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Mammals began to diversify, with large forms evolving, A. after the Cretaceous extinction B. during the Jurassic C. at the same time that large bodies dinosaurs evolved D. after the great Permian extinction


The distinguishing feature of chytrids are A. motile zoospores B. a haploid gametophyte C. meiosis after fertilization D. sexual reproduction


Which two of these phyla are deuterstomes? A. platyhelminthes B. echinodermata C. arthropoda D. chordata

B, D

Plants are unlike Charophytes in having all of the following EXCEPT A. haplodiplontic life cycle B. diploid embryos C. plasmodesmata D. all of the above


A paleontologist discovers a thick layer of fossilized zoecia on rocks, what does this say about the rocks when the animals were alive? A. the rocks must have been underwater B. the rocks were exposed to lava flows C. the cops were a part of a mountain that eroded


Amoebas, foraminifera, and radiolarians move using their A. cytoplasm B. flagella C. cilia D. setae


Among protists, a mixotroph is both A. phototropic and heterotrophic B. unicellular and colonial C. mobile and sessile D. asexual and sexual


Ascomycetes form reproductive spores in A. a special sac called the ascus B. gills on the basidiocarp C. sporangiophores D. the mycelium


Body cavities differ from digestive cavities because A. they are not connected to the outside B. they are always surrounded by ectoderm C. they are always filled with fluid D. they are only found in asymmetrical organisms


Chlamydomonas is unlike plants in that Chlamydomonas A. gamete fusion is not followed by mitosis B. only chlorophyll a is found C. phycoerythrin masks the green of chlorophyll D. both haploid and diploid phases of the life cycle occur


Determine which of the following is correct regarding the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A. it reproduces asexually by a process called budding B. it produces an ascocarp during reproduction C. it belongs in the group Zygomycota D. all of the above


Encephalitozoon cuniculi is an intracellular parasite, why can't it live on its own? A. it lacks mitochondria B. it lacks a nucleus C. it lacks DNA D. it lacks plasma membrane


Examine the life cycle of cellular slime molds, and determine which feature affords the greatest advantage for surviving food shortages A. cellular slime molds produce spores when starved B. cellular slime molds are saprobes C. a diet of bacteria ensures there will never be a shortage of food D. cellular slime molds use cAMP to guide each other to food sources


Fungi reproduce A. both sexually and asexually B. sexually only C. asexually only D. sexually, asexually, and by fragmentation


Hominoids include all of the following EXCEPT A. mandrills B. gorillas C. humans D. chimpanzees


If a cell contains a pellicle, it A. can change shape readily B. is shaped like a sphere C. is shaped like a torpedo D. must have a contractile vacuole


In a flower after fertilization, the following tissues are diploid: A. carpel, integuments, and megaspore mother cell B. carpel, integuments, and megaspore C. carpel, megaspore, and zygote D. carpel, megaspore mother cell, and endosperm


In double fertilization, one sperm produces a diploid _____ and the other produces a triploid _____ A. zygote; primary endosperm B. primary endosperm; microspore C. antipodal; zygote D. polar nuclei; zygote


In the Paleozoic era, the first vertebrate animal group to live successfully on land was the A. amphibians B. dinosaurs C. fishes D. therapsids


The Actinopodia do NOT A. have hard calcium carbonate shells B. have amoeboid shapes in many groups C. have glassy silicon exoskeletons D. have spiky needle-like pseudopods


The fact that monotremes lay eggs A. indicates that they are more closely related to some reptiles than they are to some mammals B. is a plesiomorphic trait C. demonstrates that the amniotic egg evolved multiple times D. is a result of ectothermy


The only colonial animals are A. Bryozoans B. Brachiopods C. Annelids D. Ctenophores


Which of the following cell types of a sponge possesses a flagellum? A. choanocyte B. amoebocyte C. epithelial D. spicules


Which of the following groups of fungi is NOT monophyletic? A. zygomycota B. basidiomycota C. glomeromycota D. ascomycota


Which of the following structures is not a component of the water-vascular system of an echinoderm? A. ossicles B. ampullae C. radial canals D. madreporites


Which of the following terms is NOT associated with a male portion of a plant? A. megaspore B. antheridium C. pollen grains D. microspore


Why aren;t club mosses classified as bryophytes? A. they have tracheas B. the produce seeds C. they have flowers D. they aren't photosynthetic


Why was the evolution of the pulmonary veins important for amphibians? A. to move oxygen to and from the lungs B. to increase the metabolic rate C. for increased blood circulation to the brain D. none of the above


With regard to classification in the animals, the study of which of the following is changing our understanding of the organization of the kingdom? A. molecular systematics B. origin of tissues C. patterns of segmentation D. evolution of morphological characteristics


Choose all of the following that are photosynthetic A. diatoms B. ciliates C. apicomplexans D. dinoflagellates

A, D

All fish species, living and extinct, share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT A. gills B. jaws C. internal skeleton with dorsal nerve cord D. single-loop circulatory system


Although many mammals have binocular vision, the anatomical adaption that sets primates apart from these other mammals is A. prehensile tails B. opposable digits on hands C. large brains D. hair-covered skin


An example of a seedless vascular plant is A. a hornwort B. a club moss C. a pine tree D. none of these


Animals are unique in the fact that they possess _______ for movement and _______ for conducting signals between cells. A. brains; muscles B. muscle tissue; nervous tissue C. limbs; spinal cords D. flagella; nerves


Apply your understanding of angiosperms to identify which innovations likely contributed to the tremendous success of angiosperms. A. homospory in angiosperms B. fruits that attract animal dispersers C. cones that protect the seed D. dominant gametophyte generation


Both birds and mammals share the physiological characteristic of endothermy. How do these animals maintain a high body temperature? A. the live in warm environments B. they have high metabolic rates C. they run or fly, which produces heat D. they eat a lot


Cnidarians possess A. bilateral symmetry B. extracellular digestion C. internal skeletons D. a complex nervous system


During embryonic development, neural crest cells A. form the spinal cord B. migrate to various locations in the embryo C. form the adult notochord D. form the embryonic brain


Fossil evidence of eukaryotes dates back to A. 2.5 BYA B. 1.5 BYA C. 2.5 MYA D. 1.5 MYA


How could a plant without roots obtain sufficient nutrients from the soil? A. it cannot, all land plants have roots B. mycorrhizal fungi associate with the plant and assist with the transfer of nutrients C. charophytes associate with the plant and assist with the transfer of nutrients D. it relies on its xylem in the absence of a root


In order for amphibians to be successful on land, they had to develop which of the following? A. a more efficient swim bladder B. cutaneous respiration and lungs C. water-tight skin D. shelled eggs


In terms of numbers of species, the most successful phylum on the planet is the A. mollusca B. arthropoda C. echinodermata D. annelida


Lichens are mutualistic associations between A. fungi and plants B. fungi and algae C. fungi and insects D. fungi and coral


Meiosis in basidiomycetes occurs in the A. hyphae B. basidia C. mycelium D. basidiocarp


Molting is a key feature of A. spiralians B. ecdysozoans C. mollusks D. platyhelminths


More than half of the described fungal species are in the A. basidiomycota B. ascomycota C. zygomycota D. chytridiomycota


Mosses do not reach a large size because A. they lack chlorophyll B. they do not have specialized vascular tissue to transport water very high C. moss photosynthesis does not take place at a very fast rate D. alternation of generations does not allow the plant to grow very tall before reproduction


Neocallimastigomycetes can digest the cellulose that is found in plant cell walls. They are found living inside the digestive tract of many herbivores. What kind of relationship is this an example of? A. parasitism B. mutualism C. commensalism


On piece of evidence supporting the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of eukaryotic cells is that A. eukaryotic cells have internal membranes B. mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA C. the nuclear membrane resembles the organelle membranes D. mitochondria have silica in their cell walls


One characteristic that separates ferns from complex vascular plants is that ferns do not have A. alternation of generations in their life cycle B. seeds C. cuticle to prevent desiccation D. a vascular system


Rotifers are named for the wheel of cilia at the top of their bodies. What is its function? A. digestion B. locomotion C. excretion D. respiration


The early evolution of terrestrial plants was made possible by mycorrhizal relationships with the A. Zyggomycetes B. glomeromycota C. ascomycota D. basiciomycota


The first fishes lacked jaws. Jaws evolved from A. ear bones B. gill arches C. modified skin scales D. small plates of bones


The protists that share the most recent common ancestor to plants are found in the A. rhizaria B. archaeplastida C. amoebozoa D. chromalveolata


Which feature of vascular plants were the first to evolve? A. roots B. stems C. leaves D. flowers


Which of the following characteristics is NOT seen in the phylum Platyhelminthes? A. cephalization B. segmentation C. a body cavity D. bilateral symmetry


Which of the following gymnosperms possesses a form of vascular tissue that is similar to that found in the angiosperms? A. cycads B. gnetophytes C. ginkgophytes D. conifers


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the fungi kingdom? A. heterotrophic B. cellulose cell wall C. nuclear mitosis D. nonmotile sperm


Which protists are used as geological markers and are used to search for petroleum? A. radiolarians B. forams C. diatoms D. myxomycotes


Zygomycetes are different from other fungi because they do NOT produce A. a mycelium B. fruiting bodies C. a heterokaryon D. a sporangium


Choose all of the following that exhibit an alteration of multicellular generations A. dinoflagellates B. brown algae C. red algae D. diatoms

B, C

A cephalochordate lacks A. segmentation B. a dorsal nerve chord C. a bony structure to protect the nerve chord D. cartilage


A key distinction between tunicates and lancets is A. the presence of a neural crest B. filter feeding C. adult notochord D. cilia-lined pharynx


A major innovation of land plants is embryo protection. How is a moss embryo protected from desiccation? A. by the seed B. by the antheridium C. by the archegonium D. by the lycophyll


Adaptations in reptiles did NOT include A. an amniotic egg B. a layer of scales on the skin C. middle ear bones D. modifications to the respiratory system


All animals have which of the following characteristics? A. body symmetry B. tissues C. multicellularity D. body cavity


All of the following are therians EXCEPT A. kangaroos B. opossums C. echidnas D. humans


All vertebrates A. are capable of maintaining an internal temperature B. possess waterproof keratinized skin C. have a completely closed circulatory system D. develop jaws with teeth as they mature


Anthropoids are primates that include all of the following EXCEPT A. monkeys B. apes C. lemurs D. humans


Appraise the fungal relationship between a forrest tree and a basidiomycete and determine the most suitable classification for the symbiosis A. parasitism only B. an arbuscular mycorrhizae C. ectomycorrhizae D. minerals


Based on embryonic development, which of the following phyla is the closest to the chordates? A. annelida B. arthropoda C. echinodermata D. mollusca


Both diplomonads and parabasalids A. contain chloroplasts B. have multinucleate cells C. lack mitochondria D. have silica in their cell walls


Choanocytes of sponges bear a striking resemblance to the ________, members of the Unikonta group of protists. A. nuclearia B. stramenophytes C. choanoflagellates D. charophytes


Chondrichthyes (sharks) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes) have evolved anatomical solutions to increase swimming speed and maneuverability. Which modification is not found in Osteichthyes? A. a lateral line system B. buoyancy control through swim bladders C. a light internal skeleton made of cartilage D. an operculum


Glomeromycota fungi are obligate plant symbionts, this means A. they harm the plant B. they grow best when associated with the plant C. the cannot live without a plant symbiont D. they are parasites


How are a crocodile and a hawk similar? A. both are synapsids B. both are homoeothermic C. both have 4-chambered hearts D. both have unkeratinized skin


In modern phylogenetic analysis of the animals, the protostomes are divided into two major groups based on wha characteristic? A. their symmetry B. having a head C. their ability to molt D. the presence or absence of vertebrae


In seeds, the endosperm helps with A. fertilization B. protection C. nourishment D. dispersal


Kelp, which sometimes forms large underwater forests, are actually multicellular protists called A. chlorophyta B. red algae C. brown algae D. dinoflagellates


Mitosis in multicellular fungi differs from that seen in other multicellular organisms in that A. the spindle apparatus if formed outside the nucleus B. there is no DNA replication between mitotic divisions C. the nuclear envelop does not break down D. centrioles regulate the formation of microtubules


Molecular taxonomists have begun to suspect that the protist ancestor of fungi was a A. charophyte B. choanoflagellate C. nucleariid D. cellular slime mold


Stramenopila are A. tiny flagella B. large ciliar C. small hairs on flagella D. pairs of large flagella


The _______ of a mollusk is a highly efficient respiratory structure. A. nephridium B. radula C. ctenidium D. veliger


The reason that birds and crocodilians both build nests might be because they A. are both warm-blooded B. both eat fish C. both inherited the trait from a common ancestor D. both lay eggs


To which of the following groups would a species that does not molt, possesses a coelom, and has a trochophore larva belong? A. arthropods B. nematodes C. mollusks D. echinoderms


Vertebrates differ from other chordates in all of the following respects EXCEPT for the presence of A. a neutral crest B. a head C. an adult notochord D. an endoskeleton


Which of the following adaptions allows plants to pause their life cycle until environmental conditions are optimal? A. stomata B. Phloem and xylem C. seeds D. flowers


Which of the following characteristics is not found in the arthropods? A. jointed appendages B. segmentation C. closed circulatory system D. segmented ganglia


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fungus? A. cell walls made of chitin B. a form of mitosis different from plants and animals C. ability to conduct photosynthesis D. filamentous structure


Which of the following is the closest relative to lungfish? A. Hagfish B. Sharks C. Ray-finned fish D. Mammals


Which of the following statements is correct? A. the bryophytes represent a monophyletic clade B. the sporophyte stage of all bryophytes is photosynthetic C. archegonium and antheridium represent haploid structures that produce reproductive cells D. stomata are common to all bryophytes


Which of the following statements regarding all species of chordates is false? A. chordates are deuterostomes B. a notochord is present in the embryo C. the notochord is surrounded by bone or cartilage D. all possess a postanal tail during embryonic development


Which of the following would not be found in a bryophyte? A. mycorrhizal associations B. rhizoids C. tracheid cells D. photosynthetic gametophytes


Which of these protist super-groups have given rise to two multicellular kingdoms? A. chromalveolata B. rhizaria C. arachaeoplastida D. unikonta


A characteristic unique to most species of mammals and no other vertebrate is A. an amniotic egg B. endothermy C. middle ear bones D. hair


A fungal cell that contains two genetically different nuclei would be classified as A. monokaryotic B. bikaryotic C. homokaryotic D. heterokaryotic


All of the following contributed to the birds' ability to cope with the heavy energy demands of flight, EXCEPT A. efficient respiration B. endothermy C. efficient circulation D. efficient digestion


All protists possess A. cell walls B. functional chloroplasts C. multicellular organization D. nuclei


Analyze the following statements and choose the one that most accurately supports the endosymbiotic theory. A. mitochondria rely on mitosis for replication B. chloroplasts contain DNA but translation for not occur in chloroplasts C. vacuoles have double membranes D. antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria can have the same effect on mitochondria


Based on physical characteristics, the ___________ represent the most ancient phylum of fungi A. Basidiomycota B. Zygomycota C. Ascomycota D. Glomeromycota


Choose which of the following best reflects the symbiotic relationship between animals and fungi A. protection from bacteria B. colonization of land C. protection from desiccation D. exchange of nutrients


Chytridiomycota and their close relatives include members that A. use sex pheromones B. are a danger to frogs C. digest cellulose D. all of the above


Compare what happens to a spore mother cell as it gives rise to a spore with what happens to a spore as it gives rise to a gametophyte. A. the spore mother cell and the spore both go through meiosis B. the spore mother cell and the spore both go through mitosis C. the spore mother cell goes through mitosis and the spore goes through meiosis D. the spore mother cell goes through meiosis and the spore goes through mitosis


Giardia lack mitochondria, implying that A. Giardia cells do not carry out oxidative respiration B. Giardia cell nuclei do not contain mitochondrial genes C. Giardia are a primitive form of protist D. Giardia are not a primitive form of protist


In a culture of hyper of unknown origin you notice that the hyphae lack septa and that the fungi reproduce asexually by using clumps of erect stalks. However, at times sexual reproduction can be observed. To what group of fungi would you assign it? A. Chytridiomycota B. Basidiomycota C. Ascomycota D. Zygomycota


In a pine tree, the microspores and megaspores are produced by the process of A. fertilization B. mitosis C. fusion D. meiosis


Microsporidia are A. protists B. cellulose digestors C. flagellated D. intracellular parasites


Mycorrhizae help plants obtain A. water B. oxygen C. carbohydrates D. minerals


Protists do NOT include A. algae B. ciliates C. apicomplexans D. mushrooms


Protists that form aggregates, have cellulose cell walls, and are heterotrophic are probably A. ciliates B. choanoflagellates C. radiolarians D. slime molds


Serial segmentation is a key characteristic of which of the following phyla? A. mollusca B. brachiopoda C. bryozoa D. annelida


Sharks were among the first vertebrates to evolve all of the following EXCEPT A. a calcified endoskeleton B. teeth C. the lateral line system D. a swim bladder


Symbiotic relationships occur between the fungi and A. plants B. bacteria C. animals D. all of the above


The gills of a mushroom A. extract oxygen from the atmosphere B. contain the spores C. are the mature adult form the fungus D. are diploid


The sporophyte form of the protist Ulva A. produces gametes B. contains haploid sperm C. produces diploid spores D. is the product of fertilization


Waste products are stored in the A. amnion B. chorion C. yolk sacs D. allantois


What separates the angiosperms from other seed plants? A. a vascular system B. wind dispersal of pollen C. ovules not completely covered by the sporophyte D. fruits and flowers


When the protein-encoding genes of Chlamydomonas are compared to red algae and plant genomes, A. most of the Chlamydomonas genes are unique B. most of the red algae genes are unique C. most of the plant genes are unique D. most of the genes are common to all three groups


Which is most likely the ancestor of animals? A. trypanosomes B. diplomonads C. ciliates D. choanoflagellates


Which of the following classes of arthropod possess chelicerae? A. chilopoda B. crustacea C. hexapoda D. chelicerata


Which of the following evolutionary adaptions allows the birds to become efficient at flying? A. structure of the feather B. high metabolic temperatures C. increased respiratory efficiency D. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT a protist mode of locomotion? A. waving cilia B. functional chloroplasts C. shortening axopodia D. gliding on extruded slime


Which of the following plant structures is not matched to its correct function? A. stomata --> allow gas transfer B. tracheas --> allow the movement of water and minerals C. cuticle --> prevents desiccation D. all of the above are matched correctly


Which of the following species of fungi is not associated with diseases in humans? A. Pneumocyctis jiroveci B. Aspergillus flavus C. Candida albicans D. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis


Which pathogenic fungus colonizes humans? A. Aspergillus flavus B. Ustilago mayday C. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis D. Pneumocyctis jiroveci


Which phyla of gymnosperms has the least number of species? A. coniferophyta B. gnetophyta C. cycadophyta D. ginkophyta


Which plants LACK archegonia and antheridia? A. lycophytes B. gnetophytes C. bryophytes D. none of these


Animal cell walls are composed of A. chitin B. cellulose C. peptidoglycans D. silicon dioxide E. animal cells lack cell walls


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