BIOL 2703 Exam 2 (Ch. 5-7)

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pancreatic lipase

The digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule is called ______.


class of nutrients that do not dissolve in water; triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols

limiting amino acid

essential amino acid found in the lowest concentration in an incomplete protein


Maintaining cell membranes, insulating the body against cold temperatures, cushioning the body against bumps and blows, and contributing to body contours are all traits of which nutrient?


Maltose, sucrose, and lactose are types of _______________.


Eating foods that are rich sources of _______ can reduce LDL cholesterol levels.


Most dietary ______ are complex carbohydrates comprised of monosaccharides connected by bonds that human enzymes cannot digest.


Most foods contain some ______.


Nitrogen-containing compounds that are not proteins but have important physiological roles are called amino acid ____________.

decrease; increase

Omega-3 fatty acids ________ risk of blood clotting and inflammation while omega-6 fatty acids __________.


To determine a person's RDA for protein, multiply his or her weight in kilograms by ______.

therapeutic lifestyle changes

To improve blood glucose control for patients with type 2 diabetes, implementing ________________ is key.


Tooth decay is the only health problem clearly associated with eating ____________.

linoleic acid

18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with two double bonds; an essential fatty acid

type 2 diabetes

Diet, exercise, and oral medications are typical treatments for

the type of fatty acid present in greatest concentration.

Dietary fats and oils are classified as saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated based on


Dietary fiber is associated with a(n) _____ risk of colorectal cancer.


Every cell contains protein.


In most cases, an allergen is a(n)


The ______ of a protein influences its function.

low-quality protein

dietary proteins that are incomplete and have lower digestibility and bioavailability

complete protein

dietary proteins that contain an adequate proportion of each of the nine essential amino acids

incomplete protein

dietary proteins that contain inadequate amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids

personalized nutrition

dietary recommendations based on individual response to food and nutrients

partial hydrogenation

food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to liquid vegetable oil, forming trans fats

soluable fiber

forms of dietary fiber that dissolve or swell in water; include pectins, gums, mucilages, and some hemicelluloses

insoluable fiber

forms of dietary fiber that generally do not dissolve in water; include cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin

phenylketonuria (PKU)

genetic metabolic disorder characterized by the inability to convert the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine, resulting in accumulation of phenylalanine


group of long-chain fatty acids with hormonelike functions

diabetes mellitus

group of serious, chronic conditions characterized by abnormal glucose, fat, and protein metabolism


group of signs and symptoms that occur together and indicate a specific health problem


hard particles that can accumulate in the gallbladder or become lodged in one of the ducts carrying bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine


hardening of the arteries or loss of flexibility


highly branched storage polysaccharide in animals


hormone secreted from the alpha cells of the pancreas that contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels

type 2 diabetes

A diet that is high in soft drink consumption may increase the risk of __________________.

any age

At what age can type 1 diabetes begin to occur?

risk factors

Atherosclerosis is a complex disease with multiple ______ __________.


The structure of hemoglobin is an example of the ______________________ structure.


Which naturally occurring food is 100% protein?

protein complementation

combining certain plant foods to provide all essential amino acids


What results when a protein is absorbed without complete digestion?


Which drug is commonly prescribed to help people reduce elevated blood lipid levels?

Lipoprotein lipase

Which of the following is an enzyme in the walls of capillaries that breaks down their load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol?

Pancreatic amylase

enzyme secreted by the pancreas that breaks down starch into maltose molecules


enzyme that splits lactose into glucose and galactose

polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)

fatty acid that has two or more double bonds within the carbon chain

lactose intolerance

inability to digest lactose properly because of a deficiency in the enzyme lactase


molecules formed from the metabolism of fat


portion of DNA that codes for a protein

enterohepatic circulation

process that recycles bile salts in the body


short chains of 3 or more monosaccharides

alternative sweeteners

substances that sweeten foods while providing few or no kilocalories


water-soluble, vitamin-like compound; component of lecithin

Major Functions of Lipids

-Absorb fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals -Cushion the body against bumps and blows -Form and maintain cell membranes -Insulate the body against cold temperatures -Produce steroid hormones -Provide and store energy (triglycerides)


An omega-3 fatty acid is ________________.


Animal proteins are a good source of all nine _____________ amino acids.


Choose the type of fat that is partially water soluble. triglycerides trans fats cholesterol phospholipids

protein complementation

Combining certain plant food sources of protein to form complete proteins is called ______.

secondary structure

Either an alpha helix or beta pleated sheet.


Engaging in moderate-intensity physical activity at least _____ minutes a week and balancing energy intake with energy expenditure helps people achieve and maintain healthy body weights.

lipid storage diseases

Genetic conditions that cause lipid accumulation in cells, which damages tissues are called _____________ _____________ ________________.


Glucose contains ___ carbons

requires a gluten-free diet

Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease have which of the following in common?


Nondigestible plant material is termed ______.


Omega-3 fatty acids may need to be consumed from plant sources for those who do not eat


Onions, broccoli, legumes, cabbage, whole grains, and brussels sprouts are rich in _________.


Onions, garlic, chicory root, legumes, artichokes, asparagus, milk, wheat, and leeks are rich in ____________.


People with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease may benefit from a ___ FODMAP diet

attracts; repels

Phospholipids contain a hydrophilic portion, which ______ water, and a hydrophobic portion, which _________ water.


Plants contain sterols similar to cholesterol, but plant sterols have blood cholesterol-______________ properties.


Proteins are made in your body by following the code found in your _______________.


Raffinose and stachyose are types of ________________.

large intestine

Absorption of fiber occurs in the __________________ where beneficial bacteria break it down and metabolize it for energy.

small intestine

Absorption of monosaccharides happens almost exclusively in the _____________________.

Human Genome Project

The project undertaken in the 1990s to identify and sequence the approximately 23,000 genes that code for protein synthesis in the human DNA is called the ______.


Food __________ trigger the body's immune response.


Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipid fragments are the end products of ____________ digestion.


HDL cholesterol is considered "_________" cholesterol because it does not contribute to plaque formation.

insulin is secreted by the pancreas

How does the body respond to an increase in blood glucose?

bloodstream; small intestine

Lipoprotein lipase functions in the ____________ while pancreatic lipase functions in the ______________________.

omega (methyl) end

end of a fatty acid containing a methyl (—CH3) group


enzyme that splits maltose into two glucose molecules


lipid that has one fatty acid attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


simple sugar that is the basic molecule of carbohydrates


three-carbon alcohol that forms the "backbone" of fatty acids

Glycemic load (GL)

tool to measure the body's insulin response to a carbohydrate containing food; similar to the glycemic index, but also factors in the total carbohydrate content of a typical serving size of the food


abnormally elevated blood glucose levels

alpha-linolenic acid

18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with three double bonds; an essential fatty acid

Glycemic index (GI)

a tool to measure the body's insulin response to a carbohydrate containing food


enzyme that splits sucrose into glucose and fructose

reactive hypoglycemia

pancreas secretes too much insulin after a high-carbohydrate meal; low blood glucose that occurs within 4 hours of eating


part of a molecule that attracts water

insulin resistance

Type 1 diabetes is linked to an autoimmune disease while type 2 diabetes is linked to _____.


a condition in which the pancreas releases an excessive amount of insulin; over time, condition may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes


adaptive metabolic state in which the body primarily uses fat for energy

sugar alcohols

alternative sweeteners used to replace sucrose in some sugar-free foods; sorbitol, xylitol, and mannitol

high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

blood fat that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries, thereby protecting against heart disease; "good cholesterol"

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

blood fat that transports cholesterol to organs and tissues; excess amounts result in the accumulation of fatty deposits on artery walls; "bad cholesterol"


carbohydrates comprised of 10 or more monosaccharides bonded together

complex carbohydrates

carbohydrates comprised of three or more monosaccharides bonded together

plant sterols/stanols

chemicals found in plants that are structurally similar to cholesterol


condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up on the inner walls of the arteries

metabolic syndrome

condition that increases risk of type 2 diabetes and CVD


condition that occurs in the absence of insulin when excess acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate in the bloodstream lower the blood's pH


condition that occurs when blood glucose level is too low


disaccharide composed of a glucose and a fructose molecule; "table sugar"

unsaturated fatty acid

fatty acid that is missing hydrogen atoms and has one or more double bonds within the carbon chain

Signs of Metabolic Syndrome

large waist circumference; hypertension; elevated fasting triglycerides; low fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol); high fasting blood glucose


large, complex organic molecules made up of amino acids


lipid found in animal foods; precursor for steroid hormones, bile, and vitamin D; most well known sterol


lipid that has three fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


lipid that has two fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


monosaccharide in fruits, honey, and certain vegetables; "fruit sugar"


monosaccharide that is a component of lactose


monosaccharide that is a primary fuel for muscles and other cells; "blood sugar"

type 2 diabetes

most common type of diabetes; beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin, but the hormone's target cells are insulin-resistant, leading to elevated blood glucose levels


nondigestible oligosaccharide made of four monosaccharides


nondigestible oligosaccharide made of three monosaccharides

dietary fiber

nondigestible plant material; most types are polysaccharides that are connected by fibers than human enzymes cannot break

carboxylic acid

organic molecule with a carboxyl (—COOH) group


part of a molecule that avoids water and attracts lipids


presence of lipid in the stool


process by which triglycerides (fats) are broken down into and glycerol and fatty acids, which are released into the bloodstream

high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)

protein produced primarily by the liver in response to inflammation; a marker of CVD

lipoprotein profile

series of blood tests to evaluate total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels


short-chain carbohydrates that the GI tract may not fully digest or absorb (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols


simple sugar comprised of two monosaccharides


transfer of the nitrogen-containing group from an unneeded amino acid to a carbon skeleton to form an amino acid


type of lipid needed to make cell membranes and for proper functioning of nerve cells; chemically similar to a triglyceride, except that one of the fatty acids is replaced by a chemical group that contains phosphorus

omega-6 fatty acid

type of polyunsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond at the sixth carbon from the omega end of the molecule

omega-3 fatty acid

type of polyunsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond at the third carbon from the omega end of the molecule


unsaturated fatty acids that have a trans double bond

signs of metabolic syndrome

waist circumference >/= 35 inches (women) triglycerides >/=150mg/dL


Choose the food that does not contain cholesterol. ground turkey eggs bagel shrimp


Digesting lipids is a _____ complicated process than digesting carbohydrates.


Maltose is formed by the bond between a molecule of glucose and ___________.


Name one of the most common digestive diseases in the United States.


Adequate diets contain roughly between ____ and ___% carbohydrates.

facilitated diffusion

Fructose is absorbed by ______________ ________________.

polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids

The AMDR is 20 to 35% for fat and should come predominately from ______, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Acceptable Macronutrient Range - AMDR) recommends that adults should keep daily fat intake between ______________.

omega-3 fatty acids

Vegetarians who do not consume fish may have difficulty obtaining ______.

100% fruit juices contribute micronutrients and phytochemicals

What is the main difference between soft drinks and 100% fruit drinks?

Celiac disease

What type of disease results in the poor absorption of nutrients from the small intestine?

HDL cholesterol

What type of lipoprotein carries cholesterol from the body tissue back to the liver for recycling?


When a protein is exposed to various conditions that cause it to alter its shape, the protein has undergone _______________.


Where are dipeptides and tripeptides broken into amino acids?

nitrogen (N)

Which element is part of protein but not part of lipids or carbohydrates?


Which has the most monosaccharides? Simple or complex carbs?


disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules; "malt sugar"

saturated fatty acid (SFA)

fatty acid that has each carbon atom within the chain filled with hydrogen atoms

monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)

fatty acid that has one double bond within the carbon chains


protein found in many grain-based food products

soluable fiber

reduce blood cholesterol levels; slows glucose absorption; delays stomach emptying

added sugars

sugars, such as sucrose and HFCS, incorporated into foods during processing or preparation

high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

syrup obtained from the processing of corn; tastes much sweeter than glucose sugars

primary structure

the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain


A person that follows a plant-based eating pattern that may contain some animal foods is following a _____________ diet.

heat, acid, physical agitation

A protein can be altered through exposure to ______.


Most gallstones are made of ______.

less than 7%

What is an acceptable hemoglobin HbA1c level for a person with diabetes?


What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range of energy from protein?


While most carb digestion occurs in the small intestine, where does it begin?

Both have a straight shape.

Why are the chemical structures of trans and saturated fatty acids similar?

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Your body makes proteins by following information coded in your ____________________.

starch; glycogen

______ and ________ are polysaccharides that contain hundreds of glucose molecules bound together into large, chainlike structures.

arteriosclerosis; atherosclerosis

______ is a symptom or by-product of ______.

high-quality protein

dietary proteins that are complete and well-digested, absorbed, and used by the body; found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy


disaccharide composed of a glucose and a galactose molecule; "milk sugar"


is found only in foods that contain animal products.


All living cells contain ______.


Glucose, fructose, and sucrose are types of ___________.


Women are _____ prone to heart attacks than men.


Alt. sweetener that contains two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid


Most lipids are ________ in water.

food intolerance

Having a headache and intestinal discomfort from eating a food, without triggering the body's immune response is a sign of a

gestational diabetes

type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy


type of lipid that has a more complex chemical structure than triglycerides and phospholipids


Children and adults with PKU need to avoid foods that are rich sources of ______.


Cholesterol lowering margarines contain plant _______ , which may lower cholesterol in people with mildly elevated cholesterol levels.


A 35 year old man who is at a healthy body weight of 80 kg has a protein RDA of ____ g per day.


A ____________ amino acid is one that can be synthesized by a healthy body in sufficient amounts.


A _____________ has 3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule.


A high-protein diet is defined as a protein intake of ______.


A person consuming 2000 kcals and eating 20% of her kcals from protein is eating how many grams of protein?


In a healthy person, the liver synthesizes ____ cholesterol when dietary cholesterol intake is higher.

active transport

Intestinal cells absorb glucose and galactose by ______________ _____________.


Lactose is formed by the bond between a molecule of glucose and ___________.

amino acids

Proteins are made up of smaller units called __________ _________.


Reducing the consumption of saturated fat and maintaining a total dietary intake of fat no greater than 35% of total calories will most likely cause a person's risk of developing atherosclerosis to ______.

refined carbohydrates; alcohol

Reducing the intake of _____________________ and __________ will help reduce blood triglyceride levels.

personalized diet planning

Registered dietitians now face the opportunity to better help people by providing them with


Salivary __________ is secreted in the mouth and begins the process of carbohydrate digestion in the human body.

saturated fat

Scientific evidence suggests that dietary cholesterol does not have as much effect on blood cholesterol as dietary _______________ ____.


Sucrose is formed by the bond between a molecule of glucose and ___________.

1.1g and 1.6g

The daily adequate intake of alpha-linoleic acid is _____ for women and _____ for men.

essential fatty acids

fatty acids that must be supplied by the diet; linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid are essential fatty acids

cardiovascular disease

group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels; includes coronary artery disease, stroke, and disease of the blood vessels


hormone secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas that contributes to a decrease in blood glucose levels

fatty acid

hydrocarbon chain found in lipids; one end of the chain forms a carboxylic acid, and one end forms a methyl group

amino acid derivatives

small molecules structurally related to amino acids

resistant starch

starches found in seeds, legumes, whole grains, and some fruits and vegetables that resist digestion and are not broken down in the human GI tract


storage polysaccharide in plants; composed of amylose and amylopectin


substance that helps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mix with each other

insoluable fiber

may ease bowel movements and increases fecal bulk


Lactose-containing foods fall into which food category?

glycerols; fatty acids

What are the by-products of lipid digestion?

essential amino acids

amino acids the body cannot make or cannot make enough of to meet its needs

transported into absorptive cells

After being digested, most amino acids are

absorptive cells

After being digested, most amino acids are first transported into ____________ _______.


Amino acids are bonded together to form __________.


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which a person's immune system reacts to

fatty acid

The classification of fats and oils is based on the type of ______________ present in greatest concentration.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

The health professional who will consider genetically driven dietary recommendations when helping people with their personalized nutrition plan is the


The main function of _________ is to provide the body with a source of fuel.


The percentage of adults who do not eat meat, fish or poultry is about ______.

protein turnover

The process of breaking down old and unneeded proteins into their component amino acids and recycling them to make new proteins is called ___________ __________.


The process of removing the nitrogen-containing group from an unneeded amino acid is called

urinating (elimination of urea)

What accounts for the majority of the nitrogen losses that occur each day?

Lipoprotein lipase

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream?

peptides are broken down into amino acids

What happens to amino acids once they enter the absorptive cells?

Energy is released

What happens when cells metabolize glucose?

type 1 diabetes

autoimmune disease that results in destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas; as a result, insulin must be supplied to the affected person regularly through exogenous sources

hydrocarbon chain

chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms


class of eicosanoids that produce a variety of important effects on the body


class of nutrients that is a major source of energy for the body

Gaucher disease

most common lipid storage disease; caused by a deficiency of an enzyme involved in lipid metabolism

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