Biology 211 CNU Exam 2 Study Guide

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Which of the following label the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus respectively?

4 (ER w ribosomes) and 1 (inner part of nucleus)

Which of the following does not occur in the calvin cycle?

ATP is hydrolysed and NADPH is oxidized in order to directly synthesise the 6-carbon sugar glucose

In glycolysis ______ is the first utilized in the investment phase. The NET gain of energy containing products following the payoff phase of glycolysis is ________.

ATP; 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

Pigment molecules in the light-harvesting complexes ______.

Absorb and transfer the energy of the photon to the reaction-center chlorophyll

G-protein-coupled receptors

Associate with a G protein that has enzymatic function but trigger only one pathway whereas receptor tyrosine kinases have enzymatic function when in dimer form and can trigger more than one transduction pathway

_______ is the type of local signaling represented when a cell secretes a cell signaling molecule, which then binds to the same cell that released it.


The plasma membranes of organisms

Consist of phospholipid bilayers, are made up of amphipathic molecules that form a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic interior, are permeable to hydrophobic molecules, and are made up of mostly phospholipids but also contain proteins and carbohydrates (all of the above)

The sodium potassium pump is called an electrogenic pump because it ______.

Contributes to the membrane potential (negative on the inside, positive on the outside)

Which of the following represents the Gibbs Free energy or delta G of the uncatalyzed reaction in the figure above?

D (spanning from starting energy to ending energy not including the peak)

The fluidity of the plasma membrane at a low temperature will _____ if you add more cholesterol to the membrane.


Passive transport

Involves the diffusion of a substance with no energy investment

A non-autotrophic organism is discovered that thrives only in the presence of oxygen. This organism ______.

Is an obligate aerobe


Is programmed cell death, occurs in embryogenesis, is frequently inhibited in cancer cells (all of the above)

The first messenger in cell signaling

Is the ligand or signaling molecule

Scaffolding proteins are ______.

Large relay molecules to which several additional relay proteins attach to facilitate cascade effects and increase the efficiency of signal transduction


Lower activation energy for a reaction


Major site of ATP production, so it is the organelle responsible for aerobic respiration in eukaryote

In the leaves of most plants the _______ are the primary site of photosynthesis and contain 30-40 chloroplasts each.

Mesophyll cells

Cells require which of the following to form the "9 (doublet) + 2" structure of cilia and flagella?

Microtubules made of tubulin

Following glycolysis, in the absence of oxygen, our muscle cells need a way to regenerate _____ so glycolysis can occur again. Humans do this through _____.

NAD+; Lactic acid fermentation

In the citric acid cycle, which of the following does NOT occur:

NADH and FADH2 are used producing NAD+ and FADH+

The final electron acceptor associated with photosystem I is _____, which with the addition of electrons is reduced to _____.


In the reaction Na + Cl → Na+ + Cl-

Na loses electrons and therefore is oxidized

Golgi Apparatus

Organelle active in modefiction, sorting, and secretion of cell products, considered the shipping and receiving center

If an animal cell has an internal salt concentration of 18 parts per thousand (ppt) and is placed in a hypertonic solution, water will flow ______ the cell and the cell _______.

Out of the cell and the cell will shrink

Photophosphorylation is most similar to ______ because it uses ______.

Oxidative phosphorylation; the redox reactions in an electron transport chain to create a proton motive force to drive ATP synthesis

What is it called when rubisco adds O2 instead of CO2 in the calvin cycle, thus producing a 2-carbon compound?


_______ are channels that connect plant cells and allow communication between them. _______ in animal cells form a similar function

Plasmodesmata; Gap Junctions

The general name for an enzyme that transfers phosphate groups from ATP to a protein and is frequently used in a transduction pathway is a ______.

Protein kinase

Phosphorylation cascades involving a series of protein kinases are useful for cellular signal transduction because they can ______.

Provide several opportunities to amplify the original signal

During pyruvate oxidation, which of the following steps occur?

Pyruvate is oxidized and a molecule of carbon dioxide is removed. The electrons removed in this process are used to reduce NAD+ to NADH.

As electrons from photosystem II are passed down the system of electron carriers associated with that photosystem they lose energy. What happens to this energy that is given off?

Some of it is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient , which is coupled with ATP synthesis

In photosynthesis the calvin cycle takes place in the _____ whereas the light reactions take place in/across the ______?

Stroma of the chloroplast; thylakoid membrane

The pigment chlorophyll is found in the ______ of chloroplasts.


Why are C4 plants more suited to hot climates than C3 plants?

Unlike C3 plants, they keep fixing CO2 even when the concentration of CO2 in the leaf is low, by first fixing it using a different molecule from rubisco (with a higher affinity for CO2 than O2)

Some organisms conduct cellular respiration anaerobically in a manner similar to aerobic respiration. These organisms

Utilize a different final electron acceptor than O2

The primary purpose of the electron transport chain in oxidative phosphorylation is to _____.

Utilize the energy in NADH and FADH2 to create a proton motive force that will drive ATP synthesis

What is the role of water in the light reactions of photosynthesis?

Water is broken down to resupply electrons to p680 in photosystem II

In eukaryotes, which of the following does not match the process with the correct location

Glycolysis - mitochondrial matrix

Which of the following is a correct order of the events of aerobic cellular respiration

Glycolysis; pyruvate oxidation; citric acid cycle; oxidative phosphorylation

Which of the following is true regarding ATP?

Hydrolysis of ATP provides an input of free energy to fuel anabolic reactions; ATP provides energy coupling between exergonic (hydrolysis of ATP) and endergonic (work by the cell) reactions; ATP's terminal phosphate group contains strongly negatively charged phosphate groups, which when hydrolyzed, release a lot of free energy allowing energy to be used for work; ATP is made up of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and 3 phosphate groups (all of the above)

Channel proteins have _______ interiors that allow _______ molecules to diffuse across the cell membrane easily along their concentration gradients.

Hydrophilic; polar

Which of the following is false regarding apoptosis?

In C. elegans apoptosis occurs when the protein Ced-9 is activated by Ced-3 and Ced-4 initiating cell division

________ are examples of prokaryotes because prokaryotes HAVE (a) ________, which eukaryotes do not.

Bacteria; nucleoid

A competitive inhibitor

Binds at the active site of the enzyme, blocking the substrate

Catabolic pathways

Breakdown complex molecules into simpler ones and are exergonic with delta G < 0

Lipid-soluble signaling molecules, such as testosterone, cross the plasma membranes of all cells

By diffusion but affect only target cells because only target cells have the intracellular receptors for testosterone

Which of the following represents the activation energy required for the uncatalyzed reaction in the figure to reach the transition state?

C (spanning from initial energy to peak energy)

In alcohol fermentation (hint: remember Dr. Brown's story about her husband's brewing endeavor)

CO2 is released from pyruvate and then the acetaldehyde is reduced by NADH to ethanol (and NAD+ is regenerated)

In photosynthesis, plants use carbon from ______ to make sugar and other organic molecules. It (answer to first blank) enters the leaf through the ______.

CO2; Stomata

The enzyme complex ATP synthase is involved in


Second messengers tend to be water soluble and small so they can rapidly move throughout the cell by

Diffusion; cAMP is a second messenger which is produced by the action of adenylyl cyclase, whereas Ca2+ is stored at higher concentration in the ER ready to act like a second messenger


Digestive organelle with hydrolytic enzymes, where macromolecules are hydrolyzed and is important in autophagy

In general, during signal transduction pathways that include phosphorylation cascades:

Each protease activates the next due to conformational changes produces through phosphorylation and then protein phosphatases inactivate the previously activated protease in the cascade, turning off the signal transduction.

During aerobic respiration, the production of ATP by substrate phosphorylation occurs during ______. The production of ATP during oxidative phosphorylation occurs during ______.

Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle; the coupling of the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

In the reaction C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 Co2 + 6 H2O + energy

Glucose is being oxidized

Quorum sensing is used by bacteria to regulate gene expression in response to fluctuations/effects of cell density in which of the following cases?

Symbiosis, virulence, nutrition levels, forming a biofilm (all of the above)

Smooth ER

Synthesizes lipids, metabolizes carbohydrates, detoxifies drugs/poisons, and stores calcium ions

When comparing the calvin cycle to the citric acid cycle which of the following is/ are true?

The calvin cycle is an anabolic process while the citric acid cycle is a catabolic process

In yeast cells with 2 sexes (a and alpha) an a cell

Will only send out a projection toward alpha cells, and this occurs when alpha signaling molecules bind its alpha receptor

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