BIOL 3416 Genetics (HW 22)

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Which outcomes of the Human Genome Project will be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases?

- Determination of the types of proteins encoded by disease-causing genes - Identification of mutant genes that cause inherited diseases

Which of the following are applications of metagenomics?

- Identification of viruses in environmental samples that can infect humans - Discovery of products synthesized by microbes, such as new antibiotics - Identification of the microbes in complex microbial communities

How is genome sequencing likely to improve our understanding of human disease?

- It may lead to the identification of human genes involved in disease. - It can provide information about genes found in pathogens that infect humans.

Which of the following are advantages of long-read sequencing (LRS) over short-read sequencing (SRS)?

- LRS can more easily determine if genetic variation in an offspring is inherited from the female or male parent. - LRS is better at assembling regions that contain repetitive sequences. - LRS facilitates the de novo genome assembly process because it involves the alignment of fewer DNA sequences, due to the greater lengths of the fragments.

What outcomes have already resulted from the Human Genome Project?

- Sequence data for the human X and Y chromosomes - Improvements in software for accessing and analyzing sequence data - Sequence data for the 22 human autosomes - Improvements in cloning technology - Improved DNA sequencing technology

The genomes of certain agriculturally important species have been sequenced. The purpose of selecting these species for sequencing is that knowledge of their genomes may lead to the

- development of plant species with improved traits - development of new strains of livestock

Genome-sequencing projects benefit scientists because they

- make it easier to clone and characterize genes - provide information about a species' genes

Many microorganisms that live in soil, water, and the human intestinal tract are difficult to study because

- researchers may not understand their growth requirements - they may require the presence of a complex microbial community

In this image of Illumina (SBS) sequencing technology, adaptors are added to the ends of DNA fragments in the portion labeled with the number ___, clusters of identical single-stranded DNA molecules are shown in the portion labeled with the number ___, and the DNA sequence is detected with the addition of fluroescently-labeled nucleotides in the portion labeled with the ___

1 4 5

The complete human genome sequence must include the sequence for:

2 sex chromosomes. 1 mitochondrial chromosome. 22 autosomes.

The human genome sequence includes ___ ______ chromosome(s), while the genome of a bacterial cell usually includes ___ chromosome(s).

25 1

Which of the following is a species of flowering plant considered to be a model organism and whose genome was included in the Human Genome Project?

Arabidopsis thaliana

Which of the following model organisms had their genomes sequenced as part of the Human Genome Project?

Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode) Mus musculus (mouse) Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) Arabidopsis thaliana (flowering plant) Escherichia coli (bacterium)

Match each of the following

Cytogenetic mapping: Determination of the locations of specific sequences relative to bands on chromosomes Linkage mapping: Determining the relative locations of genes on a chromosome based on their frequency of genetic recombination Physical mapping: Determining the locations of genes and other DNA sequences using DNA cloning techniques, establishing distances in base pairs

What was the source of DNA for the Human Genome Project?

DNA from several anonymous volunteers

What is studied in functional genomics?

How the components of a genome interact to produce the traits of an organism

Match each area of study with the way that it could benefit from metagenomics. Instructions

Human medicine: Characterization of microorganisms that reside in the human body Agriculture: Understanding of soil microorganisms that facilitate plant growth Bioremediation: Identification of microorganisms that can break down pollutants Biotechnology: Discovery of genes involved in the synthesis of helpful chemicals

Which two of the following are long-read sequencing methods that are used to sequence a single DNA molecule?

Oxford Nanopore PacBio SMRT

Which statement is accurate regarding short-read (SRS) versus long-read (LRS) sequencing methods?

SRS methods are currently more accurate than LRS methods.

Which method was used to produce the first genomic sequence, that of the bacterium H. influenzae, in 1995?

Shotgun sequencing

Genomics is the molecular analysis of

The entire genetic composition of a species.

Why are microbes that live in water, soil, and the human intestinal tract difficult to study in the laboratory?

They are difficult to culture.

What is the goal of a genome-sequencing project?

To determine the DNA sequence of the entire genome of a given species

Why have agriculturally important species been selected for genome sequencing?

Understanding their genomes may aid in the development of new strains with improved traits.

A genetic distance of 1 mu corresponds to

a variable physical distance that depends on the recombination frequency

To manage the information generated by the Human Genome Project, user-friendly tools were developed to allow scientists easy access to the data, along with ___ tools for interpreting genome information.


Developing technology for the management of human genome information was one of the goals of the Human Genome Project. To meet this goal, the Human Genome project developed

analytical tools for interpreting genome information

In the sequence by synthesis method, also called Illumina sequencing technology, the base sequence is determined

as a DNA strand is being made

Obtaining a physical map of the human genome was one of the goals of the Human Genome Project. Accomplishing this goal required

cloning many segments of chromosomal DNA into vectors

Since DNA sequencing was invented in the 1970s, the cost of sequencing one genome has


T/F. Correlations among cytogenetic, linkage, and physical maps are constant from one region of a chromosome to another and from one species to another.


T/F. Technological advances in DNA sequencing have made the process more accurate, but more expensive.


Long-read sequencing methods typically generate sequences ___ bases in length

from 10,000 to 30,000

The study of the interactions of many genes and the ways that the components of a genome interact to produce an organism's traits is called

functional genomics

If basic research scientists have access to a genomic sequence, this allows them to more easily characterize the ___ of the organism


A molecular dissection process applied to a complete set of chromosomes, in which segments of chromosomes are analyzed in progressively smaller regions is called ___ analysis.


The total genetic composition of an organism or species is its


A molecular dissection process applied to a complete set of chromosomes, in which segments of chromosomes are analyzed in progressively smaller regions is called

genome analysis

A research endeavor with the goal of determining the sequence of DNA bases in an organism's entire genome is called a(n) ___ - ___ project

genome sequencing

The field of study in which the entire genome of a species is analyzed is called


Many microorganisms that exist in soil, water, and the human intestinal tract have not been successfully grown in the laboratory because researchers do not fully understand their ___ requirements and because some of those microbes require the presence of a complex microbial ___ to survive

growth community

The identification of disease-causing alleles is expected to play a significant role in the ___ and ___ of diseases

identification treatment

One of the goals of the Human Genome Project was to obtain a genetic linkage map of the human genome. This was accomplished by

identifying millions of genetic markers and their locations on chromosomes

One of the ethical and legal issues that has been identified as a result of the Human Genome Project is whether

individuals have a right to privacy regarding genetic information

The sequencing method that detects changes in pH during the sequencing cycles is called the ___ method


An organism's genome is

its total genetic composition

Identifying and localizing millions of genetic markers was an important procedure for the Human Genome Project's goal of obtaining a genetic ___ map of the human genome


Identifying and localizing millions of genetic markers was an important procedure for the Human Genome Project's goal of obtaining a genetic ___ map of the human genome.


The Human Genome Project had a stated goal of developing programs focused on understanding and addressing the ethical, legal, and social implications of the Human Genome Project. An example of a genetic issue is the possibility that an individual who carries a deleterious allele could be discriminated against by a(n)

medical insurance company

Metagenomics has increased our understanding of the complexity of ___ communities that participate in the cycling of elements such as carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen.


In addition to the human genome, the genomes of Escherichia coli, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Mus musculus were sequenced as part of the Human Genome Project. These species were selected for genome sequencing because they are ___ organisms used for scientific research.


Using the results of the Human Genome Project, scientists can identify the location of ___ genes that cause inherited disease and determine the types of ___ encoded by these genes.

mutant proteins

One of the benefits of sequencing the human genome is that it will make it easier to identify genes that cause disease when they are


The methods for DNA sequencing that have largely replaced the Sanger dideoxy method are collectively referred to as ___ -generation sequencing technologies.


A DNA sequencing method that can process thousands of sequence reads in parallel and can use uncloned DNA for sequencing is best described as ___ sequencing

next generation

Cloning many segments of human chromosomal DNA into vectors was an important step in obtaining a(n) ___ map of the human genome.


Geneticists use several types of mapping strategies to identify the locations of genes. The approach that relies on DNA cloning techniques and allows computation of distances in base pairs is ___ mapping. The technique that is based on recombination frequencies between genes is ___ mapping. The technique that locates genes relative to bands on chromosomes that are visible by microscopy is ___ mapping.

physical linkage cytogenetic

Illumina sequencing technology, used in whole genome sequencing, involves a process in which the base sequence is determined as a DNA strand is being made, called the ___ (SBS) method

sequence by synthesis

DNA that was sequenced for the Human Genome Project was obtained from

several anonymous volunteers

The DNA sequencing method that generates base sequences up to a few hundred bases in length is called ___ -read sequencing, while the method that produces sequences from 10,000 to 30,000 bases in length is called ___ -read sequencing.

short long

To determine genomic sequence of H. influenzae in 1995, J. Craig Venter, Hamilton Smith, and colleagues used a(n) ___ sequencing approach with dideoxy sequencing, which is a(n) ___ -read sequencing method.

shotgun short

For bacteria and archaea, the entire genome sequence is usually that of ___ chromosome(s)


The physical mapping of the genome ultimately results in determination of ___ for all of a species' chromosomes.

the complete DNA sequence

T/F. Molecular genetic technologies such as gene cloning and DNA sequencing have been improved as a direct result of the efforts of the Human Genome Project.


T/F. The Human Genome project developed tools to enable scientists to access and interpret data from the genome project.


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