Biology 107- final module practice questions

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incomplete; imperfect

A flower that lacks stamens is both _____ and _______. complete; imperfect incomplete; perfect complete; perfect incomplete; imperfect

Archaefructus, the oldest known fossil angiosperm, had carpels that enclosed ovules.

Describe the significant features of the oldest known fossil angiosperm.

embryo sac

The female gametophyte in flowering plants is also called the polar nuclei anther embryo sac endosperm sporophyll

pollen grains

The immature male gametophytes of pine are called

diffusing gases within the leaf

The primary function of the spongy mesophyll is reducing water loss from the leaf surface changing the shape of the guard cells supporting the leaf to prevent it from collapsing under its own weight diffusing gases within the leaf deterring herbivores

Gymnosperms possess seeds, lack free-living gametophytes, and, unlike most seedless plants, are heterosporous.

What features distinguish gymnosperms from seedless plants?

Unlike the seed ferns, progymnosperms reproduced by spores (not seeds).

What features distinguish progymnosperms from seed ferns?

An ovule is a megasporangium surrounded by integuments.

What is an ovule?

The abscission zone is an area where a leaf petiole attaches to a stem. It is composed mainly of thin-walled parenchyma cells. It also includes cork cells, which will remain with the stem as a protective layer after the leaf has abscissed.

What is the abscission zone?

a lichen

A compound organism consisting of a photoautotroph and a fungus is called an arbuscular endomycorrhiza an ectomycorrhiza a lichen a pathogenic agent an aflatoxin


A simple pistil consists of a single calyx carpel ovule filament petal


A strengthening compound found in cell walls of vascular plants is chitin lignin cutin cellulose carotenoid


A(n) ______ is a leaf that arose from a branch system. antheridium microphyll megaphyll sorus microspore

ovary; ovule

After fertilization, the _____develop(s) into a fruit and the ______ develop(s) into a seed. ovary; ovule polar nuclei; ovule ovary; endosperm ovule; ovary ovule; polar nuclei

Based on molecular data, monocots are considered core angiosperms (a sister clade to the eudicots).

Are monocots considered basal or core angiosperms? Explain your answer.

potassium ions

At sunrise, the accumulation in the guard cells of the osmotically active substance ______ causes an inflow of water and the opening of the pore. protons starch ATP synthase sucrose potassium ions

Some fungi benefit plants by participating in mycorrhizal associations; by recycling nutrients in the environment, making them available to plants; by degrading toxins in the environment; and by controlling insects and other pests. Other fungi cause serious plant diseases.

Can fungi be beneficial to plants? In what ways are they harmful?


Conifers, cycads, ginkgo, and gnetophytes are collectively called club mosses gymnosperms angiosperms eudicots seedless vascular plants

eukaryotes and opisthokonts

Fungi are eukaryotes and opisthokonts prokaryotes and opisthokonts flagellate and dikaryotic autotrophic eukaryotes heterotrophs with cellulose cell walls

guard cells

Gas exchange occurs through microscopic pores formed by two subsidiary cells abscission cells mesophyll cells guard cells stipules

form arbuscular endomycorrhizae with tree roots

Glomeromycetes reproduce mainly by sexual spores called glomerospores are characterized by unique structures called polar tubes associate with cyanobacteria to form lichens include many opportunistic pathogens that cause human disease form arbuscular endomycorrhizae with tree roots

Leaves are covered with a waxy cuticle and may also have trichomes that are specialized to reduce water loss. Gas exchange is limited to stomata, tiny pores whose opening and closing can be controlled.

How are leaves adapted to conserve water?

Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts lack vascular tissue and share similar gametophyte dominant life cycles. They most obviously differ in their body forms: mosses (leafy gametophytes), liverworts (thalloid or leafy gametophytes), and hornworts (thalloid gametophytes that give rise to sporophytes that exhibit indeterminate growth).

How are mosses, liverworts, and hornworts similar? How is each group distinctive?

Sunlight, higher temperatures, lower relative humidity, and higher wind speeds all increase the rate of transpiration.

How do environmental factors (sunlight, temperature, humidity, and wind) influence the rate of transpiration?

In guttation, liquid water is forced out of vein endings in the leaves of small plants as a result of water entering the roots when soil moisture is high and transpiration is negligible. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from aerial parts of the plant.

How does guttation differ from transpiration?

The heterosporous life cycle is characterized by the formation of two kinds of spores and hence two kinds of gametophytes: megaspores (give rise to female gametophytes) and microspores (give rise to male gametophytes).

How does heterospory modify the plant life cycle?

Microphylls are small, with a single vascular strand; megaphylls are typically larger and each possesses more than one vascular strand.

How does one distinguish between megaphylls and microphylls

cycads, ginkgo

Motile sperm cells are found as vestiges in these two gymnosperm groups: monocots, eudicots gnetophytes, conifers gnetophytes, flowering plants cycads, conifers cycads, ginkgo

one leaf at each node

Plants with an alternate leaf arrangement have blades divided into two or more leaflets major veins that radiate out from one point one leaf at each node major veins branching off along the entire length of the midvein two leaves at each node

a large, nutritionally independent gametophyte

Seed plants lack which of the following structure(s)? ovules surrounded by integuments microspores and megaspores vascular tissues a large, nutritionally independent sporophyte a large, nutritionally independent gametophyte

whisk ferns

These plants have vascularized stems but lack true roots and leaves. mosses club mosses horsetails whisk ferns hornworts


This flowering plant may be the nearest living relative to the ancestor of all flowering plants. Amborella Archaeopteris Gnetum water lily magnolia

Unlike algae and bryophytes, ferns have dominant sporophytes that possess vascular tissue, as well as stems, leaves (megaphylls), and roots.

What adaptations do ferns have that both algae and bryophytes lack?

Unlike ginkgoes and gnetophytes, cycads produce seeds in cones. Both cycads and ginkgoes have flagellated motile sperm cells (unlike gnetophytes). Ginkgoes have unique fan-shaped leaves and produce exposed seeds; gnetophytes also produce exposed seeds, and unlike all other gymnosperms, have vessel elements in their xylem.

What features distinguish cycads from ginkgo? from gnetophytes?

Unlike the naked seeds of gymnosperms, those of angiosperms are surrounded by an ovary wall.

What kinds of seeds are surrounded by an ovary wall?

unicellular gametangia

Which of the following is not a characteristic of plants? cuticle unicellular gametangia stomata multicellular embryo alternation of generations

netted veins instead of parallel veins

Which of the following is not an adaptation of pine needles to conserve water? less surface area exposed to the air than thin-bladed leaves a relatively thick cuticle sunken stomata netted veins instead of parallel veins both c and d are not adaptations of pine needles

ferns are the most economically important group of bryophytes

Which of the following statements about ferns is not true? ferns have motile sperm cells that swim through water to the egg-containing archegonium ferns are vascular plants ferns are the most economically important group of bryophytes the fern sporophyte consists of a rhizome, roots, and fronds the diversity of ferns is greatest in the tropics

their cells are dikaryotic

Which statement is not true of the chytrids? they are simple aquatic fungi they produce motile cells with single, posterior flagella they undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction their cells are dikaryotic they were the earliest fungi to evolve


A cell described as n + n is

The vascular tissue of angiosperms has more efficient components than that of gymnosperms; it includes vessel elements in the xylem and sieve tube elements in the phloem.

How do nonreproductive adaptations of flowering plants differ from those of gymnosperms?

Blue light begins the process of stomatal opening by causing the activation of proton pumps in the plasma membranes of guard cells. It also triggers synthesis of malic acid and hydrolysis of starch.

How does blue light trigger stomatal opening?

Fertilization in gymnosperms yields a diploid zygote; double fertilization in angiosperms yields a diploid zygote, plus a triploid cell that develops into the endosperm.

How does fertilization differ in gymnosperms and flowering plants?

Yeasts are unicellular; molds form filamentous mycelia composed of hyphae.

How does the body of a yeast differ from that of a mold?

The flowering plant life cycle is characterized by a unique double fertilization process, which provides endosperm for the nutrition of the new sporophyte. Angiosperm seeds are enclosed in a fruit, which protects the seeds and promotes their dispersal.

How does the flowering plant life cycle differ from that of the gymnosperms?

A diploid cell contains two sets of chromosomes in a single nucleus. A dikaryotic cell contains two kinds of nuclei, each with a single set of chromosomes.

How is a diploid cell different from a dikaryotic cell?

The leaf cuticle and stomata limit water loss by transpiration.

How is leaf structure related to transpiration?

Leaf mesophyll cells receive water and dissolved minerals from the xylem; the carbohydrate products of photosynthesis are transported away by the phloem. CO2 enters the leaf through stomata, which also provide for the exit of excess O2 (i.e., that not used for respiration by leaf cells).

How is the leaf organized to deliver the raw materials and remove the products of photosynthesis?

In gymnosperms the haploid female gametophyte forms the nutritive tissue in the seed.

How is the nutritive tissue in the seeds of gymnosperms formed?

the first stage in the diploid sporophyte generation is the zygote

In plant life cycles, the first products of meiosis are gametes spores are part of the diploid sporophyte generation the embryo gives rise to a zygote the first stage in the diploid sporophyte generation is the zygote the first stage in the haploid gametophyte generation is the prothallus

Studies of fungi such as Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, and Neurospora as model organisms have yielded important insights in biology and medicine. Some fungi produce valuable medications, while others are responsible for causing serious diseases.

In what ways (both positive and negative) are fungi important in modern biology and medicine?

Transpiration benefits plants by making water and minerals available throughout the plant. It is harmful when it results in excess water loss.

In what ways is transpiration detrimental to plants? What are its benefits?

The photoautotroph is the likely host because it can typically grow well when separated from the fungal partner. The fungal partner does not grow well on its own, so it is the likely parasite.

Many biologists consider a lichen an example of controlled parasitism. In this view, which component is the likely parasite, and which is the likely host?


Mutualistic associations between fungi and the roots of plants are called lichens mycorrhizae pathogenic associations parasitic haustoria mycotoxic symbioses


Plants probably descended from a group of green algae called rhyniophytes Calamites epiphytes charophytes club mosses

allow gas exchange for photosynthesis

Stomata help prevent desiccation of plant tissues transport water and minerals through plant tissues allow gas exchange for photosynthesis strengthen cell walls produce male gametes

the production of eight haploid ascospores within an ascus

The ascomycete life cycle typically includes mainly diploid thalli the formation of a thick zygosporangium the production of eight haploid ascospores within an ascus the production of microsporidia the production of ascospores, zoospores, and conidia at different stages

a and c

The bryophytes include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts include whisk ferns, horsetails, and club mosses are small plants that lack a vascular system a and c b and c

is the haploid gametophyte generation

The green, gametangia-bearing moss plant is the haploid gametophyte generation is the diploid sporophyte generation is called a protonema contains cells with single large chloroplasts b and c


The thin, noncellular layer of wax secreted by the epidermis of leaves is the stoma abscission zone trichome bundle sheath cuticle


The transfer of pollen grains from the male to the female reproductive structure is known as pollination fertilization embryo sac development seed development fruit development


The waxy layer that covers aerial parts of plants is the cuticle archegonium protonema stoma thallus


There are at least _____ species of flowering plants worldwide. 300 3000 30,000 300,000 3,000,000


These plants have hollow, jointed stems that are impregnated with silica. mosses club mosses horsetails whisk ferns hornworts

The presence of a waxy cuticle helps prevent desiccation of the plant body, and gas exchange is facilitated by stomata. Various mechanisms have evolved for sperm and egg to meet and embryos are protected within a multicellular female gametangium.

What adaptations do plants have to meet these environmental challenges?

Certain leaves of carnivorous plants are specialized to capture and digest small animals such as insects.

What are some of the specialized features of the leaves of carnivorous plants?

Plants provide organic nutrients to mycorrhizal fungi, which in turn make soil nutrients available by decomposing organic matter; through their larger surface area, they increase the ability of plant roots to absorb water and minerals.

What are some ways in which the relationship between a plant root and a mycorrhizal fungus is mutualistic?

Zygomycetes: produce sexual zygospores. Glomeromycetes: sexual spores are large, multinucleate blastospores. Ascomycetes: asci produce sexual ascospores. Basidiomycetes: basidia produce sexual basidiospores.

What are the distinguishing characteristics of each of the following fungal groups: zygomycetes, glomeromycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes?

The four groups of gymnosperms are the conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes.

What are the four groups of gymnosperms?

Bulbs; storage of food; succulent leaves; storage of water.

What are the functions of bulbs? of succulent leaves?

Challenges for terrestrial plants include preventing desiccation, obtaining CO2 for photosynthesis without excessive water loss, providing a means for sperm and egg to meet, and protection of the embryo.

What are the most important environmental challenges that plants face living on land?

Spines, protection from herbivores; tendrils; aid in climbing; bud scales; protection of meristematic tissue.

What are the primary functions of each of the following modified leaves: spines, tendrils, and bud scales?

Monocots have embryos with one cotyledon; eudicot embryos have two cotyledons. Refer to Table 28-2 to compare additional distinguishing characteristics.

What are the two major classes of flowering plants, and how can one distinguish between them?

A vascular bundle contains xylem (upper) and phloem (below).

What are the two types of vascular tissue in a vascular bundle? Which vascular tissue is usually located in the upper part of the vascular bundle?

Fungi are distinguished from other simple eukaryotes by nutrition by absorption from the environment and by cell walls of chitin.

What characters distinguish fungi from other organisms?

Chytrids, like other opisthokonts but unlike all other fungi, produce flagellate cells at some stage of their life cycle.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that chytrids were the earliest fungal group to evolve from the common ancestor of fungi?

The sporophyte is the dominant generation in the pine. Gymnosperms are commonly wind pollinated, although some, such as cycads, may be pollinated by insects.

What is the dominant generation in the pine life cycle? How does pollination occur in gymnosperms?

Fungal decomposers recycle important nutrients back into the environment and are particularly important in breaking down certain materials such as cellulose and lignin.

What is the ecological importance of fungal decomposers?

Mesophyll, the leaf's photosynthetic ground tissue, typically consists of palisade mesophyll under the upper epidermis, and spongy mesophyll below.

What is the photosynthetic ground tissue of a leaf called? What are its two sublayers?

Leaf abscission occurs after enzymes have dissolved the middle lamella between the cells in the abscission zone.

What physiological changes occur during leaf abscission?

In stomatal opening, proton pumps (activated by blue light) actively transport H+ out of the guard cells. This resulting electrochemical gradient is responsible for the opening of voltage-activated ion channels through which K+ and Cl- enter the guard cells by facilitated diffusion; water then enters by osmosis. The resulting turgor pressure in the guard cells causes them to change shape, resulting in stomatal opening. The stomata are maintained in an open position during the day due to maintenance of osmotic pressure by sucrose produced by photosynthesis. When sucrose concentration declines at the end of the day, the guard cells lose turgor as they lose water by osmosis and the stomata close.

What physiological changes occur in guard cells during stomatal opening? during stomatal closing?

Many lines of molecular evidence link the land plants more closely to the charophytes than to other groups of Archaeplastids.

What types of evidence support the hypothesis that land plants descended from the group of green algae known as charophytes?

enters leaves or stems through stomata

When a fungus infects a plant, it infiltrates leaves with lichens forms relationships by attaching mycorrhizae to stems secretes powerful digestive juices onto the leaves uses haustoria to dissolve roots enters leaves or stems through stomata


When transpiration is negligible, plants such as grasses exude excess water by guttation circadian rhythm abscission pumping H+ out of and K+ into guard cells photosynthesis

The haploid gametophyte generation in mosses includes the following: spores, protonema (each develops from a spore), archegonia (produce egg cells by mitosis), and antheridia (produce sperm by mitosis)

Which of the following are parts of the gametophyte generation in mosses: antheridia, zygote, embryo, capsule, archegonia, sperm cells, egg cell, spores, and protonema?

The diploid sporophyte generation of ferns includes the following: zygote, roots, rhizome, frond, sorus, and sporangium.

Which of the following are parts of the sporophyte generation in ferns: frond, sperm cells, egg cell, roots, sorus, sporangium, spores, prothallus, rhizome, antheridium, archegonium, and zygote?


Which of the following fungi does not have a mycelium? black bread mold yeast decomposer cup fungus cultivated mushroom Penicillium

they have a diploid thallus that produces zoospores

Which statement is not true of the basidiomycetes? they produce a secondary mycelium with n + n hyphae their sexual spores are called basidiospores they have a diploid thallus that produces zoospores reproduction is mainly sexual they have microscopic basidia

many members of this group form endomycorrhizae with tree roots

Which statement is not true of the zygomycetes? many members of this group form endomycorrhizae with tree roots their sexual spores are called zygospores they undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction plasmogamy and karyogamy occur they have coenocytic hyphae

Whisk ferns and horsetails are classified with ferns based on characteristics such as similarities in DNA and sperm structure.

Why are whisk ferns and horsetails now classified as ferns?

Loss of leaves in autumn is a mechanism to reduce water loss during winter when cold temperatures (and perhaps freezing) make water less available from the soil.

Why do many woody plants living in temperate zones lose their leaves in autumn?

airborne spores

With the exception of chytridiomycetes, fungi are generally disseminated by water currents fragmentation of hyphae soredia airborne spores flagellate zoospores

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