BIOL 1407 TEST 3

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Which group of gymnosperms is found in tropical and subtropical forests? Ginkgoes Conifers Cycads Gnetophytes Lycophytes


Which of the following floral structures are present during the diploid stage of a flowering plant's life cycle? Anther Ovule Sporophyte Pollen grain Everything except the pollen grain.

Everything except the pollen grain.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the germinated pollen grain? The generative cell produces two sperm. The pollen tube forms in the style. The tube cell produces the pollen tube. There are two sperm nuclei that move down the pollen tube to the micropyle. Fertilization occurs when the pollen grain germinates.

Fertilization occurs when the pollen grain germinates.

Which of the following tissue types are found only in the zone of cell division of the root tip? xylem & phloem endodermis ground meristem None of these are restricted to just the zone of cell division of the root tip. All of these are restricted to the zone of cell division of the root tip.

None of these are restricted to just the zone of cell division of the root tip.

Seeds require _____ for germination to occur. oxygen for increased metabolism adequate warmth adequate water All of the choices are required.

All of the choices are required.

Which of the following events is not associated with the development of the female gametophyte? A single parenchyma cell will enlarge to become a megaspore mother cell. The megaspore undergoes meiosis producing four haploid megaspores. The nucleus of the megaspore divides mitotically to produce eight nuclei. The female gametophyte will contain three antipodal cells. All of these are associated with the development of the female gametophyte.

All of these are associated with the development of the female gametophyte.

Which of the following structures is a stem adaptation instead of a root adaptation? stolons rhizomes tubers corms These are all are stem adaptations.

These are all are stem adaptations.

What is the correct sequence of events during the life cycle of a moss? a. Gametes are produced in the archegonia and antheridia b. Spores are released. c. The zygote develops within the archegonium. d. The mature sporophyte develops from the gametophyte and produces spores. e. Flagellated sperm swim towards the egg for fertilization. f. Spore germinates into the protonema. a - e - c - d - b - f a - e - f - d - b - c a - b - d - c - b - f f - e - b - d - a - c

a - e - c - d - b - f

Which of the following features would have helped early plant ancestors evolve to a terrestrial existence? a cuticle apical cells plasmodesmata placenta All of these features would have helped.

a cuticle

Which of the following fruits is a compound fleshy fruit? tomato peach blackberry pineapple All of these are compound fleshy fruits.


Molecular data suggests that land plants evolved from charophytes. rhodophyta. dinoflagellates. the water molds. ciliates.


The name monocot and eudicot are derived from the differences in the number of roots. cotyledons. seeds. None of the choices are correct.


In the fern life cycle, the _____ generation is dominant. haploid gametophyte diploid gametophyte haploid sporophyte diploid sporophyte

diploid sporophyte

To prepare a microscope slide of mitosis, where would one most likely find examples of cell division in a plant? near the root tip in a tree trunk, near the center anywhere in the mesophyll of a leaf at the center of a root, back from the tip

near the root tip

A megasporocyte is found in the anther. stigma. ovule. filament. style.


Which of these plant tissue types most closely corresponds to the "typical" unspecialized plant cell? xylem phloem collenchyma sclerenchyma parenchyma


Which of the following structures is found in the monocot seed but not in the eudicot seed? radicle cotyledon plumule pericarp


Vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients and sugars from the leaves to the roots is xylem. phloem. cambium. periderm. sclerenchyma.


The first fossil evidence of vascular tissue is seen in the green algae. tracheophytes. rhyniophytes. bryophytes. tree ferns.


If a plant contains seven bud scale scars this would indicate that the plant is _____ years old. four seven fourteen You cannot tell the age of a plant by the number of bundle scars.


Farmers have been able to genetically engineer a wide variety of crops that possess an enormous diversity of traits. If a farmer wanted to increase the ability of his crops to access ground water that is several meters below ground which type of root system would he want? taproot prop roots fibrous roots pneumatophores aerial roots


Asexual reproduction in the liverwort Marchantia is by means of the detachment of gemmae. budding of daughter cells. fragmentation of plant tissue. the fusion of antheridial and archegonial products.

the detachment of gemmae.

A characteristic only shared by angiosperms and gymnosperms is vascular tissue. fruit production. the production of seeds. protection of the embryo.

the production of seeds.

Which of the following statements about fruits is NOT true? A blackberry is an example of a simple fruit. A fleshy fruit has a fleshy pericarp, as in a peach. Most fruits are simple fruits, derived from a single ovary. A dry fruit may split at maturity to release its seeds, as in a pea or bean pod. A multiple fruit, such as a pineapple, forms from many individual flowers on a stem.

A blackberry is an example of a simple fruit.

Plant roots function to anchor the plant. store the products of photosynthesis. produce hormones that stimulate stem growth. All of the choices are plant root functions.

All of the choices are plant root functions.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of plant cells? Centrioles are present during mitosis. Cell wall is present. Plasmodesmata are present. Plastids are present.

Centrioles are present during mitosis.

Which group of gymnosperms is represented by only one surviving species? Ginkgoes Conifers Cycads Gnetophytes Pines


Which of the following groups of plants contain microphylls? Lycophytes Pteridophytes Bryophytes Gymnosperms Angiosperms


Seedless vascular plants include all of the following EXCEPT Psilotum—Pteridophytes. horsetails—Sphenophyta. Sphagnum—Bryophyta. whisk ferns—Psilotophyta.


Which of these statements is NOT true about fertilization in a fern plant? An egg is produced in an archegonium. A sperm is produced in an antheridium. The sperm is carried by the wind to the egg. The eggs and sperm are produced on the same plant. Eggs and sperm are produced by the gametophyte generation.

The sperm is carried by the wind to the egg.

All of the following statements are true about seed germination EXCEPT all seeds require a period of dormancy before germinating. in the temperate region, seeds often require a period of cold weather before dormancy is broken. fleshy fruits contain inhibitors of germination. some seeds require fire or bacterial action before germination can occur.

all seeds require a period of dormancy before germinating.

All of the following structures are associated with lycophytes EXCEPT archegonia. rhizome. microspores. microphylls.


Molecular data shows that land plants and charophytes are in different clades and form a polyphyletic group. are in the same clade and form a monophyletic group. do not share common ancestry. are in the same clade but form a polyphyletic group. are in different clades but form a monophyletic group.

are in the same clade and form a monophyletic group.

Bee-pollinated flowers are red. are predominately blue or yellow. have little odor. All of the choices apply.

are predominately blue or yellow.

Which component of the flowering plant is considered the female portion of the plant? carpel stamen style corolla


All of the following are taproots that are consumed as vegetables EXCEPT carrots. celery. turnips. radishes. beets.


In a 1977 article in Science, a botanist reported the strange case of the Tambalacoque tree (Calvaria major) from the Mauritius Islands in the Indian Ocean. All of the trees appeared to be hundreds of years old, so their seedlings date back prior to the extinction of the dodo bird. The seeds of Calvaria are very hard and needed to pass through the digestive tract of the dodo bird before they would germinate. When there were no more dodo birds, no more young Calvaria trees germinated. The relationship between the dodo bird and the Tambalacoque tree is an example of micropropagation. spontaneous dispersal. coevolution. genetic engineering. vegetative propagation.


When a monocot such as corn germinates, the immature leaves are covered by a _____ while the radicle is covered by the _____. hypocotyle; primary root hypocotyle; epicotyl coleoptile; coleorhiza plumule; coleorhiza

coleoptile; coleorhiza

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of cells with primary walls thickened at the corners that provide support for immature parts of the cell body? xylem phloem collenchyma sclerenchyma parenchyma


All of the following are specialized epidermal cells except root hairs. trichomes. collenchyma. guard cells.


You need to identify a plant, but it is winter and the leaves have fallen to the ground and mixed with leaves from other plants. The parts of flowers, fruits, and seed leaves of germinating seeds are not available either. Your best clue to identify the plants as a monocot or a eudicot is to inspect the stem for woody bark, as only eudicots have woody tissue. determine if there are parallel xylem tubes in the stem to identify it as a monocot. determine if the roots lack phloem and xylem to identify it as a monocot. cut the stem and if the vascular bundles are in a distinct ring, it is a monocot. cut the stem and if the vascular bundles are scattered in the stem, it is a monocot.

cut the stem and if the vascular bundles are scattered in the stem, it is a monocot.

A typical leaf is composed of multiple layers of specialized cells. What is the correct order of layers starting on the upper surface of the leaf and progressing to the lower surface? cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - spongy mesophyll- epidermis - cuticle cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - epidermis - spongy mesophyll - cuticle epidermis - cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - epidermis - spongy mesophyll palisade mesophyll - cuticle - epidermis - epidermis - spongy mesophyll - cuticle

cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - spongy mesophyll- epidermis - cuticle

What is the correct sequence for the development of a eudicot embryo? a. Globular stage b. Heart stage c. Proembryo stage d. Mature embryo e. Zygote forms f. Torpedo stage e - c - a - b - f - d e - b - c - a - f - d d - e - a - b - f - c d - a - e - b - f - c

e - c - a - b - f - d

Many plants are totipotent, which means they are capable of providing their own nutrition, requiring no external nutritional sources. each cell of the plant has the genetic capability of developing into an entire plant they are incapable of dividing to produce daughter cells. they are metabolically inactive, existing in a state of dormancy.

each cell of the plant has the genetic capability of developing into an entire plant

Which of the following tissues forms the outer protective covering of the plant? epidermal tissue ground tissue meristematic tissue vascular tissue

epidermal tissue

Identify the incorrect pairing of tissue type with cell type. ground tissue - collenchyma cells epidermal tissue - parenchyma cells vascular tissue - xylem epidermal tissue - cuticle

epidermal tissue - parenchyma cells

Which of the following tissue types will produce root hairs within the zone of maturation? epidermis cortex endodermis vascular tissue


The meristems that arise from the apical meristem include all of the following EXCEPT protoderm. ground meristem. epidermis. procambrium.


Which portion of the plant life cycle is haploid? gametophyte sporophyte Both sporophyte and gametophyte are haploid. zygote


Which of these vascular plants produce seeds? ferns club mosses whisk ferns gnetophytes horsetails


In the moss life cycle, the _____ is the dominant generation. haploid gametophyte diploid gametophyte haploid sporophyte diploid sporophyte

haploid gametophyte

Gymnosperms are characterized by producing "naked seeds." Which of the following groups is NOT classified as a gymnosperm? horsetails cycads conifers gnetophytes ginkgoes


All of the following statements about cell suspension cultures are true EXCEPT digitalis, digitoxin, and quinine are produced by cell suspension culture. large numbers of plants are grown and collected from the natural environment to produce chemicals in the laboratory. chemicals are produced and extracted in high concentrations, sometimes from genetically modified cells. cell suspension cultures produce the same chemicals the entire plant produces.

large numbers of plants are grown and collected from the natural environment to produce chemicals in the laboratory.

In older woody plants, the epidermis of the stem is replaced by trichomes. tracheids. collenchyma. periderm.


The function of endosperm is to form the seedling. develop into the fruit. provide water to the embryo. provide nutrients to the embryo. provide a protective coating for the embryo.

provide nutrients to the embryo.

Which of the following structures is an underground horizontal stem? bulb rhizome corm stolon


The layers of cells that protect the root apical meristem are the cortex. endodermis. bark. root cap. periderm.

root cap.

The structures in the outermost ring of floral structures that cover and protect the bud are carpels. sepals. receptacles. petals. stamens.


In gymnosperms and angiosperms, seeds disperse the _____ stage of the life cycle and in mosses and ferns, spores disperse the _____ stage of the life cycle. sporophyte; sporophyte gametophyte; sporophyte sporophyte; gametophyte microsporocytes; megasporocytes

sporophyte; gametophyte

All of the following are true about bryophytes EXCEPT they are now the most abundant plant group on land. they can be found from the Antarctic to the tropics. they produce peat that can be used as fuel. they erode rocks to produce soil.

they are now the most abundant plant group on land.

Angiosperms have two separate gametophytes because this is normal for alternation of generations. one can survive and fertilize without the need for external water. the microgametophyte is haploid and the megagametophyte is diploid. these two structures allow fertilization without the need for external water. this is normal for all sexually reproducing plants, where sperm are produced by microgametophytes and eggs by megagametophytes.

this is normal for all sexually reproducing plants, where sperm are produced by microgametophytes and eggs by megagametophytes

Identify the species that is NOT classified as a pteridophyte. Marchantia Equisetum Hart's tongue Psilotum


An axillary bud may produce nothing—it is shed with the leaf. a lateral branch or a flower. wood and lateral branches. inhibitors of growth.

a lateral branch or a flower.

Which of the following is NOT a simple fruit? peach pea rice pineapple


The anther and filament are parts of the pistil. sepal. receptacle. petal. stamen.


All of the following are milestones in the evolution of plants EXCEPT nourishment of a multicellular embryo within the body of the female plant. the development of vascular tissues to conduct water and solutes throughout the body of the plant. seed production. the switch to chlorophyll as the primary photosynthetic pigment. flower production.

the switch to chlorophyll as the primary photosynthetic pigment.

Which of the following descriptions applies to megaphylls? can be found in both the pteridophytes and seed plants are broad leaves with branched veins allowed early plants to photosynthesize more efficiently evolved around 370 MYA All of the answer choices apply to megaphylls.

All of the answer choices apply to megaphylls.

Which of the following methods is used by plants when they are undergoing asexual reproduction? Production of stolons. Development of rhizomes. Growth of suckers from the root base of specific types of trees. All of the answer choices are methods of asexual reproduction in plants.

All of the answer choices are methods of asexual reproduction in plants.

Considering that leaf stoma have the conflicting functions of allowing gaseous carbon dioxide into the leaf, yet preserving the plant's supply of water, which of the following is (are) reasonable? A submerged-water plant would have no stoma. Tree leaves that orient flat and present the top side to the sun would have most of their stoma on the bottom of the leaf. Corn, oats, rice, and wheat-all monocots-have relative upright blades with sunlight hitting both sides and would have stoma distributed evenly on both sides. All of the choices are reasonable. None of the choices are reasonable, since stoma are found uniformly on all type of leaves.

All of the choices are reasonable.

A flower is the sexual reproductive organ. is composed of whorls of modified leaves. serves to attract animal pollinators. may contain male and female reproductive parts. All of the choices characterize flowers.

All of the choices characterize flowers.

Consider the possibility that we discover a gene that regulates both the amount of root hairs and where root hairs grow on a root tip. Since the surface area provided by root hairs is so critical to their uptake of water and nutrients, expanding their growth area seems a great advantage. However, which of these might be a problem? Growth of root hairs in the zone of cell division would interfere with root cell proliferation. Growth of root hairs in the root cap would cause them to be shredded off since this area takes substantial abrasion. Growth of root hairs in the zone of elongation would cause them to be shredded off as they anchored in soil and the root lengthened. All of these choices pose a problem.

All of these choices pose a problem.

Which statement is NOT true of the epidermis of a plant? The epidermis covers the entire body of a herbaceous plant. Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells found on root surfaces. The epidermis is impervious to gas exchange. Root hairs increase the surface area of epidermal cells on roots. Cork cells replace epidermal cells on older woody plants.

Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells found on root surfaces.

Which statement about leaves is NOT correct? The epidermis is covered by a waxy layer of cuticle that reduces water loss. Gas exchange occurs through tiny openings in the leaf surface called stomata. Regulation of gas exchange through the leaf is the responsibility of the guard cells. Vascular tissue is arranged in a net pattern in eudicots and a parallel pattern in monocots. In eudicots, the photosynthetic mesophyll is made up of an upper spongy layer and a lower palisade layer.

In eudicots, the photosynthetic mesophyll is made up of an upper spongy layer and a lower palisade layer.

As a botanist working for a field museum, you spend many hours in the field looking for new species. On a recent trip you may have discovered a new plant species. Your observations of the new plant include small leaves with a single, unbranched vein and roots that seem to be simple extensions of the stem. Your new plant species is probably a(n): Gnetophyte Lycophyte Angiosperm Liverwort Fern


Many homeowners often attempt to transplant bushes and small trees but with limited success. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this? Most homeowners pull the bush out without clearing enough of the soil from around the root system. This causes the lateral roots and root hairs to be torn off. Most homeowners pull the bush out without clearing enough of the soil from around the root system. This causes the branching roots to be torn off. Most homeowners cut the bush off at the base and don't have any of the root system available. Most homeowners remove too many of the leaves, not allowing the plant to efficiently run photosynthesis.

Most homeowners pull the bush out without clearing enough of the soil from around the root system. This causes the lateral roots and root hairs to be torn off.

Which statement is NOT true about vascular tissue in plants? In leaves, the vascular tissue is found in the leaf veins. In stems, the vascular tissue is found in the vascular bundles. Phloem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports sugars. Xylem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports water and minerals. In roots, the vascular tissue is found in the central vascular cylinder.

Phloem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports sugars.

Which of these typically occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms? Seeds develop within a cone. Seeds develop within a flower. Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity. Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination. Pollen is carried by animal pollinators.

Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination.

As a botanist working for a field museum, you spend many hours in the field looking for new species. On a recent trip you may have discovered a new plant species. The plant is very short, and has a stem but no roots or leaves. The stem forks and has branches that have sporangia on the tips. Further analysis reveals vascular tissue. What type of plant might you have discovered? Gymnosperm Bryophyte Angiosperm Gingko Rhyniophyte


Which statement is NOT true about woody stems? Woody stems contain secondary growth. Secondary phloem accumulates to form the wood. The stem is organized into a central pith, wood, and outer bark. Cork cambium produces waterproof cork cells that become bark. The vascular cambium is located between the xylem and phloem of the vascular bundles in a woody stem.

Secondary phloem accumulates to form the wood.

Which of the following mechanisms is NOT as likely to disperse seeds at a great distance from the parent plant? Coconuts are carried by ocean currents. Squirrels bury seeds and nuts for future use. Seeds are dispersed as projectiles from the parent plant. Hooks and spines attach the seed to animal fur or human clothing. Seeds eaten with fruit by animals are dropped with the animals' feces.

Seeds are dispersed as projectiles from the parent plant.

It is possible to take a mature fern frond and rub the circular brown growths on the lower surface over a wet plug of peat moss. Soon small heart-shaped green structures grow on the nutritious peat moss plugs. What has happened? Eggs and sperm released from the underside of the fern frond united on the peat plug and grew into sporophyte prothalli. Spores released from the underside of the frond germinated on the peat plug and formed the gametophyte called a prothallus. Spores released from the underside of the fern frond germinated on the peat plug and formed sporophyte rhizomes that give rise to many indusium. Gametes released from the underside of the fern frond germinated on the peat plug and formed a sporophyte structure called an archegonium. Zygotes released from the bottom of the fern frond germinated on the peat plug and grew into gametophyte fiddleheads.

Spores released from the underside of the frond germinated on the peat plug and formed the gametophyte called a prothallus.

Which one or more of the following is true about root endodermis? The endodermis forms a boundary between the cortex and inner vascular cylinder of the root. The endodermis contains impermeable lignin and suberin called a Casparian strip that controls water and nutrient movement between adjacent cell walls. The endodermis is two to three layers of spherical cells. All of the choices are true of root endodermis. The endodermis forms a boundary between the cortex and inner vascular cylinder of the root and contains impermeable lignin and suberin.

The endodermis forms a boundary between the cortex and inner vascular cylinder of the root and contains impermeable lignin and suberin.

Which of the following statements about lycophytes is correct? The megaspores will develop into female gametophytes. The microspores will develop into female gametophytes. The megaspores will develop into male gametophytes. Lycophytes were the first land plants to evolve megaphylls.

The megaspores will develop into female gametophytes.

Which of the following features are necessary to classify a plant as a monocot? The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves, and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. The plant will contain two cotyledons, have parallel veins in the leaves, and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. The plant will contain one cotyledon, have a netted vein pattern in the leaves, and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves, and the flowers will be in multiples of fours or fives. The plant will contain one cotyledon, have vascular bundles in a distinct ring, and the flowers will be in multiples of threes.

The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves, and the flowers will be in multiples of threes

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the arrangement of tissues in the eudicot root? The specialized root tissues are seen at the zone of maturation. The epidermis of the root has no cuticle on its outer surface, unlike other epidermal tissues. The pericycle is the outer layer of cells in the vascular cylinder, with the ability to form secondary or branch roots. The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of phloem. The Casparian strip is a waxy lining on four sides of the cells of the endodermis, which forces water into the endodermal cells.

The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of phloem.

This plant is a monocot. This plant is a eudicot. Not enough information is provided to differentiate the plant as a monocot or eudicot.

This plant is a monocot.

Which of the following statements best describes a herbaceous eudicot stem? Vascular bundles are arranged scattered throughout the stem which also stores water and the products of photosynthesis. Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring and the cortex and pith are not distinguishable. Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring which stores water and the products of photosynthesis. Vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem which is also capable of conducting photosynthesis. The stem is composed of primary and secondary tissues.

Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring which stores water and the products of photosynthesis.

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation of plants to life on land? protection of the embryo from drying out waxy cuticle on leaves to prevent drying out waxy cuticle on roots to prevent drying out vascular system (in most plants) to move water internally

Waxy cuticle on roots to prevent drying out

Damage to the parenchyma cells can lead to which of the following issues? a decrease in the plant's ability to run photosynthesis or store the sugars produced from photosynthesis an increase in the plant's ability to run photosynthesis and storing the sugars produced from photosynthesis a decrease in the plant's ability to defend against predators a decrease in the structural support for various components of the plant

a decrease in the plant's ability to run photosynthesis or store the sugars produced from photosynthesis

Double fertilization in an angiosperm produces a diploid zygote and a haploid polar nucleus. a diploid zygote and a diploid endosperm. a diploid embryo and a triploid zygote. a triploid embryo and a diploid endosperm. a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.

a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.

A fifteen-foot tree growing in a fence row is used as a fence post, to which barbed wire is stapled at a height of five feet. Years later, the tree is thirty feet high. The fence is twenty feet up because it added fifteen feet to the original five-foot height. split because the trunk grew up but the bottom stayed at ground level. fifteen feet up because the tree doubled in height. twenty feet up, still ten feet from the top of the tree. approximately five feet up since a tree grows longer at the tips of its stem, branches, and roots.

approximately five feet up since a tree grows longer at the tips of its stem, branches, and roots.

The first plants to colonize land were the gametophytes. bryophytes. pteridophytes. lycophytes.


As a botanist working for a field museum, you spend many hours in the field looking for new species of plant. On a recent trip, you came across a group of plants that may represent a new species. Each plant has seeds but they are not encased in fruit. Additionally, you notice that male and female cone structures are found on different plants. The cones are very large, and you determine average weight to be 30 kg. In which of the following groups would this plant most likely be classified? fern angiosperm gnetophyte cycad conifer


Angiosperms are referred to as _____ when the male and female reproductive parts are on different individuals of the same species. dioecious monoecious tetraploid bryophytes


The fiddlehead is a _____ that unfolds into a _____. diploid gametophyte; fern frond diploid sporophyte; fern frond haploid sporophyte; fern frond haploid gametophyte; fern frond diploid gametophyte; moss plant

diploid sporophyte; fern frond

Which of the following features would disqualify a plant from being classified as a bryophyte? nonvascular tissues gametophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle presence of flagellated sperm ability to reproduce sexually and asexually dispersal of gametes by wind

dispersal of gametes by wind

If you have picked a bouquet of anther-less flowers, you have picked male gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes. female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes. sporophytes retained within the body of microgametophytes. sporophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes. microgametophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes.

female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.

In the alternation of generations life cycle of plants, gametes are produced by the sporophyte. fruit. gametophyte. homospores. strobili.


The cortex found in the center of a dicot stem or a monocot root is made of what type of tissue? ground tissue epithelial tissue vascular tissue dermal tissue

ground tissue

Which of the following tissues makes up the majority of the interior of the plant? ground tissue epidermal tissue meristem vascular tissue

ground tissue

Which method of asexual reproduction would be most likely to occur in a wild population of plants? This method enables the parent plant to produce multiple offspring that start to grow away from the parent plant. growth of stolons growth of rhizomes production of suckers from the parent plant The root develops slips which can produce new offspring.

growth of stolons

During which stage of eudicot development does the embryo continue to enlarge and elongate and the cotyledons become obvious? zygote stage proembryo stage globular stage heart stage torpedo stage

heart stage

A moth-pollinated flower is likely to have lightly colored flowers, no landing area, and strong sweet perfume. white flowers with short tubes, a wide landing area, and no odor. blue or yellow flowers, a wide landing area, and not very much odor. blue or yellow flowers, a wide landing area, and no odor. red flowers that open in daytime, a wide landing area, and an odor resembling dead meat.

lightly colored flowers, no landing area, and strong sweet perfume.

A microspore develops into a(n) seed. sporophyte. male gametophyte. female gametophyte. ovule.

male gametophyte.

The microspore develops into a megasporocyte. female gametophyte. microsporocyte. male gametophyte. zygote.

male gametophyte.

Which of the following features would NOT be found in bryophytes? alternation of generations megaphylls flagellated sperm a gametophyte dependent on the sporophyte


Flagellated sperm and a sporophyte that is dependent on the gametophyte are characteristics of gymnosperm. angiosperm. ferns. moss. lycophytes.


The mesophyll layer of leaves is important to plants because it keeps the plant from drying out. it anchors the plant to the soil. most of the water needed for photosynthesis is absorbed here. most of the photosynthesis occurs here.

most of the photosynthesis occurs here.

Ovules are contained within the ovary. stigma. anther. filament. style.


The number of growing seasons that a plant survives is determined by two flower-inducing genes, LEAFY and Apetala 1. If scientists were to block these genes resulting in an annual plant to survive multiple growing seasons, how would this plant now be described? perennial monocot eudicot vegetative


Which of the flowering plant structures is used to attract a specific type of pollinator? petals stamens sepals carpel


During the spring and fall each year thousands of maple trees are tapped for their fluids in order to make "real" maple syrup. If you were to tap into a maple tree to extract the syrup (sucrose) which tissue layer do you want to tap into? phloem xylem epidermis ground tissue periderm


Which of these plant tissue types is composed of sieve-tube members and companion cells, and transports organic nutrients made in the leaves? xylem phloem collenchyma sclerenchyma parenchyma


Evidence for the evolution of plants from a feshwater algal species is supported by all of the following EXCEPT: both green algae and plants have chlorophylls a and b and various accessory pigments. both green algae and plants store excess carbohydrates as starch and have cellulose in their cell walls. molecular evaluation of ribosomal RNA provides evidence of the evolutionary relationship of plants and green algae. plants and green algae share a significant number of structural similarities in root, stem, and leaf structures.

plants and green algae share a significant number of structural similarities in root, stem, and leaf structures.

Which of the following is a male reproductive structure found in plants? archegonia megaspore pollen cone pistil

pollen cone

In the pine life cycle fertilization occurs shortly after pollination to produce the zygote. the gametophyte generation is dominant and the sporophyte generation is inconspicuous. seed cones are smaller than pollen cones. seed cones are located near the tips of higher branches and pollen cones develop near the tips of lower branches. the cone is the fruit that surrounds the seeds.

pollen cones develop near the tips of lower branches.

The transfer of pollen from an anther to the stigma of a carpel is germination. pollination. fertilization. coevolution.


The function of fruit is to attract pollinators. protect and help disperse seeds. supply nutrients to the embryo. protect flower buds.

protect and help disperse seeds.

Which of the following is a trait that evolved in ALL land plants? protection of the embryo apical growth vascular tissue seeds

protection of the embryo

Which one or more of the following meristem and tissue matches are mismatched? protoderm - vascular tissue ground meristem - ground tissue procambrium - epidermal tissue None of these are mismatched. protoderm - vascular tissue and procambrium - epidermal tissue

protoderm - vascular tissue and procambrium - epidermal tissue

When a moss spore lands on an appropriate site, it germinates into the first stage of the gametophyte called a(n) antheridium. rhizoid. archegonium. protonema. prothallus.


Which of these vascular tissue cells is alive but lacks a nucleus? tracheid sieve-tube members vessel element companion cell

sieve-tube members

An insect destroying the _____ layer of tissues in a leaf would lead to a decrease in the ability of gas exchange within the leaf. spongy mesophyll palisade mesophyll xylem epidermis cuticle

spongy mesophyll

Pollen grains are formed in _____ and ova are formed in _____. pistil; stamens sepals; calyx receptacles; peduncles petals; corolla stamens; carpels

stamens; carpels

A characteristic of land plants is the presence of small openings, found mostly on the underside of leaves, that allow gas exchange between the plant and its environment. These structures are called cuticles. stomata. thallus. rhizoids. chloroplasts.


Seeds contain all of the following EXCEPT an embryo sporophyte. sufficient water for germination. stored food. a seed coat.

sufficient water for germination.

Monocots protect their first true leaves by _____, whereas eudicots protect their first leaves by _____. bending the coleorhiza as the shoot grows through the soil; a surrounding sheath called the coleoptile. providing a protective layer called sepals; surrounding them with endosperm. bending their shoot as it grows through the soil; surrounding them with a protective sheath called the coleorhiza. surrounding them with a sheath called a coleoptile; bending the shoot as it grows through the soil.

surrounding them with a sheath called a coleoptile; bending the shoot as it grows through the soil.

Which of the following stages occurs immediately after the development of the zygote? the development of the proembryo the development of globular stage the torpedo stage embryo forms the heart stage when the cotyledon develops

the development of the proembryo

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation of plants to a terrestrial environment? a dominant sporophyte with vascular tissue a cuticle to prevent water loss from exposed parts of the plant the evolution of photosynthesis in order to supply the energy necessary to live on land stomata to regulate gas exchange with the atmosphere

the evolution of photosynthesis in order to supply the energy necessary to live on land

Identify the feature found in Cooksonia that qualifies it as a vascular plant. presence of roots presence of leaves the presence of branches the production of windblown spores the production of seeds

the presence of branches

As the embryo matures, the suspensor transfers nutrients from the endosperm to the embryo. the embryonic cells near the suspensor become the shoot. the innermost cells become the protective, dermal tissue. it becomes a ball of cells and assumes a torpedo shape.

the suspensor transfers nutrients from the endosperm to the embryo.

If this structure were nibbled off by browsing deer, it would decrease the potential for an increase in height of the plant. the axillary bud the bark the terminal bud the leaf scar the stem

the terminal bud

As plants invaded the land, all of the following were true EXCEPT there was a greater availability of light for photosynthesis. there was a greater concentration of carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere. there was an increased threat of desiccation of unprotected cells. there was an increased threat from predation by animals.

there was an increased threat from predation by animals

Which of the following is NOT part of an alternation of generations life cycle? a diploid zygote haploid spores gametophyte generation sporophyte generation triploid gametes

triploid gametes

Characteristics of eudicots include all EXCEPT two cotyledons. leaves with netted veins. woody or herbaceous plants. flower parts in fours and fives. vascular bundles arranged irregularly in the stem.

vascular bundles arranged irregularly in the stem.

Which of the following tissues transports water and nutrients within the plant? epidermal tissue ground tissue meristematic tissue vascular tissue

vascular tissue

The dominant plants in modern times are the _____ due to their relationship with animal pollinators. gymnosperms angiosperms club mosses ferns


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the life cycle of flowering plants? The sporophyte is diploid. The sporophyte produces heterospores. The female gametophyte is the seed. The male gametophyte is the pollen grain. The female gametophyte is retained within the body of the sporophyte parent generation.

The female gametophyte is the seed.

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutrient minerals from the roots to the leaves? xylem phloem collenchyma sclerenchyma parenchyma


In large woody plants, the wood is essentially made of _____ and the bark is essentially made of _____. xylem; phloem and cork vascular tissue; epidermal tissue the cortex; the epidermis pith; collenchyma

xylem; phloem and cork

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