Biology Chapter 17

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Which of the following features would you expect to see in the flowers of wind-pollinated grasses?

very simple flowers that produce massive quantities of pollen.

Tomato seeds are often consumed by birds or other organisms and then dispersed through their feces. However, when tomatoes rot on the vine, organisms may not consume them. How would tomato seeds likely disperse in this Situation?

when the tomato rots, it drops to the ground and the seeds fall in the soil

Which of the following statements regarding ferns is TRUE?

Ferns have well-developed vascular tissue, roots, and stems.

The loss of plant biodiversity, including the wild relatives of crop species, is harmful because these wild relatives...

are a source of genetic diversity that could be used to modify or bolster existing crops.

Plants dependent on nocturnal pollinators typically have flowers that:

are large, light-colored, and highly scented.

About 95% of all modern plant species...

have a dominant sporophyte in their life cycle.

Ferns and mosses are similar because both:

have flagellated sperm


have naked seeds not in special chambers. Include ginkgo, cycad and conifer.

The cell walls of some plant tissues are thickened and reinforced by a chemical called ____.


The main cause of the loss of plant biodiversity include:

clear-cutting of forests to create farmland and logging.

One of the factors that helps animal-pollinated flowering plants transfer pollen to plants of the same species is that...

many pollinators have limited learning capacities and are most successful at obtaining food if they continue to visit the same type of flower after learning how to extract its nectar.

According to the figure, at what time in the evolutionary history of plants did vascular systems likely first evolve?

425 MYA

The majority of plant species today are:


A growth-producing region of cell division, known as a/an ___, is found near the tips of stems and roots.

Apical Meristem

Mosses belong to the group of plants known as the:


Which of the following options correctly represents the most likely sequence of the evolution of plants, from earliest to most recent?

Bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, angiosperms.

Suppose you wanted to test this hypothesis using sunflower plants. Which of the following would be the best procedure regarding the groups you use in your experiment?

Choose two equal-size groups of sunflower plants. One would be the experimental group and one would be the control group.

Suppose you take two young cuttings of a house plant. You cut the roots off of one cutting and then place both cuttings in a jar of red dye. After 20 minutes, the roots, stem, and leaves of the cutting with roots have turned pink. The cutting without roots has not changed color at all. Why has the cutting without roots remained a normal, green color?

Cutting the roots has damaged the xylem, so the plant can no longer take up water.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the alternation of generations in a plant life cycle?

Diploid sporophytes that produce spores by meiosis alternate with haploid gametophytes that produce gametes by mitosis.

The ancestors of land plants were probably ___ that lived in ____.

Green algae similar to charophytes; coastal marshes or lake fringes

The stomata found on fossil plants can be a reliable way to measure past carbon dioxide levels. Normally, fossil plants with high density of stomata indicate ____ carbon dioxide levels and fossil plants with only a few stomata indicate ___ carbon dioxide levels.

High; low

Three examples of Bryophytes include:

Mosses, liverworts and hornworts.

You designed and performed an experiment that measured CO2 gas exchange levels at the upper side of a sunflower leaf (fewer stomata) and the bottom side of a sunflower leaf (greater stomata). After collecting and analyzing your data, you conclude that there was not a significant difference in CO2 gas exchange between the two sides of the leaf. Which of the following possibly explains this finding?

The difference in the density of stomata on the two leaf surfaces is not likely due to an adaptation related to gas exchange regulation.

Consider two plant types: 1) Dry environment. 2) most environment. Which plant would you expect to have more stomata, and why?

The first type, because plants in arid environments need to conserve as much water as possible.

Many flower traits are specifically attractive to a certain type of pollinator. For example. the scent of rotting flesh is attractive to certain flies and beetles but not to most other pollinators. What adaptive purpose is served by this kind of "niche-marketing" of flowers to specific pollinators?

This adaptation helps to assure that pollen will be delivered to another flower of the same species. If less specialized pollinators are used, the odds are greater that pollen will wind up on the stigma of a different species.

Which part of the life cycle does a pollen grain represent?

a male gametophyte

A comet orchid has creamy white-colored flowers and a characteristic "tail" that contains the flower's nectar. This orchid does not emit a scent during daylight hours but is aromatic at night. The comet orchid is most likely pollinated by:

a nocturnal pollinator

The type of life cycle seen in plants is called...

alternation of generations.

Corn, rice, wheat, fleshy fruits such as apples and berries, and many spices are all produced by:


The evolution of easily modified flower colors that can make plants attractive to animals was a important factor in angiosperm evolution because...

animals are more effective at delivering pollen to other flowers than is the wind.

Some of the unique adaptations of angiosperms include their beneficial relationships with ___ and their relatively _______.

animals; rapid fertilization and seed production

In angiosperms, pollen grains develop in the ___ and land on the ___.

anther; stigma

In all plants, the zygote and earliest stages of the developing embryo are...

attached to and nourished by the parent plant.

During the Carboniferous period, photosynthesis in immense swamp forests removed ___ form the atmosphere, which produced a drier, cooler global climate and promoted the success of ____.

carbon dioxide; seed plants

haploid generation produces___, while diploid generation produces ___.

eggs and sperm; spores

Which of the following organisms has a dominant sporophyte generation and a free-living gametophyte generation?



flowering plants. include flowering trees and grasses.

Which of the following statements is true?

gymnosperms have seeds that are not enclosed in a protective casing, while angiosperms have flowers that produce seeds with a protective casing.

The ripened ovary of a flower, which is adapted to disperse seeds, is called a/an:


Which structure is found in angiosperms but NOT gymnosperms?


Corn, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers all contains seeds and are derived from the ovary of a flowering plant. Therefore, in scientific terms, the are ____.


The dominant stage of the moss life cycle is the:


In a moss, most of the plants that we see are___, and in a fern, the most dominant stage is the ___.

gametophytes; sporophyte

Based on the results of this study, you can conclude that...

gene mutations affecting petal color can contribute to speciation through a shift in pollinator species.

A cocklebur is dispersed by ___, whereas most fleshy, edible fruits are eaten by animals that ___.

hitching rides on animals ;defecate the intact seeds

The ___ is the protective chamber that houses the ovule and later matures to become the fruit.


In plants, the vascular tissue that consists of living cells that distribute sugars throughout the plant is called:


Which of the following plants has a dominant sporophyte generation and a seed, but no fruit?

pine tree

Two characteristics shared by gymnosperms and angiosperms that are absent from earlier plant groups and represent key adaptations to life on dry land are:

pollen and seeds

Which of the following represents the male gametophyte of a conifer?

pollen grain

Which of the following characteristics tends to limit bryophytes and seedless vascular plants to habitats that are relatively moist?

presence of flagellated sperm

Which part of this figure represents the Anther?

structure A, the seed thing higher up but not eh top;)

Ovules develop into ___ while ovaries mature into ___.

seeds; fruits

Red maples and other wind-pollinated plants invest relatively little in producing ___ but must invest a great deal in producing ___ to achieve good pollination rates.

showy or scented flowers; massive amounts of pollen.

the angiosperm plant we see represents the ___ generation, and the flower produces ____.

sporophyte; bryophytes

To cross fertilize flowers A and B, one would first remove flower A's immature ___ and later transfer pollen from B to A's ____.

stamens; stigma

Gas exchange in most land plants occurs through structures called:


The incomplete decay of dead plants during the Carboniferous period led to...

the formation of coal

The ___ represents the sporophyte generation of a conifer, and the ___ produces gametophytes.

tree; cone

Bryophytes resemble other plants with apical meristems and embryos, but they lack...

true roots, leaves and lignified cell walls.

A Maple tree's seeds occur in pairs that are enclosed and attached to flat "wings" that are made of a papery tissue. The wings' shape allows them to spin in the air as they fall from the tree, this unusual motion has earned them the nickname "helicopter seeds." Maple tree seeds are most successful when they are dispersed by ____.


In plants, the vascular tissue made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from the roots is called:


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