BIOL 228 - Chapter 19 Connect

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Gap junctions increase flow of ______ between cells as the muscle impulse moves along the sarcolemma

AV node

Heart rate is altered by stimulation of SA node or the ______

superior/inferior vena cava and coronary sinus

Identify the three major vessels that empty into the right atrium:


In ______ the coronary arteries become narrowed due to plaque formation


In addition to gap junctions there are numerous ______ that keep cardiac cells from separating

left; right

In an atrial septal defect the postnatal heart still has an opening between the left and right atria. Thus, blood from the ______ atrium is shunted to the ______ atrium

primum; right

In fetal circulation, blood cannot flow back from left atrium to right, because the septum ______movement to the ______ is stopped when it comes against septum secundum


In the heart, action potentials spread across the ______ of cardiac muscles, causing them to contract

deoxygenated; lungs

In the pulmonary circuit, ______ blood is transported from right side of heart to ______

chordae tendineae

In the right ventricle, papillary muscles anchor thin strands of collagen fibers called ______


Increasing systemic blood pressure would increase afterload

increasing contracility and Ca2+ levels

Inotropic agents increase stroke volume by ______


Isovolumetric relaxation is the start of ventricular ______


Late ventricular relaxation is an important time for ventricular ______


Many cases of sudden cardiac death can be attributed to ______which results from congenital defects and coronary artery abnormalities

right atrioventricular = three triangular-shaped cusps of dense connective tissue semilunar = three half-moon shaped cusps of dense connective tissue left atrioventricular = two triangular-shaped cusps of dense connective tissue

Match the valve with its structure

increasing K+ flux out of cell and causing hyperpolarization of cell membrane

Negative chronotropic agents cause a decrease in heart rate by ______


Neurons have pacemaker potential


Nodal cells in SA initiate heartbeat by spontaneously ______ to generate action potential

binding to beta1 receptor and increasing Ca2+ flux into node cells

Norepinephrine increases heart rate by ______

pulmonary veins

Openings of ______ are visible in the left atrium

chordae tendineae; everting

Papillary muscles and the ______ prevent the AV valve cusps from ______

cardioinhibitory center

Parasympathetic innervation of heart comes from ______via left and right vagus nerves

AV; diastole

Passive filling of ventricles through open ______ valves occurs at beginning of cardiac cycle while ventricles are in ______

Na+ ions enter causing depolarization depolarization causes opening of voltage-gated K+ channels slow voltage gated Ca2+ channels open causing a Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release plateau occurs voltage gated Ca2+ channels close repolarization occurs, returning cell to resting membrane potential

Place sequence of events for action potential of cardiac muscles in order


Pumping of unequal amounts of blood by left and right ventricles can lead to ______

apex; ventricle

Purkinje cells begin within ______ of heart and extend through walls of ______

SA node fires action potential Action potential reaches AV node via gap junctions Action potential is delayed at AV node Action potential travels down bundle branches Action potential travels up purkinje fibers

Put sequence of events for initiation/conduction of action potential through heart

primum and secundum

The common atrium is subdivided into a left and right atrium by an interatrial septum, which consists of two parts: the septum ______ and the septum ______ that partially overlap

angina pectoris

The condition, ______, is characterized by poorly localized pain in left side of chest, left arm and shoulder. It can results from strenuous activity and it temporary

papillary muscles

The cone shaped muscular projections of right ventricular wall are called ______


The coronary sinus drains directly into the ______ atrium of heart

compressed; impedes

The coronary vessels are ______ when the heart contracts which ______ blood flow

simple; areolar

The endocardium is composed of a ______ squamous epithelium, called an endotherlium, and a layer of ______ connective tissue


The epicardium is composed of simple squamous epithelium and ______ connective tissue

isolate atria from ventricles provide attachment site for cardiac muscle stabilize heart valves

The fibrous skeleton of heart serves to ______


The function of cardiovascular system is to maintain adequate ______ of all body tissues

clenched fist

The heart is a relatively small, conical organ approximately the size of a person's ______


The heart is innervated by the ______ nervous system


The heart is located left of body midline posterior to sternum in the ______

endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium

The heart wall consists of three distinctive layers:


The innervation by autonomic centers in the brainstem does not initiate a heartbeat, but it can increase/decrease rate of heartbeat


The left and right coronary arteries share some tiny connections called ______. However, functionally, they act like end arteries, which have no connections


The left atrioventricular valve is also sometimes called the ______ valve because the two triangular cusps resemble headpiece worn by bishop


The left ventricle normally has ______ papillary muscles


The major wave forms in an ECG (EKG) are ______ wave, ______ complex, and lastly the ______ wave


The muscle impulse from the AV bundle brances is delivered to ______ fibers in each ventricle


The myocardium is the ______ of the three heart wall layers


The nodal cells of the SA node are responsible for acting as the "pacemaker" of heart

right atrium

The opening for the coronary sinus is located in wall of ______


The outer portion of pericardium is a tough, dense connective tissue layer called the ______ pericardium

pectinate muscles

The posterior atrial wall is smooth, but the auricle and anterior wall exhibit obvious muscular ridges called ______


The posterior-superior surface of heart is called the ______


The pulmonary circulation includes movement of blood to and from ______ for gas exchange

atria to complete their contraction

The purpose for the delay in conduction of action potential from AV node to bundle branches of ventricles is to allow ______


The relaxation phase of heart chamber is termed ______


The right ______ valve is forced closed when right ventricle begins to contract, preventing blood from flowing back into right atrium

interventricular septum

The right and left ventricles are separated by the ______

tricuspid and right atrioventricular

The right atrioventricular opening is covered by the ______valve

marginal; interventricular

The right coronary artery typically branches into the right ______ artery, which supplies the lateral wall of right ventricles, and the posterior ______ artery, which supplies the posterior surface of both left and right ventricles


The second heart sound is produced when the ______valves close, producing a "dupp" sound


The segment that is associated with ventricular contraction is ______

parietal; visceral

The serous pericardium may be subdivided into layers, the ______ layer that lines the inner surface of the fibrous pericardium, and the ______ layer that is attached to surface of heart

bulbous cordis, sinus venosus, primitive atrium/ventricle

The single heart tube develops into what 4 structures?


The sinoatrial (SA) node, or the ______, sets rate of heart's contractions by sending action potentials through specialized conduction fibers to atria and ventricles

serous fluid

The space between parietal layer and visceral layer of pericardium contains ______

pulmonary semilunar valve

The structure that marks the end of right ventricle and entrance into pulmonary trunk is ______

pulmonary trunk

The superior region of right ventricle narrows before it leads into the ______


The systemic circulation includes the movement of ______blood through the left side of the heart


The thin space between the parietal and visceral layers of the serous pericardium is the ______cavity

heart; blood

The three main components of cardiovascular system are ______, blood vessels, and ______

arteries; veins

The two basic types of blood vessels are ______ which carry blood away from heart, and ______ which carry blood toward heart

serous pericardium

The two layers of the ______ produced and release serous fluid into the pericardial sac

P-R; Q-T

The two major intervals in an ECG (EKG) tracing are the ______ interval and the ______ interval


The wrinkled flap-like extensions visible in the anterior view of the heart are the ______

fossa ovalis

There is an oval depression in the interatrial septum called the ______

myocardial infarction

This condition, ______, is commonly known as a heart attack and results in damage to the myocardial tissue


Toward the end of ventricular filling, the left and right ______ contract simultaneously

atria; ventricles

When the ______ contract, blood is forced into the ______ through the open AV valves


When the baby is born and the lungs are fully functional, the blood from the left atrium pushes the septum primum and secundum together, creating a(n) ______ interatrial septum


When the ventricles contract, ______ valves are forced open and blood enters the pulmonary trunk and aorta

brachial artery

Which artery in upper limb is compressed by sphygmomanometer when taking a blood pressure reading?

the ventricles have reached their EDV blood flow into atria from veins is restricted SA node initiates atrial contraction

Which events occurs during atrial contraction and ventricular filling phase of cardiac cycle?

K+ leak channels, Na+/K+ pumps, and Na+ leak channels

Which options are involved in establishing and maintaining the resting membrane potential in cardiac nodal cells?

sarcolemma, t tubules, and myofibrils

Which options are part of cardiac muscle cells?

gap; sarcolemma

Within the intercalated discs, ______ junctions increase flow of ions between cells as muscle impulse moves along ______

cardiac muscle

______ cells cannot exhibit tetany


______ contraction is the beginning of ventricular contraction

cardiac output

______ is a measure of how effective cardiovascular system is in fulfilling its function in transporting life supporting substances through body

cardiac reserve

______ is determined by subtracting cardiac output at rest from cardiac output during exercise

venous return

______ is the largest determinant of preload in heart

both cardiac and skeletal muscle cells

______ shorten as a result of sarcomeres shortening


ventricular contraction (systole) increases pressure on blood within the ______

AV node

After initiation, muscle impulse travels from SA node to ______

fossa ovalis

After the septum primum and secondum fuse, the only remnant of embryonic opening is an oval-shaped depression in the interatrial septum called the ______


Afterload is fairly constant in healthy individuals but can increase and cause heart problems when a patient has diseases that cause narrowing or ______ of the arteries


All arteries carry oxygenated blood

ectopic pacemaker

An ______ occurs when cells outside of SA node control heart rate


An arterial ______ is when more than one artery is providing blood to a given tissue


An increase in heart rate without an increase in stroke volume would result in cardiac output ______

an increase in preload, stroke volume, and end diastolic volume

An increase in venous return can cause:


As the cardiac cycle begins, the semilunar valves are closed because the pressure exerted by blood in ventricles is ______ than pressure the blood exerts in great arteries


The ______ reflex protects heart from overfilling


The ______ system is responsible for transport of blood in the body


The ______ valves are between atria and ventricles of heart

pulmonary semilunar, bicuspid, tricuspid, and mitral

The ______ valves are closed in the isovolumetric phase of cardiac cycle

end diastolic volume

The amount of blood in the ventricles immediately prior to initiation of contraction is called ______

stroke volume

The amount of blood that leaves heart during ventricular contraction is called the ______

great vessels attached to heart two sides of heart two sets of valves within heart

The anatomic features that are significant in normal function of heart are ______

coronary; atrioventricular

The atria are separated from ventricles externally by a relatively deep ______ sulcus (or ______ sulcus) that extends around circumference of heart


The boundary between ventricles and arterial trunks are ______ valves


The bulbus cordis may be further subdivided into a ______ part of right ventricle, which forms most of right ventricle


The cells of the cardiac conduction system do not contract


The changes in the Q-T segment can results in a(n) ______ heart rate called tachyarrhythmia

right atrioventricular

The chordae tendineae attach to lower surface of cusps of ______ valve and prevent valve from flipping into atrium when right ventricle is contracting


The circumflex artery supplies blood to the ______ ventricle

right atrium

Blood enters the right ventricle through ______

cardiac veins

Blood from coronary circulation returns to right atrium through one of several ______

beat; folding

By day 22, the primitive heart begins to ______ and begin its process of bending and ______

glucose; ketone

Cardiac muscle can use fatty acids, ______, lactic acid, amino acids, and ______ bodies as fuel sources


Cardiac muscle cells contain Ca2+ pumps that keep more Ca2+ ______ cell

liters per minute

Cardiac output is normally expressed as ______

heart failure, death, and cardiac tamponade

Complications of pericarditis include ______

slow voltage-gated Na+ channels fast voltage-gated Ca2+ channels voltage-gated K+ channels

Correct for opening of ion channels in cardiac nodal cell from resting membrane potential through active potential

third; diffusion

Development of heart commences in ______ week, when embryo becomes too large to receive its nutrients through ______ alone

atrial; AV

During ______ contraction, ______ valves are open


During atrial contraction, the atria are contracting and the ventricles are ______

right; left

During atrial relaxation, blood is entering the ______ atrium via superior/inferior vena cava, and blood is entering the ______ atrium via the pulmonary veins

atria; AV; semilunar

During late ventricular relaxation, ______ continue passively filling with blood; ______ valves open and ventricles begin to passively fill; ______ valves remain closed

low pressure

During the cardiac cycle, blood flows from veins into the atria under ______

tricuspid and bicuspid

During the final stage of cardiac cycle as atria relax and blood returns to fill ventricle which valves reopen?

cannot be restimulated

During the refractory period, cardiac muscle ______


During ventricular ______ blood moves from ventricles into pulmonary trunk


During weeks ______, the single heart tube becomes partitioned into four chambers (two atria, two ventricles), and the main vessels entering and leaving heart form

three; half-moon

Each semilunar valve is composed of ______ thin, ______shaped, pocket like semilunar cusps

heart murmur

A ______ is an abnormal heart sound caused by turbulent blood as it passes through the heart

cardiac cycle

A ______ is the time from the start of one heartbeat to the initiation of the next

heart valves

A function of fibrous skeleton is to anchor______ by forming supportive rings at their attachment points


A large loss of blood would result in a(n) ______ in venous return to heart


A trained male athlete has a larger heart than a woman who does not exercise so we would expect his heart rate to be ______

foramen ovale; left

Since it is the right side of the heart that sends blood to lungs, blood is shunted from right atrium to left atrium by traveling through ______ and pushing septum primum to the ______

70 mL

Stroke volume (SV) in a healthy adult is approximately ______


Sympathetic fibers arise from the cardioinhibitory center

right atrium

The AV node is located in floor of the ______

sinus venosus

The ______ and primitive atrium form parts of the left and right atria

atria; ventricles

The ______ are smaller than the ______


The ______ atrium and ventricle are prominent when viewing heart from posterior view

middle; posterior

The ______ cardiac vein runs alongside the ______ interventricular artery

pulmonary trunk

The ______ carries blood away from right ventricle and branches into pulmonary arteries


The ______ complex represents the electrical changes which are associated with ventricular depolarization

papillary muscles

The ______ contract and anchor the chordae tendineae to AV valve cusps

coronary arteries; coronary veins

The ______ deliver oxygen rich blood to thick heart wall while the ______ carry deoxygenated blood away from heart wall

superior/inferior vena cava

The ______ empty into the right atrium


The ______ ions must bind to troponin to allow cross bridge cycling to begin

pacemaker potential

The ______ is the ability to reach threshold without stimulation

fibrous skeleton

The ______ of the heart is formed from dense irregular connective tissue

semilunar valves

The ______ open when ventricles contract and blood forces its way into arterial trunks


The ______ or plateaus of the cardiac ECG tracing corresponds to the periods when the sarcomeres are shortening

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