophase II

anaphase II

When do sister chromatids separate in meiosis? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. telophase I anaphase II anaphase I metaphase II

anaphase II

The rates of evolutionary change in DNA: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. can only be determined in conserved genes. are constant in gene families with a diversity of members. are constant among different gene families and thus are used to estimate the time of divergence. are zero. are highly variable among different gene families.

are highly variable among different gene families.

The process of cell division in a prokaryotic cell is called: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. binary fission. binary fusion. mitosis. cytokinesis.

binary fission.

What cellular process(es) is/are responsible for the increase in protein content associated with the gap phases of the cell cycle? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. glycolysis gene expression protein synthesis both gene expression and protein synthesis

both gene expression and protein synthesis

Most human variation is due to _____ traits. nondisjunction complex incompletely dominant single gene epistatic


The amount of _____ is fairly constant throughout the cell cycle, but the amount of _____ varies. cyclin-dependent kinase/DNA DNA/cyclins cyclins/DNA cyclins/cyclin-dependent kinases

cyclin-dependent kinase/DNA

With independent assortment, the ratio of phenotypes in the F2 generation of a cross between true-breeding strains (AA bb × aa BB) can be described as 9:3:3:1 when A and B are dominant over a and b. To what phenotype does the "9" in the ratio refer? dominant for the A trait and recessive for the B trait dominant for one trait and recessive for the other dominant for both traits recessive for both traits

dominant for both traits

When one gene is able to modify the effect of a second gene, the phenomenon is known as: recessiveness. independent assortment. simple dominance. epistasis. segregation.


In Jabberwocks, flame eyes (F) are dominant to blue eyes (f) and burbling (B) is dominant to whistling (b). Jabberwock geneticists suspect that the two genes are linked in one of the autosomes. They mate a true-breeding, flame-eyed, burbling female with a true-breeding, blue-eyed, whistling male. They then remove a sample of gametes from one of the resulting offspring. If the genes are linked, which of the following is/are a recombinant gamete genotype? (Select all that apply.) fB FB Fb fb None of the answer options is correct.

fB Fb

In base excision repair, a whole segment of DNA is removed and resynthesized. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


People with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) are sensitive to ultraviolet light because they lack the DNA proofreading function. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


A phragmoplast functions to: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. stimulate the growth of the microtubule spindle. form a new cell wall. anchor microtubules to sister chromatids. break down the nuclear envelope.

form a new cell wall.

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a metabolic disorder that results in a mental handicap when phenylalanine is present in the diet. It was found that putting children with this genetic defect on a special diet prevented the effects of the disease. This is an example of: variable norms of reaction. correlation between genotype and environment. None of the answer options is correct. phenotypic variation due to genetic variation. genotype-by-environment interaction.

genotype-by-environment interaction.

If you crossed a true-breeding yellow-seed plant (AA) with a heterozygous yellow-seed plant (Aa), offspring: genotypes would be 1 Aa:1 aa and would be 1/2 yellow-seed plants and 1/2 green-seed plants. phenotypes would be 1/2 yellow-seed plants and 1/2 green-seed plants. genotypes would be 1 AA:2 Aa. genotypes would be 1 AA:1 Aa. genotypes would be 1 Aa:1 aa.

genotypes would be 1 AA:1 Aa.

Polar bodies are: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. haploid cells. functional gametes that are produced by meiosis. produced by mitosis. functional gametes that are produced by mitosis.

haploid cells.

Another name for non-sister chromatids is: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. bivalents. chiasmata. diploids. homologous chromosomes.

homologous chromosomes.

A researcher is studying a population of cells with two major phases. The first phase is relatively short (it lasts approximately one hour), whereas the second stage is much longer (it lasts approximately 12 hours) and is characterized by an increase in the DNA content of cells. This second stage is most likely: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. cytokinesis. interphase. G0. mitosis.


In which phase of mitosis do chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. metaphase prophase telophase anaphase


Which of the following mechanisms would most likely be involved in repairing a single point mutation? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. base excision repair nucleotide excision repair mismatch repair and/or base excision repair base excision repair and/or nucleotide excision repair mismatch repair

mismatch repair and/or base excision repair

Which of the following processes would result in gametes that violate Mendel's principle of segregation? independent assortment epistasis dominance nondisjunction


In general, the phenotypes of a complex trait should exhibit a(n) _____ distribution. normal bimodal complex inverted skewed


Which of the following are quantitative traits? (Select all that apply.) serum cholesterol blood pressure skin color height weight

serum cholesterol blood pressure skin color height weight

Several years ago, a man noticed a small mole on his wrist. Years later, the mole grew in size and the man was diagnosed as having metastatic melanoma. This was likely the result of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. a single mutation affecting one proto-oncogene in a cell. a single mutation inactivating a tumor suppressor gene. several mutations affecting proto-oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes. None of the other answer options is correct—cancers arise spontaneously, independent of mutations.

several mutations affecting proto-oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes.

According to Galton's observation of regression toward the mean, parents who are taller than the population mean should have offspring that are, on average, _____ they are, but _____ the population mean. shorter than; taller than taller than; the same height as taller than; shorter than the same height as; taller than shorter than; the same height as the same height as; shorter than

shorter than; taller than

Which of the following has the MOST similarity in nucleotide sequence? complementary strands of DNA nonhomologous chromosomes homologous chromosomes sister chromatids maternal and paternal copies of the same chromosome

sister chromatids

Which of Mendel's findings is not applicable when predicting the results of crosses involving genes that are closely linked? complete dominance All of these choices are correct. the occurrence of alternate forms (alleles) of genes the law of segregation the law of independent assortment

the law of independent assortment

What is the function of the centromere? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. to attach the chromosome to the spindle to attach the DNA to the plasma membrane to attach the sister chromatids to each other to organize the microtubules to form a spindle

to attach the sister chromatids to each other

A nucleotide substitution typically has less severe consequences than a nucleotide addition or deletion. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


Evidence exists (especially in dinoflagellates) that mitosis evolved from binary fission. For example, in certain eukaryotic cells during mitosis, DNA is attached to the membrane of the nucleus (much like a circular chromosome of a bacterium is attached to the plasma membrane). Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


Mutagens increase the amount of damage to DNA. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


Some types of leukemia are the result of constitutively active (i.e., "always on") growth factor receptors. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. true false


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