Bioethics Final Exam

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False Dichotomy

"Either-or", only two extremes are presented in an argument.

Privatization of Prisons

"For profit" institutions, manipulating and over-charging those who lack power to reject or change the system; profiting off of the incarceration of human beings

Cogito ergo sum

"I think, therefore I am"

The Nuremberg Code

"Merely following orders, and not worse than American docs". Came up with 10 principles for ethical experimentation. **ALL MUST CONSENT (even prisoners & inmates)

Jean-Paul Sartre

"Not to choose is always still a choice."

Alice Dreger

"Sacrifice Surgeries" "disturbing to see surgeons actively cause death of a child like Amy." Separation is worse than a freak show back in the day, at least they got paid. "You're abnormal. We can surgically normalize you, even at risk of killing you. Be grateful."


"Split Mind" (1% of adults -often onset in college age. Hear voices. Not mood or anxiety disorder

William Robinson

"Stupid to talk of individual liberty, of the rights of the individual. They have no right in the first place to be born, not to mention to propagate their kind." America sterilized "Retarded & Criminally Insane". Condition described as "Feeblemindedness" or born into large families on welfare

Progressive magazine's opinion on "medical establishment" (Cost of Transplants)

"They've grown fat on chemicals and technology. Not willing to empower people so they can PREVENT illness. (Only benefit a small number instead of advances in immunology that saved millions) Illustrates RULE OF RESCUE (society cares more about saving identifiable person than preventing future deaths from heart failure)

Res Cogitans

"Thinking stuff" (distinguishes humans from animals. "A substantial mind or soul"

Declaration of Helsinki

"When an effective drug exists, new drugs must be compared to old effective drug, not a placebo.

AMA on Withdrawing/Forgoing Treatment

1973: mercy killing is contradictory to the policy of the AMA. It is the decision of the patient and or immediate family to cease extraordinary means when biological death is immanent 1975: withdrawing medical support from a patient is "active euthanasia" 1986: an ethical physician—after consulting with the family—can withdraw ventilators and feeding tubes from irreversibly comatose patients

Planet of the Year

1989 edition of Time magazine which detailed the state of the planet; described early onset climate change.

The Farm and Animal Research Facilities Protection Act

1992, made it a federal crime to break into a research facility that breeds research animals. Violators face up $5,000 in fines and a year in prison.

Teri &. Alyssa Smith

1st mother to daughter organ transplant.

George W. Bush

1st presidential bioethics conference. rejected funds to create embryos, but allowed research on 60 stem cell lines created from spare embryos. Only produced 15 (inadequate)

Kimberly Bergalis

2 molars removed by David Acer. tested HIV positive. 6 other patients of Acer were also HIV positive. DNA sequencing by CDC "proved" Acer infected all 7 patients. Bergalis testified before congress and urged them to make it a felony for HIV positive health professionals to interact with patients w/o revealing HIV status-it didn't pass.

R. Duff and A. Campbell

2 pediatricians at Yale who admitted forgoing treatment of 43 impaired infants who died early.

Chimps and research

21st century animal rights propelled by: 1-failure of chimps as HIV model 2-rise of Neuroscience/chimp research

Temporary psychotic

25% of transplant recipients become temporarily psychotic from the high dosage of drugs.

Social worth criteria

A criteria about a person's worth to society. Used by the God committee

California Clean Energy

California registers more clean energy patents than any other state. Tailpipe regulations and greenhouse gases. 33 percent of electricity must come from renewable sources by 2020

Buckminister Fuller

Call me Trimtab

Male wasps and pseudocopulation/What human example?

Compared to the 2008 mortgage crisis; bee orchids attract male wasps to pollinate them by making them think they are a mate; bad investments that look good.

Leon Kass

Critical of treating patients like Tess with Prozac. He says it is Fake Happiness and that she's now dependent on drugs for the rest of her life

Primal Xenophobia

Fear of the "other"


Crypsis= art of concealment, American Legislative Exchange council concealed themselves. ALEC brings corporate chieftains and legislators to manufacture bills and rewrite laws, undermine worker and consumer rights.


Cyclosporine is used to prevent organ rejection in people who have received a liver, kidney, or heart transplant


Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

Ecological medicine

Human health is related to health of Environment (coined by Carolyn Raffensperger).

Dennis Martinez

Humans are a keystone species. When the top predator is absent things begin to unravel w/in that system & fall apart. Its both top down & bottom up. Everything is in a cycle

Interview with fungi

Humans do nothing meaningful to fungi. Failed experiment in individualism

What condition did Charity have?


Yogi Berra

I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early

-Ship of Fools

Pharmaceutical money is in long-term drugs, not antibiotics/vaccines/short term drugs. If you prescribe anti-depressants, you just signed somebody up for the rest of their life. 1/6 Americans on medication

Howard and Georgiana

Power couple who pioneered IVF in America

Alzheimer's 3 Phases

Presymptomatic, Middle Phase, Final Symptomatic Phase (recognition/personality first)

Baby Fae

Received baboon heart Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)- weak left heart and aorta unable to pump blood (2 weeks to live) Suffered heart blockage and renal failure after rejecting and going on respirator (LED TO ONTARIO PROTOCOL)

Caesar Boeck and J.E. Bruusgaard

Tuskegee study

-Two types of Mental Illness

Type 1- Active —Biochemical imbalance(more treatable with medication) Type 2- Passive —structural deformities

Maria Lopez

Type-2 Diabetes, genetic fatalism Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk

Original Requirements

Under 45. Covered/Able to pay. Washington Residents. Later added-ability to tolerate anxiety/handle medical care independently, used symptoms to receive attention?, personality, family support, low chance for elderly w/o siblings/kids

Common Rule

Universities' IRBs must review all protocols the same way, regardless of funding. (All use same protocols as NIH & FDA)

Willem Kolff

University of Utah surgeon, invented the first hemodialysis machine. Lead to the invention of the artificial heat.

Pros and Cons of Structuralism as a means of stopping disease

Structuralism- Paul Farmer's Partners in Health- Spread of AIDS isn't irresponsible personal behavior but unjust structures of society. White Man's Burden- William Easterly- Criticizes humanitarian planners who impose their own solutions on developing countries.

Edward Taub

Studied somato sensory deafferentiation; surgically cut all the nerves in one limb and tried to stimulate regrowth. Exonerated by the NIH after accusations of failure to provide good care for the monkeys in his studies.


Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments; discovered that competent people do not accurately predict what they will later find unacceptable as quality of life. Some family members may want to know in order to make plans for the future, save money, etc. Judges will NOT force genetic tests on relatives, even for compatibility for bone marrow transplant

Kate and Jon Gosselin

Used super ovulation; and AIH; 6 babies; TV drama (Clomid and Pergonal)

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Used to analyze artificially fertilized embryos, chose compatible bone marrow donor for Anissa.

Frank Luntz

a top public opinion researcher for corporate lobbyists. He says is can be useful to think of environmental issues in terms of a story, because a compelling story—even if factually inaccurate can be more emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth. "The facts are beside the truth. It's all how to frame your argument."

Louis Washkansky

Washkansky had diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, huge heart. *Developed Fulminant Pulmonary Edema (so could die anytime)

Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are in the lap of great intelligence

Mario and Elsa Rios

Wealthy couple who died childless, and the debate arose whether or not their saved embryos could be destroyed. An ad hoc committee require scientists to preserve the embryos until they were adopted which they never were and eventually deteriorated.

Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (CI Therapy)

Taub used to improve function in 30% of stroke patients to nearly normal arm use. Studies found 2 year benefits, 5 year benefits, and improvements after 2 weeks respectively *Cons- expensive, labor-intensive, time-intensive

Oregon Health Plan (OHP)

didn't fund expensive services like In Vitro Fertilization, experimental therapies for AIDS, Heart/Liver Transplants, Bone Marrow Transplants. Increased deductibles and copayments, reduced benefits, too expensive and many lost insurance.

Canaries in the mine

all of us in a huge example of no informed consent. Orphans in Bukharest study. Poor & minorities in communities. Poor children in Lead Paint study


also part of Johnson's Great Society Legislation. State program covering medical services. Expenses only for poor people. Doesn't cover long term care (Medicare). MediCal, MassHealth, & TennCare-covered most services & have major problems with budget.

Harris vs. McRae

although a woman has a right to an abortion, she does not have a right to one at government expense.

LD-50 test

amount of substance that kills 50/100 animals = "lethal dose". Criticism led to LD-10 test


an emergent property of a complex physical system

Kindergarten Rules

everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten; don't hit, take turns, play by the rules, listen to the teacher, don't waste food and art supplies, and be prepared to share.

Embryo scopes

high-res photos to monitor development of embryos day-to-day to pick best implantation; success raised by 50%

Snake oil

highly therapeutic value, alternative to conventional medicine

Hoxsey Herbal

holistic medicine for cancer treatment, denied fair scientific tests, all herbs have anticancer, antitumor, or immune-boosting properties

Wise guy and Wise man

homo sapiens- wise man; should be called wise guy since we our each others main prey for food, sex, survival, and status.

Harlow's Project

how long could pilots fly if they received radiation during war. Trained monkeys and then hit them with lethal doses of radiation to observe how long it took them to die

Regan, Justice Department & Health and Human Services

mandate treatment in future cases.Koop as Surgeon General.

Thin edge of the wedge

slippery slope; minor changes or development lead to bigger/worse things

Conceptual slippery slope

slope maintains that once a small change in a moral rule is made, other changes will soon logically follow making the driving force human reasoning and consistency

Indianness (Fox and Swazey)

social factors explain a person's behavior more than anything else, they believe his "indianness" mattered most.


societies where alcohol is forbidden, people with predisposition to alcoholism never become alcoholics.

Clean Tech examples

solar and wind, conservation technologies,

Leon Kass- Clones

some may treat cloned individuals as less than human, so may not be in their best interest

values inventory

specifies what a person values in life; useful for those making decisions for a patient

Rosco Bartlett

sponsored the act after regretting past painful tests for manned space travel on chimps

The Enterprise

star trek, person got injured and was concerned about how current medicine works

John D. Rockefeller

stated that "the growth of a large business is only survival of the fittest. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God."


the West African goddess of fall, the mother of catastrophe. Declare yourself as one who learns from nature as you are nurtured by it, be a defender of that place and that energy and live it.

"The large the slow and the tasty"

the animals that went extinct because of the First Peoples, demonstrating how easy it is to disrupt the balance of things

Kevin McKiever

turned away from Bellevue Hospital and stabbed Alexis Walsh to death.

Ad Hominem ("To the Man")

turning the argument on someone's personal life.

To quoque

two wrongs don't make a right

Philippe Pinel

unchained patients, used compassion, natural causes, and they all had therapeutic results

*"Cost-Plus Reimbursement"

under ESRDA Act said that hospitals could be reimbursed PLUS a percentage profit.This made hospitals buy $20,000 machines instead of $200 machines, and the total for a year was $28 Billion instead of $100 Million. Reimbursed KIDNEY TRANSPLANTS!

Raleigh Waves

undulating waves that travel in the ground during an earthquake. Elephants can hear them (Also animals talk using INFRASOUND)

Unjust structures

unjust structures are those such as poverty, colonialism, apartheid and its legacy, racism, class injustice, and imperialism. Unjust structures serve as an amplification for HIV

Opt-in Policy

used by the U.S.

Fetal Dex

used on CAH fetuses. Prevents Androgens from reaching fetus. prevents "Lesbians and tomboyishness"

Timothy Pons

used one of the monkeys brain before euthanasia (*Shockingly found that entire patch of cortex for the arm had repaired itself to receive input from face- Rewiring=Holy grail of rehabilitation)

Good reasons

used to justify a position in ethics; good reasons are relevant to the position, provide evidence, support a conclusion as an argument that has a key premise. A missing premise is called an enthymeme. Good reasons appeal to a principle. Good reasons should not contradict each other and should be consistent.

Alexander DeLuca

uses HRC, most of the practice of medicine basically consists of harm reduction, was fired from St. Luke's when he embraced the evidence based HRC

Herbert Fingarette

uses Kantian Logic, argues that studies show that most drink voluntarily, and Alcoholics Anonymous suggests that they can choose not to drink

Franklin Roosevelt and committee on Medical Research

viewed disease like they viewed the enemy, THE DRAFT MENTALITY. "Some ordered to face bullets, others to test a vaccine" Utilitarian>absolutistic (close to nazi mentality)

Alex Pacheco

volunteered for Taub as "Research Scientist" (really videoing for PETA)

Problems with NHS

waiting times, costs, & accountability for error. Limits medical services by gatekeepers-Primary Care Physicians & by priorities- leads to long waiting lines for specialists & elective surgeries.


death occurs when unconsciousness is irreversible, between Harvard and cognitive criterion

Neurological criterion

defines a person as a human being with a detectable brain wave. Fetus would be considered a person at 25 weeks.

Off-target effects

deletions elsewhere in the genome than intended

Planet of the Year- "Endangered Planet"

detailed the early onset of climate change and other problems, call for change.


Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, and uses a laser to measure oxygenation in the blood to detect brain activity.


making sure to define a key term and what constitutes it, Ex. person

Fox & Swazey

"committees looked for patients who were hard working, had no social or marital deviance, went to church, active in community"

Res Extensa

"extended, physical stuff" (Animals- eyes reflect no souls, no pain behind "pain behavior")


"he was too inconsistent & limited in scope. $11-13 million over 15 years for nothing.

Cohen and Benjamin

"not morally blame-worthy and live just as long as nonalcoholic afterwards, so shouldn't be penalized."

Nicholas Fontaine

"they said the whole body was w/o feeling as they beat dogs and made fun of those who thought the animals felt pain, vivisection w/animals nailed to boards to see circulation"

Larry Houge

"wild man of 96th Street" (Black Vietnam Vet) Became Hostile when he took illegal drugs. Judge ruled that he COULD BE INVOLUNTARILY COMMITTED TO DETOX, BUT NEEDED TO BE RELEASED AS SOON AS HE SOUGHT OUTPATIENT CARE

George Newman

"would either die soon without surgery or be paralyzed, mentally impaired & have many bowel infections if operated on."

Howard Eisen

"you're giving hearts to people less likely to do well, or to those who haven't taken as good of care of their bodies"

Simple Genetic Fatalism


Three Stages of Syphilis

(*The Great Pretender) -Primary Syphilis (Chancre/infectious) -Latent Syphilis (Spreads to internal organs) -Tertiary Syphilis (lesions to cardiac and neurological systems/Paresis, blindness, narrow aorta)

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy


(Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act), which bans insurers from using knowledge about a person's genes to determine eligibility for insurance or rates of premiums or employers from using the same as a basis for hiring, firing, or assigning jobs. GINA does not apply to people applying for life insurance or for coverage for disability or long-term care.


(United Network for Organ Sharing) Alleviated some of the competition and hoarding of organs regionally "What is the most just way to allocate organs?" *Only added to list if you have insurance or hospital willing to take you as a charity case **This is especially important for heart or liver transplants, not kidneys (LOCALITY: Must live close by or have the money to get there fast)

Comelia Whitner

(Whitner v South Carolina) Critics claimed that that black women were being prosecuted but not white women for drinking alcohol, exaggerating the harm from cocaine on fetus. Some argued that pregnant smokers should be prosecuted.


(embryonic stem cell research)


(phthalate plasticizer) used in a lot of things (food wrappings, toys, medical devices) disrupts endocrine system and effects gender (6 parts per billion legal limit)

Bethlem Royal Hospital

(term "bedlam" came from here) people came on weekends to make fun of the mentally ill

Paul Erlich and S. Hata

*created Salvarsan (w/Arsenic, "Arsphenamine") to cure Syphilis. When it killed people or syphilis came back, he claimed it was administered wrong but created NEOSALVARSAN-drug were only treating symptoms. Many visits/year unlike Penicillin would be.

A Fatherless America

-1/3 of American children are born to unwed mothers and half will sleep in a house where their biological father does not live -The author states that human relationships have no moral content and children are treated as accessories to adults—making the movement a "diseased culture"

Baby Jane Doe/Kerri-Lynn

-1983-1984 -Center of the right to life lawsuit -Couldn't say her alphabet -She had spina bifida, hydrocephalus, a damaged kidney and microcephaly. The hydrocephalus was recommended to be drained immediately but the parents decided against this as the risks of her death and suffering were too high and instead did comfort care. She survived. -Surgery was authorized once it was taken to the courts. She integrated well and learned the alphabet and to count but could not yet read at age 20. At age 28 she moved into a group-home.

Karen Quinlan

-21; 1975; Became comatose (PVS) after mixing alcohol with barbiturates or benzodiazepines. -She was put on a respirator to keep her breathing. Later put on a more intense ventilator which altered her appearance in an extremely negative way. She also had an intravenous feeding tube. At this point her family decided to have her ventilator disconnected—but physicians did not agree.

Larry McAffee

-29 years old; left almost completely paralyzed from a motorcycle accident. Insisted on very expensive nurses and exhausted his $1 million health insurance policy, and was then on Medicaid. Medicaid doesn't pay for the staffing needed to such patents. He was said to be very demanding and wanted things precisely the way he wanted them, leaving nurses frustrated and exhausted. -He was placed in a home in which it was said his living conditions were terrible: lying in bed staring at the ceiling, no voice activated telephone, TV, his urinary catheter not connected to a container and spilling onto the floor. Judge Edward Johnson ruled in McAffee's favor after much support from Russ Fine a talk show hose and disability advocate and directory of the Injury Control Research Center. -Like Elizabeth Bouvia, he was granted that he could die on his own accord but did not choose to do so in the end. President George Bush made an exception for Larry and 5 other patients after regulations made is so Medicaid could not be used to disabled people in group homes.

Dr. Eugene Turner

-3-day old Conor Shamus -After hours of trying to resuscitate the baby, after declaring the baby dead, and giving up with concurrence of the parents, Turner placed his hand over baby's face and holding baby's nose causing the death. -Turner said the baby had been brain dead for more than an hour, and his gasps represented the body's reflexes slowly shutting down -Prosecutors dropped charges

Terry Shiavo

-After she collapsed, her brain did not receive oxygen for about five minutes. The oxygen deprivation caused severe brain damage. Schiavo's husband, Michael, has said his wife was bulimic, and the binging and purging of that eating disorder could have caused the potassium imbalance. -1990-2005, after Nancy Cruzan -Husband legal guardian; wants her tube removed and parents disagree -Parents lose first appeal in 2000 -Terry eventually had her PEG removed in 2005 -Her case is a prime example of "fake news", shady politicians and extreme religious movements

Alice Roe

-Alice Roe was 22 weeks pregnant (debated 24). Experimentation was also done to see if aminoglutethamide increased the hormone output of the placenta. Traditional abortion was deemed dangerous to Evonne (Roe) and a hysterectomy was scheduled. -Apparently Edelin waited 3 minutes before removing the fetus, and was charged with manslaughter for not immediately removing the baby, causing it to suffocate.

Baby Liam

-At 18 weeks news that baby has trisomy 18 and will die; also hydrocephalus and spina bifida -Hospital offered no help to the mother, and informed her that Liam couldn't be born there due to their lack of equipment to resuscitate trisomy 18 babies -Didn't want any measures to save, only relief measures so he could die peacefully -Liam dies at 36 weeks gestation

John Rawls

-Believed moral constraints should be imposed on the social contract -Theory of Justice -Veil of Ignorance

Alzheimer's ApoE4 Gene-2 bio markers

-Beta Amyloid in blood, builds plaques later -Tau - "tangles" in the brain of patients

Mary Sure Davis

-Custody fight over 7 frozen embryos. Mary Sue wanted to donate the embryos to an infertile couple, but the ex-husband disagreed. The Tennessee Supreme Court decided that he did not have to become a father against his own will, and that he could destroy the embryos which he did. -Fueled the research on embryos.

Infant Doe

-Had Down syndrome and tracheoesophageal fistula—early operation would have had a 90% chance of success. Infant Doe's parents did not do the operation as the consulting physician told them the lifetime cost of a baby with Down syndrome would be $1 million dollars. Parents claimed the mental retardation was too extreme that even an adequate life was not possible. Infant Doe dies before any Court cases can be decided. -7 years later, it is cited as a landmark case against disabled infants. The father maintained his decision.

Immanuel Kant on suicide

-He opposed suicide under his universalization rule: suicide cannot be universalized because its motive is self-interested and self-interest can never justify moral decisions. He also believes someone who doesn't value their own life can't respect anything else. And that we are placed on the earth by God and we may not "leave our posts" except by another beneficent hand. -Using this logic, he also said that to mutilate oneself (remove or alter any parts of one's own body) belongs to partial self-murder and is thus, immoral.

David Hume on voluntary death

-Hume hated vanity and claimed that "the life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster," and argued for voluntary death that it was not a sin against Augustine and Aquinas. -Though he believed we have a position in life assigned to us by God that we must not surrender, he also believed it was nonsense to think that suicide should have any significant disturbance to the world in which the laws of biology, medicine, physics and disease exist. -"I am not obliged to do a small good to society at the expense of great harm to myself."

Baby Charity

-Hydrocephalic-water on the brain -Wouldn't feel pain, see, hear or taste; prone to respiratory problems; probably die of pneumonia -AMA announved babies born w/ most brain missing could be used as organ donors before they're dead; don't have consciousness -Appeared to be in terrible pain w/ no relief -Family claimed she smiled and giggled and responded to them -Died around 8

Arguments against the PPACA

-Illegal Immigrants: 11 million of them. Forcing employers to provide medical coverage to illegals will break the bank. Adverse Selection- those with expensive diseases & disabilities will flock to America (has occured in UK) -Federal Bureaucracy is Inefficient: it's not a single payer system but rather manages private insurers. It's another ESRDA with runaway costs. No accountability. Will cost 1/7 of economy +⅙ of new jobs. More likely to opt for tax than follow original intent. -Government can't make rational: equity vs. liberty. Can't be allowed to opt out -Healthcare is not a right: negotiate rights of non-interference-rights to be left alone, pursue happiness, think, speak, assemble, & worship w/o government interference. This act creates positive right to some service and could become an entitlement.

Arguments for the PPACA

-Illegal Immigrants: they still pay taxes -Greater Efficiency: eliminates the overhead, profit, & waste of multiple private insurance companies -Making Medicine Rational: payment to PCPs & less cost for procedures -Minimal Healthcare is a right: Justice is fairness. John Rawls & Difference Principle


-Indeterminancy -Jesuit priest; says that embryo is , "powerfully on its way" to development as a person; has potential for personhood

Nadya Suleman

-Octomom -Used IVF; implanted with 6 embryos (+2 twins); refused reduction and had 8 babies

The Guatemalan Syphilis Study

-Paid syphilis infected prostitutes to visit prisoners and inmates of mental institutions. -Didn't catch it, so researchers SCRAPED PENISES AND FACES AND INJECTED INFECTED PUS, causing infection. -Hillary Clinton apologized to Guatemalan people

Jack Kevorkian

-Rebel in the scientific community. -Helped terminally ill patients die. -Created his own machine the Mercitron to perform his euthanasia using a saline solution ; went to court multiple times, told to stop didn't stop; Used carbon monoxide once he couldn't use his own technology and eventually went to jail after they passed a law specifically for him to stop what he was doing but he kept doing it anyway.

Karen Quinlan 1976

-Supreme Court ruled unanimously for the Quinlans citing the right to privacy allowed the family of a dying incompetent patient to let that patient die. -4 months later the doctor still resisted implementing the decision of the Supreme Court and instead "weaned" her off the ventilator. -Karen spent 10 more years in a nursing home, contracted pneumonia, and her body expired in June 1986.

Original Instructions

-Take only what you need, and give back as much as you take. -Take responsibility for sustaining the web of life. -Because all life is connected and related respect your relatives and each other. -Pursue peace through justice in a process that never ends. -Be grateful. -Enjoy life.

Elizabeth Bouvia outcomes

-The California Court of Appeal in the Elizabeth Bouvia case overruled Judge Warren Deering and said that his decision to authorize her forced feeding violated one of her Constitutional right to privacy "it is incongruous, if not monstrous for medical practioners to assert their right to preserve a life someone else must live, or more accurately, endure for '15 to 20 years'" -In the end, Elizabeth did not kill herself.

Natural Law

-Thomas Aquinas: -A rational God made the world work rationally and have humans reason to discover these laws; to act rationally is to act morally which in turn to act in accordance with natural law -Rules set about after the Romans captured Greece that rules for human beings were imbedded into the world as "laws" -Commands humans to resist their feelings such as lust, sloth. Condemns homosexuality on the grounds that God made two sexes for procreation and rational for a man and woman to mate and have children -Many forms of AI violate natural law because they don't involve sex

Author Suggestions

-Turn education into action -Create a Green Civilian Conservation Corps -Desubsidize fossil fuels and nuclear energy -Publicly fund elections -Provide developing nations with an annual investment for them to transition to renewables -Give nature legal rights with a constitutional amendment

John Stuart Mill

-Utilitariansim -Defended autonomy -Harm Principle

Del Zios

-Wanted IVF, Presbyterian hospital -Sweeny drestroyed specimen, he was sued, then Louise Brown was born and no one cared about it anymore. Test tube baby death trap

Doctrine of Double Effect

-if an action had two effects, one good and one evil, the evil effect was morally permitted (1) if the action was good in itself or not evil (2) if the good followed as immediately from the cause as did as did the evil effect (3) if only the good effect was intended (4) if there was an important a reason for performing the action as for allowing the evil effect.

Immanuel Kant

-lived during the Enlightenment, believed in the power of reason to solve human problems. -Kantian Ethics -Ethics is not a matter of consequences but of duty: act must be done from right motive which is the desire to do one's duty, the desire to be a good person, to do what is right, to have "pure will" -A right act has a maxim that is universalizable: an act is right if one can will its rule to be acted on by all others. -People are free only when they act rationally: we act morally only when we understand why certain rules are right and freely choose to bind our actions to them (autonomy). Ex. alcoholism is not a disease of a body but a pattern of free choices.

Rule of fourths- Long-term Schizophrenia prognosis

-¼ stable with drugs -¼ fare moderately well on drugs and live on own -¼ do well enough to live in halfway home under supervision -¼ do poorly and institutionalized

Contradiction of Medical System

1- "eat healthy, exercise, and take responsibility" 2-"we'll rescue you in illness and do all we can to keep you alive regardless of cost and time"

Amy Lorvins Four Scenarios

1- Business as usual 2-Nuclear build and clean coal 3-Quintuple the utility-scale renewables 4-Let renewables compete at all different sizes

Kep Kipnis's Proposal

1-Impose moratorium on surgical assignment of gender w/o consent and until evidence proves to help more than harm 2-Do not restart such surgery until comprehensive look-back studies how and when benefits can be obtained 3-Undo deceptions of past decisions to livin patients. Tell the truth.

Critiques of Official View

1-Inherently Wrong- (inflicting pain) Assumes EQUIVALENCE of suffering 2-Bad Science- Doesn't accurately predict harm in humans-Potentially beneficial tools for humans may be screened out, use the same strain of animal instead of different strains for reaction replication 3-Cost/Benefit- We should use embryos or volunteers instead of inflicting pain on research that is questionably helpful. "Does the meager results for humans justify the millions of immensely suffering research animals?"

Kant & Rescher on Allocation (Alcoholics)

1-People choose to drink and should be held responsible (saying it's caused by a disease treats them as a "mere means") 2-Suggests each person be treated equally and given a chance through lottery system. Rescher suggested that the god Committee continue to rank people using Points (life expectancy, dependents, past achievements/future societal contributions) and break ties with a lottery. (*TWO-TIERED APPROACH-Kant might like)

Dreger & Chase Arguments

1-Physicians & families should wait until child can decide for itself what gender it wants to be 2-physicians should help families understand that kids can be happy with ambiguous gender 3-if physicians & families guess wrong about gender, child can be irreversibly harmed 4-such crises at birth about gender are socially constructed and mediated by ignorance and fear

Author's 4 suggestions/problems for International Standards of Research Ethics

1-Research on vulnerable populations shouldn't be done if they can't benefit 2-If successful, partial recompense for participation should include adequate supplies of the drugs 3-Help developing country build infrastructure to facilitate long-term research partnership 4-Train and fund medical techs, midwives, local physicians to draw blood over a decade to study long-term effectiveness.

Disadvantages of Private Insurance Plans

1-Small employers don't provide coverage to maximize profits 2-Employment based, coverage ceases when workers leave job 3-Cost shifting because hospitals can't turn away poor (EMTALA) but they aren't reimbursed, hospitals must charge large employers more services to compensate for uninsured 4-Costs too high/individual policies too expensive- creates two-class system where regular employees get good benefits but part-timers don't. What is needed typically excluded from individual plans 5-Illness or injury leads to chronic unemployment: accident, disease, etc. makes undesirable to hire and become dependent on public assistance


1-Suffering from Mental illness (insane) 2-Being dangerous to others or being dangerous to self

Problems with Rule of Rescue

1-Who lives shouldn't depend on media (favors cute people who know how to work reporters) 2-Replaces god Committee with Assignment Editor ("We just did a child transplant story, let's wait a month to write another") 3-Who receives life saving surgery shouldn't depend on hospital staff or whims of physicians admitting patients. On one side we have Kant and Utilitarianism (TREAT EVERYONE THE SAME), on the other we have the Ethics of Care (VALUES "PARTIAL" RELATIONSHIPS)

Arguments against multiple-listing

1. A primary attribute of a just medical system is equal access to medical treatments, and the use of wealth to "jump the line" violates this attribute, and 2. Multiple listing compromises the entire UNOS system because some people are arbitrarily getting listed above others where it should be impartial in dealing with candidates who are listed and in the process of deciding who gets listed.

3 Main Outcomes from Nancy Cruzan case

1. A right of competent patients to decline medical treatment, even if leading to death 2. Withdrawing a feeding tube does not differ from any other types of life-sustaining medical support; thus, some state laws were unconstitutional 3. A state could but not need pass a statute requiring the clear and convincing standard of evidence about what an incompetent, formerly competent patient would have wanted done

4 Kantian Ethics

1. Ethics is not a matter of consequences but a matter of duty: why an act is done is more important than its results. motive 2. A right act has a maxim that is universalizabile: an act is right if one can will its maxim or rule to be acted on by all others. If everyone lied, truth would be meaningless 3. A right act always treats other humans as "ends in themselves" never as a "mere means": treat other people to have absolute, infinite moral worh. His welfare cannot be sacrified to the good of others or to one's own desires. 4. People are free only when they act rationally: we act right because it is right, not because it is simply a social construct to do the right thing.

Four Factors leading to the decline of economic powers

1. Financialization of economies: when speculation replaces real production/commerce. 2. High levels of debt: unsustainable trade imbalances. 3. Extreme economic inequality: large gaps between the poorest and the richest. 4. Military overreaching: involvement in global issues.

Kant's 4 Unique Traits of Humans

1. Humans are rational; capable of weighing reasons, evaluating evidence and reflecting on the best path to a goal. 2. Humans possess free will; capable of rising above their animal nature to make genuinely free decisions. 3. Humans are capable of rising above self-interest and do the right thing simply because of moral duty. 4. Humans possess a deep self; a consciousness.

The Official View Faults

1. It is inherently wrong 2. It is bad science 3. The benefits do not outweigh the cost

Forms of Artificial Feeding

1. Nasogastric tubing 2. Permanent intravenous line surgically attached to a major vein 3. Surgically implanted gastronomy tube (PEG)

4 Ways to Regulate Fertility Clinics

1. No AR for women over the age of 55 with real testing enforced. 2. No more than 1 embryo to be implanted and no introduction of sperm when ovaries mature more than 2 eggs 3. No gender selection process except in the case of sex-linked genetic disorders 4. No selection of a child to obtain disabilities already experienced by the parents

Steps of biomimicry

1. Quieting human cleverness 2. Listening 3. Trying to echo what we hear

Sarah Murnaghan

10y/o needed lung transplant and mom drew attention to how UNOS made separate list for kids under 14 cause adult lungs needed to be cut down to fit kids. Court overruled UNOS and she received 4 lungs after the first 2 failed.

Lyle Alzado

15 seasons of pro football. Took anabolic steroids in college and didn't stop. Spent $30k/year on steroids & HGH. Claims they made him crazy

Therapeutic intent vs. therapeutic probability

A REMOTE chance of being therapeutic vs a probable chance

Ernie Crowfeather

26 yr old & ½ Sioux. Binge Drank- 2 to 7 days repeatedly drinking ot the point of intoxication & give up your usual activities & obligations. Ernie had a UTI & Anemia but still rank heavily. 2 sixpacks/ night. Came back to the ER (had to accept him due to Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act). He had blood urea nitrogen at very high levels. Urine output was very low. Ernie had encephalopathy, clotting, infections, near cardiac failure, lots of pain, bloody urine, and renal cancer. He got Peritoneal Dialysis but was poor at complying with it.

John Hopkins Cases

3 Down's babies in NICU, Physicians & parents let 2 die, Staff gave third parents pessimistic prognosis but a balanced view & they let the baby receive treatment. 1 had DUODENAL ATRESIA- no food & water passage, 1 was unwanted because "It would be unfair to the other children of the household to raise them with a mongoloid" (-Gustafson shared this)

Danny Canal

3 Quadruple Organ Transplants (Dad worked system through multiple listings)

Ronnie DeSillers

3 liver transplants

Zyprexa, Risperdal and Seroquel

3 main drugs tested for schizophrenia in 90's. Death rate of 1/138 volunteers

"Admissions and Policy Committee"

7 people- minister, lawyer, housewife, labor leader, state official, banker, & surgeon

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

A Canadian woman in February infected 257 in the Toronto area, which resulted in a second wave of infections from an orthopedic ward of a Toronto hospital, infecting another 361 people. 5,000 Canadians underwent voluntary quarantine in their homes. For a few months, sick Asians in Toronto were highly stigmatized. Singapore, with a more authoritarian government, involuntarily quarantined 8,000 people whom SARS patients had contacted but did compensate them for lost income

Hyperacute rejection



A group called the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy that conducted research on the legal history of corporations and in particular corporate charters.

Ryan White

A hemophiliac who died at age 18 in 1990. Affected by the lag of blood banks delaying the ELISA test for blood screening. Became infected from HIV through a tainted blood transfusion

Foundation for Biomedical Research

A lobby for 350 universities, drug companies, manufacturers or medical devices and commercial animal-supply companies to counter PETAs lobbyists.

Moral Majority

A political/religious organization that advocated for the shutting down of bathhouses and believed homosexuals were the cause of America's downfall and should be destroyed

Jeanne Woodford

A prison warden who wad crucial to prison reform. "Same man, same result. Changed man, changed result."

Ted D. Bear

A ram that lived 297 days with a Jarvik-7, died after a valve broke.

The Peacemaker Story/John Mohawk

A young man went from village to village to convince the warring peoples to stop fighting with one another. All villages assumed the other was crazy. "When you tell yourself your enemy can't think, you destroy your own power to make peace with him." We must achieve peace among ourselves.


AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power. Helps victims of AIDS. Forced FDA to shorten process for approving new drugs by 2 years & allow Indian companies to make generic versions of the drugs.

Sperm Donation Acceptance

AIH-->AID--> $$ for sperm-->Anonymous donation-->Sperm catalog


ALF is the Animal Liberation Front. ALF broke into the lab of Thomas Gennarelli at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in Philadelphia and stole 32 audiovisual tapes which showed research being performed on primates to produce exact brain damage with the goal to help head injury patients to regain control and movement of their body. One member of the ALF team justified their actions by comparing their actions to those of rebel Abolitionists, who were seen as radical, and now we look back and see slave trade as horrendous—they act with the same hope that someday we will see the poor treatment of animals this way.

Stephanie Trutt

ALF member who planted a bomb outside a company that made surgical staples; arrested for attempted murder

Wrongful life vs Wrongful birth

Abnormal harm is used in wrongful life cases and is usually rejected by courts using the baseline concept of harm, assuming that preventing the birth or death of a baby cannot possibly be a benefit even to prevent or end a life of total harm.

Father Richard McCormick

Abortion/embryos-regarding hunter and the bush INDETERMINACY= Precautionary Principle

Learned Helplessness

After trauma, victims assume they are helpless and thus do not improve their physical state and learn to be helpless.


Aimed at helping poor seniors during illness. Later expanded to all seniors over 65 & income requirements were dropped. Covers 80% of expenses for Drs & hospitals. Single Payer System run by federal government.


Alcohol Related Liver Disease


Alliance for Human Research Protection battled for rights of patient-subjects, focused on problems caused by 1-research seeking profits for stock-financed drug companies, 2-conflicts of interest of those who receive payments for research those who regulate research, 3-lack of protection for vulnerable schizophrenic subjects

Yersinia pestis

Also known as Black Death or Plague. Bubonic Plague-most common form of plague, caused by Yersinia pestis. Untreated killed 50%

Recommended Uniform Screening Panel

American parents check core conditions in embryo/fetus. (Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, Phenylketonuria) (Stealth Eugenics?)

Maria Siemionow

American surgeon, to do a face transplant. Protocol required good health, good personality, and good family support.

Competitive disadvantage

An arms race. If you suspect competitors dope you're at a disadvantage. Motivates them to take more enhancements (usually secretly)

ELISA Testing

An initial screening test to determine a patient HIV positive


Baboon that was the donor for baby Fae

Andy Lipkis, and the Road Runner

Andy approaches the ecological wall that the city of LA had run up against by drawing a door and making a way—he transformed the way the city thought of its ecology.

Baby Gabriel

Anencephalic, heart went to Paul Hoc

Baby Theresa

Anencephalic, parents wanted to donate heart to another baby Unable to donate promptly because the Judge Moriarty said that "it's a fact, not an opinion" (Harvard Criteria) Supreme courts upheld and said they wouldn't change the law

Paul Terasaki finding

Anencephaly is a congenital neurological disorder characterized by the absence of the cerebrum and the cerebellum, as well as the top of skull resulting in exposure of the brain stem. Anencephalics at birth do not usually meet the Harvard criteria of death, and legally they are not brain dead at birth. Germans use a "brain-absent" system, therefore; classifying anencephalic babies as brain-dead. Brain death in anencephalic babies in unclear, however if a baby after taken off of respirators failed to breathe on its own it could be declared brain-dead. Essentially, they lack the higher brain necessary for personhood. People are eager to classify anencephalics as dead because of their potential to be donors. Disability advocates feel a slippery slope could occur because: "treating anencephalics as dead equates them with 'nonpersons,' presenting a slippery slope problem with regard to all other persons who lack cognition for whatever reason."

Tom Regan (animal rights)

Animal research ever justified? "NO. Must eliminate along with hunting/trapping." "Life can go better FOR THEM" (no comparison between species possible.) Inherent value, not instrumental. Eating animals is immoral. Must value same qualities we value in humans

Genetically modified food

Animals won't eat the GM food that is given to them

Names for the Age in which we live

Anthropocene, Age of Loneliness, Time of no Time, Time of one 'no' and many 'yeses', Age of Nature, 6th Age of Extinction, The Ecological Red Zone, The Great Disruption

Free will view and cold turkey view

Anyone of good moral character could stop drinking

Presumed consent

Anyone who has not declined to be a donor is presumed to be a donor.

Nancy Olivieri

Apotex paid her to test Deferiprone (iron chelating drug) on patients with thalassemia. Discovered serious risks and attempted to publish them but Apotex threatened to sue her. U of Toronto had financial ties so wouldn't support her, and fired her. (Limits of academic freedom, ties of schools & companies)

John Money

Argued against Freud. Claimed that sex was determined by Nurture/role rehearsal not Nature. Needed control group like Joseph Mengele. Made fraudulent claims

Project Hope

Assisted homeless people in NYC. Could they be forced or would they have to "die with their rights on?" Expanded justifications to "Self Neglect" and "need to be treated for mental illness"

Marius's journal

At Marius's urging, Barnard had injected Darvall's heart with potassium to paralyze it, thus making it dead by the WHOLE BODY STANDARD

Why did Thomas Starzl & Keith Reemtsma abandon their kidney projects with simian (ape or monkey) kidneys?

At best, the kidneys only worked for 2 months-According to one study, how many recipients/year would benefit if anencephalics were to be used as organ donors? 30 (viable organs, parent consent, matches)

ALF Exploits

Attacked many different companies, costing millions of dollars, extremist, eventually viewed as terrorist acts and condemned by many in the public.

Christiaan Barnard

Attempted a heart transplant, did not understand immune rejection. South Africa 1967. Performed transplant on Washy. Between the 6th and 11th day after surgery Dr. Barnard told the press of Washy that he would "have him home in three weeks." On the 14th/15th day after surgery Dr. Barnard inserted a nasogastric tube to feed Washy against his will. Dr. Barnard gained instant fame from the media coverage he received (and notably loved the media attention) the medical concern behind allowing media into Washkansky's room comes from the fear that the hunger for fame of medical accomplishments leads to haste and imprudence in the medical community.

Isabelle Dinoire

Attempted suicide and her dog bit off her nose and chin, she received transplants from Dr. Bernard Devauchelle.

4 Basic Principles of Bioethics

Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, and Justice

The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act

Banning research on chimpanzees, specifically all moved to Louisiana. Apes have rights not to be killed, tortured or experimented on.

Una Loy

Barney Clark's wife, sad/angry at his state and treatment.


BRCA1 is an autosomal dominant gene, meaning if they live long enough they have a high chance of developing breast cancer. A mastectomy is a surgery that a woman could undergo to prevent this from happening.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)

Babies diagnosed in Utero had advantage on Neonatal heart transplant lists compared to babies diagnosed at birth(Pre-natal listings) UNOS made 2 lists (fetuses could only use heart if no baby could) Norwood procedure 40% successful

Baby heart donations

Babies with life-threatening brain injuries relying on life support were taken off their ventilators to stop their hearts. In the first donor, the donor heart stopped beating after 11.5 minutes, and was declared dead after 3 minutes after which the heart was immediately harvested for transplantation. In the second and third donors, heart transplants took place 75 seconds after the pulses had stopped. Dr. Rober Truog feels the dead donor rule is getting in the way of successful transplantations, and that it should be replaced by the donor's prognoses and consent to donate with timing decisions being made by the transplant team.

Ambrose Bierce

Big four enemy, democratic republican party has seized control of the state legislature.

Melissa Stern

Bill Stern and Elizabeth Stern hired Mary Beth Whitehead for $10,00 to gestate an embryo created by Stern's sperm and Whitehead's egg. Whitehead refused to give Melissa Stern to the Stern's after "bonding" with the baby. First Judge Sorkow upheld the contract and Melissa was required to hand over Melissa to the Stern's and awarded her $10,000 and she was not to see the baby ever again. In 1998 the Supreme Court unanimously reversed that decision and declared Mrs. Whitehead the legal mother with full visiting rights and invalidated the contract.

Transmission of HIV

Blood, semen, or to babies during birth or breastfeeding

Oscar Pistorius

Born with deformed feet. He now runs super fast on his Cheetahs- carbon blades that surgeons attached to his leg bones (also done on Sara Reinerten)

Brazil and Cuba with Education

Brazilian government funded universal access to the best anti-AIDS drugs, creating a national system of outpatient centers, local manufacture of generic anti-AIDS drugs, sophisticated labs, and record keeping. As a result, Brazilian deaths from AIDS dropped by half. Cuba has free medical care, contact tracing, virtually mandatory treatment programs, and the worlds smallest epidemic of HIV infection

The Bucharest Early Intervention Project

Bucharest early intervention project (BEIP)- babies actually stopped crying because nobody would come when they did -(Romanian dictator had made contraceptives and abortions a crime to increase his population. Overtook orphanages. "Lack of stimulations damages the brain." "Romania's Abandoned Children" Control group existed like Tuskegee that could have been helped. (Both poor, couldn't leave, vulnerable, non-treatment groups) Shouldn't have waited till kids were 12 to stop Romania did ban institutionalization under 2, but there was already enough evidence to prove beforehand.

Keys to Resilience

Build community and social capital, Empower local communities to solve their own problems, Beware of systems being too tightly connected, Learn—experiment—innovate

Fair Benefits Model/collaborative Model

CIOMSEmphasizes sharing the benefits of successful medical research -Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences

Carl Cohen

Carl Cohen claims that rights can only be given and defended among beings who can make moral claims against one another, and because animals cannot make claims they lack rights. He continues that speciesism is not bad, but is essential for right moral conduct because those who cannot make morally distinct decisions among species are almost certain to misapprehend their true obligations, such is saving a dog from a burning building instead of a child.

U.S Abortion Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since Roe v Wade

Cecile Richards claimed that efforts to get women better, more affordable birth control is the reason for the drop in abortions since Roe v Wade. In contrast, Kristi Hamrick the reason for the drop in abortions is due to new state restrictions on abortion including regulations on clinics and laws requiring women seeking abortions to get an ultrasound. Additionally, Hamrick believes public sentiment is turning against abortion. Lead author of the report Rachel Jones disagrees with Hamrick because she says abortion restrictions do not show the entire story of overall abortion declination; making the statement: "having few clinics didn't always translate to fewer abortions." Jones claims a more important driving force of the declining abortion rate is improved access to contraception, in particular IUDs. She concludes her claims with the statement: "Abortion is going down, and birth rates aren't going up." Chuck Donovan feels the drop in abortion rates is good news because it is encouraging for a country that is still extremely divided and discomfited about the benefits of abortion to the public.

Arne Ljungqvist

Chairman of International Amateur Athletic Federations Antidoping Commission. Said that fake body enhancement brings down both providers and consumers (medical malpractice)

Experience rating

Charged individuals or small business based on previous illness or number of employees. Dramatically increased costs on some policies.

Lifeboat Test

Charles McArdle, Carolyn Compton, Tom Regan A man and dog are on a lifeboat: which should survive? Charles McArdle says he would have to seriously question whether he could allow an anima to die just to protect himself. Regan would say it is wrong to kill the dog to save the man, Carolyn Compton would sacrifice the animal for the life of a human,

Difference Principle

Choosers should opt for institutions creating equality unless a difference favors the least well-off group.

City of Hope

City of Hope National Medical center, ALF took hundreds of small mammals from the lab; disrupting up to $500,000 in cancer and other research

Joseph Love

Claimed that the press was overreacting to the possibility of a corrupted blood supply and that more people are killed by bee stings than tainted blood. FDA.

CATIE study

Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness. Followed patients taking 1 of 5 drugs randomly. 5 new drugs were not more effective than older generic, Perphenazine. Must take drugs for life so switching from a $12/day drug to $1/day drug on Medicaid could save big $$$

Hwang Woo-suk

Cloned an Afghan hound "Snuppy". Claimed to clone human embryo AND derive stem cells from them (Fabricated!). (Matching cells of donors, allowing progress for LouGehrig's & Alzheimers) So hard to disprove because US banned cloning research. Success attributed to relaxed buddhist attention

Shana Alexander & the start of Bioethics

Coined "god committee" Social Worth Criteria revealed to public "Who Shall Live?" Documentary. Congress added Medicare and Medicaid earlier that year, but neither covered dialysis. "If we have a program to explore space, why not a program to save Americans?"

Shana Alexander

Coined the term God Committee, Life magazine reporter.

Wyatt v. Stickney

Committed Mental patients must either receive treatment or be released.

God Committee

Committee of scientist, government official, housewife, people to decide who should receive treatments.

Prop 4

Community Bill of Rights that would recognize the rights of nature as well as override corporate constitutional rights. It is growing in acceptance, with 49 percent of the vote for it in 2011


Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Philip Zimbardo

Conducted Stanford Prison experiment

Western Blot Test

Confirms a patient is HIV positive

The Mueller Twins

Conjoined twins, Protective Child Services obtained a court order for temporary custody of Jeff & Scott after they and Dr warren decided not to treat them aggressively. Charged with neglect but then given back custody. Separated after 1 year, Jeff lived passed 3 when Scott died.

Belmont Report

Considered schizophrenic adults, along with prisoners, as children, and patients of a mental institution too vulnerable and needing special protection. Mere consent was not sufficient justification for their participation in research.

Resher's Two-tiered approach

Considering life expectancy, number of dependents, potential for future contributions and past achievements. Screening for medical problems that would make dialysis ineffective. Points-based, ties broken by a lotteruy.


Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act- allows employees to continue medical insurance at group rates for 18 months by paying their share + employer's share of former premiums. Covers spouses after divorce & adult children

Obergefell v. Hodges

Constitutional principle of equal protection overrides any state or local ban on same sex marriage. Guarantees same rights from same sex marriage

CI Therapy

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy established by Taub after one of the 15 surviving monkeys removed from his lab revealed to have about an inch of their cortex rewired to receive input from the face. CI significantly improved stroke patients Taub worked with. Overall, very expensive and not super effective.

John Nash

Contributed much to mathematics and won a Nobel prize (COULD IDENTIFY THAT THEY WERE VISUAL Hallucinations) "A Beautiful Mind"

Dax Cowart

Cowart was in an accident involving a propane leak which causes his car to explode when started, killing his father and leaving him burned over two thirds of his body, blind, hard of hearing and with no fingers excepting the stub of a left thumb. It was his mother that authorized the continued treatment of Cowart. Cowart believes that "true freedom is not just the freedom to make the right choices but also the freedom to make the wrong choices."

Robert Jarvik

Created the first artificial heart.

Paul Appelbaum

Defends testing new drugs for schizophrenia-


Defense of Marriage Act


Develops slower and not as extreme as HIV-1. Easily spread heterosexually.

Grover Norquist

Dad Ice cream tax- father would eat his ice cream after each bite he took to a type of different tax levied by the federal government.

David Acer

Dentist. Reports claim he had sex with 150 men. Contracted Kaposi's sarcoma. Treated Kimberly Bergalis 2 months later (1987). 1989-sold his practice & tools. Destroyed his records. 1990-Died of AIDS

Depression is really?

Depressives suffer from a deficit of self-deception; may be our evolutionary Achilles' heel.

Pennsylvania and Senate Bill 826

Designed to stop local governments from passing local laws that allowed big corporations to monopolize the agribusiness

William Norwood

Developed surgery for HLHS to REPAIR LEFT VENTRICLE. (Alternative to Bailey's xenograft). Bailey claimed 40% success rate of Norwood procedure was too low to justify

Shep Glazer

Dialyzed himself before the House (unplugged tube and blood spilt on floor)

HIV Exceptionalism

Didn't pursue contact tracing of HIV. May lead to gays loosing jobs or insurance. Now regarded as a mistake.

Therapeutic vs. experimental treatments/surgeries

Different personality? Limbs are non-vital, should we transplant? Face transplants only if they can't EAT OR SPEAK Artificial limbs in veterans has been phenomenal and no long-term risks

John Gearhart and James Thomson

Discovered how to continually produce stem cells-to create an immortalized stem cell line- but unfortunately used embryos as "stem cell factories" Clinton also banned Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) to put human nucleus in cow eggs to grow children

C.S. Lewis

Distinguishes between sentience and consciousness, the ability to feel pain and the awareness of feeling pain. All mammals are sentient but only humans are conscious.

Robert Sparrow

Don't cure deafness. They are a minority cultural group and you would take away that culture from them

Denise Ann Darvall

Donor for the heart Washy received.

Ana Pou

Dr. after a massive hurricane who made the choice to administer medicine that would end their lives as they were suffering and were told no help was coming to them anytime soon. She has face extreme criticism from colleagues, many believing she outright killed patients that could have made it. One patient in particular was reported to be fine, and just "overweight" unable to be carried to the helicopter for rescue once help arrived.

Leonard Bailey

Dr. that performed transplant on baby Fae Doesn't believe in evolution (justification for not using closer related chimp)

Challenge studies

Drug introduced under controlled circumstances in order to observe hypothesized result. (Amphetamines, etc. can be used to produce psychosis) *ONLY JUSTIFIED BY VERY LARGE BENEFIT TO FUTURE SUBJECTS.

The Official View

Drugs have to be tested on animals first to screen for toxicity.

Rebecca Gomperts

Dutch Dr. Gomperts (Women on Web) helped 40% of women in restricted access or banned countries. (2,000 emails/month) -Order pills of Mifepristone/misoprostol from India for $5 w/instructions. (Skype helps recognize trouble and when to get help, same treatment for spontaneous miscarriage) -Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) is driving clinics out of some states so this pill method is increasing in frequency. -American Congress of OB/GYN reviewed evidence and decided that these telehealth abortions were safe.-W/Plan B so available, these abortions may skyrocket -2016-Justice Ruth Ginsburg ruled that TRAP laws are unconstitutional and just place undue burden on women seeking abortions and aren't focused on protecting their health, just stopping abortion.

Nightmare on K Street

E.U. and U.S. lobbying against REACH

Four Global Views on Stopping Disease

Education Structuralism Triage Feminism

Pros and Cons of Education as a means of stopping disease

Education- non-moralistic education the only hope of preventing HIV. Negotiate safe sex, clean needles, avoid tainted blood, take antiretroviral drugs to prevent newborn infection. Needle Exchange Programs- give drug users clean needles to prevent sharing and reuse-quite successful where implemented

False dichotomy

Either you are with us or against us; the issue is Black or White

Designer Grandson

Elderly couple that took sperm from dead son and surrogate to get grandson. Court of Appeal ruled taking sperm w/o consent illegal in '97


Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act- forbids ERs from turning away mentally unstable.

George Annas on Baby Fae

Emphasized that in previous Xenograft cases, families are usually poor, vulnerable, and rarely consented. thought Bailey took advantage of Baby Fae's family

Empiric vs. allopathic

Empiric: based on observation of outcomes, measured by outcomes Allopathic


End-Stage Liver Disease

National Health Service

England. Free medical services to all citizens. After 1 yr of legal residence, immigrants are covered. Funded through general taxation. Private insurance is available as a supplement. Patients pay more for long term, dentistry, eye, and prescriptions. Regional Health authorities decide how many expensive machines & what services to purchase.


Erythropoietin. Hormone in Kidneys that stimulates the production of Red Blood Cells. Also a drug used to treat anemia but abused in competitive sports.

Mandated multiplan coverage

Every citizen must purchase some from of medical coverage either private or public. Government agency regulates all plans

Gaia hypothesis

Everything is connected. Entire symphony of all living things self-regulates the Earth's condition. Earth is a superorganism that will continue even if mankind doesn't


Federal Insurance Corporation of America- what's indicated on paycheck. Financed from mandatory payroll taxes. Most costly program of the American government.

Pros and Cons of Feminism as a means of stopping disease

Feminism- Empower women to prevent themselves from getting infected. Women need to vote, earn money, reject domestic violence, use IUDs with antiretroviral drugs


First genetically cloned sheep, February 1997.

Tenets of Ecological Medicine

First goal it to prevent, second goal is to cure, Earth is the physicians' client, Humans are part of a local ecosystem, Medicine should not add to illness

Louise Brown

First in vitro baby; mixed in a petri dish and inserted into fallopian tubes; 102nd attempt

Derek Humphrey and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Founded the Hemlock Society in the U.S that helped people with terminal illness die with dignity and advocated for legalized physician-assisted dying; became Compassion and Choices. Emphasized making terminal patients comfortable which began the hospice movement, which gives dying patients dignity and control over their final months. Palliative care became a medical specialty- strives to relieve nausea, boredom, itching, suffocation, immobility, depression, and pain and forgoes experimental treatments.

Majora Carter/Sustainable South Bronx

Founder. Resilience thinking to the streets. Created riverfront parks & green roof demonstration. Want to dismantle the underused Sheridan Expressway. (by getting rid of the highway it connected the community, the saying "the surest way to heal an ecosystem is to connect it to more of itself)

Michel Foucault

French Philosopher who claimed that AIDS is not a disease that is spread sexually and that HIV does not cause AIDS. He eventually died of AIDS.


Friends and Residents of St. Thomas Township, worked to head off potentially damaging development. Consisted of a core of 15 people. Goal for Pennsylvania's Department of Environemental Protection to deny quarry's permits.


Gay Related Immune Deficiency eventually changes to AIDS when other groups of people showed signs of the disease

Stonewall Riots

Gay men resisted harassment by the police in NYC at Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village

Larry Kramer

Gay rights activist who was strongly persecuted by gay men because he believed shutting down bathhouses could save gay lives.

Basic Genetics

Genes for muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, neurofibromatosis (elephant man disease), colon cancer, ataxia, and sickle-cell anemia were found.

Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

George W. Bush signed it in 2008 which committed $48 billion over the next five years for the universal access of treatment

Bowers v. Hardwick

Georgia law to keep anal & oral intercourse illegal between members of same sex (ok for heterosexuals). Violates Mill's Harm Principle

Albert Jonsen

Gives scarce medical resources to identified patient rather than anonymous people (Often identified by media)Like Scribner rescuing Crowfeather

Thomas Aquinas on the ensoulment of embryos

God ensouled male embryos ay day 40 of gestation, female embryos at day 90.

Jonathan Lieberson

Graduate student at Columbia University who published influential articles concerning the spread of AIDS. Claimed that only 10% of HIV-infected people would ever get AIDS, and that contact tracing should never be used to track down sex partners of infected men, because the new freedom of gay men was too important to sacrifice. He eventually died of AIDS

Gregory Foster and Louise Wise

Gregory Foster and Louise Wise say that the most transnational issue is the environment because it does not respect "national boundaries, nor traditional concepts of sovereignty and territorial integrity. They say we must confront the two questions: whether humanity's role is to be nature's master, servant or steward; and whether nature's commons, in affecting us all, demand sustained collective international attention and tending. The predict the military becoming an environmental exemplar, with its task turning to disaster relief, ecological restoration, and enforcement of environmental law. They say the best form of government would be universal democracy.

Protease inhibitors

HIV antiviral class known to have severe drug interactions by causing inhibition of metabolism

Harm Reduction Movement VS Moralists

HRM- focused on reducing associated harms of these behaviors, not on. Moral censure or eliminating behavior Moralists- opposed HRM, attack the illicit behavior and view HRM as enabling it, like teaching men how to use condoms

Louis Washkansky Case

Had diabetes, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure. Received a heart transplant and ultimately died from rejection.

Soup Kitchens and Halfway homes

Halfway homes were rejected by communities, Reaganites hailed soup kitchens as proof that homeless didn't need govt housing, but really it was just a band-aid.

Happy the Elephant

Happy, the elephant. This is significant because it treats Happy not as a "thing" or as "property." Happy demonstrated self-awareness though the mirror self-recognition test; the justice will rule on whether or not Happy should be considered a legal person and this remove her from the Bronx Zoo. The author claims this case has global bearing, given that if the NhRP succeeds in having nonhumans designated at legal persons, the extinctions of these species would be considered genocide.


Have organs of both sexes (Hermes + Aphrodite)

James Rachel on Euthanasia

He argues that passive and active euthanasia are the same thing even though others would argue there is a big distinction. He equates letting a vegetative person die is the same as killing them and vice versa.

Leo Alexander on euthanasia

He believed it is the conceptual slippery slope that led to the moral downfall of the Germans through their acceptance and attitude toward the euthanasia movement prior to World War 2.

What did Jack Kavorkian do for his patients that was good?

He did exactly what the patients asked Didn't charge any money Stayed with them until the end

What did Dr. Edelin fail to do that led Dr. Nolan to believe no one wanted the baby to live?

He failed to "slap the baby alive"

Rene Descartes

He studied on animals without anesthesia. Developed Cartesianism said that we infer consciousness in others from outward behavior, we cannot directly observe it

Cost-plus Reimbursement

Hospitals could buy any amount of machines they wanted and charge the cost-plus a percentage of profit to the ESRDA, the larger the cost, the larger the profit.


Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act- required portability for workers between similar plans. Banned excluding pre existing conditions in such transfers. Guaranteed privacy of medical records except in long term care & life insurance


Health Maintenance Organizations- gatekeeper to determine whether patients see specialist or got admitted. Gatekeepers include DRs, nurses, or manager for the HMO plan.

Barney Clark

Heavy smoker, dentist, received artificial heart and many other surgeries to keep him alive. Painful, wanted to die, eventually died.


Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy- costs $10k/person/year in developed countries

Pharm reps and free lunch

Holly Campbell says the study picks and chooses a subset of medicines, leading to a false narrative. Robert Steinbrook thinks all incentives should stop incentives to encourage independent research on safety, effectiveness and affordability.


Homosexuals have an evil lifestyle. Harm Reduction counters this and does not necessarily condone actions but tries to get gay men to practice safe sex.

Lead Poisoning

I'm pretty sure this is just making the connection back to the Krieger Lead Paint study where the people of color and low income are also the canaries in the mine; lead poisoning corresponded with rise in juvenile crime.

What method of AIH (Artificial Insemination by Husband) led to Nadya Suleman's pregnancy?



Identified externally, non-normal sex organs. Exposure to chemicals & hormones during fetal gestation

Nazi Research

If they're going to die anyways, why not use them for medical research? Injected with Typhus infected blood. Hormone shots in gay men, shot inmates/gunshot study, starved/nutrition study, amputated women's bones/regeneration study. SKY RIDE WAGON (Altitude change study) & FROZEN NUDE INMATES to test reviving drown pilots


Ignorance of times. In Plague years Orthodox Jews were the scapegoats

Triage vs Utilitarianism

Ignore those who will die regardless and those who will live regardless

Adverse selection

Illegal immigrants with the worst diseases and disabilities will flock to america if covered (opposing ACA). Physicians shouldn't have to be immigration officers, and this selection has hurt England

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

In 1886, corporations were deemed persons with full human rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The 2010 Supreme Court decision ruled that corporate spendings on elections were "free speech" as covered by the First Amendment. Because corporations are protected by the Fourth Amendment (no unreasonable search and seizures); you can't have unannounced inspections by regulators of factory farms. The Fifth Amendment protects them from "takings" meaning, if you pass an ordinance that impacts some type of corporate property, the corporation has a cause of legal action against the local government.

Snowflake Children

Kids born from "embryo-adoption program", "these kids are not spare parts"-Bush on stage

God Committee and Dr. Scribner

In 1964, Scribner's presidential address to the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs discussed the problems of patient selection, termination of treatment, patient suicide, death with dignity, and selection for transplantation. This experience with selecting who would receive dialysis is often recognized as the beginning of bioethics.

Ben Carson

In 1994, both of the craniopagus twins he was attempting to separate died during the operation. In 1997, both women died during operation as well. In 2004, one of the twins he attempted to separate survived, and one died during the surgery.

Intersex Surgical Emergency

In 2006, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that it would no longer consider the birth on an intersex baby to be a surgical emergency. In contrast to John Money, most pediatric surgeons would not sex a child against its biological gender

Cases leading up to Roe v Wade

In Planned Parenthood v Danforth it was concluded that that the Court would invalidate State laws requiring a woman to get consent for an abortion from either a matrimonial or a biological father; continuing that doing so would give men a veto over the woman's decision. Harris v McRae concluded that a woman does have a right to an abortion, just not at the government's expense, passing laws banning the use of public funds for abortions of women unable to afford them. Eisenstadt v Baird concluded that the right to privacy entailed the right of an individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted government intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.

Krieger Lead Paint Study

Krieger and Johns Hopkins recruited poor, vulnerable, black families to live in houses with Lead Paint to study the mental handicaps in children associated.-**IRB rarely met face to face!!

War on Drugs

In the late 70s and 80s, this campaign fought the new levels of poverty, crime, & drug addiction in the inner cities. Leading to a large number of incarcerated people of color

Thomas Aquinas is known for what ethical theory?


Queen Beatrix

Inspired the Dutch environmental goal to have total environmental quality recovery in 25 years in 1989. Dutch business leaders along with government guidance developed the plan with checks and balances in place: If businesses fail to meet specific voluntary goals, government will intervene with mandatory controls. The government funded NGOs as watchdogs to transmit their findings to the media and public.


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees for institutions receiving federal funds for research on animals. They force researchers to justify their research to their colleagues.

Margaret Heckler

Insubstantially claimed that the blood supply was 100% save


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection; the use of one sperm and one egg to create pregnancy

Belding Scribner

Invented a permanent indwelling shunt for the dialysis machine, allowing it to keep patients alive for years. Took a patient with him to defend publicly more dialysis machines.

Ladan and Laleh Bijani

Iranian adult women who Ben Carson separated, but they both died. (Did they truly understand their risks/odds?)

The wisest of creatures

Irish folklore called salmon the wisest of creatures because it knows how to find its way home

Dickey-Warner Amendment

No funds given to NIH could be used for research on human embryos if destroyed, discarded, risked injury or death more than allowed for fetuses in utero.

Who said "over himself, his own body and mind the individual is sovereign."?

John Stuart Mill

Peter Singer (Speciesism)

Just like racism & sexism are evil, "Animal Liberation" argues that Speciesism is also evil. Pain, family ties, ability to reason. Evil=animal factories & medical experimentation. Utilitarian view w/o limiting to utilitarianism - "if animals 'count for something', then painful experiments on many animals can't justify helping a few humans"

Kant on Alcoholism

Kant would see the disease-model part of the problem because it ignores the key fact that must occur for an alcoholic to change: that he or she must consciously decide to change and decide each day to stay sober.


LD stands for lethal dosage, determines what amount of dosage will kill 50 of 100 animals.

Kevin Phillip's hallmarks to empire destruction

Large levels of debt, overreaching military, economic inequality, speculation of the economy. No empire has been able to manage the transition to the next energy source.

Case of Joyce Brown

Lawyers said that they would only represent her if she helped their case and could be publicized. Worked for ACLU afterwards (Didn't work out)

Dick Cheney and LVADs

Left-Ventricle Assist Devices, Dick Cheney received one and later a heart transplant. Pain and poor quality of life.

Life's Principles

Life optimizes rather than maximizes, it designs for the good of the whole system. It matches form to function. Life leverages interdependence. Life constantly adapts and evolves. Life creates conditions conducive to life.

Nature's role in

Life's Principles Nature runs on current sunlight. Nature banks on diversity. Nature rewards cooperation. Nature builds from the bottom up. Nature recycles everything.

Eddie Morra

Limitless the movie, takes Modafinil drug and has unlimited energy for short-term projects. ("more his 'true self' ") Everyone should have access to the same enhancers.

TreePeople and Schoolyard Explorers

Lipkis points out that he requires community involvement in supporting the growth of trees because trees need to live in order to be useful, and they cannot live if no one is supporting them to grow. That's why he helps them, and provides volunteers and training, but the people in the community need to be involved in order for the project to be successful.

Four Myths of the Modern World

Lordly human dominance over nature, ignorance is a solvable problem, economy can grow forever, security is the offspring of a capacity to kill.

2006 Consensus Statement

No longer considered the birth of intersex babies a surgical emergency. Most endocrinologists hesitate to sex a child at birth, while even fewer would change a baby against its gender.

Three Brains:

Lizard brain- pure survival. Neocortex: intelligence and reasoning. Limbic: emotional intelligence

Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp

Louis father of Germ theory. Small organisms cause disease. Bechamp-Environment imbalances cause disease. Terrain is whether it cause disease.

Carl Anthony/Canaries in the mine

Low income communities & communities of color are the environmental canaries in the mine

Sub-strains of HIV-1

M,N,O come from chimpanzees in Africa. P from Gorillas

End Stage Renal Disease Act

Mandated the federal government pay for any dialysis machine someone needed.

Required request

Mandates that someone at the hospital ask a relative upon admission of a patient.

One No and Many Yeses

Mayan description of the movement of the world. The No is to the concentration of wealth and the distribution of poverty, the Yes is to a world devoted to health, justice, dignity, diversity and democracy. To the right of nature and human rights.

Time of no Time

Mayan vision. From here on, we're on Earth time. Mother Earth is shaking to her core, it is a time of madness, disconnection and hyperindividualism. It is also a time when people are growing a new skin. We can go in any direction we want, by dreaming it and our dreams shift the course of the world.

Pacinian corpuscles

Mechanoreceptors on tip of trunk and feet of elephants (human skin too) that sense Raleigh Waves

Media coverage during and after Washy and Clark Cases

Media was overwhelmingly positive and deceptive during this time.

Thomas Szasz

Mental illness without a physical cause is a myth.(Pseudo mental illness) Those with a physical cause similar to cancer or AIDS are real.

Dalai Lama Role

Moderated at a symposium in 2015 in hopes to bridge the gap between religion and science.

Polygenic disease

More than one gene causes the disease (alcoholism in this case)


Most common form of AIDS

Partial Theory: Sickest first

Most likely to otherwise die (Congress, surgeons, families). Congress MANDATED (heart, liver, intestines)

Angelina Jolie (Genetic testing for Cancer)

Mother and grandma (Bertrand family) both died of ovarian/breast cancer. Tests came back positive for "FAULTY" (bad variant) BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes (carry high risk of breast & ovarian cancer). Double Mastectomy


Multiple listing is when a patient gets appointments with multiple surgeons at multiple transplant centers and work themselves up the UNOS list which only deals with candidates who are alrady in the system. New York banned multiple listing in 1990, and critics argued that it denied their liberty right to contract for medical care.

Multiple Listings

NY banned. Patients said it was their "liberty right". Arguments against 1-Equality of access denies using wealth to jump line. 2-compromises entire UNOS system (back to arbitrarily deciding)

Rudolph Giuliani

NYC Mayor- Forced homeless people off streets and into city-funded shelters away from tourists and affluent.

Turtle Island

Name for North America used by many Native Americans and First Nations people

Nancy Cruzan

Nancy Cruzan was in a tragic car accident which left her to be in an anoxic PVS, and it was a feeding tube and her parents fighting in a court of law to have her feeding tube shut off. Nancy's parents and family failed to meet the standard of clear and convincing evidence as Nancy did not have an advance directive and only her sister and parents testified about her alleged wishes. Eventually, as Nancy's case gained traction and publicity, some of her old friends came forward and testified; corroborating Nancy's family's claims and Nancy's body died in 1990. 13 years after the accident Joe Cruzan, Nancy's father, committed by suicide by hanging.


National medical care covers every Canadian & all medically necessary services. Universal, portable & publicly administered. Funded y general taxes: Stiff tax on cigarettes, alcohol, & gas. Each province regulates its supply of services. Drs order routine tests for patients. Don't need permission from gatekeeper in managed care plan. Drs work for themselves & bill on a fee-for-service basis. Drs can't collude to raise fees. Pregnant get free care which lowered infant mortality rates. Canadians can purchase reasonable long term care. Limit the number of Specialists

Thomas Aquinas

Natural Law, made connection between God and natural law: a rational God made the world work rationally and gave humans reason to discover these laws. To act rationally is to act morally and accordance to natural law; not to act on feelings.

Ontario Protocol

Neonatal version of Pittsburgh Protocol. Protocol created for using anencephalic babies as organ donors. Ruled that they could only become donors after meeting classical criteria of brain death. Respirator (taken off every 6 hours) is key because without it the organs become anoxic and cannot be used. Ill-conceived because maintaining brain stem may prevent brain death

Kindling theory of psychosis

Neural pathways get "hotter and hotter until combustion occurs". Assumes that each time a subject with schizophrenia has psychotic episode, he or she gets worse, like toxic chemicals are building up in the brain & causing structural damage.

Kathleen Kerr

Newsday reporter who broke the story, described parents as very distraught

NHBCD protocol (Pittsburgh Protocol)

Non-Heart-Beating Cadaver Donors (NHBCD) Protocol of the University of Pittsburgh Transplantation does not have to await whole brain death. Instead, patients who are not brain dead (on the Harvard standards) can be removed from life support and their organs ...


Non-heart-beating cadaver donor


Normal sex organs, feel Dysmorphia

Coby Howard

OHP refused to pay for his bone marrow transplant despite his parents using the Rule of Rescue to appeal to the media.

Opportunistic Infections

Occur when CD4 cells are less than 200

PETA's role in Taub's Research

PETA conducted the undercover expose on Taub and orchestrated the media to their advantage

Positional advantage

Only a small percentage of athletes take steroids, but in doing so can gain more than others. Confers beneficiary an asset in a contest relative to others but vanishes when everyone else has that asset

Kenneth Edelin

Operated on Alice Roe; had the mindset of experimenting on to-be-aborted fetuses as they were going to die anyway.

William DeVries

Operated on Barney Clark. Put the Jarvik-7 artificial heart in after lots of struggle; swapped parts with another one.

Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis

Opportunistic infections that appeared in gay males in LA and NY

Opt-in vs. opt-out

Opt-out, if you don't say you don't want to then you are assumed to be a donor. Opt-in, you are only assumed to be a donor if you officially consent.

Judge Charles Richey

Ordered the Ag. Departments to enforce Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act of 1985, in that IUACAS had too much power for themselves and were often biased. (dogs and primates) Claimed a gradient in animals that should be used/treated differently in research.

Death with Dignity Act

Oregon was the first to apply to the Death with Dignity Act, restrictions including that patients must be (1) clearly competent (2) have less than six months to live and (3) wait 15 days before filling prescriptions to avoid impulsive decisions. Physicians can only prescribe the fatal drug, not administer it.

Collis Huntington

Organized the Big Four to control all the railroads and corner the market on commerce. Racked up millions of dollars in debt, and damning letters were released concerning his workings. He bribed many politicians and stock workers. He claimed: "Sometimes a man won't do right unless he is bribed to do it."

Dan Daggett "wolf friendly beef"

Overgrazing kills perennial grasses permanently. The presence of wolves keeps grazers moving and the result is healthy grasslands and well-fed cows.


Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act- Obama signed into law. Covers all american & tries to make medical costs reasonable. The Supreme Court ruled it was not a mandate to buy coverage but as a tax that could be imposed. Stats need not expand Medicaid but form exchanges where individuals could purchase insurance. Require insurers to cover all applicants at same rates.

Temporary incompetence

Patients incompetent for a time and later returned to competence, later agreed with paternalism (suicide)

Gordon, Alice and Paul Holc

Paul Hoc received a heart from Gabriel and still lives today.

Paul Stamets and his mushrooms

Paul Stamets is a mycologist. Bioremediation is the biological process by which Stamets utilizes fungi to remove pollutants from soil. Appropriate utilization of fungi could be applied as soil amendments to agricultural lands to detoxify soil which is polluted from decades use of petroleum. E. coli could be eliminated from the wastes of factory farms using fungi. When he companion-planted his food garden with fungi, they developed a symbiotic relationship, enhancing each other's growth and saw yields increase as much as 150 percent. The U.S government has the world's largest stockpiles of chemical weapons, with no good ways to destroy them without dispersing them into the environment. Two varieties of mushrooms were able to completely metabolize and transform Sarin, and Stamets now works extensively with the DOD on myroremediation of chemical and biological warfare agents

Immanuel Kant ethics

People are ends in themselves not mere means.


People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, often teamed up with ALF to record and report footage of animals in research being abused.

Thomas Gennarelli

Performed research on primates to produce exact brain damage with the goal to help head injury patients to regain control and movement of their body. Abuse is worth the research outcome. Not punished by the NIH

Jean-Michel Dubernard

Performed the first hand-transplant.


Persistent Vegetative State; a type of deep unconsciousness that if it persists for a few months, is usually irreversible

Exposure effect

Problems of legalizing performance enhancing drugs. 1-90% instead of 10% would use them, 2-There would be more exposure to the public and stacking would lead to more problems

"First & Famous"

Problems with being first when selecting patients- not always the most optimal candidates. Stinginess between physicians hoarding organs

Syphliophobia Campaign

Prostitutes spread syphilis and it kills, so practice Muscular Christianity instead

Alcohol sensitivity

React quickly to alcohol. Too much acetaldehyde & not enough dehydrogenase. (Kant on Human Dignity)

Pittsburgh Protocol

Providing organ not damaged using *COGNITIVE CRITERIA FOR DEATH. Used DNR people on respirators, if they didn't breathe after a couple minutes then donated organ

Eric Wilson

Prozac stimulates living death, blocks creativity, hinders spiritual growth through suffering.

Ed Tick

Psychologist working with veterans suffering from PTSD, specifically from the Vietnam war. He takes them back to Mai Lai to face their traumas and find forgiveness and peace in their hearts.

Peter Singer

Published Animal Liberation, strong animal activist, said speciesism is evil like racism and sexism. Inequality of ability does not equal inequality of treatment. A utilitarian view on animal ethics.


Puerto Rico experienced the most zika cases of anywhere in the US. CDC predicts that nearly 1 million Puerto Ricans will get zika in 2016 and that eventually 80 percent will be infected. Travel and intercourse spread the virus quickly.

Clint Hallam

Recipient of the first hand transplant. Wanted it amputated, because he felt pain and had no feeling in the hand.

Tom Regan

Regan claims that both humans and animals "have a life" which gives them rights; however, that animals have lives that can go better or worse for them so no comparison can be made between human and animal lives. Regan recants Kant in saying that animals should be treated as ends in themselves, not just means to ends—thus, for example, it is immoral to eat them.


Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of CHemical substances (safety testing)

Diagnostically related groups

Reimbursement instead of cost-plus funding for machines.

Laura Campo

Removed respirator after judges rules that Baby Theresa couldn't be used for organ donation. Depressed and appeared on television the next day. Florida still didn't change law.

Ritalin, Adderall, and ADHD

Ritalin & Adderall are medications for those with ADHD. Approx. 4% of kids have ADHD of which 75% are male. ADHD follows ⅔ into adolescence & 40% to adulthood. Need methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine to function well. There has been a very high increase in prescriptions and these drugs are highly addictive.


Replaced LD-50's because it lowers the amount of animals that have to die for the research.

Three R's of Barbara Orlans

Replacement: using tissue culture instead of a live animal Refinement: improving the quality of life for the subjects as well as methodology Reduction: reducing the number of animals used.

Janine Benyus

Reported on what happened in Thailand. Elephants trumpeting, lizards & insects climbing trees, flamingos flying inland

Mandated choice

Requires adults when obtaining a drivers license, to indicate whether they want to be organ donors.


Researchers operating on live animals without anesthesia.

Green Bank of America

Restructuring "too big to fail" banks that nearly destroyed the global economy as public banks that fund clean technology, green infrastructure, ad transportation/

Jerry Falwell

Reverend. Blamed homosexuals for spread of AIDS

How did Riverside Hospital treat Elizabeth Bouvia?

Riverside Hospital continued to force feed her. Saying he "gave up and took solid food, wanting treatment." She fled that hospital. Eventually, she installed a morphine pump and promised to eat—but that hospital decided she wasn't eating "enough" and force-fed her as well. "Enter High Desert Hopsital and Do as We Say".

Rogosin dialysis

Rogosin dialysis is a form of at-home dialysis which can be used at night, six nights a week for eight hours each night; making it more desirable because it eliminates the need to go to dialysis clinics three times a week for outpatient dialysis with nurse supervision. It costs a total of $18,000: a $13,000 dialysis machine, and a $5,000 water purifier. Persons with poor personal hygiene or pets can be denied Rogosin dialysis because pet hair may clog the machine, and this form of at-home dialysis requires cleanliness and personal hygiene

Who helped Larry McAffe the most?

Russ Fine

Marble Mountain

Sacred Buddhist temple that was once used as a field hospital, bombed twice in the war. Outside inscription: "Hatreds never cease by hatreds in this world. By love they cease."


Sample of amniotic fluid in uterus, testing for developmental abnormalities

Marissa Ayala

Savior sibling, conceived to provide stem cells for sister Anissa with Leukemia. (Saved Anissa, "My Sister's Keeper")

Greg Aller

Schizophrenic. Didn't know that almost all subjects got worse and that it was investigating the signs and symptoms of Psychotic Relapse. New and old medication couldn't get him back to baseline. Became violent and family feared him.

Birth of bioethics

Scribner made a moral dilemma in medical field public, and began educating Americans on the ethics of medicine.

Greg Dixon

Secretary of Moral Majority

Amplification Systems for HIV

Sharing needles and syringes, community blood supply, cheap plane travel, bathhouses

Midwife at Bioneer Conference

She views the state of the world through the lens of her work: there comes a moment during labor when a woman knows she cannot possibly draw another breath, cannot endure more pain, and it is in that moment the midwife knows the baby is about to be born. These issues we are facing are birthing pains, but the "baby is about to be born"

Elizabeth Bouvia

She was admitted as a voluntary suicidal patient and wanted to be left alone and ultimately starve to death. She had cerebral palsy and extreme arthiris. She lost her first court case as the court deemed it could not force the staff to be "murderers." It opened up debate around the treatment of disabled people and their right to their own lives.

What causes were cited by Ian Wilmut as the causes for Dolly's death?

She was overweight She had a respiratory infection


Silver Spring Monkeys, Studied Somatosensory Deafferentation (cutting all nerves in a limb & trying to stimulate regrowth, Thought voluntary non-use caused some damage in stroke Taub charged with cruelty of animals (improper veterinary care—Didn't provide BANDAGES) Argued that it was better cause they would rip them off and make things worse, UAB hired Taub to work on humans

The European Union

Similar approaches to the Dutch. Societal and political consensus on the need to achieve sustainability.

Nancy Wexler (Huntington's Disease)

Spent 10 years searching for the descendants of a European sailor with Huntington's. She looked for a genetic marker along with James Gussela. They found one, and developed a Linkage Test, but didn't know an exact gene. LATER BECAME AN ADVOCATE FOR NOT TESTING & DIDN'T TAKE THE TEST ("What are you going to do if you're positive? Spend the rest of your life waiting to be a patient?"). developed Tetrabenazine to ameliorate symptoms. (Supposedly neither her nor sister inherited gene) Huntington's-Autosomal Dominant-Nancy's mom had it, so she had a 50% of getting it. Every 5 years (lost of muscular coordination, irritable, personality change,promiscuous, etc. Then slurred speech, falling, muscle jerks. Then incontinence, dependence, dementia. Then vegetative.

Norman Shumway

Stanford surgeon working to overcome the immune system's rejection of a heart transplant. Worked with Richard Lower, almost criminally convicted for taking the heart of an African-American man who was not clinically brain dead.


State Children's Health Insurance Program (ie Utah CHIP)- for those families who make too much money to qualify for medicaid but can't afford medical care for children. Reversed incentive for not working.

Roid rage

Steroid induced mania Chris Benoit- Strangled his wife, suffocated his 7 year old, & hung himself

Steve Jobs and multiple-listing

Steve Jobs was able to get a liver transplant using multiple listings by traveling from California to Memphis.

Universal medical coverage

Supports basic medical care for all its citizens

Griswold v Connecticut

Supreme Court overruled state laws banning physicians from giving contraception to married couples (violated liberty of personal life)

Griswold vs. Connecticut

Supreme court decision; right to privacy, it found state laws unconstitutional that banned physicians from giving contraceptives to married couples.

The Tuskegee Study

Surgeon General said it was ok bc they wouldn't get treatment anyway. Blacks super sexually promiscuous

South African Children Transplants

Surgeons in South Africa denied to be the first to try transplanting fingers of children.


Susceptibility gene that increases risk of breast cancer to 80% and ovarian cancer to 10 - 20%

Kenneth Cecil-Jacobson

Switched his sperm with the father's sperm of his patients

Justice Oliver Holmes



Taking several steroids together

Who suffered from anoxic brain damage?

Terri Shiavo and Nancy Cruzan

The Shindlers

Terri's parents, wanted part of the malpractice money, disagreed on signing the DNR, tried to remove Michael as guardian, wanted her to live, appealed the removal of her feeding tube twice but lost, allegate that Michael may have beat her.

Karen Quinlan 1975

The AMA agrees that disconnecting the ventilator equates to euthanasia, which is murder. The physicians feared the family would change their minds and then try to sue. (malpractice?) Because Karen did not have an advance directive her parents could not make the decision for her now that she was incompetent.

The Death Star

The Department of Defense and Energy installed photovoltaic panels on top of the Pentagon's roof. It is a symbol of humanity's two possible futures.

Jack Burcham

The Jarvik-7 would not fit inside his chest, and he died.

NIH role in Gennarelli

The National Institutes of Health did not find any issues with Gennarelli's research, and that the hypothesis was sure to yield "fruitful results for the good of society" but did find him guilty of 9/10 charges: lack of anesthesia, inadequate supervision, poor training, inferior veterinary care, unnecessary multiple injuries, smoking, statements in poor taste, improper clothing, and failure to comply with Public Health Service Animal Welfare Policy

Jaycee Buzzanca

The child with 5 parents. In the middle of a divorce between the would-be parents, and was born from a surrogate from two other parents. The Supreme Court ruled that the parents who hired the surrogate had to be responsible for Jaycee.

Seneca historian John Mohawk

The essence to the problem of the world is that we've come to view nature as a commodity and we are the consumers. We need to have a relationship with the resources we are using.

Same Sex Parents Study

The families observed were located in Italy where some fertility treatments are denied to same-sex couples; which is why this study would have a particular resonance. Prof. Baiocco stated that this study should warn policy makers against making assumption on the basis of sexual orientation, and about people who are more suited than others to be parents or have access to such fertility treatments. The study showed that gay fathers had some indication of better family functioning, attributing this to the high level of commitment gay couples must have to become parents via surrogacy and that the gay fathers in the study were older, were more stable economically and in their relationship, and better educated than the other two interest groups. The study reported that girls, as in line with previous studies, were more prosocial and had fewer externalizing problems of all the families.

Democracy Schools

The function of the Democracy Schools that Linzey helped set up across the nation was to learn about the rights of corporations and hold workshops for people to learn strategies to regain local sovereignty over key economic and political decisions that affect communities and provide community leaders with effective organizing tools.

Dead Donor Rule

The general practice protocol for the dead donor rule asks coroners to wait 2-5 minutes after pulse stops to declare death.

Genetic Engineered Twins

The goal of He's experiment was to damage the CCR5 gene which encodes for HIV

Just distribution

The god committee (artificial kidneys)

Wisdom of the First Peoples

The health and well-being of our grandchildren are worth more than all the wealth that can be taken from these lands. The first mandate is to ensure that our decision making is guided by consideration of the welfare and well-being of the seventh generation to come.

Kenneth Edelin ruling

The jury decided that yes, the fetus had been alive outside the body, and had died of "wanton, reckless conduct" by Edelin and he was convicted of manslaughter. He was later acquitted. Others said that the fetus had not been outside the womb, so it had not been born and thus no manslaughter charge could have been warranted.

Nazi Justifications

The justification of Nazi physicians was that if Jews were going to die in concentration camps regardless, why not use them in medical experiments? This reasoning is called reductio ad absurdum. It was through this reasoning that Alice Roe was operated on by Kenneth Edelin who made the argument that if the fetus was to be aborted anyways, why not use the fetus in experiments to help other fetuses.

Artifical Womb

The point of an external womb is to give infants born too early a more natural, uterus-like environment to continue development

Twenty first century blues

The sadness surrounding the deteriorating environment

Tragedy of the Commons (Richard Lamm)

The tragedy of the commons is a very real economic issue where individuals tend to exploit shared resources so the demand greatly outweighs supply, and the resource becomes unavailable for the whole.

Difference principle

The world is naturally unfair in terms of wealth, genetics, etc. Inequality is only justifiable when it works to the advantage of those who are worst off.

John Rawls' Theory of Justice

Theory of Justice. Equality of opportunity does not equal equality of justice


Therapists need to take reasonable steps to protect (contact police etc.) *Not legally required to warn future victim, but they can. Often misinterpreted to say that you have to. Poddar killed Tarasof, Tarasoff's parents sued saying that they should have broken confidentiality.)

Therapy vs. enhancements

Therapy-Bringing people up to normal or average. Enhancements are bringing normal people even higher. Coaches can be seen as enhancers and were banned in early olympics


Transgender people feel they live in a body of the wrong gender.


Transplantation of an organ from one species to another.

Dr. Bernard Devauchelle

Transplanted the hand of Clint Hallam and the face of Isabelle Dinoire. Loved media attention and the desire to be first.

Anoxic vs Other brain trauma

Trauma patients, in general, tend to recover in the first year or few months if they are going to recover; whereas, anoxic patients rarely recover. "It's the difference between taking a blow to the brain, which affects a local area—and taking this global, whole-brain hit."

Pros and Cons of Triage as a means of stopping disease

Triage- some parts bad behavior is entrenched. Not a medical problem but a political one. Triage such countries and ignore them. Pouring time and money to some is a waste. Ignore countries that don't need our help as well. Focus on countries in the middle.

Tricare and VHA

Tricare-aka CHAMPUS- covers active duty military personnel & their families. Part of the Department of Defense's Military Health System.

Rosalyn Schwartz

Tried to buy insurance but had preexisting condition. Insurance wouldn't cover it & insurance still cost $4k/year. Got cancer and it metastasized. $40k bill-half paid by charity. She paid $10/month to each of 12 doctors & 2 hospitals. Now qualified for disability under Medicare for $10.5k


Velcro fasteners helped plastic ventricles, but stitches popped out and had to restitch. Jarvik-7 wouldn't pump blood, so 3 times he opened the ventricle by hand and risked infection. Took 10 hours, so huge memory loss and stroke risk from anesthesia so long. Didn't have a stroke, but faculty falsely described it as a dazzling technical achievement. Had seizures and wanted to die. One of the valves broke and he had to have another surgery, blood thinners were bad news inside. He died and wife didn't even want to stay to watch the Jarvik 7 turned off because he was already dead.


Veterans Health Administration- for veterans. Part of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Founded after WWII. 2nd largest dept of the federal government.

-Eugenics Movement

Voluntary, selective breeding. Darwin- "Survival of the fittest"/"best adapted"/"fit"-How well adapted an organism is to reproduce and pass on its genes

Jesse Gelsinger

Volunteered for experimental gene therapy at Penn for OTC (ornithischians transcarbamylase) deficiency. Wanted to help save OTC babies even though it wouldn't help him. Dr. Wilson injected an adenovirus, 4 days later his liver was destroyed, blood like jelly, and organs shut down. Wilson had conflict of interest (Biogen had offered big bucks for rights to genetic therapies involving adenovirus from his company Genovo) NIH suspended medical research at a bunch of places as a result

Julian Savulescu

Wants to end secrecy and legalize banned substances


What distinguishes a human from an animal is res cognitans. Basically, humans have a soul, and animals do not. They only have extended physical stuff, res extensa, not "soul stuff." They have no soul, so they have no real pain. Humans have souls created by God, animals do not. The soul is identical to the mind, therefore; animals do not have a mind either, to be conscious you have to have a mind, therefore animals are not conscious and cannot feel pain. Science is math and matter and animals and humans, and not religion or humanities pertaining to the soul or art or ethics.


When a baby is born with the skull is closed, filled mostly water and a few pieces of brain tissue. Hydranencephalic babies usually live a lot longer than anencephalic babies


When a baby is born without cerebral hemispheres

Veil of ignorance

When arguing universal medical coverage, the decision maker can't bias choices by personal characteristics


When born, a fetus becomes a baby.


When in the womb for nine months, it is a fetus.


When sperm and egg meet, it forms an embryo.

Pat Sadoki said you should refer patients to Hospice when?

When they are unresponsive to curative therapy or treatment When continuation of treatments will increase suffering

St. Valentine's Day Massacre on the Hill

Wilkes gets popped, Abramoff goes down

Richard Lower

Worked with Shumway on rejection. Transplanted heart of Bruce Tucker (African-American) according to new HARVARD CRITERIA of brain death. He wasn't dead according to old WHOLE BODY criteria. (Virginia judge finally ruled he was cleared to do this w/new criteria)


World Health Organization


Yes Men-anti corporate pranksters set up a fake WTO website that was contacted by a conference of international lawyers to give an official talk. Fake representative said that WTO allowed citizens to auction votes to highest corporate bidder, civil war was a waste of time and resources,slavery would have given way to cheaper and more efficient system of sweatshop labor we have today. " represent the WTO better than they do themselves"

Andrew Marshall/Yoda

a revered military oracle who headed up an elite military think tank that envisions future threats to national security. Reported global warming as a threat to national security, and claimed that greenhouse gas emissions, alternative fuels and conservation efforts are worthy endeavors.

Simple Moralism

You could have done X to prevent this!

PAX technologies

a Marin County industrial design firm that develops energy efficient and ecologically friendly technologies. The mission of PAX is to dramatically reduce the use of energy in the industrial world through the application of biomimicry. PAX fans use 30% less lower, water circulation in public drinking systems using impeller.

Klebsiella planticola

a bacterium that lives in soils everywhere in the world in the root systems of every plant species that decomposes plant litter. It is genetically engineered to produce high amounts of alcohol in an attempt to produce valuable produce from waste. Drunk, dead plants.


a category between the previous ways of classifying coma patients as either comatose or vegetative


a condition in which the foreskin can't be retracted (pulled back) from around the tip of the penis

Intergenerational Remote Tyranny

a current generation of humans depleting resources & damaging the envronment at the expense of future generations of humans

Theory of Value

a definition of counts as a "good" consequence

Oklahoma vs. Skinner

a fundamental right to reproduction and control of one's body and thus blocked a law allowing involuntary sterilization of habitual criminals.

Sherri Fink

accuses Pou of legal murder; believes that Pou euthanized the last nine patients.

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)

actually had most change success in patient 60+

Single-payer system

administered by one organization. Most developed nations have this system.

Mandated Choice

adults must indicate donor status before getting drivers license

Derek Humphrey

advocate for dignified dying of the Hemlock Society; vouched for Bouvia's right to die. Like Annas, she is viewed as a heroine fighting a cold bureaucracy.

James Madison (70)

afraid of elite states and tyranny


after neither side could devour the other the merged which lead to multicellular life.

Adaptation effect

after six months or so, patients like Larry McAfee who were disabled in accidents, adapt their views about acceptable quality of life; what they once considered unacceptable then becomes acceptable.

American Civil Liberties Union

agreed to represent her if she waved confidentiality to help other homeless people

Tom Linzey

an environmental lawyer, who founded CELDF in 1995 and a strong defender of local governments and their right to make decisions about their own communities. Four corporations control over 80 percent of both hog and beef production in the US, and when Pennsylvania townships attempted to pass local laws to limit factory farms in their communities, corporate organizations opposed these local laws.

Rights of Nature

an international organization formed to build a global movement to recognize nature's legals rights

Intentional behavior

an organism seeking a goal; freedom from pain might indicate awareness

Duh Principle

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the precautionary principle, taking action to prevent harm rather than manage it.

Duh Principle

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure--aka the precautionary principle- common sense, better safe than sorry, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, look before you leap. Opposite of stupidity is wisdom.

Kantian approach (animals)

animals are "ends in themselves"

Judge George Greer

approved Michael's request to remove Terri's feeding tube, claimed that clear and convincing evidence had been met.

Dr. Moss & Dr. Siegler

argued that ARESLD causes liver failure primarily, because there aren't enough livers, and "recidivism" among alcoholics is likely, "PATIENTS WHO DEVELOP LIVER FAILURE THROUGH NOT FAULT OF THEIR OWN SHOULD HAVE FIRST DIBS", because ARESLD is a result of not obtaining treatment for alcoholism

Paul Longmore

argued that Bouvia's case reflected rank prejudice against the disabled; portrays her as a victim of a prejudiced system and if misguided, do-gooder lawyers.

Father Kevin O'Rourke

argued that feeding tubes were extraordinary care and should not be used to prolong the life of PVS patients.


argued that some criteria could be just, but they have to be made public otherwise they could discriminate ("It prefers housewives over prostitutes, working men over playboys, and scientists over poets")

Alan Shewmon

argued there was no way to distinguish between minimal consciousness and full consciousness

Ron Bailey

argues against Wexler, says that people shouldn't be coddled and should be able to handle this/make this decision on their own

McCormick conceptual slippery slope argument on embryos

asserting that if trivial reasons justify experimenting on embryos before 14 days, then similarly trivial reasons will justify experimenting on first-trimester fetuses and then on more developed fetuses.

durable power of attorney

assigns someone else the right to make financial and life/death medical decisions if the signee becomes incompetent

Begging the question

assuming something/making a statement without proof

Ad hominin

attacking the person and not the concept

Social Biomimicry

biomimicry for lessons we can apply to human social relations.

J.P Morgan

banking, had a vision for the System of all working together and have monopolies, whoever stepped out of line would see his investment capital dry up

Oklahoma v Skinner

banned involuntary sterilization of convicts...right to reproduction & control of body

Spokane Washington

became the first midsize city with a citizen movement organized and strong enough to attempt to rewrite its governance laws to limit corporate control and legalize the rights of nature.


because institutions couldn't provide individualized treatment (Wyatt) and weren't the least restrictive environment, tons of mental patients were released.

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc ("After this, therefore, Because of this")

because one event occurs before another doesn't mean the first caused the second.

Harvard Criteria of Death

behavior that indicated unawareness stimuli, lack of bodily movements, no spontaneous breathing, lack of reflexes and 2 nearly flat EEG readings 24 hours apart; "If you're Harvard dead, you're dead"

Banality of evil

belief that what one is doing is not evil, rather, what they are engaging in is a behavior that is, or has been, normalized by the society in which they reside. Not bad apples but a bad barrel

of Transplants)

benefit only the small number of people that can afford them and the cost of the treatments after.

Willie Sutton

best to rob the government because it is other people's money


both social and political meaning. Socially it means treating similar kinds of people similarly—a just physician treats each patient the same regardless of his or her insurance coverage. Politically it refers to the distributive justice and, in medicine, the allocation of scarce medical resources. Medicine is just if it treats each patient equally. Impartiality.

Buffery "signal extravagance"/What human example?

bright butterflies that are toxic to predators, imposters imitate them much like bank fraudsters who assume the poisonous colors of the too big to fail defense.

Red Herring

bringing up irrelevant issue because it is easier to attack; when someone focuses on a different issue than the one originally advocated.

Maria Sharapova

busted for using a drug (Meldonium, along with 99 other athletes) that gives you better endurance by improving blood flow

Robert Hare

called corporate people psychopaths because they ruthlessly seek their own selfish interests without regard for the harms they cause to others.

Paul Ramsey

called experimentation on unborn fetuses "unconsented- to research on unborn babies" and exploitation of a "tragical case of dying babies"- banned all federally funded research involving fetuses and human embryos.

George Lakoff

calls himself a "cognitive activist," says that "one of the fundamental findings of cognitive science is that people think in terms of frames and metaphors—conceptual structures. The frames are in the synapses of our brains—physically present in the form of neural circuitry. In other words, forget winning on the facts or the science. It's all about the story. And once stories take hold they are hard to dislodge

Seven Sister Oak trees

can withstand hurricanes because their roots grow together to make an entire community of resilience. -"megaphors"- ecological parables for how we might better organize ourselves as societies and with each other.

Great Ape Protection

can't be imprisoned, tortured, or killed. (Harvard shut down New England Primate Research Center, NIH retired 300/360 of its chimps. -Federal permit now required to import for medical studies -Now endangered by America, world chimps dropped from 1.3 million to .3 million since 1900. -Lawsuit in New York failed to release 4 from cages Europe stopped doing Draize test and others when European Union came to be.

Focal incompetence (Abernethy)

can't make decision about themselves (can be competent in other areas of their lives)

Robber baron

charged higher tolls than the normal going rate or operated as free agents, "stand and deliver"

Birthright citizenship

children of illegal immigrants who are born in america, hospitals are reimbursed by medicaid for treatment and k-12 public schooling is covered (Under ACA)

Appeal to Authority

citing a source by someone who isn't an expert, irrelevant on the topic.


class of enzyme that converts ethanol to acetaldehyde to acetate

Lynn Margulis

co-creator of the Gaia hypothesis. Microbes are most resilient. They living the longest. System not the individual species.


comes from drugging victims (Dutch Doop) or Potent alcohol/stimulant combo (S. African Dop)

Peter Kropotkin, Simon Schwendener

competition is not the rule either in the animal world or mankind, mutual aid and support provide better conditions and is the tendency of nature. Schwendener: said that lichen was not a single organism but a symbiotic mix of fungi and algae, he was ridiculed.

William Nolen

concluded that the fetus had not been outside the womb so it had not been born and thus no manslaughter charge had been warranted.

Judith Jarvis Thompson

connected to life support of a famous violinist, not OBLIGATED cause you didn't sign up for it) -"A fetus has no right to demand that a woman keep it alive" (less responsible in cases of RAPE OR FAILED CONTRACEPTION)


consequences count, not motives or intentions

Hanzel Henderson

conventional economics is a "form of brain damage", it concentrates wealth and distributes poverty, greed and self interest, conflates free markets with democracy, merges corporation and state, foreign policy is empire, catastrophic success. The driving force behind todays unprecedented globalized collapse is financial.

Keeping a sheep a sheep

convince them that they are an eagle- win the hearts and minds of the pubic, make them think that they have a say.

Corporate medicine racketeering/Morris Fishbein

corporate taking control of the medicine and making money off of it

Karl Marx

correct in saying monopoly was the ultimate logic of capitalism, incorrect in saying that workers would rise up against it. Capital organized and globalized, not labor.

Reinterpreted REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973

cover imperiled newborns as handicapped citizens. Had a phone number to report abuses in NICUs and Baby Doe Squads (lawys, govt admin, docs) to fly and investigate. FORCED more treatment of 6 infants, but didn't PROVE violation of Baby Doe rules. (Vandy&Rochester-"blitzkrieg by Baby Doe Gestapo")

Prepaid group medical coverage

covers all major medical expenses

James Lovelock

creater of the Gaia Hypothesis

Family values

crime family values, organized and disorganized crime. We say we are against big government but we are not because it provides family value. The bigger the government, the more money, the more corruption, the more regulation, more government. -why is corruption getting worse? A lack of professionalism, and a disrespect for traditional family values.

Farm & Animal Research Facilities Protection Act

crime to break into facility that breeds research animals

Milton Diamond

disagreed with John Money. "Biology and hormones make gender not social/environment."

Red herring

distracting an opponent from the real argument by raising an irrelevant but associated issue (i.e., bringing up race statistics in an abortion debate)

Green Chemistry (Paul Anastas)

does not poison or release toxic/hazardous waste, reform the process

Draize Test

does product irritate human eyes? (Uses sensitive rabbit eyes, instead of argued cell cultures/computer models

Walter Wood

donated kidney to brother thinking it would only benefit brother. Abdominal muscles ruptured during surgery and he was then in constant pain, lost job, sold house, and approached bankruptcy.

Neuroscience on Addiction

drug and alcohol users seek the feeling of ecstacy after a release of dopamine from the first high and want to recreate it.

Why we need animal research

drugs must be tested on animals to test for toxicity/possible benefit. W/o testing, many more toxic rxns in humans, injuries, etc. Progress would slow. Aresearch indispensable, reduces harm to humans from medical research

Scope of Morality Premise

each being's happiness is to count as one unit of happiness up to a certain boundary

Tragedy of the commons

each sheep owner grazed more and more sheep on the towns land and it was overgrazed to destruction. "How many refugees can we absorb without sinking the standard of living?" (But Oregon and Vermont are almost entirely white even though they have certain benefits)

Carolyn Raffensperger

ecological medicine, truly holistic medicine goes beyond mind-body connection to the planet

Doctrine of Double effect allowed abortions for two cases

ectopic pregnancy and uterine cancer.

Bonnie Steinbock

embryos important because potential for person. Moral status-embryos don't have this versus Moral Value-embryos have this. Moral Value has good reasons to protect embryos.

AAA and alcoholism as a disease

emphasizes that alcoholics have not control over their drinking and to stop drinking, must acknowledge a higher power, does not use harm reduction approach or Kantian views.

Climate Parliament

energy and climate focus, pushing to build a large scale multinational green grid within the next decade.

Greg Friend

enrolled by parents in schizophrenia study at Maryland Psychiatric Research Center to help him. After washout period to clear from blood, liver, & kidneys, Greg had hallucinations and self-loathing. Thought he could kill a kid, but to stop himself he broke his arm over a banister at home. Tried to kill himself with aspirin overdose.

David Orr

environmental educator- Author of the foreword for Dreaming the Future

Bayh-Dole Act

erased the line between universities and corporations, saying that they can both make money off of it. Created big time conflict of interest

Enrique Jimenez

estimated Evonne to be 24 weeks pregnant, ends up testifying against Edelin, watched it, claims that Edelin made the C-section, reached in, cut the placenta, and waited three minutes before removing the fetus, causing it to suffocate.

Washout period

ethical controversy, stop taking medications for 4ish weeks, but even if they resume later they may not get back to the level at which they were (Big drug companies love these because then new medication makes bigger improvements)

Community rating

evaluate risk for a large employer, state, or area. Charge same rate to every policy holder in that group. Favors ill because they can't be excluded.

Tragedy of the Commons (Organ Donation)

eventually you will go through public money and it will be so ravaged that nobody can benefit from public resources.

Cornelius Rhodes

exposed thousands of troops to Mustard Gas. Learned it killed white blood cells and cancer cells. Tried it as anticancer drug.

Rosenhall study

faked psychotic, got into institutions and nurses and psychiatrists treated them like they were even though they quit afterwards. Ironically, the other mentally ill patients could tell that they weren't. Staff made notes and SAW what they would normally see in mentally ill patients

Leaf Cutter Ants

farm fungus and have formed a symbiotic relationship. The ants captured the fungus, incorporated it into the superorganism and gained the power to digest leaves. The fungus is threatened by mold, so the ants bring in another species which provides a bacterium that is lethal to the deadly mold as well as being a fertilizer for the fungus. They grow monocultural crop year after year without disaster and are using an antibiotic so prudently they have no provoked antibiotic resistance.

Judge James Whittemore

federal judge that reviewed Terri's case again after the pro-Shindler video of her leaked. He visited her and saw that she had no chance of recovery.

Jeb Bush

filed a brief on the side of the Shindlers, he praised the parents in the media for defending their daughters right to life. Florida legislature passed Terri's Law which allowed Bush to issue a one time stay of a judge's order to remove a feeding tube in certain cases where a patient is in PVS; Florida's Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that it was unconstitutional.

Hugh Holtrop

first examined Evonne and said she was 22 weeks pregnant, assigned operation to Edelin, claimed to have gotten consent from Roe and mother for fetal experiment, gave Evonne aminoglutethamide.

Pharmaceutical pollution (intersex fish)

fish were becoming intersex due to the various drugs that were in the rivers, and the pharmaceutical companies are to blame for the pollution

Mother-Baby Pack

for HIV infected pregnant women, which sends them home from clinics with antiretrovirals and vitamins

Deficit Reduction Act

forbids medicaid from covering illegals

Automobile fuel pump

forced blood to and from body (Problem- each artery/vein could only be used once)

Blue Cross/Blue Shield

founded by surgeons and Drs.Ensure patients could pay them after hospital for catastrophic conditions.

Coast Miwok

gathered clams and sold them, claimed that by taking the clams they were keeping the beds alive. Government banned them from coming saying they were depleting the resource but they claimed to have a relationship with them. Government later concluded that what they thought was a wild resource was actually a cultivated garden kept alive and well by sophisticated caretakers.

Marl Hughes

geneticist; his technique of taking DNA from a single cell of a human embryo and testing it for cystic fibrosis. Taking the cell did not damage healthy embryos, but such testing did mean that embryos with cystic fibrosis would be destroyed and amendment prohibits this; had private funding to pursue embryonic research, but lost all federal funding because federal funds had paid for a small fridge mistakenly placed in his private lab


german word for forecaring or caring into the future

Jay Harman

gifted biomimic and self-described strategic optimist. Built efficient boats in the shapes of sea creatures. CEO of PAX Scientific. Creator of the impeller

The Dutch Approach: Delaying Puberty

give hormones to delay development of sexual organs, help them to have time to avoid unwanted changes while they seek to explore their sexuality in a supportive environment.

Impartialist Theory: Utilitarian

give to strongest w/only organ failure. Only 1st timers and no Retransplants (no matter if stranger or family)


government and corporations are having public relations with the press, dimisses reality based community, fake newscasters, corporate stealth marketers, fake journalists.


green plan, shrink carbon footprint pro-growth strategy

Brittany Maynard

had glioblastoma, the worst kind of brain cancer. Had one surgery to removed tumor but was given six months to live. Moved to Oregon because they had just passed the Death with Dignity Act. Physician assisted death.

Susan Endersbe

had suicidal tendencies and schizophrenia, but was placed on Sertindole anyways (contraindications for suicidal impulses) Leapt off bridge 3 days later.

John Boehner

handed out campaign checks from tobacco company on the House floor so he can "get credit" ; got majority leader because DeLay did not launder his money clean.

One hit, two hit Model

having 2 genes instead of one takes risk from low to high

Juan Gonzalez

heard voices (paranoid schizophrenic), killed 2 people w/sword on Staten Island Ferry


helping others, grounds compassion. If physicians intend to help diabetics, then beneficence justifies experiments on diabetics. (for their own good?)

Ad populum

if everyone does it, I can do it

Nutrient Management Act

if you are a factory farm corporation and you want to open up a facility in Pennsylvania, you have to take care of the manure that's produced from the factory farms

Keith Reemtsma

implanted Chimp kidneys in dying man

The Presidential Commission for the Study of Biomedical Issues

in 2015 recommended the US to financially support WHO in preparing for the next outbreak, identify a single gov. Official responsible for communicating accurate, timely info to public, strengthen the command structure of the US Public Health Service to respond quickly to a crisis, educate the public to reduce stigmatization of victims, and isolate those infected with the least restrictive environment

Five Year Rule

in 5yrs before application assets transferred to adult children are counted as the person's own assets.

living will

informs physicians about conditions under which a person would not want medical support


innovation inspired by nature

Charles Fiske

interrupted news conference to plead for liver donation for daughter Jamie. 30 years later she's still alive.


invented Indwelling Shunt (permanently attached to one artery and one vein, shut off between dialyses. *1000's would now live (Problem- what criteria decides who receives scarce machines?) (*These 2 inventions really helped Dentist Barney Clark) *$20,000/year originally, insurance doesn't cover because experimental, not therapeutic. Instead of leaving it to physicians. Scribner led to birth of bioethics cause he made a private issue PUBLIC


invented hemodialysis machine (and worked with Jarvik on artificial heart)

The Passing of the Idle Rich

it doesn't matter who is in office because the rich and corporations run everything, politics always comes down to the question of business efficiency.

Slippery Slope

making a small change will lead to big consequences, aka "thin edge of the wedge." Sees society as teetering and only being held up by our basic moral principles.

Disease Model (Four implications)

it's an illness & you don't choose to drink heavily; (1) if alcoholism is a disease, then alcoholics cannot simply decide not to drink. (2) if alcoholism is a disease, then alcoholics should not be blamed for being sick. (3) people with this disease should be called "patients" and should be treated like so. (4) medical insurance should cover its treatment.

Joseph Mengele

joined extreme "Brown Shirts" to promote Aryan society. "Angel of Death". Needed TWINS. Used Jews for injecting blue eye dye, removing hunchback, sewing together, exhibiting hunchbacks bodies in museum. Escaped to Paraguay and didn't regret his actions.

Robert Casey

jumped the line because of a rare genetic disease and within 10 hours received both a Heart & Liver. Argued that he was the only one who needed both, but UNOS revised criteria saying that you had to be at the top of the list for a single organ (which he hadn't) in addition to double organs.

Dr. Broelsch

knicked Teri's spleen and called it a major complication and felt so so bad to have trouble with the first patient.

Regime shift

large abrupt shifts where climate flips from one state to another

George Annas

lawyer who disagreed with Hew's decision, saying that it was not the only reasonable option. Claims that the hospital made it clear that they did not care whether Bouvia lived or died, but feared potential legal liability, they would not let her die at Riverside Hospital. When Bouvia continued to be force fed and restrained, he said that competent adults should not be force fed and that there needs to be limits on this "treatment"

CRISPR conference

less clear results than the one that resulted in voluntary guidelines for recombinant DNA technology -Easy, Cheap, Permanent -Gene edits often occur in other places besides target -Smart high-schooler can inject mother mouse with orange glow dye and offspring will also glow

Cheryl Chase

lived between genders, ambiguous genitalia, advocate for intersex people. most harm comes from parents and docs choosing the wrong sex ("Attitude that they suffer from something shameful, must be hidden and never acknowledged") should personally decide as teenagers)

David Reimer

lost penis in botched circumcision, raised a girl (Bruce, Brenda, David) Initially had urinary problem. Dr Money convinced parents to have testicles removed. (Lied to media about success and said that (Bruce) Brenda was doing great and parents were happy. But really Ron started drinking and Janet attempted suicide. Brenda ran away because she was introduced to gender neutral person. Brian died from overdose. David lost wife and brother, so he committed suicide

David Livingstone Smith

lying is a natural phenomenon; deception is widespread among nonhuman species, humans are natural born liars. Human brains grew from suspicion and double dealing, and with the size and complexity of our social groups, then came language and the need to gossip; 80-90% of our conversations are about other people.

Baby Doe Rules

made sure that disabled infants were not kept from receiving need treatment

Empirical slippery slope

maintains that taking the first action releases something "bad" in human nature, making the driving force the destructive principle in human nature

Required Request

mandates that someone at hospital ask relative upon admission of a patient (47% potential organ donors in America) *Usually family trumps signed/or unsigned donor card for brain-dead patients (docs fear lawsuits) African Americans frequently refuse to sign b/cause they're nervous they'll be prematurely declared dead

Dow Corning

manufactured silicone-filled rubber bags for breast implants. Surgeons later used less viscous gel and thinner sac so more ruptures. 20,000 lawsuits against Corning, he filed for bankruptcy to pay for court. Women were compensated for ruptures.

Resilience Thinking

means abandoning command-and-control approaches. We are not in control of ecological or human systems. Diverse approaches improve the odds. Diverse cultures enrich society's capacity to survive and thrive.

Buck vs Bell

mentally challenged Carrie Buck committed to state mental institution, Pregnant before, gave birth inside.

Flying geese

metaphor of geese that fly in V formation and rotate the lead goose to lighten the load of bucking the most severe sind resistance.

Preponderance of evidence

minimum standard; a bit of evidence

Mark Hanna

money is the most important factor in winning over politicians; two things most important in politics, one is money and I can't remember the other.

Leland Stanford

money to voters

Cognitive Criterion of personhood

moral value comes from the ability to feel pain or pleasure.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

more male oriented (Tom-boys). Most Common. Autosomal Recessive. Ambiguous genitalia, excess androgens, no 21-hydroxylase. Salt wasting. Incontinent/urinary problems. now treated in Utero

Clear and convincing evidence

more rigorous; with dying requires an advance directive or durable power of attorney

Beyond a reasonable doubt evidence

most vigorous standard; used in trials for serious felonies to establish guilt and where the accused is presumed innocent

"Crime and underwear"

national entertainment state, fast food news loops, infoganda; fake news is more popular than real news.

David Orr Precautionary Principle

need to adapt the precautionary principle and biophilia, our actions affect our environment and we need to pay close attention to ecological conditions and prerequisites that sustain all life.Taking care of nature means taking care of people, and taking care of people means taking care of nature. Sustainability is the dynamic midpoint between destruction and restoration.

Kaiser Permanente

non-profit healthcare, promoted organic food in hospitals to prevent illness and promote health of patients

Appeals to feelings and upbringings

not a reason to disapprove/discredit something

Counter argument to the slippery slope

not all change is bad and can lead to progress; changes can be undone.


not harming others. Physicians not technically competent to do something should not do it. Patients should not leave encounters with physicians worse off than when they were before


not treating any person different based on uncontrolled characteristics i.e. mental disorder, skin color, ethnicity

T. mimicus/Yes Men

octopus. Railroad were an example; shape shift into different disguises, like Yes Men who assume the identity of corporate predators for fun and social profit.

Biogenetic child

one connected genetically and biologically to 2 different females

Porter Township

one of over forty local governments in Pennsylvania to adopt a sludge ordinance that prevents sludge corporations from doing business in particular townships. Also adopted CELDF's Corporate Rights Elimination Ordinance in 2002

John Snow

one of the Fathers of Epidemilogy

Sacrifice Surgeries

one twin sacrificed in separation to help the other

Gender Identity Gate

open only between ages 2-3, closed and locked in afterwards.

Judge Richey

ordered enforcement of Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act (act creating IACUC's), criticized govt. for taking so long and claimed it only increased profitability instead of animal protection. Rejected the idea that "A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy"

Judge Warren Deering

ordered the continuation of Elizabeth's force feeding at High Desert Hospital who claimed that she was not eating enough; interpreted her low weight as "not motivated by a bona fide right to privacy but by a desire to terminate her life"; the right to privacy did not cover suicide by starvation and ordered force feeding because "saving her life was paramount."

Assembly Bill 32

passed by California, comprehensive climate change legislation


passed govt funds for all needed. Critics- "Congress took the easy way out, or others say that were passing the buck to later generations about how to pay for it. Hemophiliacs wanted similar coverage


peers found nothing wrong with it

Rawlsian contractarianism

people are self-interested and choose the basic institutions of their society in a social contract.

Parade of Dwarves

people's height correlated to their income, you would have mostly dwarves and a few giants.

Three central technologies of the twenty first century/Techno-utopians

petrochemicals, nuclear energy, and genetic engineering.

Cognitive criterion

philosophical core of properties that without such a human body is no longer a person i.e. reason, memory, agency and self-awareness (Greatest potential to generate organs for transplant; controversial and vague)

Christiaan Barnard (Heart)

piggy-backed Baboon's heart and later Chimp's heart to to 2 patients who lived less than 4 days

Brent Wilkes

pimping defense contracts to congress, earmarks. Hands an envelope to congressman, should do it in the hallway, the blonde leading the blonde, if you throw enough money at congressmen you'll get back 100 times over.

Maria New

pioneered program for Fetal Dex.

Tu Quoque ("You,too")

pointing out someone's wrong when they have confronted you. The mistaken idea that two wrongs make a right.

New localism

political power is decentralizing to effectively address bioregional realities of people and place

Mayor Ed Koch

portrayed as bad dude, but really pursuing his own agenda, helping his voters (rich)

The Precautionary Principle

precautionary steps taken even if no evidence is available to prove harm

McCormick empirical slippery slope argument on embryos

predicting that acceptance of the deaths of embryos will generalize to acceptance of deaths of fetuses.

Jared Diamond

prior civilizations have fallen by cutting down forests, eroding topsoil, and building cities in dry areas that ran short of water. Disintegration occurs suddenly once a society has reached pinnacle population, wealth, and power. Demise of Mayan civilization: political leadership.

Judge Hews

probate judge who allowed Fisher to continue force feeding Bouvia against her will; "only reasonable option since she is not terminally ill".

Newman Flanagan

prosecuted Edelin, charged him with manslaughter and wanton reckless omission or commission of an act that causes death. Claimed that waiting three minutes was "wanton reckless conduct"

Appeal to authority

quoting someone of authority in one field on an unrelated topic to bring about some form of reliability or clout to your argument

Russ Fine

radio talk show host, disability advocate, convinced Larry to stay alive.

Arjen Keuskamp

recommended immediate surgery to minimize retardation by draining hydrocephalus. W/drew from case & didn't testify in court


refers to the right to make decisions about one's own life and body without coercion by others

Hungry Ghosts

represent a fusion of rage and desire, unfulfilled cravings, insatiably demanding of impossible satisfactions, searching for gratification for old unfulfilled needs whose time has passed, emptiness within themselves, attached to the past, hunger never satisfied.

Abnormal harm

requires a norm of development that is not yet met, for example, because of a doctor's actions or omissions while a woman is carrying a fetus

Baseline harm

requires a starting point from which an adverse change is plotted; that is, it requires an existing being who is made worse off

Mental Health Parity Act

requires insurers to cover mental illness in the same way as physical illness. Reversed incentive for not working

Lawrence Washburn

right to life advocate/lawyer, Filed for FORCED TREATMENT OF BABY JANE. (Sped through courts cause people didn't want baby to die like Baby Doe) made it to Judge Tanenbaum who appointed Weber as Jane's ad litem guardian to make decisions.


root word for ecology. Proper management of the household

Judge Edward Johnson

ruled in Larry McCaffe's favor, granted his wish to be sedated before disconnecting his ventilator, declared that no civil or criminal penalty would attach to any doctor who helped.

Judge Baker

ruled in favor of parents in the end. County attorney appealed to County Court then Indiana Supreme Court and then U.S. SUPREME COURT(lost appeals) Baby died in the process

Judge Lippmann

ruled that she should be released, wasn't insane. Mayor Koch appealed to New York State Appellate Court (Overturned Lippmann decision, and said they had CLEAR AND CONVINCING from psychiatrists, slamming Lippmann). State judge ruled that they couldn't medicate her legally, so there was no point in holding her (*WYATT VS STICKNEY, if you can't help by treating, you have to let her go legally.)

Dr. Teraski

said an infant heart had been available on the VERY DAY of the xenograft.

Walter Owens

said mere blobs and shared cost

Pope John Paul II

said that removal of feeding tubes from patients in PVS was "euthanasia by omission"

NASA climatologist James Hansen

said we have till 2020 to make a massive global shift an extreme carbon makeover


sentenced to die for his political beliefs, says that we should not fear death, because no one will exist to feel pain or to miss life.

Sentience vs Consciousness/soul/"Deep-Self"

sentience- ability to feel pain-mammals vs consciousness-awareness of feeling pain- humans

Jack Abramoff

served time in prison, defrauded Native Americans who wanted to avoid taxes and defended free trade in sweatshops by changing minimum wage laws.

Onus of proof

showing proof or evidence behind doing something.

Joyce's Sisters

shunned by Joyce after she became addicted to heroin and cocaine and lost job, when they tricked her into a psychiatric ward.

Lawrence v. Texas

stated that the US Government made a mistake. Issue was not whether the Constitution conferred upon homosexuals a right to engage in sodomy but if the Constitution conferred a liberty interest to all Americans to allow consenting sex among adults. Overturned Defense of Marriage Act.

Carnegie Steel

steel company

Harlow's study of monkeys

studied scaring monkeys if they had never had a mother, robot mother etc, and they observed autistic behavior


study of formal properties of arguments, truth vs. falsehood, how premises correspond to the world. Validity-formal relations between premises and conclusion. Logic+argument with true premise+valid structure= sound

Clomid, peroginol

super ovulatory drugs

William Weber

supported parents BUT then saw chart & realized Newman had said SHE'D BE ABLE TO WALK W/BRACES & NO MICROCEPHALY. New York courts left up to parents for "medically reasonable options" which broke previous rules of child's best interest. Courts seemed to forget "Parens Patria" as got too public.

Traditional surrogacy

surrogates contribute eggs

Gestational surrogacy

surrogates do not contribute eggs; just carry fetus

reductio ad absurdum

taking a reasoning to the extreme; used in the Nazi justification

Cherry picked

term describing the act of insurance companies using Experience Rating selectively choosing who they will insure. Only chose the young/relatively healthy and excluded the sick and elderly to maximize profits and lower costs

Nancy Mullen and Carol Gill Mullen

testified that because Bouvia was suicidal, she could not rationally make decisions about her life. Gill: criticized the ACLU for backing "A handful of medical experts" who found that Bouvia was competent. Both begged the question of rational suicide. In America, a patient is legally competent until proven otherwise and proven so in a legal hearing.

Star Rover/ Ed Morrell

the dungeon man of San Quentin. A young rebel that was sentenced to life in prison for assisting in the jailbreak of an innocent man imprisoned as the leader of the Outlaws. He went through 5 years of solitary confinement and brutal torture mentally and physically. He learned to hypnotize himself and project his mind outside the prison walls to cope with his conditions: star roving. He found that love instead of hatred saved his life and had a vision for the New Era of Penology—a system of rehabilitation instead of punishment; the law of love. He is sometimes called the Father of the Honor System and became a powerful force for prison reform.

Declaration of Interdependence

the enterprise of restoration, human health security depends on restoring the health of our ecosystems which will bring in economic prosper, and global jobs through a Marshall Plan for clean energy and food security.

Principle of Totality

the human body may be changed only to ensure the proper functioning of that body. Ex. cancerous breast removed.

Paradox of Harm

the idea that someone can be harmed by being born

Natural capitalism

the limiting factor to human well-being and development is no longer human-made capital in the developed world; it is life itself. As more people place greater strain on living systems, limits to prosperity are coming to be determined by scarcities of natural systems rather than industrial prowess

Social Darwinism

the market is the one place that it has not been wholly discredited because the ideological heirs of the robber barons continue to promote the fraud that the extreme concentration of wealth and power is a natural law operating for the greatest good.


the natives did this in order to clear brush and and remove undesirable trees, it was beneficial because it fostered grasses that were useful, and it promoted the overall health of the forest


the number of being affected by a consequence matters; the more beings affected, the more important the result

Harm Principle (Mill)

the only purpose for which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of acivilized community, against his will. Is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.


the resonance that live has for life

William Beaumont

treated St. Martin for a bullet wound, employed him as a servant to continue monitoring because healed with a hole. *Discovered that stomach juices digest food. Caught him when he ran away to keep observing.

Peter Kramer

treated Tess with Prozac and she overcame her fears, left public housing, etc. (not sure if we need to know more)

Syphilophobia Campaign

tried to reduce syphilis through Muscular Christianity (*Running when you haves sexual desires)

Richard Nixon

tried to rein in costs in medicine through Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

Charles Darwin

the species most responsive to change survive


thought to eradicated, broke out in Guinea due to poverty, lack of functional health systems, and break downs after war, quickly spread to liberia and sierra leone. Killed 60-70 percent of those infected in horrible ways. Lack of proper medical care, training, and traditional funeral practices quickly spread the disease

Pope Pius XII

told physicians that they need not take heroic steps to keep such dying patients alive: patients were owed merely ordinary, but not extraordinary treatments.

Judge McGuir

told the jury that Roe vs. Wade was "absolutely controlling"; it became important to determine if Evonne's fetus was viable or not. Told jury not to view the picture of the dead fetus "from any emotional point of view", said that an unborn fetus was not a person, jury had to decide if the fetus had been alive outside of Evonne's body and did the baby die as a result of wanton reckless conduct by Edelin.

Goldman Sachs

toxic mortgages as financial instruments, got labeled as AAA securities, sold to investors, risk in financial system, betting against instruments they sold and profiting at expense of clients. Lipstick on a pig routine, as economy crumbled they locked the door and got rich, Hall of mighty corporate fame status.

Michael Shiavo

transferred Terri to rehabilitation center, became Terri's legal guardian. He received a settlement from the malpractice case against Terri's obstetrician for failing to diagnose a potassium imbalance, he got $750,000 for a trust fund and $300,000 for loss of her companionship, became a certified respiratory therapist, wanted to remove her feeding tube, claimed that she would not want to live in a vegetative state.

Vicious to virtuous cycle

transform global economy, economics driving destruction, it needs to power the restoration.

Green Collar jobs

transition to alternative energy, clean technology, zero waste systems, green building, and organic farming, meaningful jobs and living wage.


transplanted 2 weeks later but he wasn't even ready to prevent rejection. (Had received heart-lung machine from Wangansteen to do kidney transplants.)

Dr. Murray

transplanted kidney from Ronald Herrick into twin Richard. No rejection since twins and so benefits outweighed "Do no harm" concern.

Dr. Lower

transplanted the heart of Bruce Tucker by Harvard Criteria but not whole-body criteria (Judge in Virginia finally ruled it was ok)

Mickey Mantle

was chosen two days after a CT scan showed he had a liver tumor and ESLD after alcoholism for decades. When he was chosen over others, people were very mad because it was his celebrity status that got him chosen despite cancer and bad choices. He died 3 months later and caused uproar against UNOS

Denise Darvall

was in car accident and dad selflessly wanted her heart to be able to save Washy. Washy's femoral artery almost burst the tubes, so they moved them to aorta. -If patient's progress held, he would have him home in 3 weeks. -inserted a nasogastric tube, placed him on a respirator (not sure if this day or if he resisted Barnard until the 18th) -He took money from journalists to see him and Washkansky saying that it would "benefit future patients" -He wouldn't even let his wife touch him because of "dangers of infection" but then he was fine with media coming in and suddenly didn't care about the risk of infection

Moral Relativism

we can't blame other cultures/religions/places for what they think is wrong or right. Nothing is wrong across all cultures and societies especially in different time periods, Ex. Nazi physicians

Nancy Klein

went into coma in early pregnancy, antiabortionists chanted against it but husband and docs wanted abortion to increase her cerebral blood volume. she awoke 11 months later and now lives normal life.

Early Native American fishing treaties

were treating among the different groups/cultures living along the river to regulate fishing

Begging the Question

when a conclusion that requires good reasons is assumed without argument; "assuming without proof"

Genetic criterion of personhood

when sperm and egg meet and merge genes, a genetically unique individual is created, the embryo has all the potential in its DNA to be a full person.

Kendra's Law

which a psychiatrist or relative can force hospitalization for a mentally ill person who has been hospitalized within the past three years, who has a history of violence, and who will not take his/her medication. 45/50 states have passes laws similar to Kendra's Law such as Assisted Outpatient Treatment programs, where outpatients can be forced to take medication and remain under supervision

Corporate Rights Elimination Ordinance

which declared that corporations would not be considered persons.

Peter Buxton

whistleblower for Tuskegee study

Godwin's Law

why Nazi euthanasia was not valid; it had nothing in common with (1) competent patients who are dying, (2) voluntarily request assistance in dying, and Nazi "euthanasia" was also (3) not "good deaths" but mass murders.

Sherri Finkbine

with her 5th child took drug for anti nausea that actually deforms babies. Wanted abortion but attorney threatened to prosecute so she flew to Sweden to have her baby aborted. Many people subsequently demanded abortion legalized.

Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth

women do not need to get consent for an abortion from either a matrimonial or a biological father. Parents of teenage girls cannot veto over a decision to have an abortion.

Caitlyn Jenner

won Olympic gold metal, then decided to switch to female and have gene therapy To become a woman. ("I am Cait tv show). As a result, UAB and other medical centers began special clinics for intersex & transgender patients

Jane Goodall

worked with Humane society & Singer to push for banning research on chimps (want NIH to move all chimps to Louisiana, want the GREAT APE PROTECTION & COST SAVING ACT

Henry David Thoreau

wouldn't have gotten dialysis machine from god Committee because he was a naturalist out in the woods away from society

Lyndon Johnson

wrangled Medicare into law. Aimed at helping poor seniors during illness. Later expanded to all seniors over 65 & income requirements were dropped.

Carl Elliott

wrote Better than Well. Millions created drug dependent will have newer versions of themselves that may be fake

Alex Capron

wrote about Bailey criticism. "Doubts linger about adequacy of info provided before surgery AND about their personal difficulties that may have made it impossible to freely choose. Did they erroneously think that it was the only "right" thing to do?"

Joseph Colao

wrote prescriptions for anabolic steroids for tons of police & firemen (they didn't need them) - transformed himself into the hulk by taking steroids but suddenly died of heart failure.

Harry Laughlin

wrote that Carrie Buck had a "feeble look" and that she "lived a life of immortality and promiscuity" and that all Bucks belonged to the "shiftless, ignorant, worthless class of anti-social whites of the South." Supreme Court upheld Virginia law to sterilize her. (INVOLUNTARILY)

Marcus Aurelius

wrote that suicide surpassed undignified dying. Defended the idea of the open door: "if the room is smoky, if only moderately, I will stay; if there is too much smoke, I will go. Remember this, keep a firm hand on it, the door is always open."

Navajo insult

you act like you have no relatives, we treat the earth like we have no relatives to leave it to

Medicare Premise

young healthy citizens should pay for medical care of sick and elderly. Johnson's Great Society Legislation- created Headstart, food Stamps, VISTA, & Aid to families w/ dependent children (AFDC)

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