Bio Final

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Ctenophores capture food by

a sticky mucus on their tentacles that capture small invertabrae

which of the following should be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods

a sturdy-finned, shallow water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertabrates

Altough corals can capture prey, they also depend on_____ for nutrition

a symbiotic relationship with the photosynthetic zooxanthellae

which of the following traits, if found in this organism, would allow the greatest certainty of identification

a water vascular system

A charcteristic seen only in mammals is

all of these

A coelom provides several benefits, including

all of these

hagfishes are differentiated from all other fishes in that

all of these

which of the following adaptations is associated with the ability of birds to fly

all of these

within the chordate classes, the unique charachteristic of the class Aves is

all of these

gd is a cold loving fungus. thus which charachteristics of abnormal bat behaviour or processes can be most expected to favor the growth of this fungus

all three of the options listed are correct

metamorphosis occurs in which of the following vertabrate classes


the superclass tetrapods includes

amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

which of the following does not charachterize arthropods

an incomplete digestive tract

if you are going to go fishing in freshwater you most likely will use members of which phylum and class as bait

annelida; oligochaeta

frogs are members of the order


In deuterostomes the first opening develops into the


Sponge larvave

are flagellated and able to swim

as adults___ are sessile crustaceans


Ctenopheres exhibit

bilateral symmetry

the only living descendant of the dinosaurs are the


which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinasours


what type of bird is most likely to need air sacs to reduce its weight

birds that migrate long distances

which one of these, if found, should clear up any remaining doubt as to the identity of the orgainsm

blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood from both the skin and the functional lung to the heart


bodies consist of hundreds of reproductive segments

based on the accompanying figure, which of the following structures places this fish in the class actinopterygii


a fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and paired fins would be


From an evolutionary perspective, true nerve cells are first seen in the phylum


IN Cnidarians, nematocysts are housed in specialized cells called


the diverse body plans seen in Animalia apparently developed during the


arhtropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae and two legs on most body segments are


the most closely related animal to vertsbrates are the


a closed circulatory system is found in the


a spider would be much less harmful if it lacked


members of the subphylum___ lack antenna but possess unique mouthparts, which are not mandibles


sea cucumbers will _ when enviromental conditions become dangerous

eject their digestive tract, respiratory structures, and gonads

If it were possible, which of the following methofs would be the most effective at elliminating parasitic flukes

eliminate freshwater snails

the lining of the digestive tube is formed from


we should expect the inner wall of the swim bladder to be lined with tissue that is derived from


female birds lay their eggs, thereby facilitating flight by reducing weight. Which strategy seems most likely for a female bats to use to aceive the same goals

limit litters to a single embryo

The protostome coelmates are divided into two major groups, the

lophotrochozoa and ecdysozoa

the organism represented by number 8 are


most mollusks are


The____ gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system


Pseudocoelmates have a body cavity that is not completely lined with___ these animals include____ and roundworms

mesoderm; rotifers

pwhich of these are amniotes

more than one of these are correct

sea stars eat

mostly bivalves

gd is a cold loving fungus. thus which charachteristics of normal bat behaviour or processes can be most expected to favor the growth of this fungus

much reduced metabolic rate during hibernation

you have a sample of cat emesis and find worms in the sample. The cylindrical worms are long and slender, pointed at each end, with no other distinguishing charchteristics. They are members of the phylum


in addition to these, it will probobllay have which of the following charachteristics

no jaws

internal fertilization, leathery amniotic egg, and skin that resists drying are charachteristics of

nonbird reptiles

which of the following is an amniote

none of the these

Most representatives of the phylum Porifera gain nutrition as

none of these

Currently for an organism to be considered as an animal it must

not be an autotroph

the presence of a swim bladder allows the typical rey-finned fish to stop swimming and still

not sink

what distinguishes a polychaete from an oligochaete

number of bristles

some bird bones are hollow rather than honeycombed. the hollow bones mostly contain air sacs. the replacement of bone marrow with air sacs is properly understood as an adaptation to

only two of the options listed are corect

marsupials include the


Digestion in a sponge takes place in


extinct jawless fish include the


what do all craniates have that earlier chordates did not have

partial or complete skull

regarding its position in the water column, the same thing that happens to a shark when it stops swimming also happens to a

physoclistus fish when it moves gas from the blood into the water

Within the phylum Cnidaria, corals are most closely related to

sea snemones

hermaphroditic earthworms reproduce sexually by connecting their bodies by their_this allows transfer of ____ from one worm to the other

setae; eggs

placoid scales of epidermal origin are found on


the earliest mammals resembled small


sharks may detect their prey using all of the following except


which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to do in order to determine wheteher a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal

examine the teeth

examination of the fossils of archaeopteryx reveals that , in common with extantbirds, it had


what is the single unique charachteristic that distinguishes extatn birds from others extant vertebrates


Lancelets are

filter feeders

bivalves are

filter feeders

if a physoclistus fish removes gas from its swim bladder, this fish's density cannot actually change until that gas arrives at the


members of the class bivalia

have a broad foot used for locomotion


have a segmented body

all cephalic organisms

have bilateral symmetry

members of the clas___include blood sucking parasites


the gd mat on the fur of the bats should be expected to consist of


your abdominal cavity, which contains most of your major organs

ia a coelom lined by mesoderm

which class of animals has the largest number of species


the first function of feathers was most likely


which of the following is not an adaptation of reptiles for life in a terrestrial habitat

internal fertilizations

why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breaktrough

it allows desposition of eggs in a terrestrial enviroment

Which statement best describes a lophophore

it is ciliated ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth

if a marine invertabrae were placed into freshwater it would have difficulty surviving because

it would have difficulty with osmoregulation

which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance


urochordates are odd chordates, as typically only the ___ shows the basic chordate charachteristic


the monotremes are an unusual group of mammals because they

lay eggs

one adaptation of insects that is specific to only this group among all arthropods is

specialized mouthparts

the adult form of which of the animals is not capable of locomotion


adult tunicates resemble____ and are_____

sponges; filter feeders

which taxon is not included in the class amphibia


in order for the four chambered hearts of birds and mammals to be homologous, which other organisms would have to have had four chambered hearts

stem reptiles

chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as

suspension-feeding devices

Snakes are most closely related to


which of the following belongs to the lobe-fin clade


which of the following is a craniate animal


wich number represents the birds,

10, if it were at the end of a branch emerging from the dinasaurs

In the accompanying figure, which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of the fish


rank the fish from most to least amount of energy

321 chondrichthyan, physostomus, physoclistus

Arrange these taxonomic termsfrom most inclusive to least

34152 gnathostomes, osteichtyans, lobe-fins, tetrapods, amphibians

At which point did lungs evolve


At which point did the amniote egg evolve


vertabrates and tunicates are

a notochord and a dorsal hollow nerve chord

a trichinella infection is most common in individuals who

eat undercooked pork

to which of the following aare the scales of chondrichthyans most closely related in a structureal sense

chondrichthan teeth

jaws occured in which extant group of fishes


their scales most closely resemble teeth in both structure and origin


which of the following animals has an open circulatory system


Sponges are beleived to have arisen from the choanoflagellates because they possess

collar cells

which of the following arthropod groups is almost exclusively aquatic in habitat


biramous appendages in arhtropods are only present in


like the cnidarians, flatworms depend on _____ for acheiving circulation and gas exchange


which of the following is n adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators

poisonous salivary secreations

which animal phylum has an asymetrical body plan


which feature of some carinates has the same effect on weight as the presence of air sacs

presence of carina

68. which of the following if observed should help them arrive at a conclusive answer

presence of lungs

Determinate cleavage takes place in___and is charachterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is___

protostomes; fixed early in the developmental process

Deuterostomes are charchterized by______ and______ cleavage

radial ; inderterminate

whoch of the following are the most abundant and diverse of the extant vertebrates

ray-finned fishes

if the mystery organism has laso become adapted to a fossorial lifestyle , though its ancestors moved about on the surace, then which structures should one expect to find upon dissecting the organism

reduced or absent pelvic and or pectoral girdles

animals with a crown of cilia that looj like a spinning wheel are the


Comb jellies move by

rows of cillia

the anterioir end of a tapeworm is known as the


horseshoe crabs belong to

the class merostomata

which of these charachteristics added most to vertebrate success in reletively dry enviroments

the shelled, amniotic egg

there is evidence that ray-finned fishes evolved

the swim bladder from a lung

gas exchange in terrestrial insects is acomplished through

the use of tracheae

echinoderms are unique because

their larvae are bilaterally symmetrical while the adult is pentaradially symmetrical

what do cnidarians and flatworms have in common

they are acoeloomates

which of the following is a major problem for sessile animals

they are unable to escape unfavorable enviromental conditions

if the inner lining of te air sacs is neither tin nor highly vascularized, then what can be inferred about the air sacs

they cannot be sites of gas exchange between air and blood

one of the disadvantages of exoskeletons in arthropods is that

they must be shed when the animal grows

if flatworms lacked protonephridia

they would have difficulty with fluid balance

which of the following is not a charachteristic shared by all chordates at some point in their life cycle

three primary cell layers

the heart of ampibians has ____chambers. The hearts of birds and mammals have ___chambers


the____are very common arthropod Paleozoic fossils, and are extinct today


which of the following describe echinoderms

tubefeet provide motility in most species

free-living flatworms belong to the class


which features allows hibernating bats to conserve heat without using calories

two of the options listed above are correct

the most unque feature of the echinoderms is theri

water vascular system

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