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- Differences in domains are based on cell characteristics. - Fungi are part of the domain Eukarya. - The names of the domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Select all of the following that are alternative hypotheses.

- Ozone might be decreasing over the poles because it is spinning away. - The ozone hole may be due to sunspots that come and go. - Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) might be destroying ozone. ****key words = may/might

the four theories that unify biology as a science.

- cell theory - theory of heredity - theory of evolution - gene theory

principles of the cell theory.

1. All organisms are made of cells 2. All existing cells come from previously existing cells 3. The cell is the most basic unit of life

The general levels of complexity within the 13 hierarchical levels of life are ______, organismal, and _________ levels.

1. cellular 2. populational

Scientific method Investigation Steps

1. observation 2. hypothesis 3. prediction 4. experiment/ test 5. carry out controls until one or more is eliminated 6. form conclusion

organizational level

1. oxygen atom 2. dna molecule 3. nerve cell 4. nervous tissue 5. brain 6. fish 7. school of fish 8. group of dolphins, fish and algae 9. pacific ocean and inhabitants 10. planet earth

organismal hierarchical levels simplest (at the top of the list) to most complex (at the bottom). organs tissues organ system organism

1. tissues 2. organs 3. organ system 4. organism

organismal hierarchical levels from simplest to most complex

1. tissues 2. organs 3. organ system 4. organism


A testable prediction, often implied by a theory Reason: A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for a discrete set of observations, and a hypothesis usually is not widely accepted until it is tested many times.

How does a theory differ from a hypothesis?

A theory is a unifying explanation for a broad range of observations. A hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested.


A conclusion is a determination to either reject or accept a hypothesis.


A process that maintains a relatively stable internal environment has allowed complex interactions within organisms.

the flow of energy

All energy used by most organisms comes from the sun and passes unidirectionally through ecosystems.


All organisms need an input of ENERGY to carry out the activities of living. Some organisms are able to convert solar energy into the chemical energy of nutrient molecules through the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Other organisms CONSUME plants or plant-eating animals to obtain chemical energy. Thus energy flows from the sun and is passed through organisms, with much energy being lost as HEAT at each stage in the process.

Select all the true statements about metabolism in living things.

All organisms require energy to grow. Plants capture energy from sunlight, and other organisms can extract this energy by eating plants or plant-eating animals.

How is the theory of evolution related to the gene theory?

Changes in genes can lead to changes in organisms over time.


Interaction between different organisms or species has promoted diversity. ex; symbiosis

Select the theories that are no longer accepted by the scientific community. 1. the theory of gravity 2. Lamarck's acquired traits 3. the Earth is flat 4. the Sun circles the earth 5. the gene theory

Lamarck's acquired traits the Earth is flat the Sun circles the earth more; the theory of creationism hyoithesis of cold nuclear fusion

Select all the scientists who contributed to the development of the cell theory.

Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann


Reason: A prediction is a statement of a future occurrence.

What conclusion can be drawn if the data from an experiment support the hypothesis of the experiment?

The hypothesis is tentatively accepted.

Select all of the following that describe experiments. Ozone shields the earth's surface by absorbing harmful UV radiation. Samples are collected from the Antarctic atmosphere and tested for levels of CFCs. If CFC levels continue to rise, the ozone shield will continue to be reduced. Atmospheric conditions are reconstructed in the lab, CFCs are added, and levels of ozone are measured.

Samples are collected from the Antarctic atmosphere and tested for levels of CFCs. Atmospheric conditions are reconstructed in the lab, CFCs are added, and levels of ozone are measured.

Which of the following best describes the theory of natural selection?

Some individuals have genes that increase their chances for survival and reproduction. These individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass on their genes, causing their genes to become more common in the next generation.


Species change genetically over time. - Genetic change in a species over time

If scientists conduct an experiment in which the levels of ozone are measured and the amount of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) added is the variable, which of the following describes a control experiment for this investigation? CFCs are added, but the amount of UV radiation instead of ozone is measured. The amount of ozone is measured in the same set-up, but CFCs are not added. The levels of CFCs are measured in the same set-up, but ozone is removed. The amount of ozone is measured with varying amounts of CFCs, but this time temperature is also varied.

The amount of ozone is measured in the same set-up, but CFCs are not added.


The information that specifies what a cell or organism will be like is encoded in a long molecule called DNA. Within this molecule, information is encoded specifically by the sequence of four different NUCLEOTIDES . Specific SEQUENCES within the DNA are grouped into genes, unique hereditary units of information. Differences in cells are due to the fact that only certain GENES are active or expressed within certain types of cells.

Why is a scientist's acceptance of a theory always provisional?

The possibility always remains that future evidence will cause a theory to be revised.

structure determines function

The shape and characteristics of many biological components are well-suited to their roles.


The theory of heredity states that genes are inherited as discrete UNITS. Genes are passed from one generation to the next on structures called CHROMOSOMES. Chromosomes are parceled out in a regular manner during sexual REPRODUCTION. The parceling out of chromosomes is responsible for the SEGREGATION of genes.

scientists who contributed to the development of the cell theory.

Theodor Schwann Matthias Schleiden

Why are supernatural and religious hypotheses beyond the realm of science?

They cannot be scientifically studied, analyzed, or explained.

What level of complexity includes the ecosystem?


dna and genes

all cells contain dna instructions in dna ; genes

Scientists may propose more than one ______ to tentatively answer the questions raised by their observations.

alternative hypotheses

cell theory

basic ideas in biology; it states that all living organisms are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells.

The cellular organization property of life states that all living things are composed of one or more


Organelles and other elements are assembled into membrane-bounded units called ______.


Among the cellular, organismal, and populational levels of life, which one is simplest in complexity?


What level of complexity includes the smallest level of organization that can be considered alive?

cellular Reason: Atoms make up macromolecules, which make up organelles, which are the components of cells and according to the cell theory all living things are made up of at least one cell.

Genetic changes in a species can lead to the formation of new species over a long period of time by mechanisms such as natural selection because ______.

characteristics of organisms are passed from parent to offspring in DNA

The fact that genes are physically located on chromosomes and that chromosomes are separated out in a regular manner during reproduction links the theory of heredity to the ______.

chromosomal theory of inheritance

What characteristic is unique to living organisms?

composed of cells

Select all of the subjects of study that cannot be scientifically studied.

concepts of morality religious ideas

If two experiments are carried out in which a variable alters in a known way in the first and the variable is not altered at all in the second, the second experiment is called a ______.

control experiment

What biological theme involves symbiosis?


five general themes that both unify and explain biology.

cooperation flow of energy structure determines function evolution homeostasis

The information that specifies what a cell is like is encoded in a long cable-like macromolecule called ______, which is composed of nucleotide building blocks.


What populational level represents the highest, most complex tier of organization? population species ecosystem community

ecosystem ranking ; populational level 1. population 2. species 2. community 4. ecosystem

At each higher level in the organizational hierarchy of life, novel properties emerge, properties that were not present in simple levels. These are called

emergent properties

Properties of life that result from the way in which components of simpler levels interact are called ______.

emergent properties Reason: At each higher level in the living hierarchy, novel properties emerge that are not present at the simpler level of organization, these are known as emergent properties.

how structure determines function examples;

enzymes match the shapes of their substrates the large beak of a bird who feeds on hard nuts the long tongue with which a moth sucks nectar from deep inside a flower

The theory of ______ attributes the diversity of the living world to natural selection.


In the scientific process, the test of a hypothesis is called a(n) .


The test of a hypothesis in an attempt to verify some of its predictions is called a(n) ______.


True or false: A theory represents absolute truth in science.

false Reason: A theory represents a high degree of certainty in science.

True or false: In science, trial-and-error testing is the best way to reach a conclusion that a hypothesis is either supported or rejected.

false Reason: Science is usually not a simple series of either/or steps. If this was true, a computer would make a good scientist, but science is more of a process, which involves integrating known information.

Specific sequences of several hundred to many thousand nucleotides on a DNA molecule make up a discrete unit of hereditary information called a


The_____ theory states that the proteins and RNA molecules encoded by hereditary units in DNA will determine what an organism will be like.


In modern terms, the theory of heredity and the chromosomal theory of inheritance state that ______.

genes are components of chromosomes, and the duplication of chromosomes is responsible for the patterns of gene inheritance Reason: Genes are located on chromosomes.

What property of life reflects the fact that all organisms have the ability to increase in size and in numbers?

growth and reproduction

The property of life that specifically involves the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring is called ______.


All livings things __________, an example of which is when an organism keeps its interior conditions relatively constant.


The property of life that reflects the maintenance of a stable internal environment is ______.


The detailed understanding of how the theory of evolution is related to the gene theory can be noted by examining how changes in life's diversity result from changes in ______.

individual genes

The many diverse creatures of the living world can be categorized into six groups, or six _____, of life.


The property of life that defines the utilization of energy in living things is ______.


Five basic properties of life

metabolism heredity homeostasis growth and reproduction cellular organization

Select properties that are only exhibited by living things.

metabolism homeostasis cellular organization

What do the letters A, T, C, and G represent in this illustration of DNA?


Scientific investigations begin with careful ______ of a particular aspect or area of science.


Within the cellular level of hierarchy, what would be the most complex?

organelles ***macromolecules make organelles

What level of complexity includes tissues and organs?


What term was used in the past to describe a series of logical "either/or" predictions tested by experiments to reject one alternative?

scientific method

What makes homeostasis possible in a complex organism?

signaling between cells

A gene is a discrete unit of hereditary information. It is made up of ______.

specific sequences of many nucleotides

The fact that enzymes are precisely matched to the shapes of the chemicals they bind is an example of what biological theme?

structure determines function

If data from a scientific investigation do not support the hypothesis, then ______.

the hypothesis is rejected Reason: Alternative hypotheses must be tested separately to determine if they are supported, and hypotheses are never proven true, just accepted or not rejected.

A ______ is a unifying explanation for a broad range of observations and is widely accepted but can be possibly revised.


A collection of related hypotheses that have been tested many times, not rejected, and supported by a great deal of evidence is called a _____, which usually explains a scientific phenomenon.


The theory that states that genes of an organism are inherited as discrete units is called the ______.

theory of heredity

True or false: Organisms that are placed into a kingdom possess similar characteristics with all other organisms in that SAME kingdom.


In a scientific investigation, each factor that might influence the aspect or process being studied is called a(n) ______.


If you ask successful scientists how they do their work, you will discover that they design their experiments ______.

with insight into how the experiments might come out Reason: The scientific method is an outdated description of science as a series of logical either/or predictions tested by experiments. We now describe this method as more of a process, where scientists design experiments with a pretty fair idea of how they will come out.

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